Brown Autopsy.. Shot in the Front, not back.

Multiple eye-witnesses giving accounts - "Not reliable! Just blacks looking out for blacks! They may not even have been there!"

Nameless voice half-heard spinning story - "The truth!!"

I don't know what happened either guys but some of you are being awfully selective with the eyewitness accounts you're taking seriously...
4 shots in the right arm and 2 in the top of his head.

The autopsy also revealed that there was no gunpowder residue on any of Brown's skin, which would mean the shots were not fired at close range.

Autopsy said the two bullets to the top of his head were likely the last two shots fired.

For Wilson's sake (the cop), he must be praying now that forensics finds some gunpowder residue on Brown's clothing or else it will be made evident to us that Brown was already down and out of Wilson's immediate reach when he shot him twice in the head.

How else does a 6'3 person get shot in the top of the head if they're not already down? Is Wilson actually much taller than Brown?

In the end, we're going to go through another whole yearlong ordeal with a big trial and tons of taxpayer money wasted because yet another paranoid American with a gun created a hostile environment due to their overreacting to something that was quite solvable from the beginning.

Michael Brown does not acquit himself very well by what we saw in the convenience store footage, but it says something about the officer that he took a situation involving two people walking in the middle of the street and escalated it to where he felt he had to unload his entire weapon. It's noteworthy that he didn't have a clue that Brown was a suspect in a robbery.

A good police officer is one who's trained to bring tensions down, not up, but that's not what happened here. He said some things from his car and the boys said things back to him and eventually he got out of his car and helped to create a totally dramatic situation that needn't have happened at all.

The people siding with the cop are behaving as if they know some greater truth the rest of us don't, but in reality they're going to have their fingers crossed for weeks now hoping they find some gunpowder residue on Brown's clothes, because without it it would appear to be a homicide.
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4 shots in the right arm and 2 in the top of his head.

The autopsy also revealed that there was no gunpowder residue on any of Brown's skin, which would mean the shots were not fired at close range.

Autopsy said the two bullets to the top of his head were likely the last two shots fired.

For Wilson's sake (the cop), he must be praying now that forensics finds some gunpowder residue on Brown's clothing or else it will be made evident to us that Brown was already down and out of Wilson's immediate reach when he shot him twice in the head.

How else does a 6'3 person get shot in the top of the head if they're not already down? Is Wilson actually much taller than Brown?

In the end, we're going to go through another whole yearlong ordeal with a big trial and tons of taxpayer money wasted because yet another paranoid American with a gun created a hostile environment due to their overreacting to something that was quite solvable from the beginning.

Michael Brown does not acquit himself very well by what we saw in the convenience store footage, but it says something about the officer that he took a situation involving two people walking in the middle of the street and escalated it to where he felt he had to unload his entire weapon. It's noteworthy that he didn't have a clue that Brown was a suspect in a robbery.

A good police officer is one who's trained to bring tensions down, not up, but that's not what happened here. He said some things from his car and the boys said things back to him and eventually he got out of his car and helped to create a totally dramatic situation that needn't have happened at all.

The people siding with the cop are behaving as if they know some greater truth the rest of us don't, but in reality they're going to have their fingers crossed for weeks now hoping they find some gunpowder residue on Brown's clothes, because without it it would appear to be a homicide.

Like the family's medical Examiner ( a world renowned ME) stated the lack of gun powder residue means nothing and it does not prove that Brown may not have been charging the officer, after turning around. Don't forget the struggle through the window of the cop car. It happened. Even witnesses stated such. I don't buy a cop grabbed this 6'3" 350 lb. guy through the window. Something happened.

The autopsy stated that the head shots were the kill shots. Therefore the four arm shots happened prior while witnesses stated Brown was just standing there with his hands up. The cop must be the worst shot in the world if their statements are true, there is more to this story.
For Wilson's sake (the cop), he must be praying now that forensics finds some gunpowder residue on Brown's clothing or else it will be made evident to us that Brown was already down and out of Wilson's immediate reach when he shot him twice in the head.

How else does a 6'3 person get shot in the top of the head if they're not already down? Is Wilson actually much taller than Brown?

Don't think about this one-dimensionally, think it three-dimensionally.

Brown was not a stationary target, he was a moving target and also a FALLING target.

A series of shots can, and likely did, catch Brown at various points ranging from upright to falling. Those heads shots likely didn't occur after he was down. The angle of entry will tell the tale. If Brown is falling as the bullet enters his head, the angle will be shallower than if he is already on the ground.

Also keep in mind that those shots were likely fired in very quick succession to each other.
Michael had his hands above his head according to a witness, and didn't attack the officer in his car.
Why was it necessary for this idiot cop to shoot at least five times?

You are a typical idiot. The police officer was being assaulted and Brown was was going for his weapon. The truth is coming out. This is not about police so called "profiling"' this is about a common piece of shit. The quicker people stop making excuses for bad behavior, the quicker this thing can be resolved.
Michael had his hands above his head according to a witness, and didn't attack the officer in his car.

Nope, three witness's stated they were struggling through the car window. Johnson ( the guy who robbed the store with Brown) has already proved he is a liar, he said he watched the cop shoot Brown in the back- "BLAM" He also omitted the robbery incident from his statements.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

The two girls said they saw the cop and Brown struggling and fighting through the window.

New video from Ferguson shooting death - Video

If Brown was shot just standing there with his arms in the air. This means the cop could not shoot worth a shit. The cop was supposedly able to hit his right arm four times in a row and finally get the kill shots through the head? Please.


It's funny how the NYT article just says

The sequence of events provided by law enforcement officials places Mr. Brown and Mr. Johnson at Ferguson Market and Liquors, a store several blocks away on West Florissant Ave., at about 11:50 a.m. After leaving the store with the cigarillos, the two walked north on West Florissant, a busy commercial thoroughfare, toward Canfield Drive, a clerk reported to the police.

But they don't state Brown appears to have robbed the store for those smokes.
Did Noomi ever answer my question on what she would do seeing a huge black woman 3 times her size bearing down on her?

She won't Gracie. Left has it in for the police. Unless its an abuse of power by Holder and his fucked up Justice Department. Then they are all for it.
maybe the cop was terrified after being attacked by a 300 lb man and just rapidly started blasting . it was either anger or fear that caused the cop to unload on him !! either way and I am not saying the cop was justified in the shooting [the truth is none of us know yet ] the rioting going on is a racist attack . the only racist I see in the rioting are the rioters themselves .
CaféAuLait;9645413 said:
Michael had his hands above his head according to a witness, and didn't attack the officer in his car.

Nope, three witness's stated they were struggling through the car window. Johnson ( the guy who robbed the store with Brown) has already proved he is a liar, he said he watched the cop shoot Brown in the back- "BLAM" He also omitted that incident from his statements.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

The two girls said they saw the cop and Brown struggling and fighting through the window.

New video from Ferguson shooting death - Video

If Brown was shot just standing there with his arms in the air. This means the cop could not shoot worth a shit. The cop was supposedly able to hit his right arm four times in a row and finally get the kill shots through the head? Please.


It's funny how the NYT article just says

The sequence of events provided by law enforcement officials places Mr. Brown and Mr. Johnson at Ferguson Market and Liquors, a store several blocks away on West Florissant Ave., at about 11:50 a.m. After leaving the store with the cigarillos, the two walked north on West Florissant, a busy commercial thoroughfare, toward Canfield Drive, a clerk reported to the police.

But they don't state Brown appears to have robbed the store for those smokes.
Hit his right arm because it was in through the car window and right hand on stunned cops throat. Brown thought the stop was for his violent robbery of convince store minutes earlier and was facing prison time. So he attacked.
CaféAuLait;9645413 said:
Michael had his hands above his head according to a witness, and didn't attack the officer in his car.

Nope, three witness's stated they were struggling through the car window. Johnson ( the guy who robbed the store with Brown) has already proved he is a liar, he said he watched the cop shoot Brown in the back- "BLAM" He also omitted the robbery incident from his statements.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

The two girls said they saw the cop and Brown struggling and fighting through the window.

New video from Ferguson shooting death - Video

If Brown was shot just standing there with his arms in the air. This means the cop could not shoot worth a shit. The cop was supposedly able to hit his right arm four times in a row and finally get the kill shots through the head? Please.


It's funny how the NYT article just says

The sequence of events provided by law enforcement officials places Mr. Brown and Mr. Johnson at Ferguson Market and Liquors, a store several blocks away on West Florissant Ave., at about 11:50 a.m. After leaving the store with the cigarillos, the two walked north on West Florissant, a busy commercial thoroughfare, toward Canfield Drive, a clerk reported to the police.

But they don't state Brown appears to have robbed the store for those smokes.

When I look at the pattern of shots what I see is an ongoing correction of shots starting on the outside of the body and moving inwards and upwards. The cop seems to be trying to get a shot into the chest but his shots are climbing up the body. Look at that head shot, dead center of the body/head.
4 shots in the right arm and 2 in the top of his head.

The autopsy also revealed that there was no gunpowder residue on any of Brown's skin, which would mean the shots were not fired at close range.

Autopsy said the two bullets to the top of his head were likely the last two shots fired.

For Wilson's sake (the cop), he must be praying now that forensics finds some gunpowder residue on Brown's clothing or else it will be made evident to us that Brown was already down and out of Wilson's immediate reach when he shot him twice in the head.

How else does a 6'3 person get shot in the top of the head if they're not already down? Is Wilson actually much taller than Brown?

In the end, we're going to go through another whole yearlong ordeal with a big trial and tons of taxpayer money wasted because yet another paranoid American with a gun created a hostile environment due to their overreacting to something that was quite solvable from the beginning.

Michael Brown does not acquit himself very well by what we saw in the convenience store footage, but it says something about the officer that he took a situation involving two people walking in the middle of the street and escalated it to where he felt he had to unload his entire weapon. It's noteworthy that he didn't have a clue that Brown was a suspect in a robbery.

A good police officer is one who's trained to bring tensions down, not up, but that's not what happened here. He said some things from his car and the boys said things back to him and eventually he got out of his car and helped to create a totally dramatic situation that needn't have happened at all.

The people siding with the cop are behaving as if they know some greater truth the rest of us don't, but in reality they're going to have their fingers crossed for weeks now hoping they find some gunpowder residue on Brown's clothes, because without it it would appear to be a homicide.
If the last shots fired were to the head and there was no residue there, they're not going to find any on his clothes.

You are making assumptions of what transpired. We've heard it all, and yours are no more credible than that. The original "witness" and "character" testimony is constantly being chipped away, leaving those condemning the policeman to change their narrative on a daily basis. When more forensics and toxicology kicks in it'll be even more fun.
CaféAuLait;9645413 said:
Michael had his hands above his head according to a witness, and didn't attack the officer in his car.

Nope, three witness's stated they were struggling through the car window. Johnson ( the guy who robbed the store with Brown) has already proved he is a liar, he said he watched the cop shoot Brown in the back- "BLAM" He also omitted that incident from his statements.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

The two girls said they saw the cop and Brown struggling and fighting through the window.

New video from Ferguson shooting death - Video

If Brown was shot just standing there with his arms in the air. This means the cop could not shoot worth a shit. The cop was supposedly able to hit his right arm four times in a row and finally get the kill shots through the head? Please.


It's funny how the NYT article just says

The sequence of events provided by law enforcement officials places Mr. Brown and Mr. Johnson at Ferguson Market and Liquors, a store several blocks away on West Florissant Ave., at about 11:50 a.m. After leaving the store with the cigarillos, the two walked north on West Florissant, a busy commercial thoroughfare, toward Canfield Drive, a clerk reported to the police.

But they don't state Brown appears to have robbed the store for those smokes.
Hit his right arm because it was in through the car window and right hand on stunned cops throat. Brown thought the stop was for his violent robbery of convince store minutes earlier and was facing prison time. So he attacked.

If Brown's blood is inside that cop car, we will know who is lying immediately. The one girl in the video above did say the cop was firing irrationally when firing out of his car window. Perhaps the shooting was willy nilly because Brown was struggling to get his gun? Maybe you are right, he was shooting his arm. But I would think there would be holes inside of the cop car too.
CaféAuLait;9645413 said:
Michael had his hands above his head according to a witness, and didn't attack the officer in his car.

Nope, three witness's stated they were struggling through the car window. Johnson ( the guy who robbed the store with Brown) has already proved he is a liar, he said he watched the cop shoot Brown in the back- "BLAM" He also omitted the robbery incident from his statements.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

The two girls said they saw the cop and Brown struggling and fighting through the window.

New video from Ferguson shooting death - Video

If Brown was shot just standing there with his arms in the air. This means the cop could not shoot worth a shit. The cop was supposedly able to hit his right arm four times in a row and finally get the kill shots through the head? Please.


It's funny how the NYT article just says

The sequence of events provided by law enforcement officials places Mr. Brown and Mr. Johnson at Ferguson Market and Liquors, a store several blocks away on West Florissant Ave., at about 11:50 a.m. After leaving the store with the cigarillos, the two walked north on West Florissant, a busy commercial thoroughfare, toward Canfield Drive, a clerk reported to the police.

But they don't state Brown appears to have robbed the store for those smokes.

When I look at the pattern of shots what I see is an ongoing correction of shots starting on the outside of the body and moving inwards and upwards. The cop seems to be trying to get a shot into the chest but his shots are climbing up the body. Look at that head shot, dead center of the body/head.

Remember only 2 bullets made the holes in his head and neck, the eye, chin, collarbone and top of his head are entry and reentry wounds.
Probably better read the report, what I just said sounds confusing.

Some of the bullets entered and exited several times, including one that left at least five different wounds...

One of the bullets shattered Mr. Brown’s right eye, traveled through his face, exited his jaw and re-entered his collarbone. The last two shots in the head would have stopped him in his tracks and were likely the last fired.
4 shots in the right arm and 2 in the top of his head.

The autopsy also revealed that there was no gunpowder residue on any of Brown's skin, which would mean the shots were not fired at close range.

Autopsy said the two bullets to the top of his head were likely the last two shots fired.

For Wilson's sake (the cop), he must be praying now that forensics finds some gunpowder residue on Brown's clothing or else it will be made evident to us that Brown was already down and out of Wilson's immediate reach when he shot him twice in the head.

How else does a 6'3 person get shot in the top of the head if they're not already down? Is Wilson actually much taller than Brown?

In the end, we're going to go through another whole yearlong ordeal with a big trial and tons of taxpayer money wasted because yet another paranoid American with a gun created a hostile environment due to their overreacting to something that was quite solvable from the beginning.

Michael Brown does not acquit himself very well by what we saw in the convenience store footage, but it says something about the officer that he took a situation involving two people walking in the middle of the street and escalated it to where he felt he had to unload his entire weapon. It's noteworthy that he didn't have a clue that Brown was a suspect in a robbery.

A good police officer is one who's trained to bring tensions down, not up, but that's not what happened here. He said some things from his car and the boys said things back to him and eventually he got out of his car and helped to create a totally dramatic situation that needn't have happened at all.

The people siding with the cop are behaving as if they know some greater truth the rest of us don't, but in reality they're going to have their fingers crossed for weeks now hoping they find some gunpowder residue on Brown's clothes, because without it it would appear to be a homicide.
He got shot in the top of the head because his big lummox ass was inside the fucking car. Sasquatch caught one in the top of his criminal noggin.
4 shots in the right arm and 2 in the top of his head.

The autopsy also revealed that there was no gunpowder residue on any of Brown's skin, which would mean the shots were not fired at close range.

Autopsy said the two bullets to the top of his head were likely the last two shots fired.

For Wilson's sake (the cop), he must be praying now that forensics finds some gunpowder residue on Brown's clothing or else it will be made evident to us that Brown was already down and out of Wilson's immediate reach when he shot him twice in the head.

How else does a 6'3 person get shot in the top of the head if they're not already down? Is Wilson actually much taller than Brown?

In the end, we're going to go through another whole yearlong ordeal with a big trial and tons of taxpayer money wasted because yet another paranoid American with a gun created a hostile environment due to their overreacting to something that was quite solvable from the beginning.

Michael Brown does not acquit himself very well by what we saw in the convenience store footage, but it says something about the officer that he took a situation involving two people walking in the middle of the street and escalated it to where he felt he had to unload his entire weapon. It's noteworthy that he didn't have a clue that Brown was a suspect in a robbery.

A good police officer is one who's trained to bring tensions down, not up, but that's not what happened here. He said some things from his car and the boys said things back to him and eventually he got out of his car and helped to create a totally dramatic situation that needn't have happened at all.

The people siding with the cop are behaving as if they know some greater truth the rest of us don't, but in reality they're going to have their fingers crossed for weeks now hoping they find some gunpowder residue on Brown's clothes, because without it it would appear to be a homicide.
He got shot in the top of the head because his big lummox ass was inside the fucking car. Sasquatch caught one in the top of his criminal noggin.

Nah, the head shots were the kill shots. He did not die in that cops car window. if anything he may have been charging the cop as the families medical examiner pondered in the autopsy article above.

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