Brothers Kicked Off HGTV Channel Over Anti-Gay Remarks.

Had you not cut away Protectionist's post, you would find I was responding to his claim that the twins free speech rights were under attack which is, of course, BS and if you read a few of my posts you'll find I am anything but liberal.
Will McAvoy (the Newsroom)-
"No, I call myself a Republican because I am one.
I believe in market solutions and common sense realities and the necessity to defend ourselves against a dangerous world and that’s about it.
The problem is now I have to be homophobic.
I have to count the number to times people go to church.
I have to deny facts and think scientific research is a long con.
I have to think poor people are getting a sweet ride.
And I have to have such a stunning inferiority complex that I fear education and intellect…in the 21st century.
But most of all, the biggest new requirement, really the only requirement is that I have to hate Democrats.
And I have to hate Chris Christie for not spitting on the president when he got off of Air Force One.

The two-party system is crucial to the whole operation. There is honor in being the loyal opposition. And I’m a Republican for the same reasons you are."
I agree it isn't a free speech issue but you can't deny it's a censorship issue. Not politically correct? Goodbye! Media is caving in to the vocal minority and that's just wrong.

I'm a conservative, not Republican, but I do vote for them. I don't have a party identity so don't feel like I need to fix in a political box.

Does every citizen have the right to a forum on a TV show? No.

Is HGTV required to hire these guys? No.

Then it's not "censorship". It's a simple business decision.

Now if HGTV or somebody else were following these guys around preventing them from speaking their mind anywhere, that would be censorship.

It's kinda like be silent on your views...or else.

Like I said earlier that HGTV had a right to cancel them, but it was the activists that complained that forced the issue.
their tv station, their choice

as is the brother's choice....

As is the choice of millions of people to now no longer watch HGTV.


I can't quite wrap my head around the idea of "millions" sitting in front of something like HGTV, but apparently it's true, and they've been growing -- and they're touting an "upscale" growth, which may help explain such decisions...

Then again I can't quite wrap my head around the idea that millions watch television at all, so.... consider the environment. :dunno:

Nevertheless, if there become "millions" tuning out HGTV on account of this, there are at least as many more tuning in -- those who weren't interested or aware of the channel before and now have it front and center in the news. Surely you've heard the maxim "there's no such thing as bad publicity".

And didn't we just do the Duckers? And Paula Deen?
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I agree it isn't a free speech issue but you can't deny it's a censorship issue. Not politically correct? Goodbye! Media is caving in to the vocal minority and that's just wrong.

I'm a conservative, not Republican, but I do vote for them. I don't have a party identity so don't feel like I need to fix in a political box.

Does every citizen have the right to a forum on a TV show? No.

Is HGTV required to hire these guys? No.

Then it's not "censorship". It's a simple business decision.

Now if HGTV or somebody else were following these guys around preventing them from speaking their mind anywhere, that would be censorship.

It's kinda like be silent on your views...or else.

Like I said earlier that HGTV had a right to cancel them, but it was the activists that complained that forced the issue.

Yeah I don't disagree with that, but the fact remains it's their channel and they can hire or not hire who they like. And the other fact remains it's commercial television, not some place that deals in principles. The job of commercial television is to lull viewers into a trance to pump ads into their passive sponge-brain, and you can't do that with controversial distractions. Regardless what's "right" or "wrong".
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Does every citizen have the right to a forum on a TV show? No.

Is HGTV required to hire these guys? No.

Then it's not "censorship". It's a simple business decision.

Now if HGTV or somebody else were following these guys around preventing them from speaking their mind anywhere, that would be censorship.

It's kinda like be silent on your views...or else.

Like I said earlier that HGTV had a right to cancel them, but it was the activists that complained that forced the issue.

Yeah I don't disagree with that, but the fact remains it's their channel and they can hire or not hire who they like. And the other fact remains it's commercial television, not some place that deals in principles. The job of commercial television is to lull viewers into a trance to pump ads into their passive sponge-brain, and you can't do that with controversial distractions. Regardless what's "right" or "wrong".

HGTV, I feel had already vetted these bros. and were good with their views as they were good with the gay community, it wasn't until the gay agenda complained to silence the opposing view.
Think about it.......a marriage between a man and a woman? Really?
Against abortion????
These are radical ideas and have no place in America???????
On the other hand...

>> Hours after cancelling a reality show about two brothers running a successful house-flipping business, HGTV revealed that the actual reason for the cancellation had nothing to do with revelations that the brothers, David and Jason Benham, were virulently homophobic.

“We have decided to cancel ‘Flip It Forward’ because David and Jason Benham just look so incredibly gay,” said Chip Fordew, an HGTV spokesperson. “Plus, they look like they’re together. And, by together, I mean that they have sex, trade off turns on the Pec Deck, go to Tulum at Christmas, and are adopting a baby.”

He pointed out that, while the network does have a very popular show called “Property Brothers,” also starring two brothers, it’s different. “They’re more into renovation than sales,” Fordew said. “Also, they don’t look like a gay couple.”

.... There was also the problem of billboards and advertising. “We tested a few,” said Fordew. “Everyone was like, ‘We’re excited about that new show with that hot gay couple who look exactly like each other! When do they take off their shirts?’ <<​

It's kinda like be silent on your views...or else.

Like I said earlier that HGTV had a right to cancel them, but it was the activists that complained that forced the issue.

Yeah I don't disagree with that, but the fact remains it's their channel and they can hire or not hire who they like. And the other fact remains it's commercial television, not some place that deals in principles. The job of commercial television is to lull viewers into a trance to pump ads into their passive sponge-brain, and you can't do that with controversial distractions. Regardless what's "right" or "wrong".

HGTV, I feel had already vetted these bros. and were good with their views as they were good with the gay community, it wasn't until the gay agenda complained to silence the opposing view.
Think about it.......a marriage between a man and a woman? Really?
Against abortion????
These are radical ideas and have no place in America???????

I suspect the channel didn't particularly care, that those views simply weren't an issue -- they were irrelevant to the show. When they started getting attention is when that attention reflected on HGTV and that's when it got to be a problem.

Because again, it's commercial TV, and advertising is about pandering. You can't offend and pander at the same time to a general audience. You can do it if you're Fox Noise and milking the "us and them secret club" mentality but you can't do it for a general audience.
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Had you not cut away Protectionist's post, you would find I was responding to his claim that the twins free speech rights were under attack which is, of course, BS and if you read a few of my posts you'll find I am anything but liberal.
Will McAvoy (the Newsroom)-
"No, I call myself a Republican because I am one.
I believe in market solutions and common sense realities and the necessity to defend ourselves against a dangerous world and that&#8217;s about it.
The problem is now I have to be homophobic.
I have to count the number to times people go to church.
I have to deny facts and think scientific research is a long con.
I have to think poor people are getting a sweet ride.
And I have to have such a stunning inferiority complex that I fear education and intellect&#8230;in the 21st century.
But most of all, the biggest new requirement, really the only requirement is that I have to hate Democrats.
And I have to hate Chris Christie for not spitting on the president when he got off of Air Force One.

The two-party system is crucial to the whole operation. There is honor in being the loyal opposition. And I&#8217;m a Republican for the same reasons you are."
I agree it isn't a free speech issue but you can't deny it's a censorship issue. Not politically correct? Goodbye! Media is caving in to the vocal minority and that's just wrong.

I'm a conservative, not Republican, but I do vote for them. I don't have a party identity so don't feel like I need to fix in a political box.

McAvoy was responding to a charge that he was not a Repub. He could just as easily have said "conservative."
To elect peeps who best represent your political POV, you must be willing to ally with others who may not see all things exactly as you do. That you see me as a liberal says way more about your version of conservatism than it does about mine. It doesn't matter what you call yourself, if the GOP comes closest to electing those peeps that's how you will vote. If not? Lotsa luck.
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It's very simple, a cult that is going out of control [LGBT] has successfully blackmailed a network to drop heretics they disapprove of. Meanwhile I'm sure this cult would approve of a special on their messiah Harvey Milk; who as they know from reading his published biography, enjoyed serial sodomizing vulnerable teen homeless boys, mentally ill & on drugs, he lured into his home. And if any christians or other religions speak up against that, once again the blackmailing will start.

I think we need to see this thing for what it really is: a CULT They evangelize, have zero tolerance for defectors and practice active punishment of heretics.
HGTV made a wise decision to not be associated with bigots. They have a reputation for being all encompassing.

No, HGTV allowed themselves to be extorted by homo shakedown bigots.
How can they be all encompassing when they selectively deny people free religious expression?

They have an absolute right to deny religious expression on the air. Retroactive denial of religious expression is new. The Benham brothers didn't say anything in their show, nor exhibit any discrimination with regard to the show. The comments which are the subject of the complaint happened a year ago.

The brothers are not complaining. They seem to have more pity for HGTV for being manhandled by gay activists than anything else.
They aren't bigots....and that's the point.
They just don't believe in the gay agenda.
The gay agenda shut them down.
The gay agenda is to silence whoever disagrees with the agenda.

I don't know if they are bigots and no one has abridged their right to disapprove of "the gay agenda" or lifestyle. Do you have a link which supports your claim that the gay agenda shut them down and is to silence whoever disagrees with the agenda?

HGTV is canceling a planned home renovation show hosted by the Benham Brothers after liberal activists complained that they have a history of speaking out against gay marriage, abortion and divorce.

In a statement, David and Jason Benham said: “With all of the grotesque things that can be seen and heard on television today you would think there would be room for two twin brothers who are faithful to our families, committed to biblical principles, and dedicated professionals. If our faith costs us a television show then so be it.”

On Wednesday, the Home and Garden Television network posted on its Facebook page: “HGTV has decided not to move forward with the Benham Brothers’ series.”

The announcement came after the liberal activist website, Right Wing Watch, posted online a story headlined, “HGTV Picks Anti-Gay, Anti-Choice Extremist For New Reality TV Show.”

Read more: HGTV Cancels Show Because Of Hosts' Christian Activism | The Daily Caller

I think this answers both of your questions, if not, the left on this thread is in support to silence those who disagree.

Ah ... Liberal activists. You just changed your tune, Meister. I asked if you had any links to support your claim that the gay agenda shut them down and is to silence whoever disagrees with the agenda. Try again. I know you can do better.
The network is going forward with a design competition show for Ellen Degenerate instead.
The network is going forward with a design competition show for Ellen Degenerate instead.

I'll be sure to spread the word to not watch it or the network. Oh well. I guess TV networks are buying the "numbers" of "people who rabidly support gay cult values" and will have to find out through revenue plummets that those numbers are fudged and a complete lie.

Business is hard. Sometimes these networks have to learn the hard way. Meanwhile A&E stood up to GLAAD and the church of LGBT. Now Duck Dynasty is more popular than ever...I never watched it before that scuffle and so I tuned in to see what the big "horror" was to gays. I learned it's nothing. It's nothing but them praying at the end of each show giving thanks for their food. And it's their rough and tumble hetero men that is an image the church of LGBT doesn't want. They prefer effeminant pajama boys. And the people don't.

Those guys and gals on Duck Dynasty are hilariously refreshing and real people. I now watch it all the time.
The network is going forward with a design competition show for Ellen Degenerate instead.

I'll be sure to spread the word to not watch it or the network. Oh well. I guess TV networks are buying the "numbers" of "people who rabidly support gay cult values" and will have to find out through revenue plummets that those numbers are fudged and a complete lie.

Business is hard. Sometimes these networks have to learn the hard way. Meanwhile A&E stood up to GLAAD and the church of LGBT. Now Duck Dynasty is more popular than ever...I never watched it before that scuffle and so I tuned in to see what the big "horror" was to gays. I learned it's nothing. It's nothing but them praying at the end of each show giving thanks for their food. And it's their rough and tumble hetero men that is an image the church of LGBT doesn't want. They prefer effeminant pajama boys. And the people don't.

Those guys and gals on Duck Dynasty are hilariously refreshing and real people. I now watch it all the time.

You do realize that the second paragraph of your post completely contradicts the first paragraph -- right?

Having it both ways: Priceless.
No one is not going to watch the more popular shows on the basis of not having this show on.
It's very simple, a cult that is going out of control [LGBT] has successfully blackmailed a network to drop heretics they disapprove of. Meanwhile I'm sure this cult would approve of a special on their messiah Harvey Milk; who as they know from reading his published biography, enjoyed serial sodomizing vulnerable teen homeless boys, mentally ill & on drugs, he lured into his home. And if any christians or other religions speak up against that, once again the blackmailing will start.

I think we need to see this thing for what it really is: a CULT They evangelize, have zero tolerance for defectors and practice active punishment of heretics.

Woo. That's a terrific description of Bible-thumpin', sanctimonious holier-than-thous who need to wear their "piety" like a bumper sticker and judge those who don't see things their way. One or both of these guys will one day get caught in some lurid affair with a hooker or with a vast collection of kiddie porn.
There are several Christian networks. What they need is a network executive to pick up some of the programming driven out by the Church of LGBT and offer an alternative.
Had you not cut away Protectionist's post, you would find I was responding to his claim that the twins free speech rights were under attack which is, of course, BS and if you read a few of my posts you'll find I am anything but liberal.
Will McAvoy (the Newsroom)-
"No, I call myself a Republican because I am one.
I believe in market solutions and common sense realities and the necessity to defend ourselves against a dangerous world and that’s about it.
The problem is now I have to be homophobic.
I have to count the number to times people go to church.
I have to deny facts and think scientific research is a long con.
I have to think poor people are getting a sweet ride.
And I have to have such a stunning inferiority complex that I fear education and intellect…in the 21st century.
But most of all, the biggest new requirement, really the only requirement is that I have to hate Democrats.
And I have to hate Chris Christie for not spitting on the president when he got off of Air Force One.

The two-party system is crucial to the whole operation. There is honor in being the loyal opposition. And I’m a Republican for the same reasons you are."
I agree it isn't a free speech issue but you can't deny it's a censorship issue. Not politically correct? Goodbye! Media is caving in to the vocal minority and that's just wrong.

I'm a conservative, not Republican, but I do vote for them. I don't have a party identity so don't feel like I need to fix in a political box.

Actually one can.

It’s not a ‘censorship issue’ for the same reason it’s not a free speech issue: lack of government involvement – only government, using the authority of the state, has the power to censor; hence the protections afforded citizens by the First Amendment.

Private individuals and organizations cannot ‘censor’ because they lack the authority to do so. There is no ‘censorship’ because the brothers remain at liberty to express their ignorance and hate in many other venues; this would not be the case with regard to actual state censorship, where the brothers would be denied access to all media venues and in fact silenced.

And this is why there is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ because there is no government involvement, no laws subjecting those who engage in speech prohibited by the state to fines or imprisonment, where ample other channels of communication remain available.

Consequently, the contrivances of ‘censorship’ and ‘political correctness’ in the context of the private sector are nothing more than myths fabricated by the partisan right.
There are several Christian networks. What they need is a network executive to pick up some of the programming driven out by the Church of LGBT and offer an alternative.

Which demonstrates the fact that there is no ‘censorship,’ no ‘political correctness,’ where ample other channels of communication remain available to the brothers to express their ignorance and hate.
The network is going forward with a design competition show for Ellen Degenerate instead.

I'll be sure to spread the word to not watch it or the network. Oh well. I guess TV networks are buying the "numbers" of "people who rabidly support gay cult values" and will have to find out through revenue plummets that those numbers are fudged and a complete lie.

Business is hard. Sometimes these networks have to learn the hard way. Meanwhile A&E stood up to GLAAD and the church of LGBT. Now Duck Dynasty is more popular than ever...I never watched it before that scuffle and so I tuned in to see what the big "horror" was to gays. I learned it's nothing. It's nothing but them praying at the end of each show giving thanks for their food. And it's their rough and tumble hetero men that is an image the church of LGBT doesn't want. They prefer effeminant pajama boys. And the people don't.

Those guys and gals on Duck Dynasty are hilariously refreshing and real people. I now watch it all the time.

You do realize that the second paragraph of your post completely contradicts the first paragraph -- right?

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Which comes as no surprise given the poster.
Actually one can.

It’s not a ‘censorship issue’ for the same reason it’s not a free speech issue: lack of government involvement – only government, using the authority of the state, has the power to censor; hence the protections afforded citizens by the First Amendment.
Sorry, it is a defacto censorship since it's a game of politically correct or you are out. This sends a clear message to everyone else.
Private individuals and organizations cannot ‘censor’ because they lack the authority to do so. There is no ‘censorship’ because the brothers remain at liberty to express their ignorance and hate in many other venues; this would not be the case with regard to actual state censorship, where the brothers would be denied access to all media venues and in fact silenced.
They do it all the time. You say xyz and you're out.
And this is why there is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ because there is no government involvement, no laws subjecting those who engage in speech prohibited by the state to fines or imprisonment, where ample other channels of communication remain available.
Wrong again. Political correctness is all over the place. Your denial won't change it.
Consequently, the contrivances of ‘censorship’ and ‘political correctness’ in the context of the private sector are nothing more than myths fabricated by the partisan right.

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