Brittany Maynard ended her own life before her tumor could rob her of it

A person wanting to commit suicide because their girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with them is wrong. But someone wanting to commit suicide to avoid the horrors that their terminal disease will bring them is not wrong. Using your religious beliefs to stop them is what is wrong.

Why is suicide due to depression wrong but suicide to avoid pain associated with terminal disease OK?

Why is suicide to avoid pain and misery associated with terminal disease wrong?

Depression is recognized as a usually temporary mental condition- suicide would be a very permanent solution for a temporary problem- a problem that in and of itself could lead to judgement impairment.

But suicide for someone who is terminal? That is just moving up the end date of 'terminal', and giving the person control of when- and how that terminal condition ends. The law requires that the person be mentally competent in order to make that decision- something a depressed person would not be.

So why is suicide to avoid pain and misery associated with terminal disease wrong?

Why should government tell a person that they can't end their own life?
Because the government invariably starts telling people to end their own lives and when. Legalized suicide has never stayed confined to the terminally ill. We are all terminal. The government always wants to be able to make that determination.


So show me where that is happening in Oregon.

I don't want government to tell me I can't decide when to end my life, or when I can't.

You just want government to tell me I can.t.
The law in Oregon is still quite new. In the Netherlands and Switzerland that have had these kinds of laws longer the scope of the law has expanded. A doctor no longer needs the agreement or request of the ill patient. Only an opinion that death is in the patient's best interests. Extended even to children.

I don't think the government should tell you that you can't. I do think the government should never be able to tell you that you must.

If you call a law that's nearly 20 years old in Oregon quite new, you don't know what you're talking about.

If you think that any politician is going to vote to change that law to allow insurance companies to decide then I've got a bridge to sell to you.

This isn't the Netherlands or Switzerland. Nor do I believe what you said about the laws in those states. I would need credible and honest proof of that.

Otherwise, you're just posting a bunch of garbage. Like the fact that the law is new.
My mother died of cancer.

My wife died of cancer.

My daughter died of a brain tumor.

My sister died of pancreatic cancer.

Those of you who are yammering like mindless chipmunks, please be quiet.

Brittany had every moral and spiritual right to make such a decision.

You don't get to judge for her.
I fail to understand how other peoples beliefs are such a threat to you.

Before you try to start in on me, I haven't expressed any of the beliefs you try to put yourself above. It's just an observation to your post, and to everyone who acts superior because they think their beliefs trump someone else's. Christians pretending they're better Christians by trashing others. Hypocrisy, plain and simple.
There have been numerous cures discovered. But the term "Cancer" covers a multitude of mutated cell diseases.'ve already made it clear you're a worthless chatty cathy who enjoys mindless bickering about the obvious.

Obviously you are not interested in an actual discussion. What I said stands as accurate. Your comments about why we have not cured cancer is mindless drivel. We HAVE cured some types of cancer. Stopping mutated cells from multiplying rapidly is not something that is done easily. At least not without killing the patient.
Bull, you are worthless and now you are simply unread.

You have nothing worthy to offer.
My mother died of cancer.

My wife died of cancer.

My daughter died of a brain tumor.

My sister died of pancreatic cancer.

Those of you who are yammering like mindless chipmunks, please be quiet.

Brittany had every moral and spiritual right to make such a decision.

You don't get to judge for her.
I fail to understand how other peoples beliefs are such a threat to you.

Before you try to start in on me, I haven't expressed any of the beliefs you try to put yourself above. It's just an observation to your post, and to everyone who acts superior because they think their beliefs trump someone else's. Christians pretending they're better Christians by trashing others. Hypocrisy, plain and simple.
My mother died of cancer.

My wife died of cancer.

My daughter died of a brain tumor.

My sister died of pancreatic cancer.

Those of you who are yammering like mindless chipmunks, please be quiet.

Brittany had every moral and spiritual right to make such a decision.

You don't get to judge for her.
I fail to understand how other peoples beliefs are such a threat to you.

Before you try to start in on me, I haven't expressed any of the beliefs you try to put yourself above. It's just an observation to your post, and to everyone who acts superior because they think their beliefs trump someone else's. Christians pretending they're better Christians by trashing others. Hypocrisy, plain and simple.

How have I trashed you? Because I corrected your mindless observation about Brittany? If I misunderstood you, I apologize, but if you are making any value judgement about Brittany other than supporting her, shut up.
My mother died of cancer.

My wife died of cancer.

My daughter died of a brain tumor.

My sister died of pancreatic cancer.

Those of you who are yammering like mindless chipmunks, please be quiet.

Brittany had every moral and spiritual right to make such a decision.

You don't get to judge for her.
I fail to understand how other peoples beliefs are such a threat to you.

Before you try to start in on me, I haven't expressed any of the beliefs you try to put yourself above. It's just an observation to your post, and to everyone who acts superior because they think their beliefs trump someone else's. Christians pretending they're better Christians by trashing others. Hypocrisy, plain and simple.

How have I trashed you? Because I corrected your mindless observation about Brittany? If I misunderstood you, I apologize, but if you are making any value judgement about Brittany other than supporting her, shut up.
You're just an agitator, Jake. I won't bother you again
Listen, cancer is a horrific and agonizing malady. Why it hasn't been cured after all this time and money spent should be what you atheists and mental cases start screaming about. The medical community has made fighting cancer a cottage industry and no industry works to end it's own existence. Progs are always telling me they're atheists and gorebal warming farce believers because "the science" tells them so. So how about getting your vaunted "science" into fighting cancer for a cure instead of a career?

And why am I not surprised we hear from the conspiracy theorists in this thread......
How come it's always the political left that advocates giving a "physician" the legal right to kill a patient?

What part of 'physician assisted suicide' don't you understand.

Brittany took her own life, and did so with the assistance of two compassionate physicians.

Why is it always the political right that tells people that they have no right to determine how they will die?
I'd rather have seen her become a morphine addict than throw away her soul like that. God has no pity for a suicide.

Brittany is in Heaven right now standing next to Jesus.

No, everything she used to be is gone from this universe. Her corpse is in a coffin buried under a bunch of dirt. It's already become decomposition and while some bodily functions continue like fingernail growth her body is already producing alcohol and toxic gases causes it to bloat and rip itself apart. In time her organs will rupture and pop having filled with these gases (why dead bodies float.)

Death isn't pretty and filled with wine and roses and celestial scenery. It's stinky, gross, and really sucks.
No, everything she used to be is gone from this universe. Her corpse is in a coffin buried under a bunch of dirt. It's already become decomposition and while some bodily functions continue like fingernail growth her body is already producing alcohol and toxic gases causes it to bloat and rip itself apart. In time her organs will rupture and pop having filled with these gases (why dead bodies float.)

Death isn't pretty and filled with wine and roses and celestial scenery. It's stinky, gross, and really sucks.

Uh, if the state didn't perform an autopsy they should have.....and after an autopsy you have no organs left inside your carcass to explode. :eusa_snooty:
I'd rather have seen her become a morphine addict than throw away her soul like that. God has no pity for a suicide.

Brittany is in Heaven right now standing next to Jesus.

No, everything she used to be is gone from this universe. Her corpse is in a coffin buried under a bunch of dirt. It's already become decomposition and while some bodily functions continue like fingernail growth her body is already producing alcohol and toxic gases causes it to bloat and rip itself apart. In time her organs will rupture and pop having filled with these gases (why dead bodies float.)

Death isn't pretty and filled with wine and roses and celestial scenery. It's stinky, gross, and really sucks.

You speak of the body only. Who cares about that once the spirit is gone?
But you make a good case for cremation.
I'd rather have seen her become a morphine addict than throw away her soul like that. God has no pity for a suicide.

Brittany is in Heaven right now standing next to Jesus.

No, everything she used to be is gone from this universe. Her corpse is in a coffin buried under a bunch of dirt. It's already become decomposition and while some bodily functions continue like fingernail growth her body is already producing alcohol and toxic gases causes it to bloat and rip itself apart. In time her organs will rupture and pop having filled with these gases (why dead bodies float.)

Death isn't pretty and filled with wine and roses and celestial scenery. It's stinky, gross, and really sucks.

You speak of the body only. Who cares about that once the spirit is gone?
But you make a good case for cremation.

Sky burial or ocean version for me. Feed the birdies or fishies. Don't let the meat go to waste. :)
Listen, cancer is a horrific and agonizing malady. Why it hasn't been cured after all this time and money spent should be what you atheists and mental cases start screaming about. The medical community has made fighting cancer a cottage industry and no industry works to end it's own existence. Progs are always telling me they're atheists and gorebal warming farce believers because "the science" tells them so. So how about getting your vaunted "science" into fighting cancer for a cure instead of a career?
What progress has God or his Christians made towards curing cancer? Why don't you just shut up.
Its easy to judge when you arent the one facing intolerable pain and misery and a drawn out, agonizing death.

And not just the physical pain. But the pain of knowing your loved ones have to watch you suffer. If I know death is certain...then id rather my family not have to see me suffer. I dont want them to live on with that memory. Id rather it be quick and painless.
I'd rather have seen her become a morphine addict than throw away her soul like that. God has no pity for a suicide.
Besides be rather heartless and mean, that brings up an other issue here. Jesus basically committed suicide, didn't he? He allowed himself to be killed, when he was perfectly healthy and could have avoided putting himself in mortal danger. He could walk on water and cure Lazarus and who knows what all magic powers he had. But then again, he was immortal and so what's the harm in it? Real mortals suffer pain and existential angst unlike fictional religious superheroes. You get tired of living in constant pain and the dread of your extinction being just around the corner, and I get tired of hearing young people calling suicide a act of cowardice. You have no idea.

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