Broward County Elections Supervisor to Receive Nearly $130,000 A Year In Pensions When She Resigns i

Actually anyone that held the same jobs for the same amount of time that was never fired for cause.
Again, the woman was caught red-handed committing election fraud and breaking laws for over a decade. State and Federal agencies refused to step after the election to perp-walk her because they could not agree on jurisdiction (which I think is complete BS).

You prove you snowflakes / Democrats are the official Party Of Election Fraud....
Show a single conviction
So make a thread about pensions in San Francisco. This thread is about a single person drawing a large sum from 2 pensions.
50 years is a long career
She deserves what she gets
Everyone who’s worked 50 years should get $130,000 a year for life according to Dufus.

only if they were smart enough to sign a contract saying that is what they would get.
Only government pays 6 figures to dumbass worker bees with a high school diploma.
She was a teacher for 35 years probably has a masters degree

PHD actually.
Seems the problem here is with the State and Federal agencies. The governor could have removed her anytime he wished.
If it had not been for continuous Democrat Election Crime the State and Federal agencies would not have had any reason to step in.

Once again Democrats are trying to point fingers at the ones responsible for cleaning up their mess instead of their own people caught creating the mess....
Seems the problem here is with the State and Federal agencies. The governor could have removed her anytime he wished.
If it had not been for continuous Democrat Election Crime the State and Federal agencies would not have had any reason to step in.

Once again Democrats are trying to point fingers at the ones responsible for cleaning up their mess instead of their own people caught creating the mess....

She is a mess without a doubt, but the people of her county keep voting her into office and nobody did a thing about it so this is the result, she will have a nice comfy life from here on out.
Seems the problem here is with the State and Federal agencies. The governor could have removed her anytime he wished.
If it had not been for continuous Democrat Election Crime the State and Federal agencies would not have had any reason to step in.

Once again Democrats are trying to point fingers at the ones responsible for cleaning up their mess instead of their own people caught creating the mess....
Show some election crime
Nothing like government, where you can work 4 years at 4 jobs and collect four 6 figure pensions for life.

Do you have an example of this?
Happens all the time. Bounce around from city council to other city jobs and rack them up.

San Francisco pensions are higher than the average worker makes in the city.

Nice life when you never have to save for retirement.

So make a thread about pensions in San Francisco. This thread is about a single person drawing a large sum from 2 pensions.
50 years is a long career
She deserves what she gets
Everyone who’s worked 50 years should get $130,000 a year for life according to Dufus.

That is simply a lie. No one said that.
Pure supposition. Private sector has plenty of idiots at all levels too.
Nothing like government, where you can work 4 years at 4 jobs and collect four 6 figure pensions for life.

Do you have an example of this?
Happens all the time. Bounce around from city council to other city jobs and rack them up.

San Francisco pensions are higher than the average worker makes in the city.

Nice life when you never have to save for retirement.

So make a thread about pensions in San Francisco. This thread is about a single person drawing a large sum from 2 pensions.
I was asked the question, fuckhead.

Only after you made up shit about someone other than the one in the OP, twatwaffle.
She is a mess without a doubt, but the people of her county keep voting her into office and nobody did a thing about it so this is the result, she will have a nice comfy life from here on out.
Yeah, you can't Fix Stupid - referring to the libtards who kept voting her in to keep cheating for them, but someone should have put her in prison years ago.
She is a mess without a doubt, but the people of her county keep voting her into office and nobody did a thing about it so this is the result, she will have a nice comfy life from here on out.
Yeah, you can't Fix Stupid - referring to the libtards who kept voting her in to keep cheating for them, but someone should have put her in prison years ago.

but they didn't and now she is getting what she is legally entitled to. There is a lesson to be learned in this
There is a lesson to be learned in this

The Democratic party Is the Official Party of Election Fraud

Democrats don't mind election fraud as long as it benefits them.

Government is corrupt and incompetent at both the state and federal level....

??? :p
There is a lesson to be learned in this

The Democratic party Is the Official Party of Election Fraud

Democrats don't mind election fraud as long as it benefits them.

Government is corrupt and incompetent at both the state and federal level....

??? :p

And as long as you keep thinking only the Dems are corrupt you will continue to be a nice little sheep and Trump will pat you head ever now and then and give you a woody!
And as long as you keep thinking only the Dems are corrupt .....
I never said only Democrats are corrupt. I pointed out the Democratic Party is the Official Party of Election Fraud...

For decades Democrats Have rabidly fought to defend the idea that there was no such thing as election / voter fraud, to protect the 'industry' of election and voter fraud, to keep it going - on a national scale.

Repeatedly reported is how:

- Liberal areas are found to have ancient, corrupted, flat out wrong voter registration records that need to be updated / purged yet LIBERALS resist....

- IDs for getting a library book, drive a car, cash a check are needed but Democrats resist an ID requirement to exercise a sacred / critical right to vote

- Democrats get caught registering illegals to vote

- Democrats are caught intimidating voters (Black Panthers), engaging in election fraud / getting caught engaging in election fraud (Snipes, Hillary...), being PROTECTED from being held accountable for election / voter fraud (Snipes / Hillary / etc...)

The Democratic Party in 2016 actually went as far as to protect their eventual nominee from indictment / prison, helped her rig primaries, cheat in debates, violate campaign finance report laws, colluded with / paid foreign spies and Russians for illegal help - STILL could not win her own party's nomination (had to be given to her) and eventually lost the election and never went to jail as any of us would have done.

Democratic Party election crimes / fraud make the national papers...
And as long as you keep thinking only the Dems are corrupt .....
I never said only Democrats are corrupt. I pointed out the Democratic Party is the Official Party of Election Fraud...

For decades Democrats Have rabidly fought to defend the idea that there was no such thing as election / voter fraud, to protect the 'industry' of election and voter fraud, to keep it going - on a national scale.

Repeatedly reported is how:

- Liberal areas are found to have ancient, corrupted, flat out wrong voter registration records that need to be updated / purged yet LIBERALS resist....

- IDs for getting a library book, drive a car, cash a check are needed but Democrats resist an ID requirement to exercise a sacred / critical right to vote

- Democrats get caught registering illegals to vote

- Democrats are caught intimidating voters (Black Panthers), engaging in election fraud / getting caught engaging in election fraud (Snipes, Hillary...), being PROTECTED from being held accountable for election / voter fraud (Snipes / Hillary / etc...)

The Democratic Party in 2016 actually went as far as to protect their eventual nominee from indictment / prison, helped her rig primaries, cheat in debates, violate campaign finance report laws, colluded with / paid foreign spies and Russians for illegal help - STILL could not win her own party's nomination (had to be given to her) and eventually lost the election and never went to jail as any of us would have done.

Democratic Party election crimes / fraud make the national papers...
None of that is election fraud

Having outdated voter records is inefficient but not fraud
None of the “Fraud” you listed would be affected by voter ID

Show me someone voting under someone else’s identity
Be a shame if she didn't live long enough to collect her first check.

She looked pretty healthy to me.
JFK looked pretty healthy on Nov 21, 1963.

Etc, etc

Oh, so she should be murdered? And why is that? Because she makes too much in her two pensions?

You are a sick fuck.

I'm a sick fuck? You're the one who's mind immediately inferred that someone was talking about murder and assigned a reason for it.
Be a shame if she didn't live long enough to collect her first check.

She looked pretty healthy to me.
JFK looked pretty healthy on Nov 21, 1963.

Etc, etc

Oh, so she should be murdered? And why is that? Because she makes too much in her two pensions?

You are a sick fuck.

I'm a sick fuck? You're the one who's mind immediately inferred that someone was talking about murder and assigned a reason for it.

Not at all. When I first read your post, I thought you meant she died because she was old or ill. And I posted that she looked healthy. You are the one who posted "JFK looked pretty healthy on Nov 21, 1963". And JFK was murdered.

And also, I did not assign a reason for it. I asked you a question about it. If you learn your punctuation this would be clearer.

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