British Female Jihadist Medic Pictured Holding Severed Head

who is THE WEST???? in all of my classes in THE HISTORY
OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION------the model of its development always starts
out in Mesopotamia and Egypt. The EAST----starts out ----in the INDUS VALLEY-----but----lots of EUROPEANS migrated there are dominated the

Here I'm talking mostly the US, UK and France.


when did you invent that definition of "THE WEST" ???
It interests me-----it creates in me a sense------that you are
a bit confused-----or maybe left over from the marijuana/LSD
soaked 60s Is the term "CAPITALISTWEST" one
word for you? How about "IMPERIALISTWEST"?

As I've said, it's about perception. The perception is that the west has been doing this and that. Also it's a lot easier to say the west than it is to repeat the US, UK, France etc etc. Sometimes it includes others, the dutch, the Germans and others were also involved.
Generally the West can be anyone West of the Berlin Wall, but I'm on a debate message board where I have to assume people have a certain level of intelligence to understand what I'm saying. If you choose to get all confused over my using the term "the west" then whatever.
Sorry, I don't suffer fools gladly. In case it wasn't clear, I consider you a decidedly loathsome fool.

If come across anyone one else as foolish, I promise will continue with this "childish game".

Insult after insult after insult. Very intelligent.
weirdo----you did repeatedly state that "western interference" is what
makes the Islamic world a mess. Not news to me------I have been
hearing that ever since I encountered muslims----some 45 years ago.
(which functioned, historically, at about the same level as does
ISIS today------bloody and barbaric)

People like their institutions to be their own, not puppet institutions. People will look back on bad things as good if they were got rid of in the wrong way.

Everything the US touches leads to more propaganda for the extremist Muslims, but the US just can't stop itself.

You see, I told you. It is all this country's fault.

You pathetic moron. When we ask fucking morons like you why the fuck don't you move the fuck out, why don't any of you pieces of total shit ever answer the fucking question?

Get the fuck out.

Normal people will not miss you, and all of us will laugh when they cut your stupid head off. I know I will.
You see, I told you. It is all this country's fault.

You pathetic moron. When we ask fucking morons like you why the fuck don't you move the fuck out, why don't any of you pieces of total shit ever answer the fucking question?

Get the fuck out.

Normal people will not miss you, and all of us will laugh when they cut your stupid head off. I know I will.

Wow, another great post full of intellectual insight and no insulting whatsoever.

Isn't it amazing how there can be so any great arguments in one place?

Oh, wait, I'm being sarcastic.
There is nothing to understand. They enjoy killing "infidels." Period. End of story.

In Muslim countries they probably think that Americans love killing Muslims, seeing as they spend a lot of time going around killing Muslims.

If you're blind to what your own side is doing, then you're never going to come up with the answers.

WOW! You are soooo ignorant. Obviously, Americans try to AVOID killing innocent citizens. This is NOT the case with the Muslims who intentionally target innocent citizens. Are you starting to see the difference yet here, Einstein?

Yeah, America tried SO hard that they ended up killing or getting millions killed. That's not trying when you invade a country. You're not looking with any empathy here, neither from the point of view of Muslims when the US invades, bombs, changes leaders etc etc, not from the Muslim point of view of why they're willing to take up arms.

Until you can see why, this doesn't mean you have to agree, then you'll not understand.

I'm not talking about intentions here, which you are, I'm talking about perception from the other side. Got it?

Honestly, I've got no empathy left for them, and I feel that I am not alone in feeling this way. I do NOT feel sorry for them, not even a teensy bit. I think they are nutjob murderers. They INTENTIONALLY target innocents, children, women, doesn't matter to them. They kidnap, torture and murder innocent people!!! That is not part of fighting a war. That is enjoying the kill!!! You are obviously extremely naive or just plain stupid.
Some of these middle eastern countries should be completely wiped off the face of the earth. They contribute NOTHING good to world. NOTHING. WE would all do just fine without them. They don't help anyone, and all they do is kill, torture, maim, and they seem to REALLY enjoy this. The middle east is like a region full of serial killers.

How do you know what they contribute or don't? Who would get to decide?

Also, how much interference has the west had that has led directly to what you're calling a lack of contribution?

Many would see the world as a safer place if the US were wiped off the map.

You want to know what's weird? A guy who would call himself "frigid weirdo" going telling people that they should "understand" the reasons for cutting off peoples' heads with rusty old knives. I think YOU must crazy as well.
who is THE WEST???? in all of my classes in THE HISTORY
OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION------the model of its development always starts
out in Mesopotamia and Egypt. The EAST----starts out ----in the INDUS VALLEY-----but----lots of EUROPEANS migrated there are dominated the

Here I'm talking mostly the US, UK and France.


when did you invent that definition of "THE WEST" ???
It interests me-----it creates in me a sense------that you are
a bit confused-----or maybe left over from the marijuana/LSD
soaked 60s Is the term "CAPITALISTWEST" one
word for you? How about "IMPERIALISTWEST"?

Well, it is liberal code word for white Christian capitalists. That is about it.

To them, ridiculing white Christians, especially in America, is a moral imperative. Hence, the reason why liberals celebrate an "art piece" like piss Christ as true expression.

They see that as "bravery," and yes they still think Christians are as barbaric as muslims. They then use the old testament as evidence. However, that is that willful ignorance that we see out of them, and their selective use of the Bible in order to push whatever perverted or demented point of view they have.

You ever see how they react about the Biblical verses that call homosexuality an abomination?

Some of them even claim that it does not say it is an abomination in the New Testament, and it does.

The point is their willful lack of understanding that Christians are no longer under the mosaic law. They have no clue what that is, which is why most of them will not see that the new testament is contained in the old, and the old testament is revealed in the new.

That goes way over most of their heads. They refuse to acknowledge the commitment of Christians around the world dedicated to feeding the poor and clothing the naked every day, 24/7 365 days for 2000 years. Some place in the world, Christians are doing these things.

What do we see? We see the perpetual accusers who accuse day and night as they seduce others into their perverted points of view.

Let me know when one of them have balls to make a picture of mohammed in their own piss. Then we will see how brave they are. Makes you wonder though. If they really believed Christians were truly as insidious as the throwbacks to the 7th century, why they would celebrate those that openly mock Christ. Cause they do celebrate it, when one of their demented piles of shit mock Christ.

Anyway, when they say they west, they mean white capitalist Christians. That is it. That is all.

This is a GREAT post and basically says everything that I feel but have a difficult time putting into words. I wish I could agree with and thank it at the same time. Though I'm not a religious person, I can certainly see that it is not Christians who are going around cutting off heads with joy and glee.
where is the conflict? The US saw Iran as an evil thing-----it did not see Kuwait
as an evil thing

The conflict is one moment Saddam is an ally, the next a foe.

Nothing new in human history. We were once allies with Stalin. We are once enemies of England. Nothing new at all.

The fact is the Jimmy Carter policies in the middle east is when the US became real enemies to this fundamentalist element. That is when the first jihad was declared and yes this country saw Iran as a threat.

I know, that was probably only the republicans that saw Iran as a threat and no democrat ever wore a yellow ribbon in support of our hostages. The moron liberals who still have their diapers changed by their parents have no clue what it was like in this country when that was going on.

We then became natural allies with Iraq, who was an enemy of Iran. Makes actual sense. Huh, I think liberals are saying we should not ARM THESE TYPES OF PEOPLE to battle enemies.


Liberals are nothing but peacenik moops who have absolutely no clue what is going on. All they do know is America is to blame for everything. Let me be more specific. White right wing American capitalist Christians are to blame for EVERYTHING and democrats are always trying to clean up their mess.

Yes, all while the fucking snotty nosed pathetic liberals enjoy all of those icky products made by those evil corporations. Things are so bad here, that our poor people are too fat.

This photo pretty much describes what every liberal is all about.


Yes, got off topic a little bit. The point the fact we were allies with saddam is not a big surprise. We are still trying to clean up the mess of Jimmy. That is the root of all of this mess. Please do not tell me how there have been wars there for millenia. That is the entire world. The fact is the fundamentalists declared jihad against America after Jimmy screwed the pooch.
Honestly, I've got no empathy left for them, and I feel that I am not alone in feeling this way. I do NOT feel sorry for them, not even a teensy bit. I think they are nutjob murderers. They INTENTIONALLY target innocents, children, women, doesn't matter to them. They kidnap, torture and murder innocent people!!! That is not part of fighting a war. That is enjoying the kill!!! You are obviously extremely naive or just plain stupid.

Any left? Did you start with any?

Empathy doesn't necessarily mean you feel sorry for someone. It's about UNDERSTANDING where they're coming from.

US foreign policy over the last 60 years has been lurching from one disaster to another, everything the govt touches turns to absolute rubbish. It's similar to Mao trying to kill all the birds because they ate the crops, without realising what the consequences of such an action would be, and it was that something else ate the crops worse than the birds.

They do bad things. No, it's not part of traditional warfare. Why? Because they don't stand a chance against the US armed forces in traditional warfare. The same in Vietnam, they turned to Guerrilla tactics, it was the same in Afghanistan in the 1800s against the British. Why? Because they don't have a choice.

If you continually pound on others, they're going to do what they can to get every little advantage. If they have to behead people on camera to scare the hell out of the soft populations of the UK and US, then they will do this. It's an advantage they have. It's not nice, but then invading Iraq wasn't nice. It doesn't matter if the US didn't intentionally do this or that, their bumbling actions led to this.
Are they going to care if it was intentional or just stupidity that led to the deaths of so many people? Would you if the US were invaded?

As for enjoying killing. There have been some very high profile cases in the US armed forces of soldiers who ENJOYED KILLING. These would have been evidence that the WHOLE US armed forces loved killing.

The same things happen on both sides, you're failing to see there isn't much difference. The biggest difference is this is all happening on THEIR own soil and not yours. Why? Because the US govt decided to invade.
You want to know what's weird? A guy who would call himself "frigid weirdo" going telling people that they should "understand" the reasons for cutting off peoples' heads with rusty old knives. I think YOU must crazy as well.

How on earth you can bring up an internet name into a debate topic is beyond me.

If you don't understand, how they hell do you think you can stop this?

Seriously, the US has a massive problem with not understanding. I was in Lusaka, capital of Zambia a few months back, at an agricultural show with an Aussie who was helping dairy farmers in that country. He told me enough stories of US Aid being completely and utterly wasted because no one in the US understood the situation on the ground.
And the same thing in Iraq, same in Afghanistan. Same thing everywhere. Why is it the US govt and even many people seem to think the WHOLE WORLD is the same as the USA?

You think I'm crazy. Woopdieefingdo.
You want to know what's weird? A guy who would call himself "frigid weirdo" going telling people that they should "understand" the reasons for cutting off peoples' heads with rusty old knives. I think YOU must crazy as well.

How on earth you can bring up an internet name into a debate topic is beyond me.

If you don't understand, how they hell do you think you can stop this?

Seriously, the US has a massive problem with not understanding. I was in Lusaka, capital of Zambia a few months back, at an agricultural show with an Aussie who was helping dairy farmers in that country. He told me enough stories of US Aid being completely and utterly wasted because no one in the US understood the situation on the ground.
And the same thing in Iraq, same in Afghanistan. Same thing everywhere. Why is it the US govt and even many people seem to think the WHOLE WORLD is the same as the USA?

You think I'm crazy. Woopdieefingdo.

Fuck you, you fucking American hating pile of stink shit. This country lends twice as much aid to all countries than every country in the fucking world combined.

You stupid brainwashed unreal sack of shit.

Get crushed for sending mass aid get crushed when this country does not send aid.

This country subjugates no one.

I am so fucking sick of you unappreciative assholes who relentlessly flame this country for everything. You stupid fucking ignorant hack.
It's all designed to keep us entangled in the Middle East, which enables the extremists to point to us as the justification for their cause.

Because they know we have no spine to fully destroy them. That's not a comment on Obama, it's a comment on Western governmental attitudes in the current times when dealing with a religious war that they don't want to call a religious war because CARE is now as loud a voice as AIPAC.

It would be WWIII or WWIV.
Thread title should denote graphic content
You couldn't grasp what "Holding Severed Head" meant?
Not for me but I'm sure there are users who have small children around. Just a courtesy, not a big deal
"Come here Billy. Sit on my lap while yer Grandpa serfs USMB".

Never happens.

I showed my sons a website detailing the Rape of Nan King and they weren't upset by the images, just that people could do such a thing.

Kids minds aren't as fragile as some people think they are.

Those were B&W photos and films, too, weren't they?

Color is much more affecting.
It's all designed to keep us entangled in the Middle East, which enables the extremists to point to us as the justification for their cause.

Because they know we have no spine to fully destroy them. That's not a comment on Obama, it's a comment on Western governmental attitudes in the current times when dealing with a religious war that they don't want to call a religious war because CARE is now as loud a voice as AIPAC.

It would be WWIII or WWIV.
It's inevitable. At some point the people (as opposed to spineless governments) have had enough. All we're doing now is capitulating and playing footsie. Half measures from half-wits.
Honestly, I've got no empathy left for them, and I feel that I am not alone in feeling this way. I do NOT feel sorry for them, not even a teensy bit. I think they are nutjob murderers. They INTENTIONALLY target innocents, children, women, doesn't matter to them. They kidnap, torture and murder innocent people!!! That is not part of fighting a war. That is enjoying the kill!!! You are obviously extremely naive or just plain stupid.

Any left? Did you start with any?

Empathy doesn't necessarily mean you feel sorry for someone. It's about UNDERSTANDING where they're coming from.

US foreign policy over the last 60 years has been lurching from one disaster to another, everything the govt touches turns to absolute rubbish. It's similar to Mao trying to kill all the birds because they ate the crops, without realising what the consequences of such an action would be, and it was that something else ate the crops worse than the birds.

They do bad things. No, it's not part of traditional warfare. Why? Because they don't stand a chance against the US armed forces in traditional warfare. The same in Vietnam, they turned to Guerrilla tactics, it was the same in Afghanistan in the 1800s against the British. Why? Because they don't have a choice.

If you continually pound on others, they're going to do what they can to get every little advantage. If they have to behead people on camera to scare the hell out of the soft populations of the UK and US, then they will do this. It's an advantage they have. It's not nice, but then invading Iraq wasn't nice. It doesn't matter if the US didn't intentionally do this or that, their bumbling actions led to this.
Are they going to care if it was intentional or just stupidity that led to the deaths of so many people? Would you if the US were invaded?

As for enjoying killing. There have been some very high profile cases in the US armed forces of soldiers who ENJOYED KILLING. These would have been evidence that the WHOLE US armed forces loved killing.

The same things happen on both sides, you're failing to see there isn't much difference. The biggest difference is this is all happening on THEIR own soil and not yours. Why? Because the US govt decided to invade.
You are one sick fuck with an extremely twisted history of recent events. "Beheading people is not nice, but then invading the countries where this is happening is not nice either?"

Show me a video of a GI beheading some sick fuck! While I am not hesitant to insult others, I am willing to go beyond the pale and say you are an absolute scumball.
Honestly, I've got no empathy left for them, and I feel that I am not alone in feeling this way. I do NOT feel sorry for them, not even a teensy bit. I think they are nutjob murderers. They INTENTIONALLY target innocents, children, women, doesn't matter to them. They kidnap, torture and murder innocent people!!! That is not part of fighting a war. That is enjoying the kill!!! You are obviously extremely naive or just plain stupid.

Any left? Did you start with any?

Empathy doesn't necessarily mean you feel sorry for someone. It's about UNDERSTANDING where they're coming from.

US foreign policy over the last 60 years has been lurching from one disaster to another, everything the govt touches turns to absolute rubbish. It's similar to Mao trying to kill all the birds because they ate the crops, without realising what the consequences of such an action would be, and it was that something else ate the crops worse than the birds.

They do bad things. No, it's not part of traditional warfare. Why? Because they don't stand a chance against the US armed forces in traditional warfare. The same in Vietnam, they turned to Guerrilla tactics, it was the same in Afghanistan in the 1800s against the British. Why? Because they don't have a choice.

If you continually pound on others, they're going to do what they can to get every little advantage. If they have to behead people on camera to scare the hell out of the soft populations of the UK and US, then they will do this. It's an advantage they have. It's not nice, but then invading Iraq wasn't nice. It doesn't matter if the US didn't intentionally do this or that, their bumbling actions led to this.
Are they going to care if it was intentional or just stupidity that led to the deaths of so many people? Would you if the US were invaded?

As for enjoying killing. There have been some very high profile cases in the US armed forces of soldiers who ENJOYED KILLING. These would have been evidence that the WHOLE US armed forces loved killing.

The same things happen on both sides, you're failing to see there isn't much difference. The biggest difference is this is all happening on THEIR own soil and not yours. Why? Because the US govt decided to invade.
You are one sick fuck with an extremely twisted history of recent events. "Beheading people is not nice, but then invading the countries where this is happening is not nice either?"

Show me a video of a GI beheading some sick fuck! While I am not hesitant to insult others, I am willing to go beyond the pale and say you are an absolute scumball.

Do not try and give that waste of shit any respect.
You are one sick fuck with an extremely twisted history of recent events. "Beheading people is not nice, but then invading the countries where this is happening is not nice either?"

Show me a video of a GI beheading some sick fuck! While I am not hesitant to insult others, I am willing to go beyond the pale and say you are an absolute scumball.

Ah, back to simplistic stuff huh?

You think if they behead people and are sick, then the US can only be sick if it beheads people too. I can't do like for like. I can do similar.

BBC News - US soldier kills Afghan civilians in Kandahar

"A US soldier in Afghanistan has killed at least 16 civilians and wounded five after entering their homes in Kandahar province, senior local officials say."

Sick? I'd say so.

"Anti-US sentiment is already high in Afghanistan after US soldiers burnt copies of the Koran last month."

Not the only thing they did to annoy people.

BBC News - Huge Wikileaks release shows US ignored Iraq torture

"Huge Wikileaks release shows US 'ignored Iraq torture'"

"The documents also suggest "hundreds" of civilians were killed at US military checkpoints after the invasion in 2003."

"In another case, US soldiers suspected army officers of cutting off a detainee's fingers and burning him with acid."

Torture photos US soldiers raped sodomized Iraqi prisoners - World Socialist Web Site

"Torture photos: US soldiers raped, sodomized Iraqi prisoners"

Iraq Body Count

"129,881 – 145,664"

This is their estimate, more than likely a very, very conservative estimate. The US's intervention in Iraq and the complete and utter incompetent botch job of "nation building" has got at least, at the very, very minimum, 130,000 people killed. Sick? Well it that isn't sick then what is?

I can provide evidence of the US being sick, you'll put it down to individuals. When ISIS does something you claim it's all of them, not just individuals. Why?
You want to know what's weird? A guy who would call himself "frigid weirdo" going telling people that they should "understand" the reasons for cutting off peoples' heads with rusty old knives. I think YOU must crazy as well.

How on earth you can bring up an internet name into a debate topic is beyond me.

If you don't understand, how they hell do you think you can stop this?

Seriously, the US has a massive problem with not understanding. I was in Lusaka, capital of Zambia a few months back, at an agricultural show with an Aussie who was helping dairy farmers in that country. He told me enough stories of US Aid being completely and utterly wasted because no one in the US understood the situation on the ground.
And the same thing in Iraq, same in Afghanistan. Same thing everywhere. Why is it the US govt and even many people seem to think the WHOLE WORLD is the same as the USA?

You think I'm crazy. Woopdieefingdo.

And just what do you think qualifies you as being all knowing and understanding of the situation? You are just parroting things that you've heard. These people are born and raised to hate. This goes beyond anything WE have done. They torture and murder their OWN people too.

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