British Teacher Found Guilty in Sudan

Many schools here have stopped performing the nativity at christmas for fear of offending the fucking idiots, yet we are supposed to kow tow to their fucking....fuck it, they anger me beyond fucking words, all they understand is fucking violence, well we are the best in the world at that.

Are you related to Michael Alan Weiner (Michael Savage)? Watch your blood pressure.
Are you related to Michael Alan Weiner (Michael Savage)? Watch your blood pressure.

I am sick to fucking death of these mother fuckers dictating to the rest of the world by locking up middle aged school teachers and beheading western workers on tv.I think it is about time we really went to work on the fucking scum sucking retards just to give the likes of you something to really cry about, you fucking sycophant.
I am sick to fucking death of these mother fuckers dictating to the rest of the world by locking up middle aged school teachers and beheading western workers on tv.I think it is about time we really went to work on the fucking scum sucking retards just to give the likes of you something to really cry about, you fucking sycophant.

He wasn't crying, you are. And really, she was in THEIR country. They are dictating to people in their OWN country what they can do. Do you think that sovreign nations should not have that right?
I am sick to fucking death of these mother fuckers dictating to the rest of the world by locking up middle aged school teachers and beheading western workers on tv.I think it is about time we really went to work on the fucking scum sucking retards just to give the likes of you something to really cry about, you fucking sycophant.

Awww. That was weak. Here. Let me help you improve your rants.
Listen to the Savage one:
He wasn't crying, you are. And really, she was in THEIR country. They are dictating to people in their OWN country what they can do. Do you think that sovreign nations should not have that right?
We bend over backwards to accomodate any fucker that decides they want to screw us for every penny and we forgive them their fucking trespass for they know not what they fucking do then we give them a fucking house, then we give the fuckers money every week and free health care and pass new race laws that protect them and fuck us.Yes, I believe all nations should have the sovereign right to enforce the rule of law, we should fucking try it sometime, we wouldn't have as many fucking terrorists here if we did.
Fuck off.
He wasn't crying, you are. And really, she was in THEIR country. They are dictating to people in their OWN country what they can do. Do you think that sovreign nations should not have that right?

That was an excellent point. Some people just don’t seem to understand that other nations have their own laws, listings of crimes, and means of punishment. I wonder if they recall this incident. If they did, did they demand that Singapore change its procedures?
fucker fucking fucking fucking fuckers fuck fucking fucking

I removed everything from your post except derivatives of the word "fuck". I think it clearly shows you need to calm down. I know, you hate them brown people and anything they do that you disagree with, but just as you don't want them here telling you what to do, they don't want you there telling them what to do.

Unless of course you think they should be here telling you what to do? Or alternatively you could just be a hypocrite.
You and your ilk might like it better living somewhere else methinks.

Relevancy? No. You thinketh wrong. I like America. If fact, I think that America is one of the greatest nations. That does not mean that it can’t be made even better.
I removed everything from your post except derivatives of the word "fuck". I think it clearly shows you need to calm down. I know, you hate them brown people and anything they do that you disagree with, but just as you don't want them here telling you what to do, they don't want you there telling them what to do.

Unless of course you think they should be here telling you what to do? Or alternatively you could just be a hypocrite.

It's not that they are brown you racist fuck, their are plenty white muslims in the world, it is the mindset, the religion, the fucking retarded gullibility of them, your acceptance of them doesn't go unnoticed by the way, oh and I am sure I told you to fuck off?
Relevancy? No. You thinketh wrong. I like America. If fact, I think that America is one of the greatest nations. That does not mean that it can’t be made even better.

And maybe if you introduced sharia law you would live in utopia? you thick fucking bastard.
It's not that they are brown you racist fuck, their are plenty white muslims in the world, it is the mindset, the religion, the fucking retarded gullibility of them,


your acceptance of them doesn't go unnoticed by the way,

You confuse sticking to ones principles and acceptance of something. I despise the KKK with a passion, but yet I support fully their right to march. If only you and your "ilk" could similarly support your convictions when it allowed freedom to people you disagree with.

oh and I am sure I told you to fuck off?

Congratulations. I feel no desire nor need to respect your wishes.

You confuse sticking to ones principles and acceptance of something. I despise the KKK with a passion, but yet I support fully their right to march. If only you and your "ilk" could similarly support your convictions when it allowed freedom to people you disagree with.

Congratulations. I feel no desire nor need to respect your wishes.

I thought you were a fucking fool living in a dreamworld, now I know it for a fact, fuck off again...please.I have no desire to beat up on dafties.
And maybe if you introduced sharia law you would live in utopia? you thick fucking bastard.

Hmmm. No. I don’t particularly care for it but keep it up. Your Non sequiturs are funnier than that of Savage and I thought tht he was bad.
Hmmm. No. I don’t particularly care for it but keep it up. Your Non sequiturs are funnier than that of Savage and I thought tht he was bad.

It is pathetic to support and indeed champion the cause of Islam and then deny it when it concerns you, Judas did a similar thing didn't he?

I used to think you were brighter than the norm, I was wrong, and now I am sad.
Nobody wants to get into this because arguing that calling a teddy bear Mohammed is a crime is pretty fucking stupid to say the least.
It is pathetic to support and indeed champion the cause of Islam and then deny it when it concerns you.

That would depend on your definition of the cause of Islam and the ways in which it is carried out. I am not being inconsistent.

Judas did a similar thing didn't he?

No. According to the Bible, Judas revealed Jesus to the Romans for the sake of a bribe.

I used to think you were brighter than the norm, I was wrong, and now I am sad.

Awww. I think that I am brighter than the norm. Perhaps you are even brighter than those who are brighter than the norm. I’m so sorry to disappoint you.
That would depend on your definition of the cause of Islam and the ways in which it is carried out. I am not being inconsistent.

No. According to the Bible, Judas revealed Jesus to the Romans for the sake of a bribe.

Awww. I think that I am brighter than the norm. Perhaps you are even brighter than those who are brighter than the norm. I’m so sorry to disappoint you.
Forget about it, it's not your fault you are a disappointment, I blame your parents.I do ,accept your backhanded apology though.

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