British Female Jihadist Medic Pictured Holding Severed Head

Not really. I don't see Christianity causing death and destruction. What I DO see is Christian-based charities, missionary work, volunteering to help the less fortunate. Sorry, but Christianity and the other major religions have grown and changed with the times. This is NOT the case with Islam. It is also MORE than just a religion. It is a complete way of life. It is also very politically oriented. I don't think you understand.

Well just because you don't see Christianity causing death and destruction doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

You see Christian people doing helpful things, and don't see Muslim people doing helpful things, probably because you live in a much more Christian world.

It's like say the world is extremely dry because you can't see it raining.

Yes, Christianity has changed, hardly surprising seeing how much they benefited from being complete and utter bastards. Take the Spanish, or the Portuguese, or the English, or the French, with their colonies around the world.
Remember who did slavery.

The western European countries controlled most of the world a few hundred years ago, and they didn't do it in a nice way, and they got extremely rich from this and were able to develop.
Different groups of people reacted in different way. Native Americans all over fought back, but ultimately were destroyed by not having the right weaponry. Now they're not a problem because Christians are so much stronger than them and have even forced a lot of them into Christianity.
Those in the far east were strong enough to kick the west out, the French and Americans in Vietnam, Thailand was never occupied, the Chinese overcame all those western countries, and so on. Also, they didn't have the resources, in general, to make the US or other countries want to meddle too much there.

The Middle East suffered. A lot because of the demise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, which left places like Iraq vulnerable, but they weren't weak enough to be totally dominated, not strong enough to break off the shackles of the west either.

Islam has changed A LOT because of the interference of the west in the region. Most of Islam was heading towards a secular, Turkish style, Islam, until the British entered Afghanistan. And then the ideas of Jihad were re-invented.

I really don't think many in the US understand the impact their warmongering has on the religion, which is essentially a tool for those in power to get what they want. Many Islamic countries or peoples need to fight back against the US, and they do so using Islam because it makes them stronger. It makes it easier to control people too.

I think I understand a lot better than you do.

Why don't you post me some links to some Muslim charitable organizations world wide. I will do the same for Christian organizations. Deal? It is NOT the Christians or any other religious denominations causing such mayhem worldwide. You are just wrong.

Your continued blaming the United States for the barbaric behavior of those who believe in Islam is just pathetic and disgusting. Their religious beliefs play a HUGE role in this. They are brainwashed by their imams from the time they are babies. We all KNOW this.

You are WRONG about Turkey. Turkey is an anomaly. The true Islamists would kill them all for disobeying Muhammed and Allah.
You are comparing apples to oranges and insulting EVERYONE'S intelligence. THIS is why they call you names and cannot have a normal discussion with you.

Do you not see the irony here?

You're telling me these people are so intelligent they just have to insult me. Surely if people were so intelligent, they wouldn't need to insult in the first place.

You say you can't have a normal discussion with me because I don't agree with you. Why come onto a politics message board expecting everyone to agree with you?
Some people you can learn from, other people don't want to learn, their prejudices are already there.

Which are you?

I'm saying that you are ignorant. Some people don't have any patience for this crap and rightly so. Do you even REALIZE what you are defending? Good grief!!!
Not really. I don't see Christianity causing death and destruction. What I DO see is Christian-based charities, missionary work, volunteering to help the less fortunate. Sorry, but Christianity and the other major religions have grown and changed with the times. This is NOT the case with Islam. It is also MORE than just a religion. It is a complete way of life. It is also very politically oriented. I don't think you understand.

Well just because you don't see Christianity causing death and destruction doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

You see Christian people doing helpful things, and don't see Muslim people doing helpful things, probably because you live in a much more Christian world.

It's like say the world is extremely dry because you can't see it raining.

Yes, Christianity has changed, hardly surprising seeing how much they benefited from being complete and utter bastards. Take the Spanish, or the Portuguese, or the English, or the French, with their colonies around the world.
Remember who did slavery.

The western European countries controlled most of the world a few hundred years ago, and they didn't do it in a nice way, and they got extremely rich from this and were able to develop.
Different groups of people reacted in different way. Native Americans all over fought back, but ultimately were destroyed by not having the right weaponry. Now they're not a problem because Christians are so much stronger than them and have even forced a lot of them into Christianity.
Those in the far east were strong enough to kick the west out, the French and Americans in Vietnam, Thailand was never occupied, the Chinese overcame all those western countries, and so on. Also, they didn't have the resources, in general, to make the US or other countries want to meddle too much there.

The Middle East suffered. A lot because of the demise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, which left places like Iraq vulnerable, but they weren't weak enough to be totally dominated, not strong enough to break off the shackles of the west either.

Islam has changed A LOT because of the interference of the west in the region. Most of Islam was heading towards a secular, Turkish style, Islam, until the British entered Afghanistan. And then the ideas of Jihad were re-invented.

I really don't think many in the US understand the impact their warmongering has on the religion, which is essentially a tool for those in power to get what they want. Many Islamic countries or peoples need to fight back against the US, and they do so using Islam because it makes them stronger. It makes it easier to control people too.

I think I understand a lot better than you do.

I do not think that you understand much at all and simply have a notion that you KNOW.

the "shackles of the west"? yup I Know all about it-----I came into contact with LOTS AND LOTS of young talkative persons from south east asia a bit more than 45 years ago and since--------one of the very first things I noticed is just how SHACKLED and OPPRESSED muslims considered themselves-----as opposed to the hindus, Sikhs and Christians---therefrom (and the scarce random Zoroastrian and Jew)

afterall------the entire world is the

the west dismantled the HOLY MOLEY
MUGHAL EMPIRE_----the epitome of
gloriousness --------

PS---my hubby was born in the erstwhile
OTTOMAN EMPIRE-----well---it was yet
another caliphate stolen by "the evil
crusaders when he was born" but he
carried the legacy of an OTTOMAN
DHIMMI-----in---a shariah cesspit that
rejected ataturk COMPLETELY----
try not to tell me what you "know"

somehow hindus RECOVERED ----so
have jews and Zoroastrians who ---got out
centuries ago---the rest of the Zoroastrians
are dead whereas MUSLIMS still suffer
THEIR experience with CRUSADER
OPPRESSION-----when do you imagine
they might get over it
You are comparing apples to oranges and insulting EVERYONE'S intelligence. THIS is why they call you names and cannot have a normal discussion with you.

Do you not see the irony here?

You're telling me these people are so intelligent they just have to insult me. Surely if people were so intelligent, they wouldn't need to insult in the first place.

You say you can't have a normal discussion with me because I don't agree with you. Why come onto a politics message board expecting everyone to agree with you?
Some people you can learn from, other people don't want to learn, their prejudices are already there.

Which are you?

right weird------persons who do not see
your "LOGIC" are locked up with
predetermined prejudices ------really great
observation-----very INNOVATIVE
Not really. I don't see Christianity causing death and destruction. What I DO see is Christian-based charities, missionary work, volunteering to help the less fortunate. Sorry, but Christianity and the other major religions have grown and changed with the times. This is NOT the case with Islam. It is also MORE than just a religion. It is a complete way of life. It is also very politically oriented. I don't think you understand.

Well just because you don't see Christianity causing death and destruction doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

You see Christian people doing helpful things, and don't see Muslim people doing helpful things, probably because you live in a much more Christian world.

It's like say the world is extremely dry because you can't see it raining.

Yes, Christianity has changed, hardly surprising seeing how much they benefited from being complete and utter bastards. Take the Spanish, or the Portuguese, or the English, or the French, with their colonies around the world.
Remember who did slavery.

The western European countries controlled most of the world a few hundred years ago, and they didn't do it in a nice way, and they got extremely rich from this and were able to develop.
Different groups of people reacted in different way. Native Americans all over fought back, but ultimately were destroyed by not having the right weaponry. Now they're not a problem because Christians are so much stronger than them and have even forced a lot of them into Christianity.
Those in the far east were strong enough to kick the west out, the French and Americans in Vietnam, Thailand was never occupied, the Chinese overcame all those western countries, and so on. Also, they didn't have the resources, in general, to make the US or other countries want to meddle too much there.

The Middle East suffered. A lot because of the demise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, which left places like Iraq vulnerable, but they weren't weak enough to be totally dominated, not strong enough to break off the shackles of the west either.

Islam has changed A LOT because of the interference of the west in the region. Most of Islam was heading towards a secular, Turkish style, Islam, until the British entered Afghanistan. And then the ideas of Jihad were re-invented.

I really don't think many in the US understand the impact their warmongering has on the religion, which is essentially a tool for those in power to get what they want. Many Islamic countries or peoples need to fight back against the US, and they do so using Islam because it makes them stronger. It makes it easier to control people too.

I think I understand a lot better than you do.

I do not think that you understand much at all and simply have a notion that you KNOW.

the "shackles of the west"? yup I Know all about it-----I came into contact with LOTS AND LOTS of young talkative persons from south east asia a bit more than 45 years ago and since--------one of the very first things I noticed is just how SHACKLED and OPPRESSED muslims considered themselves-----as opposed to the hindus, Sikhs and Christians---therefrom (and the scarce random Zoroastrian and Jew)

afterall------the entire world is the

the west dismantled the HOLY MOLEY
MUGHAL EMPIRE_----the epitome of
gloriousness --------

PS---my hubby was born in the erstwhile
OTTOMAN EMPIRE-----well---it was yet
another caliphate stolen by "the evil
crusaders when he was born" but he
carried the legacy of an OTTOMAN
DHIMMI-----in---a shariah cesspit that
rejected ataturk COMPLETELY----
try not to tell me what you "know"

somehow hindus RECOVERED ----so
have jews and Zoroastrians who ---got out
centuries ago---the rest of the Zoroastrians
are dead whereas MUSLIMS still suffer
THEIR experience with CRUSADER
OPPRESSION-----when do you imagine
they might get over it

I think that, because of their terrible oppression of women, their horrible Sharia law policies among other things have caused their once strong and powerful culture to fail in modern times, and they can't get over that, and they want to blame someone other than their own ridiculous and oppressive, out of touch and outdated culture, so they blame the "west" for oppressing them. It's ridiculous. Also, Israel's neighbors could easily work WITH her rather than against her, and that would make a world of difference. Instead, these people behave like unreasonable savages who think that killing and terrorism is a way of expression in our civilized culture. NO ONE is going to respect that. NO ONE.
Why don't you post me some links to some Muslim charitable organizations world wide. I will do the same for Christian organizations. Deal? It is NOT the Christians or any other religious denominations causing such mayhem worldwide. You are just wrong.

Your continued blaming the United States for the barbaric behavior of those who believe in Islam is just pathetic and disgusting. Their religious beliefs play a HUGE role in this. They are brainwashed by their imams from the time they are babies. We all KNOW this.

You are WRONG about Turkey. Turkey is an anomaly. The true Islamists would kill them all for disobeying Muhammed and Allah.

Red Crescent - World disaster relief news video online
Islamic Relief USA - Working Together For A Better World
Muslim Charity
Home - Muslim Hands UK
Muslim Charity - Donate Zakat Sadaqah Islamic Relief UK
Muslim Charities
Muslim Charities Forum
Okay, this is what I found in about 5 minutes. Mostly British, didn't even bother looking at other countries, I found so many. It's enough to show there are a lot of Muslim charities out there.

Then you say it's not Christians causing mayhem abroad. What? The US invaded Iraq, left a power vacuum there that was going to be filled. This piece of immense incompetence by a Christian led government, ie, Bush is Christian, Cheney Christian and most of them were Christian. This allowed al Qaeda into Iraq, it acted as a magnet for extremism, this spread to Syria (because Iraq and Syria are pretty close both geographically and politically, as Saddam knew) , it led to ISIS, simple as.

I'm finding it hard to find where Muslims caused so many problems in such a small amount of time.

This isn't me saying there aren't problems with Islam, there clearly are. But I'm also saying that Islam isn't the only problem in the world, and i'd put the US as a bigger problem in the world, especially in the Middle East than any Islamic group, and probably than all of the violent Islamic groups put together.

No, I'm not wrong about Turkey. When the British entered Afghanistan in the 1800s, they were moving towards secular Islam. Why did it change? Because the extremists were the only ones who could deal with the British, and the British essentially helped to make modern Jihad.
I'm saying that you are ignorant. Some people don't have any patience for this crap and rightly so. Do you even REALIZE what you are defending? Good grief!!!

Defending? I'm not defending anything other than the TRUTH.

I don't support Islam, I don't like religion at all. I'd be happy if Islam disappeared tomorrow.

That's not the point. Just because you say something 100 times loudly doesn't make it true.

You can't deal with problems by trying to solve what you don't know. If you don't look at the back of the fridge when it breaks down, how will you know what the problem is? You won't. Oh, let's call the insurance man, see if he can fix it, maybe he'll look at his paper and tell you what's wrong. Er....

The problem is the US foreign policy at present, ie, the last 80 years, has been making Islam more violent, more extreme. Every time they try and sort out a problem, they just make the problem worse.

Imagine it's 1979. I'm saying the US shouldn't be funding the Mujaheddin, you're telling me I'm defending Communism and the USSR.
Am I wrong for saying the US shouldn't be arming the Mujaheddin? Hindsight is a great thing, but an intelligent people can look at history and work out what the problems are now. And I can see the problems, they're the same as they've always been. The US goes in, doesn't give a feck about the consequences to their actions, as long as they get short term gains.

Great. And who suffers?
I think that, because of their terrible oppression of women, their horrible Sharia law policies among other things have caused their once strong and powerful culture to fail in modern times, and they can't get over that, and they want to blame someone other than their own ridiculous and oppressive, out of touch and outdated culture, so they blame the "west" for oppressing them. It's ridiculous. Also, Israel's neighbors could easily work WITH her rather than against her, and that would make a world of difference. Instead, these people behave like unreasonable savages who think that killing and terrorism is a way of expression in our civilized culture. NO ONE is going to respect that. NO ONE.

It's not even 70 years since the US were majorly oppressing black people because they were black. It's not been 2 minutes since some Americans were oppressing gay people because they were gay. 100 years since women weren't allowed to vote, etc etc.

Yes, Islam is ridiculous in its treatment of women, but they need to develop, and the US is pushing them backwards in development with all this interference.
Why don't you post me some links to some Muslim charitable organizations world wide. I will do the same for Christian organizations. Deal? It is NOT the Christians or any other religious denominations causing such mayhem worldwide. You are just wrong.

Your continued blaming the United States for the barbaric behavior of those who believe in Islam is just pathetic and disgusting. Their religious beliefs play a HUGE role in this. They are brainwashed by their imams from the time they are babies. We all KNOW this.

You are WRONG about Turkey. Turkey is an anomaly. The true Islamists would kill them all for disobeying Muhammed and Allah.

Red Crescent - World disaster relief news video online
Islamic Relief USA - Working Together For A Better World
Muslim Charity
Home - Muslim Hands UK
Muslim Charity - Donate Zakat Sadaqah Islamic Relief UK
Muslim Charities
Muslim Charities Forum
Okay, this is what I found in about 5 minutes. Mostly British, didn't even bother looking at other countries, I found so many. It's enough to show there are a lot of Muslim charities out there.

Then you say it's not Christians causing mayhem abroad. What? The US invaded Iraq, left a power vacuum there that was going to be filled. This piece of immense incompetence by a Christian led government, ie, Bush is Christian, Cheney Christian and most of them were Christian. This allowed al Qaeda into Iraq, it acted as a magnet for extremism, this spread to Syria (because Iraq and Syria are pretty close both geographically and politically, as Saddam knew) , it led to ISIS, simple as.

I'm finding it hard to find where Muslims caused so many problems in such a small amount of time.

This isn't me saying there aren't problems with Islam, there clearly are. But I'm also saying that Islam isn't the only problem in the world, and i'd put the US as a bigger problem in the world, especially in the Middle East than any Islamic group, and probably than all of the violent Islamic groups put together.

No, I'm not wrong about Turkey. When the British entered Afghanistan in the 1800s, they were moving towards secular Islam. Why did it change? Because the extremists were the only ones who could deal with the British, and the British essentially helped to make modern Jihad.

I won't even bother to list all the Christian-based charities that exist. Let me google that for you

Anyways, the United States is a SECULAR nation, so I don't know why you are saying we are a Christianity-based anything. That is just ignorant . . . again.

Even if you are correct, we are not PURPOSEFULLY targeting innocent civilians, beheading them, etc. WTF is wrong with you?

Wow. I don't even know what to say about such ignorance. It's hard to believe that people like you even exist seriously. You must be blind, deaf and dumb.

Many Arab Muslims see Turkey as oppressive against them! That is a fact. Turkey has had it's own share of attacks. How foolish you look!!!
[QUOTE="ChrisL, post:
Okay, this is what I found in about 5 minutes. Mostly British, didn't even bother looking at other countries, I found so many. It's enough to show there are a lot of Muslim charities out there.

Then you say it's not Christians causing mayhem abroad. What? The US invaded Iraq, left a power vacuum there that was going to be filled. This piece of immense incompetence by a Christian led government, ie, Bush is Christian, Cheney Christian and most of them were Christian. This allowed al Qaeda into Iraq, it acted as a magnet for extremism, this spread to Syria (because Iraq and Syria are pretty close both geographically and politically, as Saddam knew) , it led to ISIS, simple as.

I'm finding it hard to find where Muslims caused so many problems in such a small amount of time.

This isn't me saying there aren't problems with Islam, there clearly are. But I'm also saying that Islam isn't the only problem in the world, and i'd put the US as a bigger problem in the world, especially in the Middle East than any Islamic group, and probably than all of the violent Islamic groups put together.

No, I'm not wrong about Turkey. When the British entered Afghanistan in the 1800s, they were moving towards secular Islam. Why did it change? Because the extremists were the only ones who could deal with the British, and the British essentially helped to make modern Jihad.

not impressed------muslims are required by religious law to give up a percentage of their assets every year for ISLAMIC CAUSES ----
Zakat can be used to buy a bomb belt to tie on the ass of a muslimah SHAHIDA and
to reward her family for contributing her baby
murdering bomb ass to the HOLY UMMAH.

that happened to turkey? ISLAAM----
islam tends to happen and REHAPPEN
periodically-------the rehappenings are very
Last edited:
I won't even bother to list all the Christian-based charities that exist. Let me google that for you

Anyways, the United States is a SECULAR nation, so I don't know why you are saying we are a Christianity-based anything. That is just ignorant . . . again.

Even if you are correct, we are not PURPOSEFULLY targeting innocent civilians, beheading them, etc. WTF is wrong with you?

Wow. I don't even know what to say about such ignorance. It's hard to believe that people like you even exist seriously. You must be blind, deaf and dumb.

Many Arab Muslims see Turkey as oppressive against them! That is a fact. Turkey has had it's own share of attacks. How foolish you look!!!

So what happened to the deal?
And what is the point anyway? Christians are far richer as a group than Muslims. So.......?

Also, it doesn't say how big these charities are, how much money they spend. The US is far more likely to have Christian charities because the govt spends less on giving money to charities than most other 1st world charities, so people are more likely to give money personally to charities, and seeing how many Christians there are. Remember there are not that many Muslims in the UK, 2.7 million, many of them young, and yet there are tons of charities.

I know what the US is. It's a country without an official religion, but one controlled mostly by Christians.

Let's see Bush's main men.

Attorney Generals. John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales and Michael Mukasey. Two Christians and a Jew (who was in for just over a year)
Secretary of States. Colin Powell and Condi Rice. Two Christians.
VP. Dick Cheney, Christian.
Secretary of the Treasury. Paul O'Neill, John Snow, and Harry Paulson, two Methodists and a Christian scientist.

How many Muslims? Er.... well 0.6% of the nation is Muslim, I don't see more than 0% in there. I might be wrong, i don't think so.

3.9% of Americans are in non-Christian religions. That's much lower than the UK which is a Christian country, official.

You keep going on about beheadings and things. Like I've said before, the US causes havoc in ways that are more controlled. Why? Because it has the largest military spending, by far, in the world.

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The US spends more than 1/3 of all military spending spent by states. They spend more than the next eight countries combined, and that includes two countries which together make up about 1/3 of the world's population in India and China.

Why does the US need to behead? It doesn't, it doesn't go in with guerrilla tactics, it goes in with overwhelming force.

I'm not defending those who behead people on TV, it is barbaric. But I also happen to think that a country going around making regime change a normal policy is also barbaric. Barbaric in terms of morality and intelligence.

You might think different, you might not be able to get away from the fact that your govt is inherently wrong, because the media in the US makes out that it is acceptable. The president goes out and finds reasons to make it acceptable (oh, they have WMDs, which were never found but who gives a fox? that was AFTER the event, he only needed the excuse to work to get to war.)

You're calling this ignorance. It's not ignorance. it's based on a lot of knowledge, and it's based on a free thinking mind which refuses to accept the official line, which you seem unable to tear yourself away from.

What the hell are you talking about with Turkey now? Jeez, Turkey uses violence against the Kurds, I didn't say it didn't. But you're talking about using violence makes them bad, but not if it's the US, because when the US uses violence, somehow it's different. Oh please.

You're coming up with excuses for each different thing, and getting in a right mess.
Not really. I don't see Christianity causing death and destruction. What I DO see is Christian-based charities, missionary work, volunteering to help the less fortunate. Sorry, but Christianity and the other major religions have grown and changed with the times. This is NOT the case with Islam. It is also MORE than just a religion. It is a complete way of life. It is also very politically oriented. I don't think you understand.

Well just because you don't see Christianity causing death and destruction doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

You see Christian people doing helpful things, and don't see Muslim people doing helpful things, probably because you live in a much more Christian world.

It's like say the world is extremely dry because you can't see it raining.

Yes, Christianity has changed, hardly surprising seeing how much they benefited from being complete and utter bastards. Take the Spanish, or the Portuguese, or the English, or the French, with their colonies around the world.
Remember who did slavery.

The western European countries controlled most of the world a few hundred years ago, and they didn't do it in a nice way, and they got extremely rich from this and were able to develop.
Different groups of people reacted in different way. Native Americans all over fought back, but ultimately were destroyed by not having the right weaponry. Now they're not a problem because Christians are so much stronger than them and have even forced a lot of them into Christianity.
Those in the far east were strong enough to kick the west out, the French and Americans in Vietnam, Thailand was never occupied, the Chinese overcame all those western countries, and so on. Also, they didn't have the resources, in general, to make the US or other countries want to meddle too much there.

The Middle East suffered. A lot because of the demise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, which left places like Iraq vulnerable, but they weren't weak enough to be totally dominated, not strong enough to break off the shackles of the west either.

Islam has changed A LOT because of the interference of the west in the region. Most of Islam was heading towards a secular, Turkish style, Islam, until the British entered Afghanistan. And then the ideas of Jihad were re-invented.

I really don't think many in the US understand the impact their warmongering has on the religion, which is essentially a tool for those in power to get what they want. Many Islamic countries or peoples need to fight back against the US, and they do so using Islam because it makes them stronger. It makes it easier to control people too.

I think I understand a lot better than you do.
You must have gone to the cheapest madrassa to get an historical education like that. Spare us the hackneyed dogma. I mean we are not all hip teenyboppers who think that crap is cool.
not impressed------muslims are required by religious law to give up a percentage of their assets every year for ISLAMIC CAUSES ----
ZADAK can be used to buy a bomb belt to tie on the ass of a muslimah SHAHIDA and
to reward her family for contributing her baby
murdering bomb ass to the HOLY UMMAH.

that happened to turkey? ISLAAM----
islam tends to happen and REHAPPEN
periodically-------the rehappenings are very

Muslims are also not supposed to drink. One of the first things I did when I arrived in Luxor in Egypt was go to the duty free shop in town and buy a bottle of Whiskey for some Muslim guy. Oh, they're not supposed to drink.

But I'm being told how bad Islam is, then I get told they make it mandatory to give money to charity. Are you trying to prove they're bad because they have to give money to charity? Dig a hole?

You're going to have to explain yourself on the other parts.
You must have gone to the cheapest madrassa to get an historical education like that. Spare us the hackneyed dogma. I mean we are not all hip teenyboppers who think that crap is cool.


Just because you don't understand things, doesn't mean I'm wrong.
I won't even bother to list all the Christian-based charities that exist. Let me google that for you

Anyways, the United States is a SECULAR nation, so I don't know why you are saying we are a Christianity-based anything. That is just ignorant . . . again.

Even if you are correct, we are not PURPOSEFULLY targeting innocent civilians, beheading them, etc. WTF is wrong with you?

Wow. I don't even know what to say about such ignorance. It's hard to believe that people like you even exist seriously. You must be blind, deaf and dumb.

Many Arab Muslims see Turkey as oppressive against them! That is a fact. Turkey has had it's own share of attacks. How foolish you look!!!

So what happened to the deal?
And what is the point anyway? Christians are far richer as a group than Muslims. So.......?

Also, it doesn't say how big these charities are, how much money they spend. The US is far more likely to have Christian charities because the govt spends less on giving money to charities than most other 1st world charities, so people are more likely to give money personally to charities, and seeing how many Christians there are. Remember there are not that many Muslims in the UK, 2.7 million, many of them young, and yet there are tons of charities.

I know what the US is. It's a country without an official religion, but one controlled mostly by Christians.

Let's see Bush's main men.

Attorney Generals. John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales and Michael Mukasey. Two Christians and a Jew (who was in for just over a year)
Secretary of States. Colin Powell and Condi Rice. Two Christians.
VP. Dick Cheney, Christian.
Secretary of the Treasury. Paul O'Neill, John Snow, and Harry Paulson, two Methodists and a Christian scientist.

How many Muslims? Er.... well 0.6% of the nation is Muslim, I don't see more than 0% in there. I might be wrong, i don't think so.

3.9% of Americans are in non-Christian religions. That's much lower than the UK which is a Christian country, official.

You keep going on about beheadings and things. Like I've said before, the US causes havoc in ways that are more controlled. Why? Because it has the largest military spending, by far, in the world.

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The US spends more than 1/3 of all military spending spent by states. They spend more than the next eight countries combined, and that includes two countries which together make up about 1/3 of the world's population in India and China.

Why does the US need to behead? It doesn't, it doesn't go in with guerrilla tactics, it goes in with overwhelming force.

I'm not defending those who behead people on TV, it is barbaric. But I also happen to think that a country going around making regime change a normal policy is also barbaric. Barbaric in terms of morality and intelligence.

You might think different, you might not be able to get away from the fact that your govt is inherently wrong, because the media in the US makes out that it is acceptable. The president goes out and finds reasons to make it acceptable (oh, they have WMDs, which were never found but who gives a fox? that was AFTER the event, he only needed the excuse to work to get to war.)

You're calling this ignorance. It's not ignorance. it's based on a lot of knowledge, and it's based on a free thinking mind which refuses to accept the official line, which you seem unable to tear yourself away from.

What the hell are you talking about with Turkey now? Jeez, Turkey uses violence against the Kurds, I didn't say it didn't. But you're talking about using violence makes them bad, but not if it's the US, because when the US uses violence, somehow it's different. Oh please.

You're coming up with excuses for each different thing, and getting in a right mess.

weirdo----your rant is meaningless-----are you
a left over from the LSD galvanized 60s?

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