Brittany Maynard ended her own life before her tumor could rob her of it

What makes you think that you know what the Lord thinks? (if your Lord exists)

Frankly this Lord of yours- the one that gave her cancer- and whom you think is upset that she will not suffer a horrible death- sounds like a pretty horrible Lord.

STFU you ignorant asshole. God didn't make her sick, she made herself sick with her diet and lifestyle. The fact that she QUIT tells me she never appreciated the life that was given to her at great odds. Each and every one of us is a MIRACLE and to snatch that miracle away in a fit of self-pity and cowardice is unforgivable.

And fucking atheists ALWAYS cop out when you're in trouble....put you or a family member in a 70mph ambulance ride and you'll be on your knees begging for help and forgiveness.
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God has no pity for a suicide.
Amen to this. How did that girl know that there was most definitely no hope? I believe that the Lord could have healed that girl and now because of what she went and did to herself already, we will never know.

God bless you and her family always!!!

WE don't need to know. SHE did.

Just mind your own business and quit trying to micromanage others'.

Excuse me but I have a right a give my two cents just like everyone else here does so if you do not like the way that mine looks on your screen, it isn't my problem. Also your telling another person to mind their own business is NOT a one way street. If you do not want such a thing said to you, don't go saying it to anyone else then! By the way, I thought that you had placed me on ignore here. Any special reason why I'm obviously not anymore? Since you have decided to write to me here again, I have a right to ask. :) :) :)

Holly, you put two different quotes together from two different people and caused some confusion here. I stripped out the second one and will address my part (above).

You posted:
"I believe that the Lord could have healed that girl and now because of what she went and did to herself already, we will never know."

Which I answered with:
"WE don't need to know. SHE did."

Meaning simply: She (the subject) is the one who needs to make her own decision here, not us. It is her situation, not ours. Therefore whether "we ever know" or not cannot be more irrelevant. Who the hell are we that we "need to know"? That's arrogance.

That's why I then added, "mind your own business and stop trying to micromanage others' (business)". It's her decision to make, not yours or mine. Understand?

As far as your right to speak, of course you have that. I never implied otherwise.

And yes I put you on ignore after that racist tirade in the thread about the girl shot in the face, which I found disgusting. It doesn't make your posts impossible to see.
A doctor told her that she had no hope and she believed their every word and now look at what she went and did. How can anyone believe what a doctor says when every situation is different and when such information comes from a person who could very well screw things up when they come from a group of people who have unfortunately become known for their screwing things up? If I had been in that girl's spot, I would have looked that doctor right in the face and said, "I believe that the Lord has the final say on this. Not you."

God has no pity for a suicide.
Amen to this. How did that girl know that there was most definitely no hope? I believe that the Lord could have healed that girl and now because of what she went and did to herself already, we will never know.

God bless you and her family always!!!

She had an incurable brain tumor. Nothing was going to save her, and God sure as hell wasn't going to save her. I swear, some religious people are batshit crazy.
How do you know that the Lord wasn't going to save her? Did he personally tell you that he wasn't going to? No.

God bless you two and the girl's family always!!!

The track record of doctors being right is a million times better than the track record of religious leaders and the bible.
^^^ I don't believe that the Lord gave her cancer and I don't support suicide either because I believe that it is the ultimate sin. It is the throwing away of the most precious gift that the Lord has ever given anyone: their life. That man died so that we can be here and suicide is how some people decide to thank him? To me, they deserve every last inch of what ever it is that they get in return.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has doesn't mean that she most definitely would have.

"How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has"

Correction, EVERY fucking person with a brain tumor suffers you moron. The head aches are unbearable, which typically leads to suicide because they are THAT bad. You need to put that bible down and start reading real stuff. You are highly uneducated.
^^^ I don't believe that the Lord gave her cancer and I don't support suicide either because I believe that it is the ultimate sin. It is the throwing away of the most precious gift that the Lord has ever given anyone: their life. That man died so that we can be here and suicide is how some people decide to thank him? To me, they deserve every last inch of what ever it is that they get in return.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has doesn't mean that she most definitely would have.

"How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has"

Correction, EVERY fucking person with a brain tumor suffers you moron. The head aches are unbearable, which typically leads to suicide because they are THAT bad. You need to put that bible down and start reading real stuff. You are highly uneducated.

While I agree with the essence of your position dood -- you're losing this point. You don't address people like you just did and come out on some high road. Lighten up.

Same goes for you, Kurtz.
What makes you think that you know what the Lord thinks? (if your Lord exists)

Frankly this Lord of yours- the one that gave her cancer- and whom you think is upset that she will not suffer a horrible death- sounds like a pretty horrible Lord.

And fucking atheists ALWAYS cop out when you're in trouble....put you or a family member in a 70mph ambulance ride and you'll be on your knees begging for help and forgiveness.
You think we are going to beg forgiveness from a fictional character? If so, why do you think we will be begging YOUR favorite fictional character? There is about as much of a chance of me begging forgiveness from your god as there is of me begging Forest Gump or Simba the lion. No one besides you weirdos ever gives your ridiculous god a second thought.
^^^ I don't believe that the Lord gave her cancer and I don't support suicide either because I believe that it is the ultimate sin. It is the throwing away of the most precious gift that the Lord has ever given anyone: their life. That man died so that we can be here and suicide is how some people decide to thank him? To me, they deserve every last inch of what ever it is that they get in return.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has doesn't mean that she most definitely would have.

"How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has"

Correction, EVERY fucking person with a brain tumor suffers you moron. The head aches are unbearable, which typically leads to suicide because they are THAT bad. You need to put that bible down and start reading real stuff. You are highly uneducated.

While I agree with the essence of your position dood -- you're losing this point. You don't address people like you just did and come out on some high road. Lighten up.

Same goes for you, Kurtz.
Whether you like the words ive chosen or not has no bearing on me "losing this point". This is a point that cant be lost because its simply a fact.
WE don't need to know. SHE did.

Just mind your own business and quit trying to micromanage others'.

Excuse me but I have a right a give my two cents just like everyone else here does so if you do not like the way that mine looks on your screen, it isn't my problem. Also your telling another person to mind their own business is NOT a one way street. If you do not want such a thing said to you, don't go saying it to anyone else then! By the way, I thought that you had placed me on ignore here. Any special reason why I'm obviously not anymore? Since you have decided to write to me here again, I have a right to ask. :) :) :)

Holly, you put two different quotes together from two different people and caused some confusion here. I stripped out the second one and will address my part (above).

You posted:
"I believe that the Lord could have healed that girl and now because of what she went and did to herself already, we will never know."

Which I answered with:
"WE don't need to know. SHE did."

Meaning simply: She (the subject) is the one who needs to make her own decision here, not us. It is her situation, not ours. Therefore whether "we ever know" or not cannot be more irrelevant. Who the hell are we that we "need to know"? That's arrogance.

That's why I then added, "mind your own business and stop trying to micromanage others' (business)". It's her decision to make, not yours or mine. Understand?

As far as your right to speak, of course you have that. I never implied otherwise.

And yes I put you on ignore after that racist tirade in the thread about the girl shot in the face, which I found disgusting. It doesn't make your posts impossible to see.
A doctor told her that she had no hope and she believed their every word and now look at what she went and did. How can anyone believe what a doctor says when every situation is different and when such information comes from a person who could very well screw things up when they come from a group of people who have unfortunately become known for their screwing things up? If I had been in that girl's spot, I would have looked that doctor right in the face and said, "I believe that the Lord has the final say on this. Not you."

But you're not in her spot. She is. That's the point. You make your decisions; she makes hers. Would you want her (or anyone) making your decisions for you? Don't think so.

Get it?
Yes I get that, but what you do not seem to get is that certain decisions have consequences. What makes you think that the Lord is okay with her taking such a decision from his hands? Not only did she take her life, but she took something from the Lord too. I believe that her time to go should have been left up to him and no one else including her.

God bless you and her family always!!!


What you left out Holly --
In order to follow that point one would have to not only believe in this "Lord", but believe that he/she/it has final say over everything and we have none.

Far as I'm concerned that's unworkable, and you may disagree, but neither what you think or what I think matters here. What matters is what she thinks, because it was her life and her decision -- not ours. There's no getting around that.
What makes you think that you know what the Lord thinks? (if your Lord exists)

Frankly this Lord of yours- the one that gave her cancer- and whom you think is upset that she will not suffer a horrible death- sounds like a pretty horrible Lord.

STFU you ignorant asshole. God didn't make her sick, she made herself sick with her diet and lifestyle. .

LOL.....of course...because you are as all knowing about your God as you are about this woman and of course- what causes brain cancer.

IF your God exists- and IF he is the creator- and IF he is omnipotent- then whether directly or indirectly he gave her cancer- and had the power to cure her, but chose not to.

Now personally that seems like a pretty shitty God to me.

But it does seem like one appropriate for you.
^^^ I don't believe that the Lord gave her cancer and I don't support suicide either because .

IF God created this world, if God created man- then who created cancer?

How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to. Sure, she could have put her faith in an unproven, scientically unknowable god- and your interpretation of that god- but she instead went with what medical experts told her.

Seriously- if she had broken her leg, do you think she should have just prayed for it to heal, or should she have gone to a doctor for the best advise on how to treat it?
^^^ Thank you for saying that. :) :) :)

^^^ I don't believe that the Lord gave her cancer and I don't support suicide either because I believe that it is the ultimate sin. It is the throwing away of the most precious gift that the Lord has ever given anyone: their life. That man died so that we can be here and suicide is how some people decide to thank him? To me, they deserve every last inch of what ever it is that they get in return.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has doesn't mean that she most definitely would have.

"How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has"

Correction, EVERY fucking person with a brain tumor suffers you moron. The head aches are unbearable, which typically leads to suicide because they are THAT bad. You need to put that bible down and start reading real stuff. You are highly uneducated.
How do you know that she would have died? I believe that the Lord over rides anything that you would suggest that I read.

God bless you two and her family always!!!

^^^ Thank you for saying that. :) :) :)

^^^ I don't believe that the Lord gave her cancer and I don't support suicide either because I believe that it is the ultimate sin. It is the throwing away of the most precious gift that the Lord has ever given anyone: their life. That man died so that we can be here and suicide is how some people decide to thank him? To me, they deserve every last inch of what ever it is that they get in return.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has doesn't mean that she most definitely would have.

"How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has"

Correction, EVERY fucking person with a brain tumor suffers you moron. The head aches are unbearable, which typically leads to suicide because they are THAT bad. You need to put that bible down and start reading real stuff. You are highly uneducated.
How do you know that she would have died? I believe that the Lord over rides anything that you would suggest that I read.

God bless you two and her family always!!!

Sometimes the Lord says it's time to come home. Then the Lord overrides all the cures that ever were. This beautiful woman was recalled. It was only a matter of how long her body would hold out. She decided not to suffer.

I can't say whether she was right or wrong in making this very personal decision. If the progression of other countries is any indication it doesn't stay a personal decision for long. It expands until the victim's opinion of whether they should live or die isn't even a consideration.
A person wanting to commit suicide because their girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with them is wrong. But someone wanting to commit suicide to avoid the horrors that their terminal disease will bring them is not wrong. Using your religious beliefs to stop them is what is wrong.

Why is suicide due to depression wrong but suicide to avoid pain associated with terminal disease OK?

Why is suicide to avoid pain and misery associated with terminal disease wrong?

Depression is recognized as a usually temporary mental condition- suicide would be a very permanent solution for a temporary problem- a problem that in and of itself could lead to judgement impairment.

But suicide for someone who is terminal? That is just moving up the end date of 'terminal', and giving the person control of when- and how that terminal condition ends. The law requires that the person be mentally competent in order to make that decision- something a depressed person would not be.

So why is suicide to avoid pain and misery associated with terminal disease wrong?

Why should government tell a person that they can't end their own life?
Because the government invariably starts telling people to end their own lives and when. Legalized suicide has never stayed confined to the terminally ill. We are all terminal. The government always wants to be able to make that determination.
Nonsense. .

Government isn't 'telling' anyone to end his life or when, as this fails as a slippery slope fallacy. Indeed, the Oregon law represents government acknowledging its limits with regard to interfering in personal, private matters.
What makes you think that you know what the Lord thinks? (if your Lord exists)

Frankly this Lord of yours- the one that gave her cancer- and whom you think is upset that she will not suffer a horrible death- sounds like a pretty horrible Lord.

STFU you ignorant asshole. God didn't make her sick, she made herself sick with her diet and lifestyle. The fact that she QUIT tells me she never appreciated the life that was given to her at great odds. Each and every one of us is a MIRACLE and to snatch that miracle away in a fit of self-pity and cowardice is unforgivable.

And fucking atheists ALWAYS cop out when you're in trouble....put you or a family member in a 70mph ambulance ride and you'll be on your knees begging for help and forgiveness.

What diet and lifestyle gave her this tumor??

You have already admitted that you would do the same thing she did, but since you need to be able to ride a superbike, you would have to do it sooner and would risk other lives in the process.

I don't believe God gave her the tumor. But I also don't believe she quit anything except for the last days of horror. You want to deny her that choice? You are an asshole if you do.
why the hell is this anyone BUSINESS?.

sick and twisted how you get into peoples personal lives
Most social conservatives seek to make it their business, the consequence of their arrogance, authoritarianism, and fear. Just as they seek to interfere with the privacy rights of women or the equal protection rights of gay Americans, so too do they wish to interfere with private end of life matters.
why the hell is this anyone BUSINESS?.

sick and twisted how you get into peoples personal lives
Most social conservatives seek to make it their business, the consequence of their arrogance, authoritarianism, and fear. Just as they seek to interfere with the privacy rights of women or the equal protection rights of gay Americans, so too do they wish to interfere with private end of life matters.

And those same conservatives make all sorts of noise about wanting smaller gov't. The hypocrisy is astounding.
why the hell is this anyone BUSINESS?.

sick and twisted how you get into peoples personal lives
Actually we aren't the ones who get into their personal lives. Whoever takes this kind of stuff to the news in the first place is who you should be jumping on, not us.

God bless you and them always!!!

^^^ Thank you for saying that. :) :) :)

^^^ I don't believe that the Lord gave her cancer and I don't support suicide either because I believe that it is the ultimate sin. It is the throwing away of the most precious gift that the Lord has ever given anyone: their life. That man died so that we can be here and suicide is how some people decide to thank him? To me, they deserve every last inch of what ever it is that they get in return.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has doesn't mean that she most definitely would have.

"How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has"

Correction, EVERY fucking person with a brain tumor suffers you moron. The head aches are unbearable, which typically leads to suicide because they are THAT bad. You need to put that bible down and start reading real stuff. You are highly uneducated.
How do you know that she would have died? I believe that the Lord over rides anything that you would suggest that I read.

God bless you two and her family always!!!

The lord the lord the lord the lord the lord the lord the lord the lord the lord the lord the lord. Do you have any idea how fucking dumb that sounds? How out of touch ARE you?

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