Brittany Maynard ended her own life before her tumor could rob her of it

^^^ Such a thing about me being your opinion doesn't make it a fact.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If you don't like what my beliefs are, it isn't my problem.
How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!

why the hell is this anyone BUSINESS?.

sick and twisted how you get into peoples personal lives
Actually we aren't the ones who get into their personal lives. Whoever takes this kind of stuff to the news in the first place is who you should be jumping on, not us.

God bless you and them always!!!


The news covered it because it is news. A young woman had an inoperable, terminal brain tumor and elected to move and make use of Oregon's compassion and mercy.
How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!


Every single person who has had this type of cancer has died a horrible death. She should have waited until it got worse, just on the off chance that God would decide to do for her what he didn't do for all the others who suffered with this hideous ailment?
STFU you ignorant asshole. God didn't make her sick, she made herself sick with her diet and lifestyle. The fact that she QUIT tells me she never appreciated the life that was given to her at great odds. Each and every one of us is a MIRACLE and to snatch that miracle away in a fit of self-pity and cowardice is unforgivable.

And fucking atheists ALWAYS cop out when you're in trouble....put you or a family member in a 70mph ambulance ride and you'll be on your knees begging for help and forgiveness.

Diet doesn't cause brain tumors, you dickhead.
How do you know that the Lord wasn't going to save her? Did he personally tell you that he wasn't going to? No.

God bless you two and the girl's family always!!!


Because she had a fucking brain tumor that was TERMINAL. What part of that don't you understand?
Terminal means you will DIE and no amount of praying will help you.

Seeing you think that God has the final say, you mean to say that if you had a brain tumor, you wouldn't accept treatment? After all, why have treatment if God will save you?
How do you know that she would have died? I believe that the Lord over rides anything that you would suggest that I read.

God bless you two and her family always!!!


You are the sort of religious person I despise. You ignore medial advice and believe that your God will save everyone.

Tell me, when was the last time God cured someone of a terminal brain tumor? When is God going to help all those starving children in Africa? What about the children in abusive homes? What about the woman who will be raped tonight? Is God going to prevent it, or is he going to stand back and watch?
How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!


The medical experts didn't have the final word- the young woman who chose how to die had the final word.

If someone you loved got cancer, and the best medical experts said that unless they had a masectomy, they would likely die- would you:

a) Tell them to ignore the medical experts and just trust in God to take them when God is ready
b) Have the government decide whether she could have a masectomy or
c) Have your loved one make the choice based upon the best medical advise available?
So, those saying God frowns on suicide: Each person that dies is because God said so? Every death is God crooking his finger? I don't think so. Free will. Remember that?
How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!


The medical experts didn't have the final word- the young woman who chose how to die had the final word.

If someone you loved got cancer, and the best medical experts said that unless they had a masectomy, they would likely die- would you:

a) Tell them to ignore the medical experts and just trust in God to take them when God is ready
b) Have the government decide whether she could have a masectomy or
c) Have your loved one make the choice based upon the best medical advise available?

Good question!
How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!

Every single person who has had this type of cancer has died a horrible death. She should have waited until it got worse, just on the off chance that God would decide to do for her what he didn't do for all the others who suffered with this hideous ailment?
Yes. The Lord stuck it out until his dying breath. Why can't the rest of us do the same thing?

How do you know that she would have died? I believe that the Lord over rides anything that you would suggest that I read.

God bless you two and her family always!!!

You are the sort of religious person I despise. You ignore medial advice and believe that your God will save everyone.

Tell me, when was the last time God cured someone of a terminal brain tumor? When is God going to help all those starving children in Africa? What about the children in abusive homes? What about the woman who will be raped tonight? Is God going to prevent it, or is he going to stand back and watch?
I believe that those are questions that only the Lord can answer and if I make you so sick, why do you continue to have anything to do with me here when you most definitely do not have to?

JoSweetHeart, have you ever gone to hospital for a pain or sickness?
Yes, but did I commit suicide because of what was on my plate? Obviously no.

How do you know that the Lord wasn't going to save her? Did he personally tell you that he wasn't going to? No.

God bless you two and the girl's family always!!!

Because she had a fucking brain tumor that was TERMINAL. What part of that don't you understand?
Terminal means you will DIE and no amount of praying will help you.

Seeing you think that God has the final say, you mean to say that if you had a brain tumor, you wouldn't accept treatment? After all, why have treatment if God will save you?
Terminal is how the doctors label stuff. I believe that the Lord knows more about our bodies than these so called doctors know, so how do you know that no amount of praying will help a person when everyone is different?

How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!


The medical experts didn't have the final word- the young woman who chose how to die had the final word.

If someone you loved got cancer, and the best medical experts said that unless they had a masectomy, they would likely die- would you:

a) Tell them to ignore the medical experts and just trust in God to take them when God is ready
b) Have the government decide whether she could have a masectomy or
c) Have your loved one make the choice based upon the best medical advise available?
I pick A. I have a cousin who passed away almost three years ago. She had cancer all over her body and because she let the Lord into what was left of her life before sticking it out until her dying breath, I believe that with him is where she has been ever since. :) :) :)

God bless you people always!!! :) :) :)

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I'm glad she was brave enough to make her case public. It was a peaceful way out and avoided a horrible death.
How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!

Every single person who has had this type of cancer has died a horrible death. She should have waited until it got worse, just on the off chance that God would decide to do for her what he didn't do for all the others who suffered with this hideous ailment?
Yes. The Lord stuck it out until his dying breath. Why can't the rest of us do the same thing?

How do you know that she would have died? I believe that the Lord over rides anything that you would suggest that I read.

God bless you two and her family always!!!

You are the sort of religious person I despise. You ignore medial advice and believe that your God will save everyone.

Tell me, when was the last time God cured someone of a terminal brain tumor? When is God going to help all those starving children in Africa? What about the children in abusive homes? What about the woman who will be raped tonight? Is God going to prevent it, or is he going to stand back and watch?
I believe that those are questions that only the Lord can answer and if I make you so sick, why do you continue to have anything to do with me here when you most definitely do not have to?

JoSweetHeart, have you ever gone to hospital for a pain or sickness?
Yes, but did I commit suicide because of what was on my plate? Obviously no.

How do you know that the Lord wasn't going to save her? Did he personally tell you that he wasn't going to? No.

God bless you two and the girl's family always!!!

Because she had a fucking brain tumor that was TERMINAL. What part of that don't you understand?
Terminal means you will DIE and no amount of praying will help you.

Seeing you think that God has the final say, you mean to say that if you had a brain tumor, you wouldn't accept treatment? After all, why have treatment if God will save you?
Terminal is how the doctors label stuff. I believe that the Lord knows more about our bodies than these so called doctors know, so how do you know that no amount of praying will help a person when everyone is different?

How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!


The medical experts didn't have the final word- the young woman who chose how to die had the final word.

If someone you loved got cancer, and the best medical experts said that unless they had a masectomy, they would likely die- would you:

a) Tell them to ignore the medical experts and just trust in God to take them when God is ready
b) Have the government decide whether she could have a masectomy or
c) Have your loved one make the choice based upon the best medical advise available?
I pick A. I have a cousin who passed away almost three years ago. She had cancer all over her body and because she let the Lord into what was left of her life before sticking it out until her dying breath, I believe that with him is where she has been ever since. :) :) :)

God bless you people always!!! :) :) :)

You say "the lord" way too much. Did you even realize that you said it 5 times in that post alone, and i dont think youve made one post in this thread without using the term "the lord". Im guessing you have problems socializing with people, probably no boyfriend or husband and not many friends. This need to make everything about god and always talking about "the lord" isnt healthy. You would be surprised at how much of a better life you would have if you just toned it down a bit, but im guessing youre too far gone to even see that.
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How come it's always the political left that advocates giving a "physician" the legal right to kill a patient?

The physician isn't killing anyone.

All the doctor does is prescribe the pills. The person who wants to die administers the pills themselves.
God has no pity for a suicide.
Amen to this. How did that girl know that there was most definitely no hope? I believe that the Lord could have healed that girl and now because of what she went and did to herself already, we will never know.

God bless you and her family always!!!

WE don't need to know. SHE did.

Just mind your own business and quit trying to micromanage others'.

Excuse me but I have a right a give my two cents just like everyone else here does so if you do not like the way that mine looks on your screen, it isn't my problem. Also your telling another person to mind their own business is NOT a one way street. If you do not want such a thing said to you, don't go saying it to anyone else then! By the way, I thought that you had placed me on ignore here. Any special reason why I'm obviously not anymore? Since you have decided to write to me here again, I have a right to ask. :) :) :)

Holly, you put two different quotes together from two different people and caused some confusion here. I stripped out the second one and will address my part (above).

You posted:
"I believe that the Lord could have healed that girl and now because of what she went and did to herself already, we will never know."

Which I answered with:
"WE don't need to know. SHE did."

Meaning simply: She (the subject) is the one who needs to make her own decision here, not us. It is her situation, not ours. Therefore whether "we ever know" or not cannot be more irrelevant. Who the hell are we that we "need to know"? That's arrogance.

That's why I then added, "mind your own business and stop trying to micromanage others' (business)". It's her decision to make, not yours or mine. Understand?

As far as your right to speak, of course you have that. I never implied otherwise.

And yes I put you on ignore after that racist tirade in the thread about the girl shot in the face, which I found disgusting. It doesn't make your posts impossible to see.
A doctor told her that she had no hope and she believed their every word and now look at what she went and did. How can anyone believe what a doctor says when every situation is different and when such information comes from a person who could very well screw things up when they come from a group of people who have unfortunately become known for their screwing things up? If I had been in that girl's spot, I would have looked that doctor right in the face and said, "I believe that the Lord has the final say on this. Not you."

God has no pity for a suicide.
Amen to this. How did that girl know that there was most definitely no hope? I believe that the Lord could have healed that girl and now because of what she went and did to herself already, we will never know.

God bless you and her family always!!!

She had an incurable brain tumor. Nothing was going to save her, and God sure as hell wasn't going to save her. I swear, some religious people are batshit crazy.
How do you know that the Lord wasn't going to save her? Did he personally tell you that he wasn't going to? No.

God bless you two and the girl's family always!!!


How do you know your god was going to save her?

Did your god tell you that?

How sad that people have to make such decisions, especially someone so young. :( I think it's the right decision if that's what a person chooses because of a terminal illness that is going to cause them so much pain. It's something that has to be handled very carefully though. She's a very sympathetic figure though, and I'm glad she was able to go on her own terms with dignity.
How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!

Every single person who has had this type of cancer has died a horrible death. She should have waited until it got worse, just on the off chance that God would decide to do for her what he didn't do for all the others who suffered with this hideous ailment?
Yes. The Lord stuck it out until his dying breath. Why can't the rest of us do the same thing?

How do you know that she would have died? I believe that the Lord over rides anything that you would suggest that I read.

God bless you two and her family always!!!

You are the sort of religious person I despise. You ignore medial advice and believe that your God will save everyone.

Tell me, when was the last time God cured someone of a terminal brain tumor? When is God going to help all those starving children in Africa? What about the children in abusive homes? What about the woman who will be raped tonight? Is God going to prevent it, or is he going to stand back and watch?
I believe that those are questions that only the Lord can answer and if I make you so sick, why do you continue to have anything to do with me here when you most definitely do not have to?

JoSweetHeart, have you ever gone to hospital for a pain or sickness?
Yes, but did I commit suicide because of what was on my plate? Obviously no.

How do you know that the Lord wasn't going to save her? Did he personally tell you that he wasn't going to? No.

God bless you two and the girl's family always!!!

Because she had a fucking brain tumor that was TERMINAL. What part of that don't you understand?
Terminal means you will DIE and no amount of praying will help you.

Seeing you think that God has the final say, you mean to say that if you had a brain tumor, you wouldn't accept treatment? After all, why have treatment if God will save you?
Terminal is how the doctors label stuff. I believe that the Lord knows more about our bodies than these so called doctors know, so how do you know that no amount of praying will help a person when everyone is different?

How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!


The medical experts didn't have the final word- the young woman who chose how to die had the final word.

If someone you loved got cancer, and the best medical experts said that unless they had a masectomy, they would likely die- would you:

a) Tell them to ignore the medical experts and just trust in God to take them when God is ready
b) Have the government decide whether she could have a masectomy or
c) Have your loved one make the choice based upon the best medical advise available?
I pick A. I have a cousin who passed away almost three years ago. She had cancer all over her body and because she let the Lord into what was left of her life before sticking it out until her dying breath, I believe that with him is where she has been ever since. :) :) :)

God bless you people always!!! :) :) :)


I don't really believe that God interferes in such things.

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