"Brownie....You're Doin' A Helluva Job"

And the post above was run by illiterates, since I said the opposite. Which is exactly why Nagin had to run as a Democrat. Musta used big five-letter words again.


And the warning, as documented, was in my case 36 hours, the same time the city got its warning from the Hurricane Center in Florida. Redfish, even less than that. But I mean who would know better, those in the area that actually experienced it, or some asshole sitting on his boils in Anafuckingheim California, ten years after the fact.

Double duh.

Look Pogo, you're a partisan hack liar. You want to attack Bush for your filthy party and you lack so much as a hint of integrity. This isn't news.

Lies so far by Pogo in this thread.

  1. Ray Nagin was a Republican. Okay, so the black mayor of a black city dominated by a political machine run by democrats was a "Republican?" Beyond the shear absurdity, when the British tabloids lied in hopes of smearing Bush. {In a January 13, 2006, interview on the Tavis Smiley show, Nagin himself denied these rumors, stating that he "never was a Republican" and that he has been a "life-long Democrat," and several of the news sources reporting that he was a Republican have since issued retractions.[4]} http://ballotpedia.org/Ray_Nagin
  2. Most of the National Guard was in Iraq. {The moment Katrina hit Louisiana, thirty-five percent of that state's National Guard troops were deployed in Iraq. In Mississippi, ground zero for the storm, nearly 40 percent of the National Guard troops were in the Middle East.} Where was the Army National Guard When They Were Needed at Home? Oddly though, Mississippi managed to deploy and weather the storm.
Look, your a hack - you have a party but zero integrity - so you lie.
Damn, were the rest on strike???

I doubt it.

Don't mind Pogo, he's a fucking liar. 65% of the Louisiana guard was in the state. Democrat Blanco just failed to deploy them.

Yup. She and Nagin were to blame even though Bush let them declare LA a Disaster are before Katrina even hit. Blanco dropped the ball big time.

Its easier to blame Bush.

The POTUS doesn't "let" somebody declare themselves a disaster area. The POTUS declares that himself.

Where are you from -- Latvia?

Hell. The Gov. made sure her ass wasn't in LA when the hurricane hit.

Bull Fucking Shit. The governor's ass, and the rest of her body, were in Baton Rouge, the state capital, througout. Before, during and after. You armchair revisionistas desperate to rewrite history that's still sitting in living memory embarrass yourselves.
The state and local governments have to request help first...

Where are YOU from, Russia?

At the time, New Orleans. Carrollton area. And I'm not the asshat who posted some horseshit about the POTUS needs to "let somebody declare" a disaster area, am I?

This just shows the degree of hackitude the history revisionists who've obviously never seen a natural disaster inventing their own histories while squeezing zits in their double wide in Bumfuck Nebraska.
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Damn, were the rest on strike???

I doubt it.

Don't mind Pogo, he's a fucking liar. 65% of the Louisiana guard was in the state. Democrat Blanco just failed to deploy them.

Yup. She and Nagin were to blame even though Bush let them declare LA a Disaster are before Katrina even hit. Blanco dropped the ball big time.

Its easier to blame Bush.

The POTUS doesn't "let" somebody declare themselves a disaster area. The POTUS declares that himself.

Where are you from -- Latvia?

You're right sorry. But he did call the Gov and let her know her request would be granted as soon as she made it.

She waited to long to make the request even knowing it takes FEMA quite a while to get rolling.

She and Nagin were more to blame than Bush will ever be.
You're right sorry. But he did call the Gov and let her know her request would be granted as soon as she made it.

She waited to long to make the request even knowing it takes FEMA quite a while to get rolling.

She and Nagin were more to blame than Bush will ever be.

And a reminder that FEMA is not a first responder, not designed to be a first responder, and has never been first responder in any other crisis, including Sandy.
Wow, so complete failures by a Democrat mayor and a Democrat governor, and you blame it on a Republican president?

The blame belongs on Nagin and Blanco. There was plenty of warning. BUT, no one anticipated the levees breaking. If the levees had held it would have been a wind event with minimal damage.

Now, why did the levees break? Why were they not properly built and maintained? which party has controlled New Orleans forever? The answer to the last question answers the others. Dems cannot manage anything correctly. NOLA proves it. and I live here, I see it every day.

Neither Nagin nor Blanco built the levees. That's already been established, definitively, as the fault of the Army Corps of Engineers. Nothing Nagin or Blanco did or didn't do is at significant variance with any other hurricane. The difference, as I said before and as you agreed above, is that the levees broke. And that's the ACofE.

Your feeble attempts to make this into a political football are, in a word, disgusting.
Have you ever had to make it through an F-5 tornado??? I had to in Little Rock (shelter-in-place). The point is, if you can get warning of something like Katrina, YOU GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

You CAN'T control the weather!!!

Worry about the property later, unless you are willing to die for it... and then hope the Democrats don't steal the money you need!!!!!

I didn't mention "property", although that can be part of it. In my case it was a little of that and a lot more getting people and animals -- and their food and medications etc -- together. Let alone establishing where we were going.

But your point is taken -- I could have said "fuck it" and left them to drown.

We got the evacuation order by phone at 2:30 am. We were on the road by 8am with everything we considered irreplaceable, two dogs and two cats and some food water and wine. took 16 hours to go a distance that usually takes 4 hours. Saw many people stranded on the road with no gas, stopped at a station in Ala where there was a very long line and about 10 state troopers, they let you buy 10 gallons, no more. spent one night in the car at a rest stop, finally got to Jackson and spent 4 days there with no power. Came home, secured the house with a tarp and left until the power came back on 10 days later. I do not ever want to have to do that again.

By phone from a friend? See, that's even 12 hours later than I got word.

Your travel story is consistent with mine. Somehow I got on the wrong contraflow lane and had to go through Baton Rouge :puke: and they wouldn't let me up I-55. My destination was southern Mississippi, on the river. There we got a minor storm and some wind, some light branches broken, no big deal, but the power went out for days. Yet right across the river in Vidalia everybody had power. It's the way the states are set up. Eventually they got crews coming down -- from Arkansas -- to get power restored.

At the time there were fine generous people offering housing everywhere from Mexico to Nova Scotia. I seriously thought about Nova Scotia but I ended up coming to the mountains of Carolina, a vacation house in the mountains with seven levels of Appalachian peaks to look at. We weren't allowed back into the city for five weeks -- early October --- and even then there was no power, no utilities, no police, no traffic lights and no place to eat but for a couple of joints out in Metairie. And the first order of business was to tape up your refrigerator and haul it outside to be picked up and taken away...

No, our phone call was from the emergency services of St Tammany parish. When we went to bed that night the predicted landfall was Mobile, then the sucker turned during the night.

We had a large pine tree fall on the house and do significant damage, Luckily it was on the garage side and we could still live in the rest of the house until it was repaired.

I have no issues with FEMA, they got here, passed out food and water and tarps and issued checks to those who had no place to live.

Something like that brings out the good in people (and in some cases the bad but they are in the minority)
Where was the National Guard? Where they overwhelmed or deployed somewhere else?
Ask the Democrat governor.

Actually most of them were deployed to Iraq.
Bailing out the Bush administration's blunder. Most of them didn't want anything to do with the guard when they got home, even the unit that arrived in time to help with Katrina. Great snap shot of how Bush screwed over the Guard and degraded the US military.


ok we get it..you have an agenda...you're badly overplaying your hand, though.

Maybe, but there's truth to the military.com POV. At the time National Guard were being pulled from everywhere, deployed to Iraq, sent home and deployed again thanks to the brilliant idiocy of Donald Fucking Rumsfeld. Speaking of whom...

>> "It was commonly known in the West Wing that there was a battle with Rumsfeld regarding this," said the official. "I can't imagine another defense secretary throwing up the kinds of obstacles he did."

Though various military bases had been mobilized into a state of alert well before the advance team's tour, Rumsfeld's aversion to using active-duty troops was evident: "There's no doubt in my mind," says one of Bush's close advisers today, "that Rumsfeld didn't like the concept."

The next day, three days after landfall, word of disorder in New Orleans had reached a fever pitch. According to sources familiar with the conversation, DHS secretary Michael Chertoff called Rumsfeld that morning and said, "You're going to need several thousand troops."

"Well, I disagree," said the SecDef. "And I'm going to tell the president we don't need any more than the National Guard."

After the president had returned to the White House, he eventually convened a meeting in the Situation Room to discuss the government's response. Bush barked, "Rumsfeld, what the hell is going on there? Are you watching what's on television? Is that the United States of America or some Third World nation I'm watching? What the hell are you doing?"

When Rumsfeld mentioned his concerns about "unity of command" issues, Bush stopped talking to his Defense Secretary and directed all inquiries to Lieutenant General Honoré, via video screen, who was on the ground in Louisiana.

... Rumsfeld could see the writing on the wall and had come prepared with a deployment plan in hand. Still, he did not volunteer it. Only when Bush ordered, "Don, do it," did he acquiesce and send in the troops -- a full five days after landfall. << -- Katrina Revisited
No, I think the Louisiana National Guard units that were deployed overseas to Iraq needed the Presidents approval and activation into RA.

What about the 65% thaw were in the state? Why did party Governor Blanco fail to deploy them?

10 years later, your lies are LESS plausible than they were at the time.
I posted a military link that had the commanders in command of the Guard discussing the handicap put on the Guard by having the large portion of their equipment and men deployed overseas at the time the hurricane hit. I have not defended the Governor, mayor or anyone else.
You provide nothing but your misinformed agenda driven opinions with no back up or resourced data and fondness for calling those who disagree with you liars. So tell us which percentage of the Guard were left in Louisiana with helicopters and vehicles capable of responding to the emergency.
The bottom line is Katrina illustrated what happens when you have a large segment of society lacking not only the ability to take care of themselves but also the mentality to take care of themselves. The people of New Orleans and the surrounding parishes were told to get the fuck out of Dodge. But, they stayed anyway assuming they would be taken care of.... and it didn't happen. Nagin broke down, Eddie Compass broke down, the whole system broke down... as did the federal levee system.
No, I think the Louisiana National Guard units that were deployed overseas to Iraq needed the Presidents approval and activation into RA.

What about the 65% thaw were in the state? Why did party Governor Blanco fail to deploy them?

10 years later, your lies are LESS plausible than they were at the time.
I posted a military link that had the commanders in command of the Guard discussing the handicap put on the Guard by having the large portion of their equipment and men deployed overseas at the time the hurricane hit. I have not defended the Governor, mayor or anyone else.
You provide nothing but your misinformed agenda driven opinions with no back up or resourced data and fondness for calling those who disagree with you liars. So tell us which percentage of the Guard were left in Louisiana with helicopters and vehicles capable of responding to the emergency.

The two things are unrelated. If you want to know which agency did the best job of rescuing people and protecting property you need look no farther than the USCG. Without the coasties there would have been many more lives lost. I cannot say enough about the job done by the Coast Guard. They were the real heores in this disaster, and the USCG never gets enough budget. If you libs want to fix something, fix that.
Neither Nagin nor Blanco built the levees. That's already been established, definitively, as the fault of the Army Corps of Engineers. Nothing Nagin or Blanco did or didn't do is at significant variance with any other hurricane. The difference, as I said before and as you agreed above, is that the levees broke. And that's the ACofE.

Your feeble attempts to make this into a political football are, in a word, disgusting.
Have you ever had to make it through an F-5 tornado??? I had to in Little Rock (shelter-in-place). The point is, if you can get warning of something like Katrina, YOU GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

You CAN'T control the weather!!!

Worry about the property later, unless you are willing to die for it... and then hope the Democrats don't steal the money you need!!!!!

I didn't mention "property", although that can be part of it. In my case it was a little of that and a lot more getting people and animals -- and their food and medications etc -- together. Let alone establishing where we were going.

But your point is taken -- I could have said "fuck it" and left them to drown.

We got the evacuation order by phone at 2:30 am. We were on the road by 8am with everything we considered irreplaceable, two dogs and two cats and some food water and wine. took 16 hours to go a distance that usually takes 4 hours. Saw many people stranded on the road with no gas, stopped at a station in Ala where there was a very long line and about 10 state troopers, they let you buy 10 gallons, no more. spent one night in the car at a rest stop, finally got to Jackson and spent 4 days there with no power. Came home, secured the house with a tarp and left until the power came back on 10 days later. I do not ever want to have to do that again.

By phone from a friend? See, that's even 12 hours later than I got word.

Your travel story is consistent with mine. Somehow I got on the wrong contraflow lane and had to go through Baton Rouge :puke: and they wouldn't let me up I-55. My destination was southern Mississippi, on the river. There we got a minor storm and some wind, some light branches broken, no big deal, but the power went out for days. Yet right across the river in Vidalia everybody had power. It's the way the states are set up. Eventually they got crews coming down -- from Arkansas -- to get power restored.

At the time there were fine generous people offering housing everywhere from Mexico to Nova Scotia. I seriously thought about Nova Scotia but I ended up coming to the mountains of Carolina, a vacation house in the mountains with seven levels of Appalachian peaks to look at. We weren't allowed back into the city for five weeks -- early October --- and even then there was no power, no utilities, no police, no traffic lights and no place to eat but for a couple of joints out in Metairie. And the first order of business was to tape up your refrigerator and haul it outside to be picked up and taken away...

No, our phone call was from the emergency services of St Tammany parish. When we went to bed that night the predicted landfall was Mobile, then the sucker turned during the night.

We had a large pine tree fall on the house and do significant damage, Luckily it was on the garage side and we could still live in the rest of the house until it was repaired.

I have no issues with FEMA, they got here, passed out food and water and tarps and issued checks to those who had no place to live.

Something like that brings out the good in people (and in some cases the bad but they are in the minority)

I agree Redfish. And as previously noted I had no FEMA issues either. They were reachable when needed and their help was timely and efficient. Media love to skip by all that and send helicopters to drowned school buses, submerged interstates and parched refugees at the Stupordome.

I had parked my car in a lot on slightly higher ground in mid-City, and you know what happened there. I was able to find and satellite view of the roof of it skimming above the water from my parents' house in Mississippi. I mentioned to the FEMA guy that I had considered going to an upper level of a parking garage downtown, he said it prolly would have been looted.

As it was my house in Carrollton only took about two feet, so not up to the floor line. When I finally got back in October some of my neighbors had been in place the whole time, just riding uneventfully. Only thing was, there are three restaurants on the corner (Carrollton and Jeannette) that all use the same dumpster. And nobody had been able to empty it for five weeks...
The bottom line is Katrina illustrated what happens when you have a large segment of society lacking not only the ability to take care of themselves but also the mentality to take care of themselves. The people of New Orleans and the surrounding parishes were told to get the fuck out of Dodge. But, they stayed anyway assuming they would be taken care of.... and it didn't happen. Nagin broke down, Eddie Compass broke down, the whole system broke down... as did the federal levee system.

And you know as well as I, there are a number who never evacuate. We just don't hear about them because they weren't trapped in subsequent flooding. Actually Katirna was the first one I ever evacuated for in ten years, although I was already out of town during Georges and possibly Ivan.

But residents staying put and riding out the storm, that's a constant, every time everywhere.

The police and other local first responders, I have great admiration for. Their communication was completey fucked, I don't know how many cars they lost, and I hear all their horses drowned. Those who didn't go AWOL were by then just freelancing. And the fire department of course being immobilized by the flooding, fires just had to burn themselves down to the water line.

flood line.jpg

That's just off Carrollton Ave taken from my rental car, October.
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No, I think the Louisiana National Guard units that were deployed overseas to Iraq needed the Presidents approval and activation into RA.

What about the 65% thaw were in the state? Why did party Governor Blanco fail to deploy them?

10 years later, your lies are LESS plausible than they were at the time.
I posted a military link that had the commanders in command of the Guard discussing the handicap put on the Guard by having the large portion of their equipment and men deployed overseas at the time the hurricane hit. I have not defended the Governor, mayor or anyone else.
You provide nothing but your misinformed agenda driven opinions with no back up or resourced data and fondness for calling those who disagree with you liars. So tell us which percentage of the Guard were left in Louisiana with helicopters and vehicles capable of responding to the emergency.

The two things are unrelated. If you want to know which agency did the best job of rescuing people and protecting property you need look no farther than the USCG. Without the coasties there would have been many more lives lost. I cannot say enough about the job done by the Coast Guard. They were the real heores in this disaster, and the USCG never gets enough budget. If you libs want to fix something, fix that.
Absolutely agree. Fixing is currently in the hands of the Republican controlled House of Representative. They control the purse. Let us know when they ask for more funding and the Democrats block it.
they bring up a damn Hurricane that happened 10 years ago as if it was some NATIONAL event. for why? I guess so they can Put down Bush and his cabinet again.
it would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic
No, I think the Louisiana National Guard units that were deployed overseas to Iraq needed the Presidents approval and activation into RA.

What about the 65% thaw were in the state? Why did party Governor Blanco fail to deploy them?

10 years later, your lies are LESS plausible than they were at the time.
I posted a military link that had the commanders in command of the Guard discussing the handicap put on the Guard by having the large portion of their equipment and men deployed overseas at the time the hurricane hit. I have not defended the Governor, mayor or anyone else.
You provide nothing but your misinformed agenda driven opinions with no back up or resourced data and fondness for calling those who disagree with you liars. So tell us which percentage of the Guard were left in Louisiana with helicopters and vehicles capable of responding to the emergency.

The two things are unrelated. If you want to know which agency did the best job of rescuing people and protecting property you need look no farther than the USCG. Without the coasties there would have been many more lives lost. I cannot say enough about the job done by the Coast Guard. They were the real heores in this disaster, and the USCG never gets enough budget. If you libs want to fix something, fix that.
Absolutely agree. Fixing is currently in the hands of the Republican controlled House of Representative. They control the purse. Let us know when they ask for more funding and the Democrats block it.

Has obama submitted a budget in 7 years? He has cut the military personnel and funding for new and replacement equipment.

Nice try blaming the republicans, but it won't work.

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