British Tea Party


Nov 9, 2013
UKIP hold record 11-point lead in European election

By John Rentoul
Last updated: Saturday, 17 May 2014 at 7:25 pm

The UK Independence Party is heading for victory in next week’s European Parliament election, with the support of 35% of those who say they are “absolutely certain to vote”, according to a ComRes opinion poll for The Independent on Sunday, shared with the Sunday Mirror. This equals the record 11-point lead for UKIP reported by ComRes at the end of April.

The poll also shows the Green Party pushing the Liberal Democrats into fifth place.

European Parliament Voting Intention

UKIP 35% (+1)
Labour 24% (0)
Con 20% (-2)
Green 7% (+2)
LibDem 6% (-2)
Other 8% (0)

Figures in brackets show the change since last ComRes European election survey, conducted 9-11 May 2014.

UKIP hold record 11-point lead in European election | John Rentoul | Independent Eagle Eye Blogs


Hi everyone. It has been a while since I last visited this site. Been busy.

On 22 May 2014, the British people will be going to polls in EU election, and the campaign had largely revolved round smears against UKIP by major parties, the press, and even broadcasters. And in all my years, I have never witnessed such a dirty election campaign of its equal. However, despite all the negative press and broadcasts against UKIP, it not only retained its public support base but saw it grow.

For confirmation, just enter UKIP in your search engine ad see for yourself. Check out the publications, but do not ignore the reader comments. That is where you will find the truth, and links to actual footage broadcast and televised that often has no similarity to what is printed.

If the British people continue to stand there ground, as I suspect they will, come 22 May History will be made in British politics. Note UKIP does not currently possess any MPs in Parliament.
Battleground Britain: Ukip threaten to rewrite the electoral map at the European elections

MILLIONS of voters are set to give the European Union the electoral equivalent of a kick in the pants.

By: Macer HallPublished: Mon, May 19, 2014



The people are neither blind nor stupid. They know a witch hunt when they see one, and they know who is speaking rubbish. The obvious being press headlines of interviews that millions watched.

I will be voting UKIP on 22 May.
Good to hear. I wish them success but they're up against a bigger monster than they know. A monster of global proportions with tentacles in every nation on earth -- the International Bank.

"Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes it’s laws."
Mater Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
Quote / Give me control of a nations money supply / Mater Amschel Rothschild | Truth11

Many leaders have been assassinated (in my opinion) as a result of attempting to take control of their nation's money from the Bank. Nevertheless, we have to keep fighting and trying.
Farage Friday: 'Inhuman' Party Leaders Reel at Ukip Surge in Local Election Polls

By Nick Assinder Political Editor
May 23, 2014 11:45 BST

Farage Friday: 'Inhuman' Party Leaders Reel at Ukip Surge in Local Election Polls


Just updating ths thread. Note this relates to local elections across UK not EU elections, which were held on same day. Results for EU elections will not be released until Sunday.
Ukip. What is it? And, why should we care?

I've been seeing this all over the internet for some time – and have basically ignored it. Until today. The UK Independence Party is their version of our Tea Party – although far more centralized and organized. While not the only reason, it appears to me they were formed as a group opposing UK joining the European Union.

The latest news is somewhat interesting.

Nigel Farage’s Ukip in Britain just went a long way in ridding the oh-so-politically correct David Cameron Tories of 105 of their seats (At press time). And there’s still another day of votes to count.

While Britain's parlimentary system still puzzles me, the seems to mean that the current Prime Minister, who is a liberal, may be forced from office by a party espousing right-wing populism – whatever that means. I guess they're closer to Libertarians. Any way, it will be interesting to see the outcome. The author of the piece seems to think it will hearten the Tea Party here – although I don't see the connection. Read more @ Huge Ukip British victory sends message of hope to North American Patriots

And here's another, less biased report @ feedly: your news. delivered.

And this shows another view @ Bright days for Britain's euroskeptics | European Elections 2014 | DW.DE | 23.05.2014

And even more [a bit amusing] @ 'The Ukip fox is in the Westminster hen house': Jubilant Farage taunts Cameron, Clegg and Miliband after his party takes council seats from Tories in the south and Labour heartlands in the north | Mail Online
[size=15pt]Whatever the European election result, Ukip has already won[/size]

Ukip has changed the shape of politics – for the better

24 May 2014 Peter Oborne

Whether or not Ukip wins, this month’s European election campaign has belonged to one politician alone: Nigel Farage. Single-handedly he has brought these otherwise moribund elections to life. Single-handedly he has restored passion, genuine debate and meaning to politics. Single-handedly he has reinvented British democracy.

This is a superlative achievement, and Mr Farage deserves to be celebrated. Instead strenuous attempts have been made to turn him into a figure of odium and contempt. Farage has twice been physically assaulted, once when attacked with eggs whilst campaigning in Nottingham, once when struck on the head by a placard-bearing protester in Margate.

He has been labelled a racist and a fascist. There have been comparisons with Hitler. He has endured by far the most hostile press and media coverage of any mainstream politician in living memory — far more brutal than anything encountered by Neil Kinnock in 1987 and 1992.



I agree with headline, and agree with Farage's point about voters seeing UKIP as one man band. If UKIP wants to continue its success at GE, it needs to let voters see more from other UKIP candidates and members.

UKIP are now officially the fourth political party in UK.

Note this a post I made within debating forum this morning. As was following:



British taxpayer money is funding 'anti-racism' groups which actively campaign against British political parties, Breitbart London can exclusively reveal, and has handed nearly half a million pounds of taxpayer money to one group with far-left links and a strong and overt anti-UKIP agenda.



The previous poster stated he/she dpes not understand British politics. To be frank, I do not understand US politics, and yet even the US constitution was built on British law. Don't forget. Much of USA was once a British colony for 200 years, and many of those laws remain and was used to form foundation for US Constitution. Check it out for yourself s.
'The most extraordinary result in 100 years': Farage hails UKIP triumph as Labour and the Tories are humiliated and the Lib Dems are left with just one MEP

Tories, Labour and Lib Dems face fresh turmoil as results are announced
UKIP tops the polls in large parts of the country, pushing Labour into 2nd
BNP loses its only remaining seat in Brussels as Griffin concedes defeat
Turnout across 28 EU members states estimated at 41.3%
France’s far-right National Front was on course for a massive victory
Calls for Clegg to quit as Lib Dem leader even before tonight's EU bloodbath
'Weird' Miliband warned 'outlook is grim' unless he gets a grip of Labour

PUBLISHED: 23:27, 25 May 2014 | UPDATED: 01:01, 26 May 2014



I think things will get very interesting indeed between now and next UK GE in 2015, and not just for UK.

Just added this one to update this thread. thanks to British people UKIP did it.

Thank you USA with putting up with me. I wish you all well.
Good, I hope they win the UK elections next year and kill off support for renewable!

Go co2!

Good, I hope they win the UK elections next year and kill off support for renewable!

Go co2!

The following is copy of my own post made within UK debate forum:

Parliament is the voice of the people, and elect candidates to be their voice. Every MP without exception would not be where they are without a mandate from people, and that includes the PM.

The problem with LibLabCon leadership is that they continue to ignore the people. They even went so far as to order MPs to deprive the people of a say on EU. Hence, if they do not listen is it any wonder that the people will look elsewhere for someone who will?

The EU is perfect example, and it plays a major part in all our lives, the most obvious being immigration and EU open border policy.

Let us examine th LibLabCon position on EU, and note I mean leadership given that many MPs (cross-party) do not share the party position. Carswell is good example of this, and note Carswell clearly represents the majority of his constituents who elected him to be their voice.

LibDem: The most pro-EU party of lot. They even promised a referendum themselves, but once in power have done everything in their power to deprive the people of referendum.

Labour. Milliband has taken Tony Blairs advice, and refuses to give the British people a referendum on UK membership of EU. Note a number of MPs oppose this position, and even a Union has advised Milliband to do a U-turn on his position, which Miliband clearly ignored, and still will not budge.

Conservatives: Cameron promised an EU in/out referendum in 2017 on condition he wins a majority at 2015 GE. Polls show he will not win, and at best all he will be able to do is accomplish is another hung Parliament. Further, note Cameron also made it very clear that he would campaign for UK to remain in EU.

Now we have UKIP. Their position on EU is very clear, and they are the only party with any credible chance of giveng the Briitish people an EU in/out referendum, and campaign for a Brexit.

UKIP winning a majority is improbable, but possible. What UKIP did to force this by-election has thrown a spanner in the works. If they win the by-election by margin polls suggest, it would be classified as political earthquake. In so doinmg we have entered unchartered territory where anything can happen. Hence, reason why the LibLabCon are all in a panic. They cannot even dismiss the possibility of UKIP majority at 2015 GE no matter how unlikely such may seem.

I for one am very interested to see how the next few months to 2015 GE pans out.


The latest GE 2015 poll stands as follow:

YouGov poll has toplines of CON 32%, LAB 36%, LDEM 7%, UKIP 16%


There is by-election on 9 October 2014 that resulted when Carswell MP stood down as MP, and defected to UKIP with polls sugesting that not only will UKIP gain their first MP, but the margin will be big enough to be classified as political earthquake. Should that happe, and polls suggest it will, it will boost UKIPs position greatly with more MP defections to UKIP predicted.

Things have got very interesting here in UK.

Have to go, and sorry for taking so long to update what is happenig.

Have a nice day eveyone.

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