brittney griner

I suffer from a brutal spinal cord injury so I use the voice app. Sorry brother there might be some typos. I had to relearn how to walk.

I appreciate your service. I did not serve in the military myself but I certainly think the US military is great. I have a brother who is a officer in the army. I am a regular Joe. I would never claim to be something special. I’m providing my opinion here like everybody else and I see Britney Griner as a representation of American strength if
you agree or disagree man it’s on you. I will believe you that you served obviously this is the Internet people could say anything but I’ll take you at your word.

OK sorry about the misunderstanding I think a prisoner swap would be the number one option not a rescue operation. Now I brought the rescue operation as an idea. Because we have done similarly bold operations in Pakistan for example.

I brought up something else about the idea of LeBron James using private contractors to rescue Britney Griner. How would a country react if a private individual acted in such a matter? Obviously it’s a very far out idea I know it but it still is a situation. You know what man the bottom line is I hate seeing her in jail she’s been in there for almost a year ….and there’s definitely a lot of people in the world who want her out by Any means necessary.

Thank you for your explanation!

What rescue operations have we conducted in Pakistan, who is an ally?

She broke the law. Yours and others wishes do not matter. That is the fact that you keep missing.
Thank you for your explanation!

What rescue operations have we conducted in Pakistan, who is an ally?

She broke the law. Yours and others wishes do not matter. That is the fact that you keep missing.

Thanks brother

I meant in Pakistan we unilaterally decided to strike Osama bin Laden. We did so without regards of what Pakistan or the international community thought it was during the Obama era. before that Frankly that’s what guys like dick Cheney and George Bush had to do back in the 9/11 days. Sometimes the United States makes bold decisions that’s my point so a rescue operation as bold as it sounds you know what similar things have been done before At least in terms of a difficult or controversial type of operation.

So it is somewhat different but somewhat similar wrt a possible rescue idea of greiner in Russia. I’m not yet convince Brittney Griner even had drugs on her she may have been framed. And as I said earlier in the thread even if she was guilty I believe it is against Christianity or any civilized systems for her to have to sit in jail for nine years.. and I believe most Russian people would agree.

I don’t think this is a matter of “when in Rome” because I think that somebody like Britney Griner respects Russian laws …we got a realize she was already there for years there playing basketball… that’s the thing I think there’s something else going on here like she was framed or miss treated by a prosecutor.
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Thanks brother

I meant in Pakistan we unilaterally decided to strike Osama bin Laden. We did so without regards of what Pakistan or the international community thought it was during the Obama era. before that Frankly that’s what guys like dick Cheney and George Bush had to do back in the 9/11 days. Sometimes the United States makes bold decisions that’s my point so a rescue operation as bold as it sounds you know what similar things have been done before At least in terms of a difficult or controversial type of operation.

So it is somewhat different but somewhat similar wrt a possible rescue idea of greiner in Russia. I’m not yet convince Brittney Griner even had drugs on her she may have been framed. And as I said earlier in the thread even if she was guilty I believe it is against Christianity or any civilized systems for her to have to sit in jail for nine years.. and I believe most Russian people would agree.

I don’t think this is a matter of “when in Rome” because I think that somebody like Britney Griner respects Russian laws …we got a realize she was already there for years there playing basketball… that’s the thing I think there’s something else going on here like she was framed or miss treated by a prosecutor.
Ever hear of 9-11????? That’s why we struck Bin Laden with our Military risking their lives. You SERIOUSLY compare her to Bin Laden; OUR NAVY SEALS should possibly lose their lives to save HERS . She was “ framed “ She didn’t have the Pot on her? Where’s your “ source?” Try telling the Loved Ones of those Seals that HER life is worth possibly dying for; even worse captured . G-D knows what torture they would endure. Maybe someone in YOUR family should volunteer
Thanks brother

I meant in Pakistan we unilaterally decided to strike Osama bin Laden. We did so without regards of what Pakistan or the international community thought it was during the Obama era. before that Frankly that’s what guys like dick Cheney and George Bush had to do back in the 9/11 days. Sometimes the United States makes bold decisions that’s my point so a rescue operation as bold as it sounds you know what similar things have been done before At least in terms of a difficult or controversial type of operation.

So it is somewhat different but somewhat similar wrt a possible rescue idea of greiner in Russia. I’m not yet convince Brittney Griner even had drugs on her she may have been framed. And as I said earlier in the thread even if she was guilty I believe it is against Christianity or any civilized systems for her to have to sit in jail for nine years.. and I believe most Russian people would agree.

I don’t think this is a matter of “when in Rome” because I think that somebody like Britney Griner respects Russian laws …we got a realize she was already there for years there playing basketball… that’s the thing I think there’s something else going on here like she was framed or miss treated by a prosecutor.

The entire idea was to maintain security. Pakistan has elements that are not friendly to the US and could have topped Osama off as to our coming to take him out.

How do anticipate our sending troops in to rescue her? Are they going to use the transporter like on Star Trek? The entire idea of a rescue is laughable. We also would not send Special Operations forces in to rescue a drug smuggler.

What does Christianity have to do with it? Your comment makes no sense. Your opinion matters not.

Yeah, she was framed, so she pleaded guilty to make it easier for them to lock her up. Do you have any idea who ridiculous that sounds?
so...the biden regime waited till after the mid terms to trade the Merchant of death for a mediocre gender confused mtf and not a good one and left a former marine being held by russians behind.

AFTER....the midterms. I can think of only one reason for that. They know the American people do not like this...and no wonder he absolved saudi prince from responsibility for khashoggi.....whom none of us should care that he killed another muslim terrorist supporter. More power to the saudis in THAT endeavor.

Makes perfect sense if you're a democrat.
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This is a horrible decision on so many levels. We don’t need her back. We didn’t get the Marine out. We gave up a mass murderer and set the precedent that well trade trash for murderous scum. Not a great idea in my mind.

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