Brits told no uniforms off base

Britain was tomfool enough to let these types stream in from all over the world, packing their country with black and brown Muslims who want to violently take over their whole society.

Why this seemed like a GOOD idea I cannot imagine.

The percentage of Muslims in the UK is 4.6% of the population. They are hardly "packing the country" or in any position to "violently take over their whole society." Ever heard of hyperbole? I lived in Austria for 4 years. Austria has one of the highest percentages in Europe of Muslims, most of whom are Turkish. I had no sense that Muslims were taking over Austria. No sense of that at all, and certainly they are not a violent people. Also, many Muslims are neither black nor brown. They look like other people from the Mediterranean area, somewhat olive complexioned with brown eyes and brown hair. You should read THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOM X. He realized Muslims come in all colors and races, including blue eyed blonds. But, then you probably wouldn't read it because you like being ignorant.

Percentage of Muslims in the population:

France: 7.5
Belgium 6.0
Austria 5.7
Netherlands 5.5
Germany 5.0
Sweden 4.9
UK 4.6
Denmark 4.1
Canada 2.8
Italy 2.6
Spain 2.3
Australia 1.9
China 1.8
US: 0.8
Finland 0.8
Portugal 0.6

Islam by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As far as an earlier comment that China is not letting Muslims take over their country: China has more Muslims in their population than does the US.

These numbers, given that the highest is less than 10%, indicate quite clearly that there is no "Muslim invasion," that Muslims are not taking over any other countries. They are small minorities in every Western country where they exist.
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It's a non-story. There is no ban on wearing military uniform in public. The prime minister rescinded any orders to that effect yesterday morning.

Cameron slaps down Ministry of Defence and ends ban on uniforms in public places after Woolwich soldier killing

David Cameron yesterday tore up an order banning troops from wearing their uniforms in public that was issued in the wake of the Woolwich attack.

He is understood to have told Defence Secretary Philip Hammond he was ‘seriously dismayed’ at official guidance given to personnel in London following the murder.

As the row raged in Whitehall, troops and their families posted pictures of themselves in full uniform online, in defiance of the ruling from the Ministry of Defence.

Insisting that the ban be rescinded, Mr Cameron told a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee in Whitehall: ‘The best way to defeat terrorism is for everyone – including our brave service personnel – to go about their lives as normal.’

The dressing down was a blow for Mr Hammond, who is understood to have agreed that the uniform ban should be implemented.

Ban on soldiers wearing uniforms in public lifted after concern it sent message that terrorists were winning | Mail Online
I had no sense that Muslims were taking over Austria. No sense of that at all, and certainly they are not a violent people.

Esmeralda?? OF COURSE Muslims are violent: if they weren't violent, we wouldn't be having this discussion!

These numbers, given that the highest is less than 10%, indicate quite clearly that there is no "Muslim invasion," that Muslims are not taking over any other countries. They are small minorities in every Western country where they exist.

So, are the numbers staying stable or declining? Or............................could it be they are increasing as Muslims stream in from everywhere they can constantly and have high birth rates as soon as they get there? Yep, the percentages are constantly increasing.

Wait five years and see the percentage go up and up and up and up. And more and more violence as they try to take over and turn the society Muslim.

They've been doing this since the 7th century!! And have taken over much of the known world since then. It's not as if we don't know the process they use. Packing the place, violence, then overthrow and takeover. It's going on everywhere in Africa and Asia and Europe before your very eyes: look at the Stockholm riots this week. Look at Mali going down now; look at the bombings in Thailand as the Buddhists are now being attacked.

It's fight this or be replaced, one or the other.
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what a disgrace. they can't wear uniforms off base. in their own country. what's next white flags???

"Defence sources said the order had been given that uniform should not be worn by those travelling alone, or on public transport as a “common sense precaution” immediately after the killing

A source stressed the order was temporary while investigations into the killing carried on and the decision would be reviewed in the next few days…

“Personally, I would argue against it,” [Col Richard Kemp] told the Today programme. “As we saw in this case you don’t need to have somebody in uniform, you just need to have someone who knows a bit about soldiers and does a bit of observation in the vicinity of a barracks and you can identify a soldier very quickly…

The Ministry of Defence has already announced it is increasing security at all barracks in London."


First of all: thank you so very much for your service during such an ugly time in our history. I think the one memory that stands out most for me was a picture/story in the news of a ship in port at SF with returning Marines debarking. The first man to set foot back on American soil was shot to death by a disgruntled citizen waiting in the crowd.

I remember when US military personnel wore their uniforms in traveling on leave or passes and walked our streets proudly. They were respected and appreciated back in those days. We were a much better country then. My son, on the other hand, always wore civvies when traveling and when my grandson and his buddies recently left for Korea they were in their civvies. It's a shame.

I think it's true that Brits some time ago were demanding a gun-free society and it's police were disarmed - not sure about total disarming of citizens - they do like their hunts. I think if I had been in the crowd that actually saw this attack, I would have been so frozen in horror that I wouldn't have been able to make a move even if I had been armed to the teeth.

Again, thank you for your service.

thank you. ill CC this to bodecea as well. that's a shame about the Marine being shot. I assume this was during the nam war??? I was in the USN. regs required back then you wore the uniform when leaving or going back on Board. except for officers. once off base, you could do the superman act and change in a phone booth. I don't think were allowed to leave the base in civies. but show the marine guard your ID. who was armed and dangerous BTY. as a rule i flew home on leave in civies. but on the flight back i wore the uniform. those phone booths were a pain in the ass.
the only time i remember it was mandatory was if you were packin' a set of orders. airlines were required to bump civilians for military personnel.
...overseas when visiting foreign ports of call you were required to wear it. you were a rep for the US Gov. the only exception I remember was the Navy/Marine base at Subic bay in the Philippines. we did see guys going in town wearing civies. we always wore the uniform even there.


that's the bridge going into town (Subic). across what we called shit river. there's a lot of those regs i don't recall.
what a disgrace. they can't wear uniforms off base. in their own country. what's next white flags???

"Defence sources said the order had been given that uniform should not be worn by those travelling alone, or on public transport as a “common sense precaution” immediately after the killing

A source stressed the order was temporary while investigations into the killing carried on and the decision would be reviewed in the next few days…

“Personally, I would argue against it,” [Col Richard Kemp] told the Today programme. “As we saw in this case you don’t need to have somebody in uniform, you just need to have someone who knows a bit about soldiers and does a bit of observation in the vicinity of a barracks and you can identify a soldier very quickly…

The Ministry of Defence has already announced it is increasing security at all barracks in London."


If you are a Namvet, then you remember when we were told the same thing in the mid to late 70s.

yeah. I served active 66-70
It's a non-story. There is no ban on wearing military uniform in public. The prime minister rescinded any orders to that effect yesterday morning.

Cameron slaps down Ministry of Defence and ends ban on uniforms in public places after Woolwich soldier killing

David Cameron yesterday tore up an order banning troops from wearing their uniforms in public that was issued in the wake of the Woolwich attack.

He is understood to have told Defence Secretary Philip Hammond he was ‘seriously dismayed’ at official guidance given to personnel in London following the murder.

As the row raged in Whitehall, troops and their families posted pictures of themselves in full uniform online, in defiance of the ruling from the Ministry of Defence.

Insisting that the ban be rescinded, Mr Cameron told a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee in Whitehall: ‘The best way to defeat terrorism is for everyone – including our brave service personnel – to go about their lives as normal.’

The dressing down was a blow for Mr Hammond, who is understood to have agreed that the uniform ban should be implemented.

Ban on soldiers wearing uniforms in public lifted after concern it sent message that terrorists were winning | Mail Online
LOL, poor Mr. Hammond.
I had no sense that Muslims were taking over Austria. No sense of that at all, and certainly they are not a violent people.

Esmeralda?? OF COURSE Muslims are violent: if they weren't violent, we wouldn't be having this discussion!

These numbers, given that the highest is less than 10%, indicate quite clearly that there is no "Muslim invasion," that Muslims are not taking over any other countries. They are small minorities in every Western country where they exist.

So, are the numbers staying stable or declining? Or............................could it be they are increasing as Muslims stream in from everywhere they can constantly and have high birth rates as soon as they get their? Yep, the percentages are constantly increasing.

Wait five years and see the percentage go up and up and up and up. And more and more violence as they try to take over and turn the society Muslim.

They've been doing this since the 7th century!! And have taken over much of the known world since then. It's not as if we don't know the process they use. Packing the place, violence, then overthrow and takeover. It's going on everywhere in Africa and Asia and Europe before your very eyes: look at the Stockholm riots this week. Look at Mali going down now; look at the bombings in Thailand as the Buddhists are now being attacked.

It's fight this or be replaced, one or the other.

They've been doing it sense the 7th century. My God they are slow, slower than turtles. Five hundred years and still only 23% of the entire world population. Seriously, you are not well informed....and I'm being very nice in saying it that way. :eusa_angel:
It's a non-story. There is no ban on wearing military uniform in public. The prime minister rescinded any orders to that effect yesterday morning.

Cameron slaps down Ministry of Defence and ends ban on uniforms in public places after Woolwich soldier killing

David Cameron yesterday tore up an order banning troops from wearing their uniforms in public that was issued in the wake of the Woolwich attack.

He is understood to have told Defence Secretary Philip Hammond he was ‘seriously dismayed’ at official guidance given to personnel in London following the murder.

As the row raged in Whitehall, troops and their families posted pictures of themselves in full uniform online, in defiance of the ruling from the Ministry of Defence.

Insisting that the ban be rescinded, Mr Cameron told a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee in Whitehall: ‘The best way to defeat terrorism is for everyone – including our brave service personnel – to go about their lives as normal.’

The dressing down was a blow for Mr Hammond, who is understood to have agreed that the uniform ban should be implemented.

Ban on soldiers wearing uniforms in public lifted after concern it sent message that terrorists were winning | Mail Online

LOL, poor Mr. Hammond.

It was pretty impolitic!! These butchers behead a soldier in central London and this Hammond coward's first reaction is that all British soldiers should hide and pretend they aren't soldiers??

Jeepers creepers, what an idiot. Poor character, really. Is that the answer, just give in immediately to all the Muslims, here, take my country, please?

One hopes Hammond is on the way out, shortly.
It's a non-story. There is no ban on wearing military uniform in public. The prime minister rescinded any orders to that effect yesterday morning.

LOL, poor Mr. Hammond.

It was pretty impolitic!! These butchers behead a soldier in central London and this Hammond coward's first reaction is that all British soldiers should hide and pretend they aren't soldiers??

Jeepers creepers, what an idiot. Poor character, really. Is that the answer, just give in immediately to all the Muslims, here, take my country, please?

One hopes Hammond is on the way out, shortly.
Well, he is a conservative.
LOL, poor Mr. Hammond.

It was pretty impolitic!! These butchers behead a soldier in central London and this Hammond coward's first reaction is that all British soldiers should hide and pretend they aren't soldiers??

Jeepers creepers, what an idiot. Poor character, really. Is that the answer, just give in immediately to all the Muslims, here, take my country, please?

One hopes Hammond is on the way out, shortly.

Well, he is a conservative.

Rather a spectacularly failed conservative, evidently.
LOL, poor Mr. Hammond.

It was pretty impolitic!! These butchers behead a soldier in central London and this Hammond coward's first reaction is that all British soldiers should hide and pretend they aren't soldiers??

Jeepers creepers, what an idiot. Poor character, really. Is that the answer, just give in immediately to all the Muslims, here, take my country, please?

One hopes Hammond is on the way out, shortly.
Well, he is a conservative.

has to be---can't find a single image of him wearing a hat
what a disgrace. they can't wear uniforms off base. in their own country. what's next white flags???

"Defence sources said the order had been given that uniform should not be worn by those travelling alone, or on public transport as a “common sense precaution” immediately after the killing

A source stressed the order was temporary while investigations into the killing carried on and the decision would be reviewed in the next few days…

“Personally, I would argue against it,” [Col Richard Kemp] told the Today programme. “As we saw in this case you don’t need to have somebody in uniform, you just need to have someone who knows a bit about soldiers and does a bit of observation in the vicinity of a barracks and you can identify a soldier very quickly…

The Ministry of Defence has already announced it is increasing security at all barracks in London."


First of all: thank you so very much for your service during such an ugly time in our history. I think the one memory that stands out most for me was a picture/story in the news of a ship in port at SF with returning Marines debarking. The first man to set foot back on American soil was shot to death by a disgruntled citizen waiting in the crowd.

I remember when US military personnel wore their uniforms in traveling on leave or passes and walked our streets proudly. They were respected and appreciated back in those days. We were a much better country then. My son, on the other hand, always wore civvies when traveling and when my grandson and his buddies recently left for Korea they were in their civvies. It's a shame.

I think it's true that Brits some time ago were demanding a gun-free society and it's police were disarmed - not sure about total disarming of citizens - they do like their hunts. I think if I had been in the crowd that actually saw this attack, I would have been so frozen in horror that I wouldn't have been able to make a move even if I had been armed to the teeth.

Again, thank you for your service.

thank you. ill CC this to bodecea as well. that's a shame about the Marine being shot. I assume this was during the nam war??? I was in the USN. regs required back then you wore the uniform when leaving or going back on Board. except for officers. once off base, you could do the superman act and change in a phone booth. I don't think were allowed to leave the base in civies. but show the marine guard your ID. who was armed and dangerous BTY. as a rule i flew home on leave in civies. but on the flight back i wore the uniform. those phone booths were a pain in the ass.
the only time i remember it was mandatory was if you were packin' a set of orders. airlines were required to bump civilians for military personnel.
...overseas when visiting foreign ports of call you were required to wear it. you were a rep for the US Gov. the only exception I remember was the Navy/Marine base at Subic bay in the Philippines. we did see guys going in town wearing civies. we always wore the uniform even there.


that's the bridge going into town (Subic). across what we called shit river. there's a lot of those regs i don't recall.

It was the first group of Marines returning. Years later my high school flame told me he was on that ship, but debarked in Hawaii. Crap - he was 18 years old - way too young. Too many of our boys were just that - boys. He got some serious injuries in a helicopter crash. Still doesn't get that much assistance from VA, still suffers from PTSD today. Underneath it all, he's a good person with a good heart ... but the experience really did a number on him ... and that's what his exterior projects sometimes.
It's a non-story. There is no ban on wearing military uniform in public. The prime minister rescinded any orders to that effect yesterday morning.

Cameron slaps down Ministry of Defence and ends ban on uniforms in public places after Woolwich soldier killing

David Cameron yesterday tore up an order banning troops from wearing their uniforms in public that was issued in the wake of the Woolwich attack.

He is understood to have told Defence Secretary Philip Hammond he was ‘seriously dismayed’ at official guidance given to personnel in London following the murder.

As the row raged in Whitehall, troops and their families posted pictures of themselves in full uniform online, in defiance of the ruling from the Ministry of Defence.

Insisting that the ban be rescinded, Mr Cameron told a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee in Whitehall: ‘The best way to defeat terrorism is for everyone – including our brave service personnel – to go about their lives as normal.’

The dressing down was a blow for Mr Hammond, who is understood to have agreed that the uniform ban should be implemented.

Ban on soldiers wearing uniforms in public lifted after concern it sent message that terrorists were winning | Mail Online

best way to get em murdered. unless their packin'
It's a non-story. There is no ban on wearing military uniform in public. The prime minister rescinded any orders to that effect yesterday morning.

Cameron slaps down Ministry of Defence and ends ban on uniforms in public places after Woolwich soldier killing

David Cameron yesterday tore up an order banning troops from wearing their uniforms in public that was issued in the wake of the Woolwich attack.

He is understood to have told Defence Secretary Philip Hammond he was ‘seriously dismayed’ at official guidance given to personnel in London following the murder.

As the row raged in Whitehall, troops and their families posted pictures of themselves in full uniform online, in defiance of the ruling from the Ministry of Defence.

Insisting that the ban be rescinded, Mr Cameron told a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee in Whitehall: ‘The best way to defeat terrorism is for everyone – including our brave service personnel – to go about their lives as normal.’

The dressing down was a blow for Mr Hammond, who is understood to have agreed that the uniform ban should be implemented.

Ban on soldiers wearing uniforms in public lifted after concern it sent message that terrorists were winning | Mail Online

best way to get em murdered. unless their packin'

Lol!!!! Yet in your opening post you said this...

what a disgrace. they can't wear uniforms off base. in their own country. what's next white flags???
It's a non-story. There is no ban on wearing military uniform in public. The prime minister rescinded any orders to that effect yesterday morning.

best way to get em murdered. unless their packin'

Lol!!!! Yet in your opening post you said this...

what a disgrace. they can't wear uniforms off base. in their own country. what's next white flags???

hard to argue with a dumb fuck PM eh???
They interact with the locals only when neccessary, they usually just stay amongst themselves.

Britain was tomfool enough to let these types stream in from all over the world, packing their country with black and brown Muslims who want to violently take over their whole society.

Why this seemed like a GOOD idea I cannot imagine.

Minnesota is full of Somali Muslims. They are just like the Nigerian ones. We've got them here too. ( from Nigeria ) It was a huge mistake to allow these Muslim immigrants into our country - even yesterday our president continued to perpetuate the Myth that Muslims are a part of the American family. I beg to differ. They have never assimilated into society and are not here to assimilate into our society. They are here to overthrow the American government and install Sharia law. If our founding fathers were alive today they would tell us the answer is to call it what it is - an enemy of America - a terrorist organization and get it out of here. That is what they would tell us. So why are our leaders making excuses for Islam and continuing to tell us these acts of terror by Muslims is not the true Islam when it is?

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