Brothers Kicked Off HGTV Channel Over Anti-Gay Remarks.

I'll be sure to spread the word to not watch it or the network. Oh well. I guess TV networks are buying the "numbers" of "people who rabidly support gay cult values" and will have to find out through revenue plummets that those numbers are fudged and a complete lie.

Business is hard. Sometimes these networks have to learn the hard way. Meanwhile A&E stood up to GLAAD and the church of LGBT. Now Duck Dynasty is more popular than ever...I never watched it before that scuffle and so I tuned in to see what the big "horror" was to gays. I learned it's nothing. It's nothing but them praying at the end of each show giving thanks for their food. And it's their rough and tumble hetero men that is an image the church of LGBT doesn't want. They prefer effeminant pajama boys. And the people don't.

Those guys and gals on Duck Dynasty are hilariously refreshing and real people. I now watch it all the time.

You do realize that the second paragraph of your post completely contradicts the first paragraph -- right?

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Which comes as no surprise given the poster.

How can you live with yourself, knowing you voted for a "hater" in 2008 for president ?
Actually one can.

It’s not a ‘censorship issue’ for the same reason it’s not a free speech issue: lack of government involvement – only government, using the authority of the state, has the power to censor; hence the protections afforded citizens by the First Amendment.

Sorry, it is a defacto censorship since it's a game of politically correct or you are out. This sends a clear message to everyone else.

Private individuals and organizations cannot ‘censor’ because they lack the authority to do so. There is no ‘censorship’ because the brothers remain at liberty to express their ignorance and hate in many other venues; this would not be the case with regard to actual state censorship, where the brothers would be denied access to all media venues and in fact silenced.

They do it all the time. You say xyz and you're out.

What are they "out" of though? A FUCKING TV SHOW. That's the headbanger part of this -- y'all treat this like it's something actually important. :banghead:

You're actually wetting your collective pants that one channel of a box whose sole purpose is to gather eyeballs to advertise stuff we don't need, puts these two guys out to pasture. BFD.

And this is why there is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ because there is no government involvement, no laws subjecting those who engage in speech prohibited by the state to fines or imprisonment, where ample other channels of communication remain available.
Wrong again. Political correctness is all over the place. Your denial won't change it.
Consequently, the contrivances of ‘censorship’ and ‘political correctness’ in the context of the private sector are nothing more than myths fabricated by the partisan right.

Sit down Weasel, because I'm about to agree with you. Yes there surely is political correctness; it's the moral compass that guides our social mores. It's a large ship that's nudged by tiny boats whose influence is a gradual sea change but over time it establishes what the society considers acceptable and unacceptable. Years ago this ship would have had no problem with ant-gay, anti-black, anti-Jewish or whatever sentiment in the public sphere, because in the place we were at that time it wouldn't have made waves.

Times change. The gay activists are one of those tiny boats. The Pat Robertsons and Jerry Falwells, a somewhat bigger boat tugging the opposite direction. Eventually a balance is reached, and that balance is always in flux.

Here's mainstream TV, less than 50 years ago -- try to imagine this show broadcast today:

What are they "out" of though? A FUCKING TV SHOW. That's the headbanger part of this -- y'all treat this like it's something actually important. :banghead:
It was to them.
You're actually wetting your collective pants that one channel of a box whose sole purpose is to gather eyeballs to advertise stuff we don't need, puts these two guys out to pasture. BFD.
You fantasizing about my urine doesn't change the fact that they touched the third rail of political correctness and got canned.
Sit down Weasel, because I'm about to agree with you. Yes there surely is political correctness; it's the moral compass that guides our social mores. It's a large ship that's nudged by tiny boats whose influence is a gradual sea change but over time it establishes what the society considers acceptable and unacceptable. Years ago this ship would have had no problem with ant-gay, anti-black, anti-Jewish or whatever sentiment in the public sphere, because in the place we were at that time it wouldn't have made waves.
Standing up for traditional marriage isn't anti-gay or bigoted. Many, many entertainers have done so in the past without anyone giving it a second thought.

Which TV personality went around making bigoted remarks? If so they probably did get canned and rightfully so.
Times change. The gay activists are one of those tiny boats. The Pat Robertsons and Jerry Falwells, a somewhat bigger boat tugging the opposite direction. Eventually a balance is reached, and that balance is always in flux.
It probably won't be long before preachers aren't allowed to support traditional marriage either. There is no balance, it's that very vocal and activist minority forcing their will on the public.
I saw the picture of them wearing identical shirts (which is so cute, on twins, even if they are in their late 30's, or early 40's), but I can't help but wonder how they choose which one wears the pink one.
Political correctness is all over the place.

Then cite the law that is ‘political correctness,’ cite the jurisdiction that enacted and enforces this ‘law,’ and cite the ‘penalty’ for violating ‘political correctness,’ what is the amount of the fine, how many years incarcerated.

Absent such a statutory measure that enforces ‘political correctness,’ then in fact it does not exist, as citizens remain free to express their opinions absent interference by the state.
I debated to myself whether I should actually post in this thread or not. But after doing some reading... people are making a mountain out of a molehill. Blowing something innocuous out of proportion. Shows are cancelled all the time, and not necessarily because of the religious leanings of the actors involved.

To me this is a waste of my time and everyone else's. I won't deny that political correctness exists in American entertainment, such as was the case with Paula Dean and Phil Robertson, but honestly, we have bigger issues on the plate than worrying about the cancellation of a TV show. Sure, I got mad when Enterprise got cancelled, but I moved on.
What are they "out" of though? A FUCKING TV SHOW. That's the headbanger part of this -- y'all treat this like it's something actually important. :banghead:
It was to them.
You're actually wetting your collective pants that one channel of a box whose sole purpose is to gather eyeballs to advertise stuff we don't need, puts these two guys out to pasture. BFD.
You fantasizing about my urine doesn't change the fact that they touched the third rail of political correctness and got canned.
Sit down Weasel, because I'm about to agree with you. Yes there surely is political correctness; it's the moral compass that guides our social mores. It's a large ship that's nudged by tiny boats whose influence is a gradual sea change but over time it establishes what the society considers acceptable and unacceptable. Years ago this ship would have had no problem with ant-gay, anti-black, anti-Jewish or whatever sentiment in the public sphere, because in the place we were at that time it wouldn't have made waves.
Standing up for traditional marriage isn't anti-gay or bigoted. Many, many entertainers have done so in the past without anyone giving it a second thought.

Which TV personality went around making bigoted remarks? If so they probably did get canned and rightfully so.
Times change. The gay activists are one of those tiny boats. The Pat Robertsons and Jerry Falwells, a somewhat bigger boat tugging the opposite direction. Eventually a balance is reached, and that balance is always in flux.
It probably won't be long before preachers aren't allowed to support traditional marriage either. There is no balance, it's that very vocal and activist minority forcing their will on the public.

Listen to AM radio much?

...just a guess on my part.
I debated to myself whether I should actually post in this thread or not. But after doing some reading... people are making a mountain out of a molehill. Blowing something innocuous out of proportion. Shows are cancelled all the time, and not necessarily because of the religious leanings of the actors involved.

To me this is a waste of my time and everyone else's. I won't deny that political correctness exists in American entertainment, such as was the case with Paula Dean and Phil Robertson, but honestly, we have bigger issues on the plate than worrying about the cancellation of a TV show. Sure, I got mad when Enterprise got cancelled, but I moved on.

But Enterprise was HORRIBLE!
Political correctness is all over the place.

Then cite the law that is ‘political correctness,’ cite the jurisdiction that enacted and enforces this ‘law,’ and cite the ‘penalty’ for violating ‘political correctness,’ what is the amount of the fine, how many years incarcerated.

Absent such a statutory measure that enforces ‘political correctness,’ then in fact it does not exist, as citizens remain free to express their opinions absent interference by the state.

Not every law can define the actions of men, Clayton. How impossibly dense can you be? Political correctness can come in forms such as

"Man caused disaster" = Liberal definition of terrorism.

"Overseas contingency operation" = Liberal definition of war.

Just to name a couple. Political correctness exists, and it has a nasty way of forming the ideas and opinions of those it affects.
What are they "out" of though? A FUCKING TV SHOW. That's the headbanger part of this -- y'all treat this like it's something actually important. :banghead:
It was to them.

You're actually wetting your collective pants that one channel of a box whose sole purpose is to gather eyeballs to advertise stuff we don't need, puts these two guys out to pasture. BFD.
You fantasizing about my urine doesn't change the fact that they touched the third rail of political correctness and got canned.

and you're still ignoring the context -- immediately after it's been pointed out. IT'S A TELEVISION SHOW. Not the public marketplace of ideas.

Sit down Weasel, because I'm about to agree with you. Yes there surely is political correctness; it's the moral compass that guides our social mores. It's a large ship that's nudged by tiny boats whose influence is a gradual sea change but over time it establishes what the society considers acceptable and unacceptable. Years ago this ship would have had no problem with ant-gay, anti-black, anti-Jewish or whatever sentiment in the public sphere, because in the place we were at that time it wouldn't have made waves.

Standing up for traditional marriage isn't anti-gay or bigoted. Many, many entertainers have done so in the past without anyone giving it a second thought.

"Standing up for" begs the question, "against what?". When there is a two-sided issue, being 'pro' one side automatically means being 'antí' the other. Once again, you've chosen to ignore context. No one anywhere has brought up having an issue with what these guys are for, so that's no more honest than calling onself "pro-life" or "pro-choice".

Which TV personality went around making bigoted remarks? If so they probably did get canned and rightfully so.

There have been many; Jimmy the Greek and Lush Rimjob from NFL gigs alone come to mind. But had they made the same remarks in an earlier time they might have not been flagged at all, because it would have been more mainstream.

Speaking of the NFL -- if this is a free speech issue, why doesn't O.J. Simpson still have a commentator job?

Times change. The gay activists are one of those tiny boats. The Pat Robertsons and Jerry Falwells, a somewhat bigger boat tugging the opposite direction. Eventually a balance is reached, and that balance is always in flux.

It probably won't be long before preachers aren't allowed to support traditional marriage either. There is no balance, it's that very vocal and activist minority forcing their will on the public.

Speculation fallacy. :eusa_hand:
And besides -- preachers are not the same as commercial broadcasting. Even if they are selling something.
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I debated to myself whether I should actually post in this thread or not. But after doing some reading... people are making a mountain out of a molehill. Blowing something innocuous out of proportion. Shows are cancelled all the time, and not necessarily because of the religious leanings of the actors involved.

To me this is a waste of my time and everyone else's. I won't deny that political correctness exists in American entertainment, such as was the case with Paula Dean and Phil Robertson, but honestly, we have bigger issues on the plate than worrying about the cancellation of a TV show. Sure, I got mad when Enterprise got cancelled, but I moved on.

But Enterprise was HORRIBLE!

(Sets phaser to kill)

I am a Quantum Leap fan. Scott Bakula was perfect for Enterprise! TAKE IT BACK!

...people are making a mountain out of a molehill.

Which makes it a ‘big issue.’

It’s is yet another example of the partisan right seeking to contrive a controversy where none exists for some perceived political gain, by perpetuating the myth of ‘political correctness’ and the inane, ignorant notion that our right to free speech is somehow ‘in jeopardy,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
"Man caused disaster" = Liberal definition of terrorism.

Huh? :dunno:

OK I'm lost.

"Overseas contingency operation" = Liberal definition of war.

War euphemisms, like any sensitive topic, are legion. "Collateral damage". "Theater". "Advisers". All designed to soften the blow with bullshit. That's got nothing to do with Liberalism or any other political philosophy. It has to do with marketing. You're simply gonna sell more wars with "collateral damage" than with "slaughtering innocent civilian bystanders". Same with euphemisms for sex or that other thing, the universal human activity that one favorite book of euphemisms termed variously "going to visit Mrs. White" or most hilariously, "going to give a Chinaman a music lesson".
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...people are making a mountain out of a molehill.

Which makes it a ‘big issue.’

It’s is yet another example of the partisan right seeking to contrive a controversy where none exists for some perceived political gain, by perpetuating the myth of ‘political correctness’ and the inane, ignorant notion that our right to free speech is somehow ‘in jeopardy,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

How can you live with yourself knowing that you voted for a "hater" just a few years ago ?
I debated to myself whether I should actually post in this thread or not. But after doing some reading... people are making a mountain out of a molehill. Blowing something innocuous out of proportion. Shows are cancelled all the time, and not necessarily because of the religious leanings of the actors involved.

To me this is a waste of my time and everyone else's. I won't deny that political correctness exists in American entertainment, such as was the case with Paula Dean and Phil Robertson, but honestly, we have bigger issues on the plate than worrying about the cancellation of a TV show. Sure, I got mad when Enterprise got cancelled, but I moved on.

But Enterprise was HORRIBLE!

(Sets phaser to kill)

I am a Quantum Leap fan. Scott Bakula was perfect for Enterprise! TAKE IT BACK!


Business is business...PC or not. HGTV can do as it pleases.

TK...Enterprise reminded me of Quantum Leap...that's part of why I couldn't stand it.
"Man caused disaster" = Liberal definition of terrorism.

Huh? :dunno:

OK I'm lost.

"Overseas contingency operation" = Liberal definition of war.

War euphemisms, like any sensitive topic, are legion. "Collateral damage". "Theater". "Advisers". All designed to soften the blow with bullshit. That's got nothing to do with Liberalism or any other political philosophy. It has to do with marketing. You're simply gonna sell more wars with "collateral damage" than with "slaughtering innocent civilian bystanders".

They play directly into their aversion to war and violence. Frankly, war is war, and terrorism is terrorism. I can tell you of things I read about the very first war photographers and their imagery of the Civil War. You can soften the blow all you like, but in my eyes, that's political correctness. The photography of war doesn't allow for softening the blow on anything, they depict that moment in reality in all their gory detail.

And lets not define political correctness as "softening the blow." It's political correctness.
OMG, look who was a intolerant "hater" just a few years ago !!!

By the way, the blonde in the video understands what's really going on.

Video: Students Shocked to Hear What Hillary Said

May 1, 2014 - 4:49 PM

"Marriage has got historic, religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time, and I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a woman."

Many of the students said it was a person who was Republican, conservative, Catholic, and religious.

Fucking "hater" !

Video: Students Shocked to Hear What Hillary Said | CNS News
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I debated to myself whether I should actually post in this thread or not. But after doing some reading... people are making a mountain out of a molehill. Blowing something innocuous out of proportion. Shows are cancelled all the time, and not necessarily because of the religious leanings of the actors involved.

To me this is a waste of my time and everyone else's. I won't deny that political correctness exists in American entertainment, such as was the case with Paula Dean and Phil Robertson, but honestly, we have bigger issues on the plate than worrying about the cancellation of a TV show. Sure, I got mad when Enterprise got cancelled, but I moved on.

But Enterprise was HORRIBLE!

(Sets phaser to kill)

I am a Quantum Leap fan. Scott Bakula was perfect for Enterprise! TAKE IT BACK!


No, Enterprise was really horrible. The managed to take every thing that was good about Star Trek and bastardize it for a dumber audience.

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