brittney griner

I agree We should risk a WORLD WAR; invading a foreign Country with our Special Forces Unit; possibly getting them killed or worse to free a Lesbian who thought she was above the law
Make a deal with you; Let someone in YOUR family go first . Practice what YOU preach. 🙏
Russians would respect such an operation…. they respect strength

What can I say I disagree with Britney on her far left politics but I want her back. And I think America looks weak by not doing something

LeBron James should hire private contractors to rescue her, seriously he has the power.
Bring us even closer to World War III because an immature athlete made a bad personal choice?

You seem serious, but I have to imagine you may be having us on.

She can serve her time and come back to the US afterward.
I want her out so does her family and many Americans.

Ww3 could have already occurred …I would say Russia has put up with nato, sanctions , etc … so such a rescue operation as bold as it sounds frankly if we compare that to what Russia is already putting up with (or not responding to it) might not be a ww 3 scenario. Remember Pakistan is nuclear armed and America did an operation in Pakistan without the Pakistani gov knowing.

don’t be against me I’m not anti Russia …I disagree with sending weapons to Ukraine.

I don’t think America has the courage and honor that used to …we will get it back.. The rescue operation would be a last resort..if Britney Is in jail for over a year that’s just too long and we have to act on it and do some thing. Mind you this is what I would do this is what I think older generations of Americans would do….

The idea is you do the rescue operation and then immediately after tell Putin/Russia we’re not about removing you we’re not against you we just did this to get Britney out of there …and there’s a way to do these things to avoid your World War III scenario.
Donald trump cared about those black basketball players who got caught shoplifting in China. Even though those folks had different politics Donald Trump worked really hard to get them out of there and I bet Trump supporters maybe a few of them were against it trump helping them( Lonzo ball or his brother if I remember correct)

people care about Britney to hell with the politics

I am showing pro Christian, pro masculine pro American views
Russians would respect such an operation…. they respect strength

What can I say I disagree with Britney on her far left politics but I want her back. And I think America looks weak by not doing something

LeBron James should hire private contractors to rescue her, seriously he has the power.
They would “ respect “ those who enter their Sovereignty ? They would just let our Special Forces come in and take her without any fear of loosing their life or worse? LOL !!! You and BRANDON must be drinking the same Kool-Aid. We are already the laughing stock of the world and it’s NOT because of this
They would “ respect “ those who enter their Sovereignty ? They would just let our Special Forces come in and take her without any fear of loosing their life or worse? LOL !!! You and BRANDON must be drinking the same Kool-Aid. We are already the laughing stock of the world and it’s NOT because of this
I think most Russians are sympathetic toward brittney . That’s the difference brother.

Like I said it would be a last ditch effort. its not going to happen not bc Russia would start ww3 …. did Pakistan start World War III when we invaded their sovereign territory? If you’re going to be technical?

The only way the rescue operation doesn’t happen is if America chooses to not make it happen. I believe we have the ability and I believe if we did it Russia would not retaliate with a World War III type scenario.

we both agree on a lot of things I think …opposing BLM opposing the far left. Let’s not get too worked up about this one

We should consider a prisoner swap with Russia as well. Agreed ?
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I want her out so does her family and many Americans.

Ww3 could have already occurred …I would say Russia has put up with nato, sanctions , etc … so such a rescue operation as bold as it sounds frankly if we compare that to what Russia is already putting up with (or not responding to it) might not be a ww 3 scenario. Remember Pakistan is nuclear armed and America did an operation in Pakistan without the Pakistani gov knowing.

don’t be against me I’m not anti Russia …I disagree with sending weapons to Ukraine.

I don’t think America has the courage and honor that used to …we will get it back.. The rescue operation would be a last resort..if Britney Is in jail for over a year that’s just too long and we have to act on it and do some thing. Mind you this is what I would do this is what I think older generations of Americans would do….

The idea is you do the rescue operation and then immediately after tell Putin/Russia we’re not about removing you we’re not against you we just did this to get Britney out of there …and there’s a way to do these things to avoid your World War III scenario.
You've convinced me.

Give me a jingle when you're outside the prison walls & I'll hop in my helicopter & come join you.

We will NOT leave Brittney alone!!!!!!!!

griner has been placed in a russian penal colony. why is she not protesting saying the russians are doing this because I am black. why is she not playing the race card
I'd "penal" her!
She tried that. Russia didn't care. She tried the lesbian card too. Russia didn't care.

There is only one meaningful comment. YAY RUSSIA. GO RUSSIA.
She’s a political prisoner and knows it.

You hate her because she’s black and lesbian
Russians would respect such an operation…. they respect strength

What can I say I disagree with Britney on her far left politics but I want her back. And I think America looks weak by not doing something

LeBron James should hire private contractors to rescue her, seriously he has the power.
They should hire private Contractors to break ito a compound where there is 24/7 Guards with rifles and risk their lives for someone who thought the law didn’t pertain to HER ! She isn’t the only one on drugs ☝️
Donald trump cared about those black basketball players who got caught shoplifting in China. Even though those folks had different politics Donald Trump worked really hard to get them out of there and I bet Trump supporters maybe a few of them were against it trump helping them( Lonzo ball or his brother if I remember correct)

people care about Britney to hell with the politics

I am showing pro Christian, pro masculine pro American views
Trump also got Rocky ASAP out of prison in was it Sweden?
Drug addict? We’re talking about pot you stupid fuck
Pot is a drug.
You actually make this addict's deserved punishment more delicious.
"It's just poootttttt, it's not a crime heeerrrreeee."

She wasn't here. She broke the laws of another country. She thought she could wrangle a hostile nation into adopting our laws, just for her. She got what she deserved. YYYAAAYYY.

They should hire private Contractors to break ito a compound where there is 24/7 Guards with rifles and risk their lives for someone who thought the law didn’t pertain to HER ! She isn’t the only one on drugs ☝️
Bold operations are often taken throughout history.

I stayed at my point. You talk about drugs and weakness. Seriously it is the weak minded Americans who do nothing about these things. I argue l from a position of masculinity and strength.

I’ve already said I appreciate Russian history. Your fault here you’re choosing to ignore what I’m saying. I’m sure we agree on a lot of things. The rescue operation will be a last resort method. What do you think about a prisoner swap?

Did you know Britney Griner had a huge following in Russia. She played basketball in front of thousands of cheering Russian fans. I believe most Russians would sympathize with my views compared to yours.
On the plus side she will probably learn some new skills for the time when her basketball career is over. The world can always use another skilled potato farmer.
Bold operations are often taken throughout history.

I stayed at my point. You talk about drugs and weakness. Seriously it is the weak minded Americans who do nothing about these things. I argue l from a position of masculinity and strength.

I’ve already said I appreciate Russian history. Your fault here you’re choosing to ignore what I’m saying. I’m sure we agree on a lot of things. The rescue operation will be a last resort method. What do you think about a prisoner swap?

Did you know Britney Griner had a huge following in Russia. She played basketball in front of thousands of cheering Russian fans. I believe most Russians would sympathize with my views compared to yours.
It’s not worth ANY American’s life to try to save hers. YOU “ care” about how Russians would feel? I care about how AMERICANS would feel. Would you even give a S..T if they were captured?????Even more; I believe THEIR FAMILIES would sympathize with my views compared to yours
It’s not worth ANY American’s life to try to save hers. YOU “ care” about how Russians would feel? I care about how AMERICANS would feel. Would you even give a S..T if they were captured?????Even more; I believe THEIR FAMILIES would sympathize with my views compared to yours
Then what do you think about a prisoner swap?

I care about how both Americans and Russians feel about the war and what it involves. I don’t know of any major Russian athlete being held in an American jail because of a non-violent crime like a drug accusation. here’s the thing Russia is choosing to jail Britney Griner …we don’t know exactly how many drugs she had. Even if she is guilty of say having a ounce of dope or whatever a lot of people in the world would say what about freedom of choice, libertarian things who cares if someone uses a drug? Does it make sense that a talented athlete like Britney would be using drugs?

Russia could release Britney Griner as a humanitarian thing even without getting anything from America…. they could do this and say to the world look at how humanitarian we are. So there’s a whole multitude of ways to approach this issue.

I believe in the vision of the allies of World War II of the major powers of the world working together. We need to avoid a nuclear war …President Biden said we are closer to a nuclear war that we have been in 60 years.

The main point now I would ask is what do you think about a prisoner swap?
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