Brits think Trump's the bad guy but1400 girls get raped by Muslims over 16 years NO PROB!

You want to compare rape statistics, you compare them by economic and social development status, not by religion.

No compare them by proven stats and actual pro rata numbers to see just where the problems lie. Problem with that is it will show an unhealthy number of migrants are committing 95% of all sex crimes in the US and Europe, figures the left don't want making public as it will lead to calls for action against immigrants. I now wait for the usual left wing rubbish showing that of the sex crimes actioned between 1990 and 2009 the majority were white males, forgetting that the leaders were refusing to take action against immigrants during this time.
Nigeria is a Christian country...from Wiki:

Out of a sample of 295 female students from Ebonyi State University Abakaliki in Southeast Nigeria, 36.7% had experienced sexual harassment/victimization at least once on campus. Of this, 32.4% had been raped (10.8% of the sample).[164]

A study comparing the sexual practises of 12- to 19-year-old students with and without mild/moderate intellectual disabilities from schools across Oyo State, Nigeria found that 68.3% of the sexually experienced intellectually disabled females reported a history of rape victimization compared to 2.9% of the sexually experienced non-disabled females.[165]

Now do it for the full country and see what the stats are, and see who is committing the assaults pro rata ?
OP thinks that 1400 rapes is a big deal but Christians molested thousands of people over the past 20 years.

See how thats done, you might ask what does one have to do with the other....and I'd wink and tip my hat to you.
You don't think rapes of 1400 children is a big deal?
What a libtard pig.
Do you really think the rapes of these poor girls are the focus of this thread and the OP's article?
1400 kids were groomed and raped. Where is your condemnation?

More like 500,000 children as young as 11 were groomed and raped by organised gangs of muslim men across the whole of the UK in the name of islam. Remember this they were raped IN THE NAME OF ISLAM to terrorise them and their parents with the full knowledge and cooperation of the ruling political party. There is a strong possibility that some of the girls were murdered and were served as donner kebabs from fast food outlets in other North England towns. The Judges presiding over most of the cases found that racism was also in existence and made a point of showing this.

Rotherham was just one case that was exposed for the corruption and criminality of the neo Marxist leaders. One of which clung to his high paying position for many months until he was told to resign or be sacked.
OP thinks that 1400 rapes is a big deal but Christians molested thousands of people over the past 20 years.

See how thats done, you might ask what does one have to do with the other....and I'd wink and tip my hat to you.

Piss off and read the article before you make any further stupid comments.

The issue here is that the rapes were known and reported by the same men over a 16 year period and everyone turned a blind eye in the political system in one city all for votes and multiculturism.

Oh dear, you mean, just like the Catholics? My goodness gracious
So if someone else does wrong, you cannot condemn this?

Thats the entire OP...NOW you're getting it. OP thinks Trump cant be bad because Muslims are bad.

Why is Trump bad, because he wants to bring a halt to imported terrorism from Islamic nations ?
OP thinks that 1400 rapes is a big deal but Christians molested thousands of people over the past 20 years.

See how thats done, you might ask what does one have to do with the other....and I'd wink and tip my hat to you.

Piss off and read the article before you make any further stupid comments.

The issue here is that the rapes were known and reported by the same men over a 16 year period and everyone turned a blind eye in the political system in one city all for votes and multiculturism.

Oh dear, you mean, just like the Catholics? My goodness gracious

Did the police and the councils and Congressmen/women other politicians go along with the Church's abhorrent abuse of children?

You want to make this about religion. I'm talking politics on a grand scale.

I dont know, is that the only difference you got? Someone had to go along with it for it to go on. So, maybe you can lay out why rapes by Muslims is worse than Molestations by Catholics to drive home your point that 1400 is a super scary number when Muslims are guilty.

Because that happened in one small northern town with a population of 109,000. Imagine the uproar if it had been an organised gang of Catholic priests doing the same thing to the same numbers of girls and boys. Or how about if it was Jews that were being enabled and defended from prosecution
Ok, I'LL address the OP. When Trump is elected, let the Brits ban him from their country. See what happens when they need our help.

They wont, and cant under International laws as he will be covered by diplomatic immunity. So this is all bluff and bluster by the left wing nutjobs like Corbyn and co.
"Brits think Trump's the bad guy but1400 girls get raped by Muslims over 16 years NO PROB!"

The problem is this sort of stupidity and bigotry; the wrongheaded notion that rape is somehow 'unique' to Muslims, or can be 'eliminated' solely by prohibiting Muslim immigration.
"Brits think Trump's the bad guy but1400 girls get raped by Muslims over 16 years NO PROB!"

The problem is this sort of stupidity and bigotry; the wrongheaded notion that rape is somehow 'unique' to Muslims, or can be 'eliminated' solely by prohibiting Muslim immigration.

The problem being that recent evidence from Europe shows that the vast majority or sexual assaults are carried out by muslim immigrants. Facts based on irrefutable evidence is not stupidity or bigotry, claiming they are is the real stupidity and bigotry to cover up the failure of neo Marxist multi-culti exercises
OP thinks that 1400 rapes is a big deal but Christians molested thousands of people over the past 20 years.

See how thats done, you might ask what does one have to do with the other....and I'd wink and tip my hat to you.

Piss off and read the article before you make any further stupid comments.

The issue here is that the rapes were known and reported by the same men over a 16 year period and everyone turned a blind eye in the political system in one city all for votes and multiculturism.

Oh dear, you mean, just like the Catholics? My goodness gracious

Did the police and the councils and Congressmen/women other politicians go along with the Church's abhorrent abuse of children?

You want to make this about religion. I'm talking politics on a grand scale.

I dont know, is that the only difference you got? Someone had to go along with it for it to go on. So, maybe you can lay out why rapes by Muslims is worse than Molestations by Catholics to drive home your point that 1400 is a super scary number when Muslims are guilty.

Because that happened in one small northern town with a population of 109,000. Imagine the uproar if it had been an organised gang of Catholic priests doing the same thing to the same numbers of girls and boys. Or how about if it was Jews that were being enabled and defended from prosecution

Over 16 years?
What stunned me most was the fact that these crimes had been committed during 16 years without proper reaction from the British society. You can blame the Liberal party, the local council, Muslims, and others, but what the common Britons did in order to stop these things? All those rapes, humiliations, intimidations were taking place and no one dared to openly resist them? No one knew about them? 16 years? And it is in the society that is proud of its democratic traditions and justice system.
Piss off and read the article before you make any further stupid comments.

The issue here is that the rapes were known and reported by the same men over a 16 year period and everyone turned a blind eye in the political system in one city all for votes and multiculturism.

Oh dear, you mean, just like the Catholics? My goodness gracious

Did the police and the councils and Congressmen/women other politicians go along with the Church's abhorrent abuse of children?

You want to make this about religion. I'm talking politics on a grand scale.

I dont know, is that the only difference you got? Someone had to go along with it for it to go on. So, maybe you can lay out why rapes by Muslims is worse than Molestations by Catholics to drive home your point that 1400 is a super scary number when Muslims are guilty.

Because that happened in one small northern town with a population of 109,000. Imagine the uproar if it had been an organised gang of Catholic priests doing the same thing to the same numbers of girls and boys. Or how about if it was Jews that were being enabled and defended from prosecution

Over 16 years?

Which is 1,000 innocents groomed and raped a year, not raped once but 3 and 4 times every day of those 16 years. Puts it into perspective when you look at the real numbers of over 48,000 rapes carried out by just one gang of muslim perverts in that 16 year period, and that is just the ones known about. As one girl said in court she was repeatedly raped by 250 men all of which looked Pakistani.
What stunned me most was the fact that these crimes had been committed during 16 years without proper reaction from the British society. You can blame the Liberal party, the local council, Muslims, and others, but what the common Britons did in order to stop these things? All those rapes, humiliations, intimidations were taking place and no one dared to openly resist them? No one knew about them? 16 years? And it is in the society that is proud of its democratic traditions and justice system.

They were threatened with loss of jobs, loss of homes, loss of children taken into care, arrest, prison and being branded racist publicly. The P.M. even threatened to alter the laws so that those speaking out against the grooming and rapes could be arrested and sent to jail without trial. The MSM was silenced on the practise because they would inflame the public to much leading to civil unrest that the then government knew it could never control. Those who knew faced summary arrest for sextion 5 offences and were kept in cells for as long as the police could get away with, the press would refuse to write and report the stories until the BBC documentary was aired that showed the tip of a very large iceberg. Even then the police and authorities did not pass on any details of court cases to the press because they were afraid of the possible repercussions. This is why the British look on the election of a left wing muslim to the position of POTUS to be a kick in the teeth for democracy and decency.
They were threatened with loss of jobs, loss of homes, loss of children taken into care, arrest, prison and being branded racist publicly. The P.M. even threatened to alter the laws so that those speaking out against the grooming and rapes could be arrested and sent to jail without trial. The MSM was silenced on the practise because they would inflame the public to much leading to civil unrest that the then government knew it could never control. Those who knew faced summary arrest for sextion 5 offences and were kept in cells for as long as the police could get away with, the press would refuse to write and report the stories until the BBC documentary was aired that showed the tip of a very large iceberg. Even then the police and authorities did not pass on any details of court cases to the press because they were afraid of the possible repercussions. This is why the British look on the election of a left wing muslim to the position of POTUS to be a kick in the teeth for democracy and decency.

And all of that is because the perpetrators are Muslims?

You know, I recall a sad story connected with James Savile. The crimes against children, rapes. He had been committing the crimes during many years and what was the result? He was punished, disgraced? No, he died being a respectful and rich man. All his crimes became publicly known only after his death. How could it be possible? Who is guilty that all those crimes went unpunished?

This is why the British look on the election of a left wing muslim to the position of POTUS to be a kick in the teeth for democracy and decency.

I don’t understand this statement. What do you mean?
They were threatened with loss of jobs, loss of homes, loss of children taken into care, arrest, prison and being branded racist publicly. The P.M. even threatened to alter the laws so that those speaking out against the grooming and rapes could be arrested and sent to jail without trial. The MSM was silenced on the practise because they would inflame the public to much leading to civil unrest that the then government knew it could never control. Those who knew faced summary arrest for sextion 5 offences and were kept in cells for as long as the police could get away with, the press would refuse to write and report the stories until the BBC documentary was aired that showed the tip of a very large iceberg. Even then the police and authorities did not pass on any details of court cases to the press because they were afraid of the possible repercussions. This is why the British look on the election of a left wing muslim to the position of POTUS to be a kick in the teeth for democracy and decency.

And all of that is because the perpetrators are Muslims?

You know, I recall a sad story connected with James Savile. The crimes against children, rapes. He had been committing the crimes during many years and what was the result? He was punished, disgraced? No, he died being a respectful and rich man. All his crimes became publicly known only after his death. How could it be possible? Who is guilty that all those crimes went unpunished?

This is why the British look on the election of a left wing muslim to the position of POTUS to be a kick in the teeth for democracy and decency.

I don’t understand this statement. What do you mean?

Jimmy Saville was protected by the BBC and many charities because he was such a big money spinner. The girls he abused all reported his crimes and they were ignored because of his conections.

Think about who is sitting for his second term of President, and what he represents
Jimmy Saville was protected by the BBC and many charities because he was such a big money spinner. The girls he abused all reported his crimes and they were ignored because of his conections.

Exactly! And in both cases (with Saville and with Muslims) all those who should have taken some actions turned a blind eye to these crimes. The reasons of it were different, but the result is the same – crimes against children lasted for many years. But except of those perpetrators who committed crimes, there are other perpetrators who made it possible for those crimes to last so long – police officers, local officials who were to act in order to stop crimes but did nothing thereby encouraging the bastards to commit more crimes. Will those officials be punished? (and I don’t mean merely a resignation). Something tells me they won’t and the British society is unable to punish them. As a result of that, similar crimes will take place in the future. You can blame Muslims for that, of course, but is a dog guilty for biting people if he is “allowed” to do so?

Think about who is sitting for his second term of President, and what he represents

There is a man who is hated by some people in his country and is considered as a traitor by them. What he represents? He represents the Democratic Party. Unfortunately I can’t give more proper answer.
Jimmy Saville was protected by the BBC and many charities because he was such a big money spinner. The girls he abused all reported his crimes and they were ignored because of his conections.

Exactly! And in both cases (with Saville and with Muslims) all those who should have taken some actions turned a blind eye to these crimes. The reasons of it were different, but the result is the same – crimes against children lasted for many years. But except of those perpetrators who committed crimes, there are other perpetrators who made it possible for those crimes to last so long – police officers, local officials who were to act in order to stop crimes but did nothing thereby encouraging the bastards to commit more crimes. Will those officials be punished? (and I don’t mean merely a resignation). Something tells me they won’t and the British society is unable to punish them. As a result of that, similar crimes will take place in the future. You can blame Muslims for that, of course, but is a dog guilty for biting people if he is “allowed” to do so?

Think about who is sitting for his second term of President, and what he represents

There is a man who is hated by some people in his country and is considered as a traitor by them. What he represents? He represents the Democratic Party. Unfortunately I can’t give more proper answer.

The bottom line was the Labour party enabled and defended the muslim rapists for a hand full of votes so they could keep in power. They tried unsuccessfully to hide the rapes from the public as they knew it would lead to problems at a later date, and when the bubble burst they ran for cover. The blame was laid at the feet of lesser people in an attempt at damage limitation, but far too many people still remember how they treated the populace who spoke out. Now we are taking action against child abusers in high places and they are running scared.
The bottom line was the Labour party enabled and defended the muslim rapists for a hand full of votes so they could keep in power. They tried unsuccessfully to hide the rapes from the public as they knew it would lead to problems at a later date, and when the bubble burst they ran for cover. The blame was laid at the feet of lesser people in an attempt at damage limitation, but far too many people still remember how they treated the populace who spoke out. Now we are taking action against child abusers in high places and they are running scared.

Do I understand it correctly, that in Britain those people that have a power can interfere in work of police in order to hide some crimes? And police can do nothing about it?

Now we are taking action against child abusers in high places and they are running scared.

How many people were arrested in the wake of the scandal related to Saville?
What a fucking stupid OP.

According to United States Department of Justice document Criminal Victimization in the United States, there were overall 173,610 victims of rape or sexual assault in 2013.

That's one fucking year. 70+% of the U.S. self describe as Christian. Just stop with this idiocy!!!!

Did you read of these rape rings?

This is something new and different introduced to the UK by Muslim immigration and Political Correctness.

Seriously. YOu are knee jerking and not listening at all.
You don't think rapes of 1400 children is a big deal?
What a libtard pig.
Do you really think the rapes of these poor girls are the focus of this thread and the OP's article?
1400 kids were groomed and raped. Where is your condemnation?
I hope thise girls get justice and the rapists are castrated. The OP and the writer of the article don't care about that though. They are hellbent on demonizing Muslims by any means necessary. And I'm the first to admit Islam is stupid and there are evil aspects to it, but not as evil as the hatred the OP and article author are trying to spread.

I'm not demonizing Muslims. I'm only pointing out that politicians and the law enforcement did nothing because of their PC/Multiculturism/and voting block in the town.

They are linked.
No, that there's a massive PC coverup is the opinion of the clearly anti-Muslim author of the article. She wrote itnto convince people like you that they should hate a group of people.

Fact: 1400 women were raped

Opinion: rabid Muslims are the only people who rape women, and the government is helping them do it

No, the massive cover up is documented fact. Several police and political leaders have admitted it and resigned in disgrace.

NO one is saying that only muslims rape. That is YOUR LIE.

The government, due to Political Correctness, allowed this ring, and many others to form and grow and operate for years.

Also, repeatedly documented by government after the fact investigations.

Which I have repeatedly linked and posted to on this site.
The bottom line was the Labour party enabled and defended the muslim rapists for a hand full of votes so they could keep in power. They tried unsuccessfully to hide the rapes from the public as they knew it would lead to problems at a later date, and when the bubble burst they ran for cover. The blame was laid at the feet of lesser people in an attempt at damage limitation, but far too many people still remember how they treated the populace who spoke out. Now we are taking action against child abusers in high places and they are running scared.

Do I understand it correctly, that in Britain those people that have a power can interfere in work of police in order to hide some crimes? And police can do nothing about it?

Now we are taking action against child abusers in high places and they are running scared.

How many people were arrested in the wake of the scandal related to Saville?

Yes as the police are subservient to the politicians, and rely on them for their jobs.

About 5 that were involved in child abuse, no law against telling people to ignore what happened you see.

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