British Female Jihadist Medic Pictured Holding Severed Head

Yes, mayhem in the Muslim world was started by the West. Before that they were a happy, prosperous and peaceful people.


Really, your logic is incredibly bad.

I didn't make any comment about them being peaceful, but then again you don't need to be peaceful in order not to have mayhem.

If you wish to continue making false links and simplistic links at that, don't go around insulting people afterwards.
Yes, mayhem in the Muslim world was started by the West. Before that they were a happy, prosperous and peaceful people.


Really, your logic is incredibly bad.

I didn't make any comment about them being peaceful, but then again you don't need to be peaceful in order not to have mayhem.

If you wish to continue making false links and simplistic links at that, don't go around insulting people afterwards.
Please, insult your own intelligence if you must, but do not presume to insult that of others.

Saddam had attacked both Iran and Kuwait at the cost of over a million people. The Muslim world was in absolute chaos, or mayhem, if you prefer.

If you feel I am insulting you, then you are absolutely right. I do not suffer fools gladly.
Please, insult your own intelligence if you must, but do not presume to insult that of others.

Saddam had attacked both Iran and Kuwait at the cost of over a million people. The Muslim world was in absolute chaos, or mayhem, if you prefer.

If you feel I am insulting you, then you are absolutely right. I do not suffer fools gladly.

Listen. I'm not saying, didn't say and won't say that the Muslim world was all nice and peaceful, so you don't need to go around trying to prove something that no one's actually arguing. Okay? Let's try and stick to what I ACTUALLY SAID. You could go re-read it to actually debate what is being said, not what you're comfortable talking about.

Please, insult your own intelligence if you must, but do not presume to insult that of others.

Saddam had attacked both Iran and Kuwait at the cost of over a million people. The Muslim world was in absolute chaos, or mayhem, if you prefer.

If you feel I am insulting you, then you are absolutely right. I do not suffer fools gladly.

Listen. I'm not saying, didn't say and won't say that the Muslim world was all nice and peaceful, so you don't need to go around trying to prove something that no one's actually arguing. Okay? Let's try and stick to what I ACTUALLY SAID. You could go re-read it to actually debate what is being said, not what you're comfortable talking about.

Look, I know exactly what you wrote and called you on it, and in no uncertain terms. I find your attitude in finding the US or the West as the crux of the compound problems of a severely disturbed part the world repulsive and disingenuous

That would explain the personal attacks.
Some of these middle eastern countries should be completely wiped off the face of the earth. They contribute NOTHING good to world. NOTHING. WE would all do just fine without them. They don't help anyone, and all they do is kill, torture, maim, and they seem to REALLY enjoy this. The middle east is like a region full of serial killers.

How do you know what they contribute or don't? Who would get to decide?

Also, how much interference has the west had that has led directly to what you're calling a lack of contribution?

Many would see the world as a safer place if the US were wiped off the map.

who is THE WEST???? in all of my classes in THE HISTORY
OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION------the model of its development always starts
out in Mesopotamia and Egypt. The EAST----starts out ----in the INDUS VALLEY-----but----lots of EUROPEANS migrated there are dominated the
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

Not in the New Testament. Not that you care. Your pathetic attempt at making Christians out to be equivalent to fundamentalist muslims is pathetic.

Christianity is nothing like the scumbags in islam. Hence, the reason why a pathetic liberal artist has no problem making an art piece called "piss Christ."

Love to see some "brave" liberal do something like piss mohammed. Yeah the same group that is supposedly the same as Christianity calls for the death of South Park creators for putting a very quick image of their false prophet.

Oh never mind. You just keep on with your pathetic notion that Christians are the same as those pathetic muslims. Meanwhile why laugh at the notion that some artist dipped a crucifix in his own piss, displayed it in a museum as "art" and no Christian organization called for his beheading.

Fucking liberals and their pathetic lies.

We were talking about religious books, not the acts of religious extremists.

The Bible actually contains a lot more references to and commands to commit genocide and kill unbelievers than the Koran and that has been acted upon in various times in history and used to justify atrocities. You guys ignore it and instead focus on the violence in the Koran which is actually bound by far more rules than it is in the Bible and then you apply the acts of extremism to the entire religion.

I read the bible-------where does it say "KILL UNBELIEVERS"???? ------
I also read the Koran. Just as important as reading both books is
an bit of an understanding of the JURISPRUDENCE of various
religions Ie the LAWS There were times in history during which
"unbelief" was considered a crime in lands regulated by Christian law---
AND a kind of right to conquer----'unbelievers" was touted as proper.
Such is not the case today. There was never a time during which
"unbelief" was considered a crime in jewish jurisprudence or a reason
to invade or conquer. Today "unbelief" remains a crime in Islamic
jurisprudence and the "right" to invade or control or kill or rape or enslave
still exists in muslim jurisprudence and ideology. Now lets try a little harder
to be accurate
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

It is ridiculous to compare the current barbaric brutality and cruelty which is condoned and encouraged by the Koran and Islamic theologians, to any out of date references in the Bible which no one, not even the most fundamental believers act upon or take seriously.

Any person who makes constant politically correct and naive comparisons obvioulsly doesn't want to see the danger posed by jihadist Islam. The term for these people who sit on the fence in their attempt at being fair in all their naivite, are referred to as useful donkeys and are sneered at by the Islamists for their weakness, while they carry on with their joyful condoned work of beheadings, rapes, burning alive of women. stoning to death, name it, anything goes in their aim of worldwide conquest.

Lets be realistic and stop stupid comparisons which only strengthen the barbaric Islamist enemy who would drag us all back to the Dark Ages of the 7th Century when Mohammed started his rampagings,

You seem to switch back and forth. Are you referring Islamic extremists or are you referring to Muslims as a whole?

Their "aim of worldwide conquest" - can you be any more ignorant? Maybe you should spend less time in anti-Islamic hate sites. Of the Islamic extremist groups - most seem intent on forcing their brand of Islam on their own lands - I'm not seeing much "world wide conquest" going on.

Historically speaking - Mohammad was a hell of lot more civilized than his biblical predessors (who's violent tendancies you conveniently overlook or call "out dated"). It's not exactly outdated either...look at what is happening to gays in Uganda and the anti-homosexual legislation in other African countries that have the support of a number American churches. Biblically drive legislation.

I read the Koran and I read the bible. Your comment-----coyote----is
shallow and dim --------you are quite a cherry picker. not only of text but
even of EVENTS Homosexuality and reaction to the phenomenon -----
is a really poor choice on your part. You have said nothing relating to anything.
Homosexuality is a topic which pops up in the histories of all cultures----along with "adultery" and 'illicit sex" Even the ancient greeks had issues.
You are absolutely right----there are some Christians who get hysterical about it
even in the USA-----in Islamic LAW it is FIRMLY a capital crime (for a muslim
on muslim encounter)-------a poke at a kaffir or slave or captive is fine. Today
oil rich sheiks buy little girls ----and boys-----for import from Pakistan, India
and Indonesia anyone of them getting beheaded?
Look, I know exactly what you wrote and called you on it, and in no uncertain terms. I find your attitude in finding the US or the West as the crux of the compound problems of a severely disturbed part the world repulsive and disingenuous

That would explain the personal attacks.

Fine, you just want to shout your mouth off and insult people. Go find someone who wants to play childish games.
Some of these middle eastern countries should be completely wiped off the face of the earth. They contribute NOTHING good to world. NOTHING. WE would all do just fine without them. They don't help anyone, and all they do is kill, torture, maim, and they seem to REALLY enjoy this. The middle east is like a region full of serial killers.

How do you know what they contribute or don't? Who would get to decide?

Also, how much interference has the west had that has led directly to what you're calling a lack of contribution?

Many would see the world as a safer place if the US were wiped off the map.

You are ignoring 1400 years of history
who is THE WEST???? in all of my classes in THE HISTORY
OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION------the model of its development always starts
out in Mesopotamia and Egypt. The EAST----starts out ----in the INDUS VALLEY-----but----lots of EUROPEANS migrated there are dominated the

Here I'm talking mostly the US, UK and France.
Look, I know exactly what you wrote and called you on it, and in no uncertain terms. I find your attitude in finding the US or the West as the crux of the compound problems of a severely disturbed part the world repulsive and disingenuous

That would explain the personal attacks.

Fine, you just want to shout your mouth off and insult people. Go find someone who wants to play childish games.

weirdo----you did repeatedly state that "western interference" is what
makes the Islamic world a mess. Not news to me------I have been
hearing that ever since I encountered muslims----some 45 years ago.
(which functioned, historically, at about the same level as does
ISIS today------bloody and barbaric)
who is THE WEST???? in all of my classes in THE HISTORY
OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION------the model of its development always starts
out in Mesopotamia and Egypt. The EAST----starts out ----in the INDUS VALLEY-----but----lots of EUROPEANS migrated there are dominated the

Here I'm talking mostly the US, UK and France.


when did you invent that definition of "THE WEST" ???
It interests me-----it creates in me a sense------that you are
a bit confused-----or maybe left over from the marijuana/LSD
soaked 60s Is the term "CAPITALISTWEST" one
word for you? How about "IMPERIALISTWEST"?
Look, I know exactly what you wrote and called you on it, and in no uncertain terms. I find your attitude in finding the US or the West as the crux of the compound problems of a severely disturbed part the world repulsive and disingenuous

That would explain the personal attacks.

Fine, you just want to shout your mouth off and insult people. Go find someone who wants to play childish games.
Sorry, I don't suffer fools gladly. In case it wasn't clear, I consider you a decidedly loathsome fool.

If come across anyone one else as foolish, I promise will continue with this "childish game".
who is THE WEST???? in all of my classes in THE HISTORY
OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION------the model of its development always starts
out in Mesopotamia and Egypt. The EAST----starts out ----in the INDUS VALLEY-----but----lots of EUROPEANS migrated there are dominated the

Here I'm talking mostly the US, UK and France.


when did you invent that definition of "THE WEST" ???
It interests me-----it creates in me a sense------that you are
a bit confused-----or maybe left over from the marijuana/LSD
soaked 60s Is the term "CAPITALISTWEST" one
word for you? How about "IMPERIALISTWEST"?

Well, it is liberal code word for white Christian capitalists. That is about it.

To them, ridiculing white Christians, especially in America, is a moral imperative. Hence, the reason why liberals celebrate an "art piece" like piss Christ as true expression.

They see that as "bravery," and yes they still think Christians are as barbaric as muslims. They then use the old testament as evidence. However, that is that willful ignorance that we see out of them, and their selective use of the Bible in order to push whatever perverted or demented point of view they have.

You ever see how they react about the Biblical verses that call homosexuality an abomination?

Some of them even claim that it does not say it is an abomination in the New Testament, and it does.

The point is their willful lack of understanding that Christians are no longer under the mosaic law. They have no clue what that is, which is why most of them will not see that the new testament is contained in the old, and the old testament is revealed in the new.

That goes way over most of their heads. They refuse to acknowledge the commitment of Christians around the world dedicated to feeding the poor and clothing the naked every day, 24/7 365 days for 2000 years. Some place in the world, Christians are doing these things.

What do we see? We see the perpetual accusers who accuse day and night as they seduce others into their perverted points of view.

Let me know when one of them have balls to make a picture of mohammed in their own piss. Then we will see how brave they are. Makes you wonder though. If they really believed Christians were truly as insidious as the throwbacks to the 7th century, why they would celebrate those that openly mock Christ. Cause they do celebrate it, when one of their demented piles of shit mock Christ.

Anyway, when they say they west, they mean white capitalist Christians. That is it. That is all.
who is THE WEST???? in all of my classes in THE HISTORY
OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION------the model of its development always starts
out in Mesopotamia and Egypt. The EAST----starts out ----in the INDUS VALLEY-----but----lots of EUROPEANS migrated there are dominated the

Here I'm talking mostly the US, UK and France.


when did you invent that definition of "THE WEST" ???
It interests me-----it creates in me a sense------that you are
a bit confused-----or maybe left over from the marijuana/LSD
soaked 60s Is the term "CAPITALISTWEST" one
word for you? How about "IMPERIALISTWEST"?

Well, it is liberal code word for white Christian capitalists. That is about it.

To them, ridiculing white Christians, especially in America, is a moral imperative. Hence, the reason why liberals celebrate an "art piece" like piss Christ as true expression.

They see that as "bravery," and yes they still think Christians are as barbaric as muslims. They then use the old testament as evidence. However, that is that willful ignorance that we see out of them, and their selective use of the Bible in order to push whatever perverted or demented point of view they have.

You ever see how they react about the Biblical verses that call homosexuality an abomination?

Some of them even claim that it does not say it is an abomination in the New Testament, and it does.

The point is their willful lack of understanding that Christians are no longer under the mosaic law. They have no clue what that is, which is why most of them will not see that the new testament is contained in the old, and the old testament is revealed in the new.

That goes way over most of their heads. They refuse to acknowledge the commitment of Christians around the world dedicated to feeding the poor and clothing the naked every day, 24/7 365 days for 2000 years. Some place in the world, Christians are doing these things.

What do we see? We see the perpetual accusers who accuse day and night as they seduce others into their perverted points of view.

Let me know when one of them have balls to make a picture of mohammed in their own piss. Then we will see how brave they are. Makes you wonder though. If they really believed Christians were truly as insidious as the throwbacks to the 7th century, why they would celebrate those that openly mock Christ. Cause they do celebrate it, when one of their demented piles of shit mock Christ.

Anyway, when they say they west, they mean white capitalist Christians. That is it. That is all.

you have missed a huge part of "THE WEST"------it also includes---in one word----


in order to understand all of this stuff------an excellent source is any
muslim from southeast asia
But there is a couple of interesting things that you are ignoring here:

<snip>Saddam had attacked both Iran

And the US actually applauded him for it and provided aid.

and Kuwait at the cost of over a million people

And the US criticized him and attacked him for it.

So the US has made several conflicting decisions in it's foreign policy in the M.E.
where is the conflict? The US saw Iran as an evil thing-----it did not see Kuwait
as an evil thing
weirdo----you did repeatedly state that "western interference" is what
makes the Islamic world a mess. Not news to me------I have been
hearing that ever since I encountered muslims----some 45 years ago.
(which functioned, historically, at about the same level as does
ISIS today------bloody and barbaric)

People like their institutions to be their own, not puppet institutions. People will look back on bad things as good if they were got rid of in the wrong way.

Everything the US touches leads to more propaganda for the extremist Muslims, but the US just can't stop itself.

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