Brittany Maynard ended her own life before her tumor could rob her of it

I linked other information

Fact is she had doubts just days before. Everyone here so knee jerk to dismiss my concern due to your glee at her death is morbid. I never once gave an opinion as to the option. Closed minds simple can't or won't grasp what I posted....oddly enough you were all liberals too.

Brittany Maynard said in early October she expected to kill herself Nov. 1, less than three weeks before her 30th birthday. She emphasized that she wasn't suicidal, but wanted to die on her own terms and reserved the right to move the date forward or push it back.

While she hasn't completely ruled Saturday out, Maynard says in a new video she feels she has some more of her life to live.

"I still feel good enough, and I still have enough joy — and I still laugh and smile with my friends and my family enough — that it doesn't seem like the right time right now," she says in the video.

"But it will come because I feel myself getting sicker. It's happening each week."

Doesn't sound like doubts about anything other than the timing to me.
Timing is everything and that's exactly the doubts she expressed just days prior.
and then sahe said she was still going to because she was feeling herself getting sicker
Thanks captain obvious.

That's where I wonder if she was pressured in the end. A lot of hype and organization went into the death with dignity campaign fixed on a date, not on a person.
According to this she made her own decisions without pressure, "I plan to celebrate my husband's birthday on October 26 with him and our family. Unless my condition improves dramatically, I will look to pass soon thereafter."

Brittany Maynard My right to death with dignity at 29 -

That article also fails to mention
.....Maynard ended her suffering from brain cancer right on schedule, after hinting at a possible delay in a video released last week.

I'm not interested in convincing anyone. I gave my thoughts but it seems a lot of you need to convince me I'm wrong, which make you all sound defensive. Why is that?
Brittany Maynard said in early October she expected to kill herself Nov. 1, less than three weeks before her 30th birthday. She emphasized that she wasn't suicidal, but wanted to die on her own terms and reserved the right to move the date forward or push it back.

While she hasn't completely ruled Saturday out, Maynard says in a new video she feels she has some more of her life to live.

"I still feel good enough, and I still have enough joy — and I still laugh and smile with my friends and my family enough — that it doesn't seem like the right time right now," she says in the video.

"But it will come because I feel myself getting sicker. It's happening each week."

Doesn't sound like doubts about anything other than the timing to me.
Timing is everything and that's exactly the doubts she expressed just days prior.
and then sahe said she was still going to because she was feeling herself getting sicker
Thanks captain obvious.

That's where I wonder if she was pressured in the end. A lot of hype and organization went into the death with dignity campaign fixed on a date, not on a person.
According to this she made her own decisions without pressure, "I plan to celebrate my husband's birthday on October 26 with him and our family. Unless my condition improves dramatically, I will look to pass soon thereafter."

Brittany Maynard My right to death with dignity at 29 -

That article also fails to mention
.....Maynard ended her suffering from brain cancer right on schedule, after hinting at a possible delay in a video released last week.

I'm not interested in convincing anyone. I gave my thoughts but it seems a lot of you need to convince me I'm wrong, which make you all sound defensive. Why is that?

I am not concerned whether you are right or wrong. I am discussing the OP. Looks to me as if she ended her life on her terms and her schedule.
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reading the article, you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
I linked other information

Fact is she had doubts just days before. Everyone here so knee jerk to dismiss my concern due to your glee at her death is morbid. I never once gave an opinion as to the option. Closed minds simple can't or won't grasp what I posted....oddly enough you were all liberals too.

Brittany Maynard said in early October she expected to kill herself Nov. 1, less than three weeks before her 30th birthday. She emphasized that she wasn't suicidal, but wanted to die on her own terms and reserved the right to move the date forward or push it back.

While she hasn't completely ruled Saturday out, Maynard says in a new video she feels she has some more of her life to live.

"I still feel good enough, and I still have enough joy — and I still laugh and smile with my friends and my family enough — that it doesn't seem like the right time right now," she says in the video.

"But it will come because I feel myself getting sicker. It's happening each week."

Doesn't sound like doubts about anything other than the timing to me.
Timing is everything and that's exactly the doubts she expressed just days prior.
and then sahe said she was still going to because she was feeling herself getting sicker
Thanks captain obvious.

That's where I wonder if she was pressured in the end. A lot of hype and organization went into the death with dignity campaign fixed on a date, not on a person.
i doubt it
I'd rather have seen her become a morphine addict than throw away her soul like that. God has no pity for a suicide.

Drug addition robs the soul of life and is a form of suicide which takes a bit longer than physician assisted.

I have had two friends die of brain cancer. One had some headaches. The other had no pain at all.. One opted for alternative homeopathic natural treatment and peacefully died in a few months. The other one opted for everything medical science could throw at it. Unfortunately she also chose to self medicate with cocaine and meth. She had terrible seizures. She lost all control over her bodily functions. She ended up blind and deaf unable to speak. She had nervous spasms where she just screamed. She lived for 18 months. Her doctors never mentioned the drugs she took or their effect on the progression of the cancer.
I'd rather have seen her become a morphine addict than throw away her soul like that. God has no pity for a suicide.

Drug addition robs the soul of life and is a form of suicide which takes a bit longer than physician assisted.

I have had two friends die of brain cancer. One had some headaches. The other had no pain at all.. One opted for alternative homeopathic natural treatment and peacefully died in a few months. The other one opted for everything medical science could throw at it. Unfortunately she also chose to self medicate with cocaine and meth. She had terrible seizures. She lost all control over her bodily functions. She ended up blind and deaf unable to speak. She had nervous spasms where she just screamed. She lived for 18 months. Her doctors never mentioned the drugs she took or their effect on the progression of the cancer.

I am sorry for your loss KnD. Self medicating on top of prescribed medication never leads to anywhere good. I cannot imagine that the drugs did not cause her further problems.
I beleive that to take ones life before your time is due, is against the Law of Love and Life, and there will be no Peace for those who commit suicide.
Amen to this.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I pray that we do get answers though some day to the questions that so many of us have, why there's such horror in this world that is.

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If we each have the right to our own individual life, then we each have the right to end it. Otherwise, we don't have the right to life at all. As horrible and sad as this story is, she died with dignity and in the way she wanted, rather than suffering and going through immense pain only to die later.
Ok..thanks..that's a good, honest, general answer.
I was curious if a person, knowing they would suffer a long and progressively worse and more painful disease and they may even reduce to a vegetative state where they were no longer in control of their body/mind and knew they would linger for days/weeks/months in that condition...

The only way for a person in that condition to get to heaven is to allow all that to happen to them?

...and for argument's sake let's assume no miracle cure for her specific cancer is forthcoming..and no sudden "miracle" occurs where the tumor inexplicably starts shrinking and she returns to full health...

I believe there is a way out of that situation without a problem....and that would be to float yourself out on an iceberg like the Eskimos do or simply walk into the woods or mountains and let nature (God) decide your end. I always figured if I had a terminal disease that would lead to a disgusting end, I'd steal a Ducati super bike and head out on the Phoenix freeways WFO (wide fucking open) knowing a car or a guardrail might bring about my end but not deciding which one for myself. And if I got into the mountains without being killed, I'd return the bike to it's rightful owner and make a better plan. :eusa_doh:

So, you claim you will steal a $15,000+ motorcycle, then ride recklessly (endangering hundreds of lives in the process)? The hypocrisy just DRIPS off every word!
I'd rather have seen her become a morphine addict than throw away her soul like that. God has no pity for a suicide.

Drug addition robs the soul of life and is a form of suicide which takes a bit longer than physician assisted.

I have had two friends die of brain cancer. One had some headaches. The other had no pain at all.. One opted for alternative homeopathic natural treatment and peacefully died in a few months. The other one opted for everything medical science could throw at it. Unfortunately she also chose to self medicate with cocaine and meth. She had terrible seizures. She lost all control over her bodily functions. She ended up blind and deaf unable to speak. She had nervous spasms where she just screamed. She lived for 18 months. Her doctors never mentioned the drugs she took or their effect on the progression of the cancer.

I am sorry for your loss KnD. Self medicating on top of prescribed medication never leads to anywhere good. I cannot imagine that the drugs did not cause her further problems.

I can't imagine that the drugs did anything except contribute to a truly horrible death.
I'd rather have seen her become a morphine addict than throw away her soul like that. God has no pity for a suicide.

Drug addition robs the soul of life and is a form of suicide which takes a bit longer than physician assisted.

I have had two friends die of brain cancer. One had some headaches. The other had no pain at all.. One opted for alternative homeopathic natural treatment and peacefully died in a few months. The other one opted for everything medical science could throw at it. Unfortunately she also chose to self medicate with cocaine and meth. She had terrible seizures. She lost all control over her bodily functions. She ended up blind and deaf unable to speak. She had nervous spasms where she just screamed. She lived for 18 months. Her doctors never mentioned the drugs she took or their effect on the progression of the cancer.

I am sorry for your loss KnD. Self medicating on top of prescribed medication never leads to anywhere good. I cannot imagine that the drugs did not cause her further problems.

I can't imagine that the drugs did anything except contribute to a truly horrible death.
I agree with that!
As a person who is going to be making the same choice soon, I find it amazing how many people think they have the right to dictate what I can and can't do with my own body.
A "former Christian" are ya? Couldn't hack it so you quit....sounds familiar. Of course you're also wrong about the Founders' intentions but that's also par for the course. Any set of laws is based on simple morality....not situation ethics like your crowd favors. Something wrong is always wrong even if the outcome is popular at the moment. All religions believe in basically the same principles of behavior despite efforts by their zealots to bastardize the rules. And you may think you're "enlightened" but remember've given up on God but He likely hasn't given up on you....I'd suggest you think about your decisions while you still have time.

Couldn't hack it? lmao Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

Yes, certain things are wrong. But there are also times when the situation does make a difference.

A person wanting to commit suicide because their girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with them is wrong. But someone wanting to commit suicide to avoid the horrors that their terminal disease will bring them is not wrong. Using your religious beliefs to stop them is what is wrong.

So your moral belief, based on who knows what, is that a person committing suicide because they broke up with a girl or boyfriend is wrong, but one doing so because of terminal illness is okay? What is that moral belief based on, and why should that be the one that is generally accepted by society? Why should moral values based on religion be any different than moral values based on where ever yours come from? What is your logical reasoning that your moral values are valid while those based in other origins are not? Why does where a moral value comes from decide on whether it's valid or not?

Because someone committing suicide over a romantic breakup is ending their life because of a temporary situation. The person ending their life to avoid the horrible last stages of cancer is not.

The logical reasoning behind my comments concerning religious moral codes is that they not be the sole basis for laws. What anyone believes is up to them and I, as I have stated, have no problem with that. I do, however, have a problem with laws based solely on religious beliefs.

But you didn't answer why? Why do you have a problem with morals based solely on religious beliefs? What is the reasoning behind that? Why is there a distinction on where a moral value originates? Why is one source okay, but another not?

And do your morals originate from only one place, one source? If not, then why do you assume that someone else's would?

Why do you think I have a problem with morals based solely on religious beliefs? Ihave stated over and over that I am fine with whatever religious beliefs anyone wants to hold. I may disagree with what they say on some occasions, but I am fine with them having whatever moral codes they choose and from whatever source they choose.

So you like to play games? You are not 'fine' with them being made into law, which is what I was addressing from reading your posts, as you well know. So the same question stands, I'll qualify it further for you since you didn't understand it before. Can you explain why where your morals originate from should determine whether they're morals followed by society, i.e. made into law? Where do your morals originate from since it's obviously not 'religion', and why is it okay for your morals to be imposed upon others simply because they do not originate in religion? What is the logical basis or reasoning for that argument?
Couldn't hack it? lmao Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

Yes, certain things are wrong. But there are also times when the situation does make a difference.

A person wanting to commit suicide because their girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with them is wrong. But someone wanting to commit suicide to avoid the horrors that their terminal disease will bring them is not wrong. Using your religious beliefs to stop them is what is wrong.

So your moral belief, based on who knows what, is that a person committing suicide because they broke up with a girl or boyfriend is wrong, but one doing so because of terminal illness is okay? What is that moral belief based on, and why should that be the one that is generally accepted by society? Why should moral values based on religion be any different than moral values based on where ever yours come from? What is your logical reasoning that your moral values are valid while those based in other origins are not? Why does where a moral value comes from decide on whether it's valid or not?

Because someone committing suicide over a romantic breakup is ending their life because of a temporary situation. The person ending their life to avoid the horrible last stages of cancer is not.

The logical reasoning behind my comments concerning religious moral codes is that they not be the sole basis for laws. What anyone believes is up to them and I, as I have stated, have no problem with that. I do, however, have a problem with laws based solely on religious beliefs.

But you didn't answer why? Why do you have a problem with morals based solely on religious beliefs? What is the reasoning behind that? Why is there a distinction on where a moral value originates? Why is one source okay, but another not?

And do your morals originate from only one place, one source? If not, then why do you assume that someone else's would?

Why do you think I have a problem with morals based solely on religious beliefs? Ihave stated over and over that I am fine with whatever religious beliefs anyone wants to hold. I may disagree with what they say on some occasions, but I am fine with them having whatever moral codes they choose and from whatever source they choose.

So you like to play games? You are not 'fine' with them being made into law, which is what I was addressing from reading your posts, as you well know. So the same question stands, I'll qualify it further for you since you didn't understand it before. Can you explain why where your morals originate from should determine whether they're morals followed by society, i.e. made into law? Where do your morals originate from since it's obviously not 'religion', and why is it okay for your morals to be imposed upon others simply because they do not originate in religion? What is the logical basis or reasoning for that argument?

Oh, so you are asking why my morals are fine for laws but religious morals are not?

Our constitution forbids having a state religion. That is why I always try to have the word "solely" in the sentence condemning religious laws. As in "You cannot have laws based solely on religious dogma or rules."

The basic morality is the same. Do not steal, do not rape, and do not murder. As society gets more complex so do the laws. But the constitution clearly states that having a state religion is out of the question.
So you have gone to hospital for medical treatment. Why not stay at home and trust that God will cure you?
Well that right there is just it. What was done to me at the hospital was absolutely no favor to me, but yet I am still here. :) :) :)

God bless you people always!!! :) :) :)


But if God is able to save you, why didn't you just stay home and suffer and wait for your God to help you? After all, you have been saying that doctors don't know what they are talking about.
She had second thoughts and expressed a change of heart. It's my opinion she was pressured into this. It's a shame, nothing noble
reading the article, you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
I linked other information

Fact is she had doubts just days before. Everyone here so knee jerk to dismiss my concern due to your glee at her death is morbid. I never once gave an opinion as to the option. Closed minds simple can't or won't grasp what I posted....oddly enough you were all liberals too.

Her only doubt was about WHEN she would take her own life. She never decided not to, just reserved the right to push the date forward or back.
She had second thoughts and expressed a change of heart. It's my opinion she was pressured into this. It's a shame, nothing noble
reading the article, you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
I linked other information

Fact is she had doubts just days before. Everyone here so knee jerk to dismiss my concern due to your glee at her death is morbid. I never once gave an opinion as to the option. Closed minds simple can't or won't grasp what I posted....oddly enough you were all liberals too.

Her only doubt was about WHEN she would take her own life. She never decided not to, just reserved the right to push the date forward or back.
That is my entire point. I suspect she may have been pressured to keep that date.
She had second thoughts and expressed a change of heart. It's my opinion she was pressured into this. It's a shame, nothing noble
reading the article, you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
I linked other information

Fact is she had doubts just days before. Everyone here so knee jerk to dismiss my concern due to your glee at her death is morbid. I never once gave an opinion as to the option. Closed minds simple can't or won't grasp what I posted....oddly enough you were all liberals too.

Her only doubt was about WHEN she would take her own life. She never decided not to, just reserved the right to push the date forward or back.
That is my entire point. I suspect she may have been pressured to keep that date.
Who would have pressured anyone to die, would you?
So you have gone to hospital for medical treatment. Why not stay at home and trust that God will cure you?
Well that right there is just it. What was done to me at the hospital was absolutely no favor to me, but yet I am still here. :) :) :)

God bless you people always!!! :) :) :)

But if God is able to save you, why didn't you just stay home and suffer and wait for your God to help you? After all, you have been saying that doctors don't know what they are talking about.
No I don't have a lot of faith in doctors, but they are here for a reason, and when they can't go any further, that is where I believe that the Lord can come in. Why some people are saved and some are not though is something that only the Lord can explain.

God bless you always!!!

Why wait until tumors can rob people of their lives? Kill the critically injured and the infirm before they get a chance to think about it or they become a burden on society. It's what's best in the Nazi Obama health care system.
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