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Brittany Maynard ended her own life before her tumor could rob her of it

^^^ I don't believe that the Lord gave her cancer and I don't support suicide either because I believe that it is the ultimate sin. It is the throwing away of the most precious gift that the Lord has ever given anyone: their life. That man died so that we can be here and suicide is how some people decide to thank him? To me, they deserve every last inch of what ever it is that they get in return.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How do you know that she would have suffered such a horrible death? Just because at least one other person has doesn't mean that she most definitely would have.

For her to be able to take advantage of the Oregon law two doctors and a mental health professional have to diagnose her. The two doctors have to diagnose the disease and agree the patient has 6 months or less to live. The mental health professional has to declare the person isn't crazy.

So she went through more than one doctor just to be able to use the law. She probably got more than one opinion from more than one doctor when she was living in California.

Are you a doctor? If so, do you have access to her medical records?

If the answer is no, then you really don't have any right to make any judgements on what she did or what you think she should have done.

By the way, did you know that there's religious freedom in America? That means you can't force your religious beliefs on anyone. Why not be a real American and stop forcing your religion on someone else?
Y'all do realize you are talking to an idiot, dontcha? That woman is not reachable. She is a moron.
How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!

Every single person who has had this type of cancer has died a horrible death. She should have waited until it got worse, just on the off chance that God would decide to do for her what he didn't do for all the others who suffered with this hideous ailment?
Yes. The Lord stuck it out until his dying breath. Why can't the rest of us do the same thing?

How do you know that she would have died? I believe that the Lord over rides anything that you would suggest that I read.

God bless you two and her family always!!!

You are the sort of religious person I despise. You ignore medial advice and believe that your God will save everyone.

Tell me, when was the last time God cured someone of a terminal brain tumor? When is God going to help all those starving children in Africa? What about the children in abusive homes? What about the woman who will be raped tonight? Is God going to prevent it, or is he going to stand back and watch?
I believe that those are questions that only the Lord can answer and if I make you so sick, why do you continue to have anything to do with me here when you most definitely do not have to?

JoSweetHeart, have you ever gone to hospital for a pain or sickness?
Yes, but did I commit suicide because of what was on my plate? Obviously no.

How do you know that the Lord wasn't going to save her? Did he personally tell you that he wasn't going to? No.

God bless you two and the girl's family always!!!

Because she had a fucking brain tumor that was TERMINAL. What part of that don't you understand?
Terminal means you will DIE and no amount of praying will help you.

Seeing you think that God has the final say, you mean to say that if you had a brain tumor, you wouldn't accept treatment? After all, why have treatment if God will save you?
Terminal is how the doctors label stuff. I believe that the Lord knows more about our bodies than these so called doctors know, so how do you know that no amount of praying will help a person when everyone is different?

How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!


The medical experts didn't have the final word- the young woman who chose how to die had the final word.

If someone you loved got cancer, and the best medical experts said that unless they had a masectomy, they would likely die- would you:

a) Tell them to ignore the medical experts and just trust in God to take them when God is ready
b) Have the government decide whether she could have a masectomy or
c) Have your loved one make the choice based upon the best medical advise available?
I pick A. I have a cousin who passed away almost three years ago. She had cancer all over her body and because she let the Lord into what was left of her life before sticking it out until her dying breath, I believe that with him is where she has been ever since. :) :) :)

God bless you people always!!! :) :) :)


So you have gone to hospital for medical treatment. Why not stay at home and trust that God will cure you?
Assisted suicide = killing off the vulnerable, murdering inconvenient life.

The Brittany Maynard Fund Compassion Choices

I am Brittany Maynard and it concerns me that Dr. Ira Byock will speak on my "behalf" at all again. I watched a special on PBS where this same individual spoke about my case as though he knew personal details about me, saying some things that were quite frankly not true.

For example, he said that a gentle death would be available to me easily through hospice, unfortunately that would be after a great length of time, with lots of suffering (physical and emotional), and loss for my young body. He is right that this is not being accomplished successfully for many terminally ill Americans on a widespread basis across our country. This needs to change too, I agree with him there. But perhaps most disturbingly, Byock claimed that Compassion & Choices had somehow taken advantage of me through "exploitation" and that I feel compelled to die now based on public expectations. I DO NOT, this is MY choice, I am not that weak. The day is my choice, I have the right to change my mind at any time, it is my right.

I am very confident about this. This is a patient right that is critical to understanding Death with Dignity. The claim of exploitation is utterly false considering I had gone through the entire process of moving, physician approval for DWD, and filled my prescription before I EVER even spoke to anyone at Compassion and Choices about volunteering and decided to share my story. I support the organization because I support the cause. I believe this is a healthcare right and CHOICE that should be available to ALL terminally ill Americans.

I made my decisions based on my wishes, clinical research, choices, discussions with physicians, and logic. I am not depressed or suicidal or on a "slippery slope." I have been in charge of this choice, gaining control of a terrifying terminal disease through the application of my own humane logic. We as a country have real issues with the way doctors are trained to speak about, educate and embrace realities of death. As a terminally ill patient, I find it disrespectful and disturbing when people discuss my personal health with details that are not accurate to push an agenda. My request is that physicians speak only what they directly know to be factually true and have a right to discuss.

The best change for all our community, physicians and patients, will come from us pulling together and developing policies to protect the severely ill based on honesty, education, and humane treatment of suffering. I wish nothing but peace and healing for whom it is available, and a peaceful passing of comfortable choice for whom it is not.
The founding fathers were careful to make sure that no religion ruled this nation.

That is why religious based laws are unconstitutional.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice of whether or not they wanted to live by christianity's rules. I was still a christian when I worked to oppose Roy Moore's placement of the 10 Commandment monument in the Alabama Supreme Court lobby.

A "former Christian" are ya? Couldn't hack it so you quit....sounds familiar. Of course you're also wrong about the Founders' intentions but that's also par for the course. Any set of laws is based on simple morality....not situation ethics like your crowd favors. Something wrong is always wrong even if the outcome is popular at the moment. All religions believe in basically the same principles of behavior despite efforts by their zealots to bastardize the rules. And you may think you're "enlightened" but remember this....you've given up on God but He likely hasn't given up on you....I'd suggest you think about your decisions while you still have time.

Couldn't hack it? lmao Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

Yes, certain things are wrong. But there are also times when the situation does make a difference.

A person wanting to commit suicide because their girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with them is wrong. But someone wanting to commit suicide to avoid the horrors that their terminal disease will bring them is not wrong. Using your religious beliefs to stop them is what is wrong.

So your moral belief, based on who knows what, is that a person committing suicide because they broke up with a girl or boyfriend is wrong, but one doing so because of terminal illness is okay? What is that moral belief based on, and why should that be the one that is generally accepted by society? Why should moral values based on religion be any different than moral values based on where ever yours come from? What is your logical reasoning that your moral values are valid while those based in other origins are not? Why does where a moral value comes from decide on whether it's valid or not?
The founding fathers were careful to make sure that no religion ruled this nation.

That is why religious based laws are unconstitutional.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice of whether or not they wanted to live by christianity's rules. I was still a christian when I worked to oppose Roy Moore's placement of the 10 Commandment monument in the Alabama Supreme Court lobby.

A "former Christian" are ya? Couldn't hack it so you quit....sounds familiar. Of course you're also wrong about the Founders' intentions but that's also par for the course. Any set of laws is based on simple morality....not situation ethics like your crowd favors. Something wrong is always wrong even if the outcome is popular at the moment. All religions believe in basically the same principles of behavior despite efforts by their zealots to bastardize the rules. And you may think you're "enlightened" but remember this....you've given up on God but He likely hasn't given up on you....I'd suggest you think about your decisions while you still have time.

Couldn't hack it? lmao Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

Yes, certain things are wrong. But there are also times when the situation does make a difference.

A person wanting to commit suicide because their girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with them is wrong. But someone wanting to commit suicide to avoid the horrors that their terminal disease will bring them is not wrong. Using your religious beliefs to stop them is what is wrong.

So your moral belief, based on who knows what, is that a person committing suicide because they broke up with a girl or boyfriend is wrong, but one doing so because of terminal illness is okay? What is that moral belief based on, and why should that be the one that is generally accepted by society? Why should moral values based on religion be any different than moral values based on where ever yours come from? What is your logical reasoning that your moral values are valid while those based in other origins are not? Why does where a moral value comes from decide on whether it's valid or not?

Because someone committing suicide over a romantic breakup is ending their life because of a temporary situation. The person ending their life to avoid the horrible last stages of cancer is not.

The logical reasoning behind my comments concerning religious moral codes is that they not be the sole basis for laws. What anyone believes is up to them and I, as I have stated, have no problem with that. I do, however, have a problem with laws based solely on religious beliefs.
When I was in my 20's, the government had given itself the legal right to send me half way around the world to kill people I did not know, for no particular reason, and if necessary, to get killed myself. Then they were prepared to bury me, and tell America that I "gave" my life for my country. As a reward, they would chisel my name on a wall.

This same government, at the state level, also gave itself the right to imprison anyone who offered to help me escape an inevitable and torturous death from terminal disease. They have the audacity to call this "immoral", after the military awarded me medals for killing people in a foreign country. They claim that there is a slippery slope between euthanasia and medically assisted suicide for those choosing death with dignity. Apparently, such slippery slope does not exist between war and suicide.

The hypocrisy is overwhelming.

NObody can tell me what I can do or not do to end my own life, and those states that would prosecute medical professionals from helping me, have laws that can not withstand rational examination. As for the Catholic churches condemnation, they can put their opinion in a suppository and give it to the pope.

Good for Oregon.
When one is engaged in using his or her religious values to tell and make another what he or she thinks is best, then, yes, that is a form of sharia.

That invalidates almost the entire liberal world view. Now what will liberals do?

That makes no sense.
You're trying to say Kurtz and his Authoritarian arrogance represent Liberalism?

I'm saying that Liberalism operates just like a religion. Religion is merely a category of ideology, one which appeals to mysticism. Remove the condition of mysticism and Liberalism is all about telling people what to do based on liberal views of what is best.

Exactly, but since their 'morals' aren't based in religion, it's perfectly okay for them to do so... lol
How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!

Every single person who has had this type of cancer has died a horrible death. She should have waited until it got worse, just on the off chance that God would decide to do for her what he didn't do for all the others who suffered with this hideous ailment?
Yes. The Lord stuck it out until his dying breath. Why can't the rest of us do the same thing?

How do you know that she would have died? I believe that the Lord over rides anything that you would suggest that I read.

God bless you two and her family always!!!

You are the sort of religious person I despise. You ignore medial advice and believe that your God will save everyone.

Tell me, when was the last time God cured someone of a terminal brain tumor? When is God going to help all those starving children in Africa? What about the children in abusive homes? What about the woman who will be raped tonight? Is God going to prevent it, or is he going to stand back and watch?
I believe that those are questions that only the Lord can answer and if I make you so sick, why do you continue to have anything to do with me here when you most definitely do not have to?

JoSweetHeart, have you ever gone to hospital for a pain or sickness?
Yes, but did I commit suicide because of what was on my plate? Obviously no.

How do you know that the Lord wasn't going to save her? Did he personally tell you that he wasn't going to? No.

God bless you two and the girl's family always!!!

Because she had a fucking brain tumor that was TERMINAL. What part of that don't you understand?
Terminal means you will DIE and no amount of praying will help you.

Seeing you think that God has the final say, you mean to say that if you had a brain tumor, you wouldn't accept treatment? After all, why have treatment if God will save you?
Terminal is how the doctors label stuff. I believe that the Lord knows more about our bodies than these so called doctors know, so how do you know that no amount of praying will help a person when everyone is different?

How do I know she was going to die a horrible death- because every medical expert she talked to said she was going to.
Anything that them "medical experts" know doesn't make anything that they have to say the final word, especially when no two people are the same.

God bless you always!!!


The medical experts didn't have the final word- the young woman who chose how to die had the final word.

If someone you loved got cancer, and the best medical experts said that unless they had a masectomy, they would likely die- would you:

a) Tell them to ignore the medical experts and just trust in God to take them when God is ready
b) Have the government decide whether she could have a masectomy or
c) Have your loved one make the choice based upon the best medical advise available?
I pick A. I have a cousin who passed away almost three years ago. She had cancer all over her body and because she let the Lord into what was left of her life before sticking it out until her dying breath, I believe that with him is where she has been ever since. :) :) :)

God bless you people always!!! :) :) :)


So you have gone to hospital for medical treatment. Why not stay at home and trust that God will cure you?
World of difference. If you can't see that there is no discussion to be had
You say "the lord" way too much. Did you even realize that you said it 5 times in that post alone, and i dont think youve made one post in this thread without using the term "the lord". Im guessing you have problems socializing with people, probably no boyfriend or husband and not many friends. This need to make everything about god and always talking about "the lord" isnt healthy. You would be surprised at how much of a better life you would have if you just toned it down a bit, but im guessing youre too far gone to even see that.
If people can't show any respect for my beliefs, then I don't believe that I am really missing out on much if anything at all. Also, if you are not willing to walk away from any beliefs that you yourself have in order to score yourself friends, a significant other, etc., then what room do you have to tell someone else to? In my opinion? Absolutely no room at all.

How do you know your god was going to save her?

Did your god tell you that?

How do you know that my God wasn't going to save her? Did my God tell you that he wasn't going to? No. :) :) :)

I don't really believe that God interferes in such things.
Well that is your belief and because you were respectful when sharing it, you get my respect in return. :) :) :)

For her to be able to take advantage of the Oregon law two doctors and a mental health professional have to diagnose her. The two doctors have to diagnose the disease and agree the patient has 6 months or less to live. The mental health professional has to declare the person isn't crazy.

So she went through more than one doctor just to be able to use the law. She probably got more than one opinion from more than one doctor when she was living in California.

Are you a doctor? If so, do you have access to her medical records?

If the answer is no, then you really don't have any right to make any judgements on what she did or what you think she should have done.

By the way, did you know that there's religious freedom in America? That means you can't force your religious beliefs on anyone. Why not be a real American and stop forcing your religion on someone else?
No I don't have access to her records because I am not a doctor, but I do believe that the Lord has access. And for the record, I am not forcing anything on you people. All that I am doing here is sharing what it is that I believe in which is something that every one has a right to do if they want to and if some people do not like what it is that I have to say, it isn't my issue.

So you have gone to hospital for medical treatment. Why not stay at home and trust that God will cure you?
Well that right there is just it. What was done to me at the hospital was absolutely no favor to me, but yet I am still here. :) :) :)

God bless you people always!!! :) :) :)

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I am Brittany Maynard and it concerns me...
Yeah I've heard the propaganda. Our elites are giddy they've found an attractive face for the pro-death movement. But don't be fooled! They are just selling death.

Look at what happened in the Netherlands!

Slippery slope: ‘loneliness,’ ‘fatigue’ now criteria for euthanasia in Netherlands

Euthanasia Rate in Netherlands Has Increased 73% Since 2003

Many more articles here: Euthanasia suicide mercy-killing right-to-die physician assisted suicide living wills research

Our elites usually are ill-disposed to grant us even the most basic rights. The only right they are truly solicitous of is the precious right to kill ourselves or our dependents.

Why do you suppose the corporate media is trying to sell euthanasia with so much fervor? Don't be gullible!
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I am Brittany Maynard and it concerns me...
Yeah I've heard the propaganda. Our elites are giddy they've found an attractive face for the pro-death movement. But don't be fooled! They are just selling death.

Look at what happened in the Netherlands!

Our elites usually are ill-disposed to grant us even the most basic rights. The only right they are truly solicitous of is the precious right to kill ourselves or our dependents.

You can believe whatever crap you want to.

I chose to believe this woman

I am Brittany Maynard and it concerns me that Dr. Ira Byock will speak on my "behalf" at all again. I watched a special on PBS where this same individual spoke about my case as though he knew personal details about me, saying some things that were quite frankly not true.

For example, he said that a gentle death would be available to me easily through hospice, unfortunately that would be after a great length of time, with lots of suffering (physical and emotional), and loss for my young body. He is right that this is not being accomplished successfully for many terminally ill Americans on a widespread basis across our country. This needs to change too, I agree with him there. But perhaps most disturbingly, Byock claimed that Compassion & Choices had somehow taken advantage of me through "exploitation" and that I feel compelled to die now based on public expectations. I DO NOT, this is MY choice, I am not that weak. The day is my choice, I have the right to change my mind at any time, it is my right.

I am very confident about this. This is a patient right that is critical to understanding Death with Dignity. The claim of exploitation is utterly false considering I had gone through the entire process of moving, physician approval for DWD, and filled my prescription before I EVER even spoke to anyone at Compassion and Choices about volunteering and decided to share my story. I support the organization because I support the cause. I believe this is a healthcare right and CHOICE that should be available to ALL terminally ill Americans.

I made my decisions based on my wishes, clinical research, choices, discussions with physicians, and logic. I am not depressed or suicidal or on a "slippery slope." I have been in charge of this choice, gaining control of a terrifying terminal disease through the application of my own humane logic. We as a country have real issues with the way doctors are trained to speak about, educate and embrace realities of death. As a terminally ill patient, I find it disrespectful and disturbing when people discuss my personal health with details that are not accurate to push an agenda. My request is that physicians speak only what they directly know to be factually true and have a right to discuss.

The best change for all our community, physicians and patients, will come from us pulling together and developing policies to protect the severely ill based on honesty, education, and humane treatment of suffering. I wish nothing but peace and healing for whom it is available, and a peaceful passing of comfortable choice for whom it is not.
The founding fathers were careful to make sure that no religion ruled this nation.

That is why religious based laws are unconstitutional.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice of whether or not they wanted to live by christianity's rules. I was still a christian when I worked to oppose Roy Moore's placement of the 10 Commandment monument in the Alabama Supreme Court lobby.

A "former Christian" are ya? Couldn't hack it so you quit....sounds familiar. Of course you're also wrong about the Founders' intentions but that's also par for the course. Any set of laws is based on simple morality....not situation ethics like your crowd favors. Something wrong is always wrong even if the outcome is popular at the moment. All religions believe in basically the same principles of behavior despite efforts by their zealots to bastardize the rules. And you may think you're "enlightened" but remember this....you've given up on God but He likely hasn't given up on you....I'd suggest you think about your decisions while you still have time.

Couldn't hack it? lmao Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

Yes, certain things are wrong. But there are also times when the situation does make a difference.

A person wanting to commit suicide because their girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with them is wrong. But someone wanting to commit suicide to avoid the horrors that their terminal disease will bring them is not wrong. Using your religious beliefs to stop them is what is wrong.

So your moral belief, based on who knows what, is that a person committing suicide because they broke up with a girl or boyfriend is wrong, but one doing so because of terminal illness is okay? What is that moral belief based on, and why should that be the one that is generally accepted by society? Why should moral values based on religion be any different than moral values based on where ever yours come from? What is your logical reasoning that your moral values are valid while those based in other origins are not? Why does where a moral value comes from decide on whether it's valid or not?

Because someone committing suicide over a romantic breakup is ending their life because of a temporary situation. The person ending their life to avoid the horrible last stages of cancer is not.

The logical reasoning behind my comments concerning religious moral codes is that they not be the sole basis for laws. What anyone believes is up to them and I, as I have stated, have no problem with that. I do, however, have a problem with laws based solely on religious beliefs.

But you didn't answer why? Why do you have a problem with morals based solely on religious beliefs? What is the reasoning behind that? Why is there a distinction on where a moral value originates? Why is one source okay, but another not?

And do your morals originate from only one place, one source? If not, then why do you assume that someone else's would?

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