Brits think Trump's the bad guy but1400 girls get raped by Muslims over 16 years NO PROB!

Jimmy Saville was protected by the BBC and many charities because he was such a big money spinner. The girls he abused all reported his crimes and they were ignored because of his conections.

Exactly! And in both cases (with Saville and with Muslims) all those who should have taken some actions turned a blind eye to these crimes. The reasons of it were different, but the result is the same – crimes against children lasted for many years. But except of those perpetrators who committed crimes, there are other perpetrators who made it possible for those crimes to last so long – police officers, local officials who were to act in order to stop crimes but did nothing thereby encouraging the bastards to commit more crimes. Will those officials be punished? (and I don’t mean merely a resignation). Something tells me they won’t and the British society is unable to punish them. As a result of that, similar crimes will take place in the future. You can blame Muslims for that, of course, but is a dog guilty for biting people if he is “allowed” to do so?

Think about who is sitting for his second term of President, and what he represents

There is a man who is hated by some people in his country and is considered as a traitor by them. What he represents? He represents the Democratic Party. Unfortunately I can’t give more proper answer.

For democrat read Islamic neo Marxist dictator subservient to Saudi because he is ABD
Yes as the police are subservient to the politicians, and rely on them for their jobs.

The power is above the law? Then what is the difference between your political system and that one which existed in the USSR for example?
Yes as the police are subservient to the politicians, and rely on them for their jobs.

The power is above the law? Then what is the difference between your political system and that one which existed in the USSR for example?

We have the right to elect which group of dictators rules for the next 5 years. But in a society where the government pays the law keepers and elects the leaders of the law keepers you can expect some form of hand shaking to take place. It is just the same in the US where the CIA/FBI/homeland security are subservient to the elected government and dance to their tune.

A good case in question is when your FBI/CIA ran a sting operation that caught British politicians buying child porn using their official credit cards. One of these was a front bench cabinet member who later became Prime Minister, and as a result we were easily forced into declaring war on Iraq alongside the US in 1990. For the record he and the others caught were predominantly left wing neo Marxists who seem to have a liking for young boys and girls.
We have the right to elect which group of dictators rules for the next 5 years. But in a society where the government pays the law keepers and elects the leaders of the law keepers you can expect some form of hand shaking to take place. It is just the same in the US where the CIA/FBI/homeland security are subservient to the elected government and dance to their tune.

A good case in question is when your FBI/CIA ran a sting operation that caught British politicians buying child porn using their official credit cards. One of these was a front bench cabinet member who later became Prime Minister, and as a result we were easily forced into declaring war on Iraq alongside the US in 1990. For the record he and the others caught were predominantly left wing neo Marxists who seem to have a liking for young boys and girls.

You were wrong when you wrote “your FBA/CIA”, because I have nothing to do neither with FBA nor with CIA nor with the US as a whole. I live in East European country people of which are divided into ‘westerners’ and ‘Russophiles’. The former are arguing that the country should integrate into European society because this society has some advantages and the rule of law is one of the core advantages. Unfortunately this seems to be nonsense.
We have the right to elect which group of dictators rules for the next 5 years. But in a society where the government pays the law keepers and elects the leaders of the law keepers you can expect some form of hand shaking to take place. It is just the same in the US where the CIA/FBI/homeland security are subservient to the elected government and dance to their tune.

A good case in question is when your FBI/CIA ran a sting operation that caught British politicians buying child porn using their official credit cards. One of these was a front bench cabinet member who later became Prime Minister, and as a result we were easily forced into declaring war on Iraq alongside the US in 1990. For the record he and the others caught were predominantly left wing neo Marxists who seem to have a liking for young boys and girls.

You were wrong when you wrote “your FBA/CIA”, because I have nothing to do neither with FBA nor with CIA nor with the US as a whole. I live in East European country people of which are divided into ‘westerners’ and ‘Russophiles’. The former are arguing that the country should integrate into European society because this society has some advantages and the rule of law is one of the core advantages. Unfortunately this seems to be nonsense.

Sorry about that so used to replying to Americans on this board. In the UK we have a very dim view of Eastern Europeans after the way they have invaded the UK and went on a lawless rampage, having said that I know many Poles and Hungarians who I would trust implicitly. Having said that they are usually immigrants from the 1960's or the offspring of such immigrants.
We in the UK have a problem that is the exact opposite and we are looking to coming out of the EU because of its interference in border controls and national laws, when a Romanian rapist gets more human rights that his victims under EU law then there is something wrong
Sorry about that so used to replying to Americans on this board. In the UK we have a very dim view of Eastern Europeans after the way they have invaded the UK and went on a lawless rampage, having said that I know many Poles and Hungarians who I would trust implicitly. Having said that they are usually immigrants from the 1960's or the offspring of such immigrants.
We in the UK have a problem that is the exact opposite and we are looking to coming out of the EU because of its interference in border controls and national laws, when a Romanian rapist gets more human rights that his victims under EU law then there is something wrong

Actually, you have another problem concerning the immigrants – you can’t replace them without damage to your economy. They work in fields the British don’t want to work and what is more important – the British as well as other West European nations are getting more and more old and there are not enough British children to replace them. I think that in order to resolve the immigrant issue you first need to resolve the issue with the birth rate. How many women in the UK are ready to follow the principle of three “K” - Kinder, Küche, Kirche?
Sorry about that so used to replying to Americans on this board. In the UK we have a very dim view of Eastern Europeans after the way they have invaded the UK and went on a lawless rampage, having said that I know many Poles and Hungarians who I would trust implicitly. Having said that they are usually immigrants from the 1960's or the offspring of such immigrants.
We in the UK have a problem that is the exact opposite and we are looking to coming out of the EU because of its interference in border controls and national laws, when a Romanian rapist gets more human rights that his victims under EU law then there is something wrong

Actually, you have another problem concerning the immigrants – you can’t replace them without damage to your economy. They work in fields the British don’t want to work and what is more important – the British as well as other West European nations are getting more and more old and there are not enough British children to replace them. I think that in order to resolve the immigrant issue you first need to resolve the issue with the birth rate. How many women in the UK are ready to follow the principle of three “K” - Kinder, Küche, Kirche?


They try that lie over here. It's bullshit.

What's your unemployment rate? Among native Brits? Among immigrants?
Sorry about that so used to replying to Americans on this board. In the UK we have a very dim view of Eastern Europeans after the way they have invaded the UK and went on a lawless rampage, having said that I know many Poles and Hungarians who I would trust implicitly. Having said that they are usually immigrants from the 1960's or the offspring of such immigrants.
We in the UK have a problem that is the exact opposite and we are looking to coming out of the EU because of its interference in border controls and national laws, when a Romanian rapist gets more human rights that his victims under EU law then there is something wrong

Actually, you have another problem concerning the immigrants – you can’t replace them without damage to your economy. They work in fields the British don’t want to work and what is more important – the British as well as other West European nations are getting more and more old and there are not enough British children to replace them. I think that in order to resolve the immigrant issue you first need to resolve the issue with the birth rate. How many women in the UK are ready to follow the principle of three “K” - Kinder, Küche, Kirche?

We don't need to replace them at all as once the welfare is cut the indigenous will get of their backsides and work the fields. Not that long ago we had reports of how migrants from all lands are a net loss to the UK and that we are importing those too old to work and having to keep them. This means that their is a shortfall in the amount of money in the coffers to pay their welfare, while also paying those who have worked all their lives. Once we cut our population and remove the greedy migrants we will be self sufficient and proof that the neo Marxist plan was based on false information. We don't need to breed slaves we need to employ workers, and any that don't want to work must face the possibility they will suffer harsh conditions and deprivation. Another reason why we should be out of the EU and standing alone, so we are not forced into giving the workshy everything while the workers get nothing.
Sorry about that so used to replying to Americans on this board. In the UK we have a very dim view of Eastern Europeans after the way they have invaded the UK and went on a lawless rampage, having said that I know many Poles and Hungarians who I would trust implicitly. Having said that they are usually immigrants from the 1960's or the offspring of such immigrants.
We in the UK have a problem that is the exact opposite and we are looking to coming out of the EU because of its interference in border controls and national laws, when a Romanian rapist gets more human rights that his victims under EU law then there is something wrong

Actually, you have another problem concerning the immigrants – you can’t replace them without damage to your economy. They work in fields the British don’t want to work and what is more important – the British as well as other West European nations are getting more and more old and there are not enough British children to replace them. I think that in order to resolve the immigrant issue you first need to resolve the issue with the birth rate. How many women in the UK are ready to follow the principle of three “K” - Kinder, Küche, Kirche?


They try that lie over here. It's bullshit.

What's your unemployment rate? Among native Brits? Among immigrants?

Here you go

Across the board it is 5% of the indigenous compared to 13% for the blacks, 9% for Asian and 10% for others.

So remove the immigrants and the welfare bill's come right down. And don't forget that Obama tried the same model for the US and cost you your AAA rating and $17,000,000,000 in the first year.

They try that lie over here. It's bullshit.

What exactly is bullshit? That thousands Poles along with other immigrants work for the British economy?

What's your unemployment rate?

In my country an official unemployment rate says nothing about the real figures. I think the rate is very high.

Among native Brits? Among immigrants?

I don’t know.

Thousands might, but at the same time many more don't work and just take welfare they are not entitled to. All because the EU says that they can.

And I bet it is still high

Answer given
Sorry about that so used to replying to Americans on this board. In the UK we have a very dim view of Eastern Europeans after the way they have invaded the UK and went on a lawless rampage, having said that I know many Poles and Hungarians who I would trust implicitly. Having said that they are usually immigrants from the 1960's or the offspring of such immigrants.
We in the UK have a problem that is the exact opposite and we are looking to coming out of the EU because of its interference in border controls and national laws, when a Romanian rapist gets more human rights that his victims under EU law then there is something wrong

Actually, you have another problem concerning the immigrants – you can’t replace them without damage to your economy. They work in fields the British don’t want to work and what is more important – the British as well as other West European nations are getting more and more old and there are not enough British children to replace them. I think that in order to resolve the immigrant issue you first need to resolve the issue with the birth rate. How many women in the UK are ready to follow the principle of three “K” - Kinder, Küche, Kirche?

We don't need to replace them at all as once the welfare is cut the indigenous will get of their backsides and work the fields. Not that long ago we had reports of how migrants from all lands are a net loss to the UK and that we are importing those too old to work and having to keep them. This means that their is a shortfall in the amount of money in the coffers to pay their welfare, while also paying those who have worked all their lives. Once we cut our population and remove the greedy migrants we will be self sufficient and proof that the neo Marxist plan was based on false information. We don't need to breed slaves we need to employ workers, and any that don't want to work must face the possibility they will suffer harsh conditions and deprivation. Another reason why we should be out of the EU and standing alone, so we are not forced into giving the workshy everything while the workers get nothing.

I have no doubt that you need to change your welfare system, but I don’t understand how cutting your population will make you self-sufficient. You think the white Britons will be happy to take the place of the migrants in such professions as a builder, cleaner, orderly, and others? And what would you do if they would refuse to work at such jobs? Besides, something tells me that the salaries in ‘immigrant’ fields are a little bit lower than those of the white Britons.

Moreover, this doesn’t resolve the birth issue in the UK. The share of young and economically active white Britons is decreasing. How to resolve this?

You posted above that the unemployment rate among the Asians is 9%. It means that 91% of economically active people are working, doesn’t it? I think it is not so bad. I bet a significant part of them are Muslims.
Sorry about that so used to replying to Americans on this board. In the UK we have a very dim view of Eastern Europeans after the way they have invaded the UK and went on a lawless rampage, having said that I know many Poles and Hungarians who I would trust implicitly. Having said that they are usually immigrants from the 1960's or the offspring of such immigrants.
We in the UK have a problem that is the exact opposite and we are looking to coming out of the EU because of its interference in border controls and national laws, when a Romanian rapist gets more human rights that his victims under EU law then there is something wrong

Actually, you have another problem concerning the immigrants – you can’t replace them without damage to your economy. They work in fields the British don’t want to work and what is more important – the British as well as other West European nations are getting more and more old and there are not enough British children to replace them. I think that in order to resolve the immigrant issue you first need to resolve the issue with the birth rate. How many women in the UK are ready to follow the principle of three “K” - Kinder, Küche, Kirche?

We don't need to replace them at all as once the welfare is cut the indigenous will get of their backsides and work the fields. Not that long ago we had reports of how migrants from all lands are a net loss to the UK and that we are importing those too old to work and having to keep them. This means that their is a shortfall in the amount of money in the coffers to pay their welfare, while also paying those who have worked all their lives. Once we cut our population and remove the greedy migrants we will be self sufficient and proof that the neo Marxist plan was based on false information. We don't need to breed slaves we need to employ workers, and any that don't want to work must face the possibility they will suffer harsh conditions and deprivation. Another reason why we should be out of the EU and standing alone, so we are not forced into giving the workshy everything while the workers get nothing.

I have no doubt that you need to change your welfare system, but I don’t understand how cutting your population will make you self-sufficient. You think the white Britons will be happy to take the place of the migrants in such professions as a builder, cleaner, orderly, and others? And what would you do if they would refuse to work at such jobs? Besides, something tells me that the salaries in ‘immigrant’ fields are a little bit lower than those of the white Britons.

Moreover, this doesn’t resolve the birth issue in the UK. The share of young and economically active white Britons is decreasing. How to resolve this?

You posted above that the unemployment rate among the Asians is 9%. It means that 91% of economically active people are working, doesn’t it? I think it is not so bad. I bet a significant part of them are Muslims.

Many builders are fully employed putting right shoddy work done by Eastern Europeans that don't work to the laws. Now only a complete idiot would employ a builder who is from Europe. Most cleaners are already white British as the job ties in with their family life, same with orderlies who have to show a complete understanding of the English language in order to get the job. They would either take the job or starve as they would be getting no welfare.
The salaries are lower because the immigrants don't understand the law, so are easily fooled by their own people who act as gang bosses. Many charge them for transportation, housing, deductions etc. and pay them much less than the minimum wage. They cram them into derelict housing as many as 8 to a room with no heating or running water. The employers are still paying the minimum wage to the gang bosses and getting receipts so they can claim tax deductions.

Why would we need to resolve the birth issue as the population is living longer and so we have more people alive at any given time. We are 10% over our lands ability to maintain adequate food and living space. So we need to cut our population drastically.

I read that amongst muslims the economically active rate was as high as 97% while that of the indigenous was at 75%. This is all those who do not generate income like children, elderly, infirm and disabled. At the same time the unemployment rates for muslims were at 68% unemployed for those of working age. This because females were not allowed to leave the family home and the males refused to do certain jobs on religious grounds.
When you bring in a culture that adores rape and stoning and anti women in general you will get this.

What kills me is that women didn't get the flag of Germaine Greer being banned. US chicks you are fucking assholes.
Many builders are fully employed putting right shoddy work done by Eastern Europeans that don't work to the laws. Now only a complete idiot would employ a builder who is from Europe. Most cleaners are already white British as the job ties in with their family life, same with orderlies who have to show a complete understanding of the English language in order to get the job. They would either take the job or starve as they would be getting no welfare.
The salaries are lower because the immigrants don't understand the law, so are easily fooled by their own people who act as gang bosses. Many charge them for transportation, housing, deductions etc. and pay them much less than the minimum wage. They cram them into derelict housing as many as 8 to a room with no heating or running water. The employers are still paying the minimum wage to the gang bosses and getting receipts so they can claim tax deductions.

Why would we need to resolve the birth issue as the population is living longer and so we have more people alive at any given time. We are 10% over our lands ability to maintain adequate food and living space. So we need to cut our population drastically.

I read that amongst muslims the economically active rate was as high as 97% while that of the indigenous was at 75%. This is all those who do not generate income like children, elderly, infirm and disabled. At the same time the unemployment rates for muslims were at 68% unemployed for those of working age. This because females were not allowed to leave the family home and the males refused to do certain jobs on religious grounds.

Do I understand you correctly that all migrants will have to leave the UK? Not taking into account their religion, ethnicity? And what will be if some of them refuse to do so? Deportation, including those who have already received the British citizenship?

They try that lie over here. It's bullshit.

What exactly is bullshit? That thousands Poles along with other immigrants work for the British economy?

What's your unemployment rate?

In my country an official unemployment rate says nothing about the real figures. I think the rate is very high.

Among native Brits? Among immigrants?

I don’t know.
The libturds and its application of welfare encouraged unemployment and work shy attitudes. If welfare was handled more astutely, Brits wouldn't have begun to get fussy or lazy - it was all part of the plan so libturds could then say the indigenous folks are lazy, 'we NEED more immigrants.
Many builders are fully employed putting right shoddy work done by Eastern Europeans that don't work to the laws. Now only a complete idiot would employ a builder who is from Europe. Most cleaners are already white British as the job ties in with their family life, same with orderlies who have to show a complete understanding of the English language in order to get the job. They would either take the job or starve as they would be getting no welfare.
The salaries are lower because the immigrants don't understand the law, so are easily fooled by their own people who act as gang bosses. Many charge them for transportation, housing, deductions etc. and pay them much less than the minimum wage. They cram them into derelict housing as many as 8 to a room with no heating or running water. The employers are still paying the minimum wage to the gang bosses and getting receipts so they can claim tax deductions.

Why would we need to resolve the birth issue as the population is living longer and so we have more people alive at any given time. We are 10% over our lands ability to maintain adequate food and living space. So we need to cut our population drastically.

I read that amongst muslims the economically active rate was as high as 97% while that of the indigenous was at 75%. This is all those who do not generate income like children, elderly, infirm and disabled. At the same time the unemployment rates for muslims were at 68% unemployed for those of working age. This because females were not allowed to leave the family home and the males refused to do certain jobs on religious grounds.

Do I understand you correctly that all migrants will have to leave the UK? Not taking into account their religion, ethnicity? And what will be if some of them refuse to do so? Deportation, including those who have already received the British citizenship?

Not all migrants no, just the ones that see the UK as a free bank. Time to stop all welfare to migrants until they have lived here for 5 years and paid their taxes in this time, that is paid for health care, education, translators and held a job paying £50,000 that cant be done by a British citizen. Any infringement of the law to have a fine not less than £250,000 and instant deportation. Most migrants to the UK have passports from another country so they are here to milk the system, so they either give up their citizenship or get out. If they don't leave willingly then yes deportation if they cant reach the criteria for being allowed to stay.
Not all migrants no, just the ones that see the UK as a free bank. Time to stop all welfare to migrants until they have lived here for 5 years and paid their taxes in this time, that is paid for health care, education, translators and held a job paying £50,000 that cant be done by a British citizen. Any infringement of the law to have a fine not less than £250,000 and instant deportation. Most migrants to the UK have passports from another country so they are here to milk the system, so they either give up their citizenship or get out. If they don't leave willingly then yes deportation if they cant reach the criteria for being allowed to stay.

Well, theoretically it sounds smooth. Your desire to limit the welfare to immigrants is understandable. But, frankly, I think these measures can reduce the inflow of new immigrants in the future but it is unlikely that the immigrants who have been living in the UK for some time will leave the country (at least in mass numbers), because they are acutely aware that the conditions of life in their homeland is still worse than in Britain even without welfare, so they will look for opportunities to stay in your country.

In other words, Europe (including the UK) needs tougher measures towards migrants and in the first turn towards those who have come from a different cultural environment. It remains to be seen whether the Europeans will have the courage to implement the measures in practice.
Not all migrants no, just the ones that see the UK as a free bank. Time to stop all welfare to migrants until they have lived here for 5 years and paid their taxes in this time, that is paid for health care, education, translators and held a job paying £50,000 that cant be done by a British citizen. Any infringement of the law to have a fine not less than £250,000 and instant deportation. Most migrants to the UK have passports from another country so they are here to milk the system, so they either give up their citizenship or get out. If they don't leave willingly then yes deportation if they cant reach the criteria for being allowed to stay.

Well, theoretically it sounds smooth. Your desire to limit the welfare to immigrants is understandable. But, frankly, I think these measures can reduce the inflow of new immigrants in the future but it is unlikely that the immigrants who have been living in the UK for some time will leave the country (at least in mass numbers), because they are acutely aware that the conditions of life in their homeland is still worse than in Britain even without welfare, so they will look for opportunities to stay in your country.

In other words, Europe (including the UK) needs tougher measures towards migrants and in the first turn towards those who have come from a different cultural environment. It remains to be seen whether the Europeans will have the courage to implement the measures in practice.

Simple answer is to enact the laws in place and any migrant that commits a crime loses their citizenship, and have to move out of the country.

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