Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

The northern blacks weren’t deprived of anything of substance. They enjoyed the same lifestyle as their white classmates - which in my father’s class was pretty poor. But they could still go and do the same things as whites.
Not entirely:

They were paid to every one who was interred regardless of age or demonstrated harm.

In order to have been eligible for restitution, an applicant had to have been:

  1. alive on August 10, 1988
  2. a United States (U.S.) citizen or permanent resident alien during the internment period December 7, 1941 to June 30, 1946
  3. a person of Japanese ancestry, or the spouse or parent of a person of Japanese ancestry
  4. evacuated, relocated, interned, or otherwise deprived of liberty or property as a result of Federal government action during the internment period and based solely on their Japanese ancestry

I disagree, tbe federal government was complicit in allowing Jim Crowe to stand.
Maybe if I type slowly I can get through. ONLY Japanese Americans deprived of their liberty were paid reparations. ONLY Japanese Americans interred unjustly were paid reparations. By definition, being interred deprived them of their liberty and therefore they were harmed. The vast majority of Japanese Americans were not interred and were not paid reparations.

The federal government has been complicit re many many many many injustices including those the current administration is forcing on us. That is not justification to pay reparations to those who cannot demonstrate physical or material harm from those injustices.

And again, I cannot respect those who think so badly of black people as being so fragile and victimized that they think the nanny state has to take care of them but not anybody else who has suffered injustices due to local, state or federal law.
One of SCOTUS's more questionable decisions of which there have been several over the decades. Now if you want to file suit against the U.S. Supreme Court for reparations of whatever you think you're entitled to, go for it. Let me know when you do that though as I need time to pop the corn for watching and all that.
Yeah except there is this pesky little thing called the "statute of limitations" which prevents that action from being commenced after a certain amount of time has lapsed.

As I'm sure you're already aware or have been told.
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"But those specific Japanese were imprisoned. They were robbed of their very liberty. Not so with northern blacks."

Jim Crow was nationwide.

There were a series of massacres, bombings, lynchings, and other acts of terror against blacks by whites due to the northern migration of blacks trying to escape massacres, bombings, lynchings, and other acts of terror against blacks by whites in the south. As southern blacks went north, they found that geography was the only difference between a southern white and a northern one. When blacks went north, so did lynchings. The great northern migration resulted in years of rioting by angry whites.

Some whites resorted to terrorism to intimidate blacks so they wouldnot move into white communities. For the first five years after WW2 in Chicago alone, there were over 300 documented acts of terror by whites against blacks who tried living in or near majority-white neighborhoods. In 1951, a black man named Harvey Clark and his family tried to move into the Cicero neighborhood of Chicago. A white mob vandalized his home and burned his furniture in the front yard. The police did nothing.

In 1955, there were more than 200 recorded acts of violence against blacks by whites in Philadelphia. In 1964, blacks again tried renting an apartment in Cicero, their apartment was vandalized. Police acted this time. They entered the apartment, took out the furniture, and told the people they were evicted.

During the same period in Detroit, there were over 200 acts of terror to stop black families from moving to the suburbs. In a fifteen year span from 1950 to 1965, more than one hundred recorded bombings of black-owned homes occurred in Los Angeles. In 1987, another black family tried moving into Cicero. They got gunfire and firebombs. In 1987, not 1887.

Sources: Richard Rothstein, Color of Law, Liverright Publishing, pp.144

Jae Jones, Cicero Race Riot: Mob of 4,000 Destroys Apartment Building with One Black Family Tenants, November 14, 2018,Cicero Race Riot: Mob of 4,000 Destroys Apartment Building with One Black Family Tenants

Charles Abrams, The Time Bomb That Exploded in Cicero: Segregated Housing’s Inevitable Dividend, The Time Bomb That Exploded in Cicero:Segregated Housing's Inevitable Dividend

Christy Clark-Pujara and Anna-Lisa Cox, How the Myth of a Liberal North Erases a Long History of White Violence,, August 27, 2020,

It is very apparent that the people arguing against reparations just simply do not know what they are talking about.
Yeah except there is this pesky little thing called the "statute of limitations" which prevents that action from being commenced after a certain amount of time has lapsed.

As I'm sure you're already aware or have been told.
Those statutes of limitation exist for good reason too.
Please stop. Because you haven't studied this.. First off, you were told that you were not going to have to pay personally but because the person who told you that was black, you didn't listen. The case is against federal, state and local governments. The evidence of harm exists.
I have a difficult time believing you that you have more than a high school education, if that. So there's that.

(Those who draw stupid assumptions about me, I figure invite assumptions about them.)
Maybe if I type slowly I can get through. ONLY Japanese Americans deprived of their liberty were paid reparations. ONLY Japanese Americans interred unjustly were paid reparations. By definition, being interred deprived them of their liberty and therefore they were harmed. The vast majority of Japanese Americans were not interred and were not paid reparations.

The federal government has been complicit re many many many many injustices including those the current administration is forcing on us. That is not justification to pay reparations to those who cannot demonstrate physical or material harm from those injustices.

And again, I cannot respect those who think so badly of black people as being so fragile and victimized that they think the nanny state has to take care of them but not anybody else who has suffered injustices due to local, state or federal law.
Try reading all the links you have been provided slowly. Just because you repeat a wrong argument again and again doesn't make change the fact that it is wrong.
They faced unique legislated restrictions and dangers based solely on skin color thus curtailing their freedom.
1) Japanese-Americans thrown in prison
2) Jews who suffered through the anguish of the Holocaust.
3) Southern black relegated to inferior schools and had his future severely limited
4) Northern black given free college education and who avoided traveling South 70 years ago, and who had a successful life thanks to the taxpayers who paid for his Bachelor of Science degree.

The only thing #3 and #4 have in common is skin color. You can’t award the same reparations to individuals regardless of damages and decided solely by skin color.
They faced unique legislated restrictions and dangers based solely on skin color thus curtailing their freedom.
So what? Everybody had the choice to go to those states with the understanding that certain laws exist and everybody had the choice not to go to those states. There is no constitutional right to dictate what a state's laws must be so that I feel comfortable visiting there.
Try reading all the links you have been provided slowly. Just because you repeat a wrong argument again and again doesn't make change the fact that it is wrong.
Since you absolutely refuse to actually debate the topic or make a reasoned argument but insist on going ad hominem with every post, you are really tiresome. I won't be responding to you further for that reason. Thanks for understanding.
What about the survivors of the St. Louis and who now live in America? They endured an awful start to life thanks to FDR and the rampant antisemitism in this country.

Do the survivors get repararions as a result of the president‘s action?
So what? Everybody had the choice to go to those states with the understanding that certain laws exist and everybody had the choice not to go to those states. There is no constitutional right to dictate what a state's laws must be so that I feel comfortable visiting there.
Freedom of travel within the country and equal protection under law are pretty fundamental. In 1961, what laws existed that prevented YOU from staying at hotels, eating at diners or even being able to buy gas based on your skin color?
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What about the survivors of the St. Louis and who now live in America? They endured an awful start to life thanks to FDR and the rampant antisemitism in this country.

Do the survivors get repararions as a result of the president‘s action?
They did, and it is a shameful period in our history (see my signature which I’ve had for years). However they were not American citizens at the time, they were desperate immigrants seeking asylum.
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I have a difficult time believing you that you have more than a high school education, if that. So there's that.

(Those who draw stupid assumptions about me, I figure invite assumptions about them.)
You can assume what you want, but I am the one bringing evidence. You're just posting what you believe and your belief is devoid of any factual foundation. All your argument boils down to is "I'm white, this is what I believe, therefore I am right". That doesn't cut it in a debate. You must support your premise with facts and you have not.

I say blacks are owed reparations by every level of government in this country and I have backed up my premise with government policies that have harmed blacks. I have shown where government policies benefitted whites while excluuding blacks. I have shown where white racism has continued impacting blacks in this century. You say we don't and can't show anything. So you've lost this debate.
FYI to the numbnuts, Jim Crow laws were NOT nationwide. They existed as the prerogative of those states that had them and were not uniform among the various states who had them. Plessy v Ferguson upheld that Jim Crow laws did not violate the equal protection clause of the Constitution so long as imposed segregation held to a separate but equal public services policy for all.
Until you are willing to be intellectually honest you have no credibility in this argument.
He has and will continue to have more credibility than you if for no other reason than he is much more knowledgeable, not just about reparations, but regarding the history of the United States, both the history that is taught and African American history which is often left out. You know, the history that demonstrates why reparations should be considered because that history shows how our government favored and assisted its whites citizens often at the expense of the Black citizens.

You keep playing the role of a victim who will be required to dip into your retirement fund or offer up any other assets you hold in order to help the government fund it's show of making amends and apologizing for all of the human right abuses it allowed to be carried out in its name and with its full legal permission.
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