brittney griner

Brother you’re talking with somebody who greatly appreciates the Soviet union contribution of World War II. And I know there’s good people in the Russian military and eastern Ukraine fighting for the Russian flag. Bottom line is Brittney Griner is an American hero certainly to Many young women. We should consider using the special forces to bust her out of the prison.

I can’t tell you how much I disagree with BLM and people like gReiner who might support BLM‘s message. But something about her reaches out to me. And I am a Catholic and this could be something we should do as men and if you want to be a knight , if you want to be a good Catholic I think this is the kind of thing to do.

This is coming from somebody who wants Russia and America to get along. But I want to see America show force and I want to see Britney Griner out of the Russian jail Eddie way possible. Time to show some strength just like the Americans of the 1940s had. Yeah I’m tired of seeing weakness among American men. It’s called a show of force. Just get it done someway.
Please report immediately to the nearest mental health facility because you are crazy as a loon!
The question is did she actually have a large amount of drugs on her? Now from a global perspective we can argue that drugs should be legal anyways. But that’s another debate. Every country has its own laws but I often look at things from a global perspective because I’m an actual real liberal. A lot of Democrats are fake liberals. Not me

My position is if Mrs. gReiner had a very small amount of drugs she should only have to serve a few hours or a few days in jail. And if the Russian judges want to have her serve 10 years then we need to use the special forces to bust her out of the jail.

Or we could have a prisoner swap?

I believe that many Russians love Britney Griner. Basketball is a growing sport in Russia just look at the facts she played in Russia in front of thousands of people. So I don’t think it’s just that the American public are upset with this but also the Russian public. The Russian people are not viewing grinder as some sort of a drug dealer or drug abusing lesbian. No they welcomed her in the sports arena openly in the public she is admired in the Russian society. That’s the thing man some of the American media wants us to believe that the Russians are evil people who hate Britney Griner because of her background I refuse to buy it.
First, she is not a "Mrs." by any stretch of the imagination as she has no husband. Also, do you even know what her name is?
Then what do you think about a prisoner swap?

I care about how both Americans and Russians feel about the war and what it involves. I don’t know of any major Russian athlete being held in an American jail because of a non-violent crime like a drug accusation. here’s the thing Russia is choosing to jail Britney Griner …we don’t know exactly how many drugs she had. Even if she is guilty of say having a ounce of dope or whatever a lot of people in the world would say what about freedom of choice, libertarian things who cares if someone uses a drug? Does it make sense that a talented athlete like Britney would be using drugs?

Russia could release Britney Griner as a humanitarian thing even without getting anything from America…. they could do this and say to the world look at how humanitarian we are. So there’s a whole multitude of ways to approach this issue.

I believe in the vision of the allies of World War II of the major powers of the world working together. We need to avoid a nuclear war …President Biden said we are closer to a nuclear war that we have been in 60 years.

The main point now I would ask is what do you think about a prisoner swap?
They can keep the stupid dyke. She's useless at best. I'm kinda surprised Putin isn't sending us a bill for feeding the fuckin traitor.

Russians would respect such an operation…. they respect strength

What can I say I disagree with Britney on her far left politics but I want her back. And I think America looks weak by not doing something

LeBron James should hire private contractors to rescue her, seriously he has the power.

It is also an undeniable act of war!
First, she is not a "Mrs." by any stretch of the imagination as she has no husband. Also, do you even know what her name is?
She’s an American languishing in a Russian jail. I know that she is strong she is physically fit and her image as an athlete is something that has good representation. She represents strength she is muscular she can beat the shit out of weak piece of shit keyboard warrior men who are sexist. I don’t believe in getting personal i’m not against you I’m against people who are against Mrs. Greiner based on how she looks. Don’t judge a person and how they look judge a person by their character by their hard work. Greiner is a very hard worker.. I’m a Catholic. I’m a proud American. And it is showing the world masculinity showing the world strength to do something about this.

It is weakness being a pussy if you will do nothing about this.

This kind of weakness doesn’t fly with work and class white people working class Black people yeah just go down to South Boston go down to Philadelphia go down to Pittsburgh go down to Chicago. You got a lot of people from all backgrounds that want Brittney Griner out of prison. America‘s gonna kick the fucking shit out of people who take away American athletes for no good reason.

Whenever you see American weakness you kick that shit in the teeth. American strength is when we show our muscle to get Britney out of prison. I’m pro Christian and pro military I don’t know about you. I don’t know about you hope you’re the same.
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She’s an American languishing in a Russian jail. I know that she is strong she is physically fit and her image as an athlete is something that has good representation. She represents strength she is muscular she can beat the shit out of weak piece of shit men who are sexist. I don’t believe in getting personal i’m not against you I’m against people who are against Mrs. Greiner based on how she looks. Don’t judge a person and how they look judge a person by their character by their hard work. Greiner is a very hard worker.. I’m a Catholic. I’m a proud American. And it is showing the world masculinity showing the world strength to do something about this.

It is weakness being a pussy if you will do nothing about this.

This kind of weakness doesn’t fly with work and class white people working class Black people yeah just go down to South Boston go down to Philadelphia go down to Pittsburgh go down to Chicago. You got a lot of people from all backgrounds that won’t Brittney Griner out of present. In America‘s gonna kick the fucking shit out of people who take away American athletes for no good reason

Whenever you see American weakness you kick that shit in the teeth. American strength is when we show our muscle to get Britney out of prison. I’m pro Christian and pro military I don’t know about you. I don’t know about you hope you’re the same.
No, this broad is not just a citizen kidnapped by a hostile country. She hates America and does not deserve any effort to recover her.

She shit her bed, she can lay in it.
They can keep the stupid dyke. She's useless at best. I'm kinda surprised Putin isn't sending us a bill for feeding the fuckin traitor.

if it was Bryce Harper languishing in a Russian jail or any jail you would probably want him out of prison. But because it’s Britney Griner because of how you perceive her looks and politics you don’t want to help her?. Well I believe huge amounts of people in America and Russia would disagree with you. You got this thing wrong man look at Ancient history peoples sexuality was open. So I think you are overlooking Britney sexuality. Besides someone like Greiner with her work ethic /physical stamina would have a ton of respect from conservative Americans.

Another thing Brittney Griner might be a lesbian but she represents strength. OK when you talk about a healthy society you talk about people who are physically fit. We have an obesity problem in America. We need athletes like Brittney Griner showing what it’s like to work out be physically fit ..we have to tackle the obesity problem in our country we need a good representation in this country
She’s an American languishing in a Russian jail. I know that she is strong she is physically fit and her image as an athlete is something that has good representation. She represents strength she is muscular she can beat the shit out of weak piece of shit keyboard warrior men who are sexist. I don’t believe in getting personal i’m not against you I’m against people who are against Mrs. Greiner based on how she looks. Don’t judge a person and how they look judge a person by their character by their hard work. Greiner is a very hard worker.. I’m a Catholic. I’m a proud American. And it is showing the world masculinity showing the world strength to do something about this.

It is weakness being a pussy if you will do nothing about this.

This kind of weakness doesn’t fly with work and class white people working class Black people yeah just go down to South Boston go down to Philadelphia go down to Pittsburgh go down to Chicago. You got a lot of people from all backgrounds that won’t Brittney Griner out of present. In America‘s gonna kick the fucking shit out of people who take away American athletes for no good reason

Whenever you see American weakness you kick that shit in the teeth. American strength is when we show our muscle to get Britney out of prison. I’m pro Christian and pro military I don’t know about you. I don’t know about you hope you’re the same.
Would you care to try that post again in English? Most of it made absolutely no sense.

Her name is Brittney Griner. You spelled it differently numerous times in each post you made.

You may be pro-military, but I think you are an amateur.

I served in the Navy from 1978-2001. worked for the DoD for another year, and volunteered straining Special Operations troops in Urban Combat for another 11 years. Using our military against Russia would be an act of war.
Then what do you think about a prisoner swap?

I care about how both Americans and Russians feel about the war and what it involves. I don’t know of any major Russian athlete being held in an American jail because of a non-violent crime like a drug accusation. here’s the thing Russia is choosing to jail Britney Griner …we don’t know exactly how many drugs she had. Even if she is guilty of say having a ounce of dope or whatever a lot of people in the world would say what about freedom of choice, libertarian things who cares if someone uses a drug? Does it make sense that a talented athlete like Britney would be using drugs?

Russia could release Britney Griner as a humanitarian thing even without getting anything from America…. they could do this and say to the world look at how humanitarian we are. So there’s a whole multitude of ways to approach this issue.

I believe in the vision of the allies of World War II of the major powers of the world working together. We need to avoid a nuclear war …President Biden said we are closer to a nuclear war that we have been in 60 years.

The main point now I would ask is what do you think about a prisoner swap?
Please tell us who you have in mind. This should be interesting 🧐
if it was Bryce Harper languishing in a Russian jail or any jail you would probably want him out of prison. But because it’s Britney Griner because of how you perceive her looks and politics you don’t want to help her?. Well I believe huge amounts of people in America and Russia would disagree with you. You got this thing wrong man look at Ancient history peoples sexuality was open. So I think you are overlooking Britney sexuality. Besides someone like Greiner with her work ethic /physical stamina would have a ton of respect from conservative Americans.

Another thing Brittney Griner might be a lesbian but she represents strength. OK when you talk about a healthy society you talk about people who are physically fit. We have an obesity problem in America. We need athletes like Brittney Griner showing what it’s like to work out be physically fit ..we have to tackle the obesity problem in our country we need a good representation in this country
It's because I can't stand these sports players and their hatred for the US. If she just kept her mouth shut and played the game rather than protesting the anthem and promoting leftist psychobabble about black oppression I'd be sympathetic. If she only had a single hash oil cartridge she probably would be in less trouble as well. I don't know or care who Bryce Harper is, and for that matter I didn't know who she was before she went to prison. After finding out how she feels about her own country and thinks she's so oppressed, my opinion was formed. We ought to ask the ruskies to take Kapernick off our hands also. Now maybe she will sing along with the anthem if she ever gets back, but we shouldn't be trading a prisoner who has wronged our own nation in trade.

Would you care to try that post again in English? Most of it made absolutely no sense.

Her name is Brittney Griner. You spelled it differently numerous times in each post you made.

You may be pro-military, but I think you are an amateur.

I served in the Navy from 1978-2001. worked for the DoD for another year, and volunteered straining Special Operations troops in Urban Combat for another 11 years. Using our military against Russia would be an act of war.
I suffer from a brutal spinal cord injury so I use the voice app. Sorry brother there might be some typos. I had to relearn how to walk.

I appreciate your service. I did not serve in the military myself but I certainly think the US military is great. I have a brother who is a officer in the army. I am a regular Joe. I would never claim to be something special. I’m providing my opinion here like everybody else and I see Britney Griner as a representation of American strength if
you agree or disagree man it’s on you. I will believe you that you served obviously this is the Internet people could say anything but I’ll take you at your word.

OK sorry about the misunderstanding I think a prisoner swap would be the number one option not a rescue operation. Now I brought the rescue operation as an idea. Because we have done similarly bold operations in Pakistan for example.

I brought up something else about the idea of LeBron James using private contractors to rescue Britney Griner. How would a country react if a private individual acted in such a matter? Obviously it’s a very far out idea I know it but it still is a situation. You know what man the bottom line is I hate seeing her in jail she’s been in there for almost a year ….and there’s definitely a lot of people in the world who want her out by Any means necessary.
I suffer from a brutal spinal cord injury so I use the voice app. Sorry brother there might be some typos. I had to relearn how to walk.

I appreciate your service. I did not serve in the military myself but I certainly think the US military is great. I have a brother who is a officer in the army. I am a regular Joe. I would never claim to be something special. I’m providing my opinion here like everybody else and I see Britney Griner as a representation of American strength if
you agree or disagree man it’s on you. I will believe you that you served obviously this is the Internet people could say anything but I’ll take you at your word.

OK sorry about the misunderstanding I think a prisoner swap would be the number one option not a rescue operation. Now I brought the rescue operation as an idea. Because we have done similarly bold operations in Pakistan for example.

I brought up something else about the idea of LeBron James using private contractors to rescue Britney Griner. How would a country react if a private individual acted in such a matter? Obviously it’s a very far out idea I know it but it still is a situation. You know what man the bottom line is I hate seeing her in jail she’s been in there for almost a year ….and there’s definitely a lot of people in the world who want her out by Any means necessary.
“ Private Contractors “ to break into a Camp that isn’t much different from the Concentration Camps during WW 11?????
They are supposed to risk losing THEIR lives.????? What would happen to these men after they were bought? Probably wish they were dead 💀. Do you give a F..K about their families??? Please tell us why ANYONE should give a S..T about someone who HATES this Country and because of who she is ; believes the law doesn’t apply to her

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