"Brownie....You're Doin' A Helluva Job"

Know when I got the word about the storm, little boy in a tank?

Saturday afternoon (27th). A co-worker called me and said, 'so what are you gonna do about the storm?"
I said, "what storm"? It was the first I had heard of it. By later that day both the mayor and the governor were on TV telling everybody to get out.

She hit in the dawn hours of the 29th, or about 36 hours later. That's how little time we had. And the evacuation took seven of those hours, on a trip that normally takes three.

You try to pull shit outta your ass about events you clearly know nothing about, you're gonna get embarrassed here.

Just try me.

I live on the Gulf Coast so you cant tell me shit about hurricanes.
But I can say you were obviously unprepared which is a sign of stupidity for someone who lives in N.O.

Cram it up your ass, moron. I'm telling tank-boy how little time there was. If you don't know about that, then I think the stupidity lives in your mirror. :fu:

Than why did most people have time to get out?
I mean you dont have to go far to get out of the fish bowl thats N.O.
Hell, I lived in Tennessee at the time, and we were putting up evacuees there.

Did they leave afterwords?
Or crime rate skyrocketed in Houston from all the bused in thugs that stuck around.
It took several months to get them home, but we didn't see the surge in crime that Houston did. I knew people that lived in Houston, and they had a lot of problems from the hood rats that were bused in.
The lazy negros were warned to leave town

Know when I got the word about the storm, little boy in a tank?

Saturday afternoon (27th). A co-worker called me and said, 'so what are you gonna do about the storm?"
I said, "what storm"?
She hit in the dawn hours of the 29th. That's how little time we had.

You try to pull shit outta your ass about events you clearly know nothing about, you're gonna get embarrassed here.

Just try me.
Do they not have weather on TV in Buttfuck Bayou, LA?

I don't watch TV. Maybe it's why I'm not as fucking clueless as you obviously are.
Sounds to me like you're pretty clueless if you can't turn on the TV and watch the weather.

Yeah I did that, fuck face -- after I got word.

Clearly you're too stupid to comprehend what's being said here. I'm telling tank-boy that 36 hours before the actual landfall, word was just then beginning to get around. It's a time reference.

Understand, stupid?
Remember Katrina and George W. Bush's totally unbelievable mishandling of the massive destruction and death in Louisiana, and Mississippi? I Do!

It wasn't as bad and irresponsible as Iraq but it was in the game.

total bullshit. I lived through it. The mishandling was by the governor, Blanco, and the mayor (now in jail) Nagin. Those two idiots hated each other and were both dems who were determined to make the administration look bad at the expense of the citizens.
The lazy negros were warned to leave town

Know when I got the word about the storm, little boy in a tank?

Saturday afternoon (27th). A co-worker called me and said, 'so what are you gonna do about the storm?"
I said, "what storm"? It was the first I had heard of it. By later that day both the mayor and the governor were on TV telling everybody to get out.

She hit in the dawn hours of the 29th, or about 36 hours later. That's how little time we had. And the evacuation took seven of those hours, on a trip that normally takes three.

You try to pull shit outta your ass about events you clearly know nothing about, you're gonna get embarrassed here.

Just try me.

I live on the Gulf Coast so you cant tell me shit about hurricanes.
But I can say you were obviously unprepared which is a sign of stupidity for someone who lives in N.O.

Cram it up your ass, moron. I'm telling tank-boy how little time there was. If you don't know about that, then I think the stupidity lives in your mirror. :fu:

Than why did most people have time to get out?
I mean you dont have to go far to get out of the fish bowl thats N.O.

Obviously you know nothing about hurricane evacuation. You don't just grab your keys and hit the road like you're going to the convenience store for a pack of Ding Dongs.
Remember Katrina and George W. Bush's totally unbelievable mishandling of the massive destruction and death in Louisiana, and Mississippi? I Do!

It wasn't as bad and irresponsible as Iraq but it was in the game.
You talking about when Nagin went to prison for corruption over the way he handled the money?
No, he's talking about how Bush and the republicans criminally mishandled the response to a national emergency and 1500 people died.

And the Governor and Mayor who knew for five days that the storm of the century was heading their way and waited and waited for them to ask for assistance
because legally that's the only way the Federal government could act....

Why not bring out that other Lib classic....
Romney...We have binders full of women.....
That one was a classic Lib outrage.
You talking about when Nagin went to prison for corruption over the way he handled the money?
No, he's talking about how Bush and the republicans criminally mishandled the response to a national emergency and 1500 people died.

I have to agree somewhat with you.
We can get the 82nd Airborne halfway around the world over night to invade another country but here...when citizens were struggling badly and dying.... they couldn't figure out what to do for days....

there was an obvious healthcare crisis...the u.s. navy has the most advanced hospital ships built...sail a couple up the river and dock them and immediately begin helping..but no...

The u.s. army has entire divisions of Combat Engineers whose job is to fix badly broken stuff in a war zone..deploy a couple of battallions of them and let's get busy...but no...

Yes..the governor has to make the call and she was fricking clueless..that's when a leader would have stepped forward and said a disaster like this supercedes any political maneuvering...but no...

So yeah..let's elect ANOTHER career politician to the white house..what could go wrong?
Our current FEMA director is pretty good, all it takes is not filling up appointments with unqualified yes-men as Bush did.

Sandy was a complete fuck up.
Who's watch did that happen on again?
The Sandy response was lightning fast compared to Katrina. In what way do you think it was a "complete fuck up" seeing as how no one really expected what it would do compared with a lot of people knowing NOLA was terribly vulnerable?

Sandy's clean-up frustrates

People were bitching up a storm,no pun intended,about FEMAs response to Sandy.
And they had all the time in the world to prepare for it.
They talked none stop about "The Super Storm" that was bearing down on the east coast.
No, he's talking about how Bush and the republicans criminally mishandled the response to a national emergency and 1500 people died.

Because FEMA is the first responder, and not a funding agency to rebuild..

Leftists - sure they're lying twats - but they make up for it with stupidity...
You could look back at the bungled response by FEMA or you could continue to look like you lost all memory of one of our worst man-made disasters.
You DO realize that practically all of the deaths happened in the immediate aftermath of the Hurricane, before state and local leaders asked for federal help, right????

You must think Bush was GOD if you think that was "man made".
obi, if the levees had been properly built the city would not have flooded. It was fraud and negligence by the U.S. army corps of engineers..That's a fact...

It was years of mismanagement of the Federal Money.
Katrina: Louisiana Federal Money Not Spent on Levees
Much of that Louisiana money was spent to try to keep low-lying New Orleans dry. But hundreds of millions of dollars have gone to unrelated water projects demanded by the state’s congressional delegation and approved by the Corps, often after economic analyses that turned out to be inaccurate.

Louisiana’s politicians are no different from those of other states: they want to get as many federal dollars as they can and spend them on projects that will have the biggest economic impact. They judged the risk of a Category 4 or 5 hurricane taking a direct path over New Orleans sufficiently low as to permit the money to go to projects that were seemingly more urgent. Obviously, they guessed wrong–with tragic consequences.
Remember Katrina and George W. Bush's totally unbelievable mishandling of the massive destruction and death in Louisiana, and Mississippi? I Do!

It wasn't as bad and irresponsible as Iraq but it was in the game.
You talking about when Nagin went to prison for corruption over the way he handled the money?
No, he's talking about how Bush and the republicans criminally mishandled the response to a national emergency and 1500 people died.

Actually it was the Democrat Mayor of NO and the Democrat Governor of Louisiana that mishandled the emergency.
Why do still feel the need to protect the Bush administration at this late date? As I said earlier, I live on the Gulf coast and experienced first hand what a cluster fuck it was. 2005 was like a living hell at times and from my perspective the Bush administration did not give a fuck about anything except his god-damned war on terror.

I went 21 days without power....in august..or much of anything else for that matter.The national guard distributed MRE's and water and ice every day but can you imagine the lines?...but I knew what to expect and prepared.
Remember Katrina and George W. Bush's totally unbelievable mishandling of the massive destruction and death in Louisiana, and Mississippi? I Do!

It wasn't as bad and irresponsible as Iraq but it was in the game.

total bullshit. I lived through it. The mishandling was by the governor, Blanco, and the mayor (now in jail) Nagin. Those two idiots hated each other and were both dems who were determined to make the administration look bad at the expense of the citizens.

Nagin's a Republican. If you live there you remember how he took heat for running as a Democrat, not to mention endorsing Bush and Jindal.

That said, party politics has zero to do with how emergencies are handled. If your job is governor or mayor, you look out for the welfare of the state or city. Period.
The lazy negros were warned to leave town

Know when I got the word about the storm, little boy in a tank?

Saturday afternoon (27th). A co-worker called me and said, 'so what are you gonna do about the storm?"
I said, "what storm"?
She hit in the dawn hours of the 29th. That's how little time we had.

You try to pull shit outta your ass about events you clearly know nothing about, you're gonna get embarrassed here.

Just try me.
Do they not have weather on TV in Buttfuck Bayou, LA?

I don't watch TV. Maybe it's why I'm not as fucking clueless as you obviously are.
Sounds to me like you're pretty clueless if you can't turn on the TV and watch the weather.

Yeah I did that, fuck face -- after I got word.

Clearly you're too stupid to comprehend what's being said here. I'm telling tank-boy that 36 hours before the actual landfall, word was just then beginning to get around. It's a time reference.

Understand, stupid?
If you can't figure out how to get the weather on your TV, you can get the weather and warnings on your cell phone. There's an app for that!!!!
The Sandy response was lightning fast compared to Katrina. In what way do you think it was a "complete fuck up" seeing as how no one really expected what it would do compared with a lot of people knowing NOLA was terribly vulnerable?

The fuck it was.

Ask the people on Long Island.
From what I saw they were just a bunch of people who had never experienced anything like that. We people of the Gulf coast know what a prolonged state of misery storm recovery can be. They bitched and moaned but got a lot more immediate action then we did in 2005 during the most active hurricane season on record. You need to remember that Katrina was not the only storm to make landfall here.
"Remember Katrina" ? Is the pathetic left taking a trip down memory lane to avoid all the scandals in the Obama administration and the Hillary campaign or are they trying to make a point about the weather?

Tomorrow is the ten-year anniversary, dumbass.
The lazy negros were warned to leave town

Know when I got the word about the storm, little boy in a tank?

Saturday afternoon (27th). A co-worker called me and said, 'so what are you gonna do about the storm?"
I said, "what storm"?
She hit in the dawn hours of the 29th. That's how little time we had.

You try to pull shit outta your ass about events you clearly know nothing about, you're gonna get embarrassed here.

Just try me.
Do they not have weather on TV in Buttfuck Bayou, LA?
not funny...leave the state out of it.
Nagin dropped the ball ball when he didn't order MANDATORY evacuations, and actually allowed THOUSANDS of buses to just sit there and be destroyed.

More Philistine pig-ignorance from armchair Katrinites who weren't there.

There's no evidence the mayor of New Orleans has either the authority or the logistical ability to commandeer school buses (which were in the suburbs, not the city), find drivers and routes for them, or even that they were in a condition to do the job. It's a picture taken by a helicopter dangled out as bait to jump to conclusions -- which you did.

As for the mandatory evacuation:
Nagin orders first-ever mandatory evacuation of New Orleans (NOLA.com)

Where do you get this shit? Dimbart?

Than why didnt they leave? Oh thats right..they couldnt pass up the prime looting season.

We did. Once again typed slowly for the illiterati, my personal evac took seven hours, more than twice as long as that same trip usually takes, even with contraflow ordered by the governor on I-10, just because there was so much traffic.

New Orleans is in no way a stranger to hurricane warnings. There are always those who refuse to leave, and that's not peculiar to race or place. It's part of literally EVERY hurricane strike, everywhere. The difference in this case was, as already noted, not the storm itself but the massive flooding caused by the seven levee breaches, which were, as also previously noted, the fault of the Army Corps of Engineers. Without that happening tomorrow is just another day nobody remembers but as a piece of "on this day" trivia.

I have several friends and acquaintances who stayed put. For some, life simply went on with new challenges like no power and where to get food, while others had to be rescued from the top of their house by helicopter after they woke up in the night to find themselves floating in their bed. ALL of those were white. So you racist asshole trolls can go fuck yourselves in the circle jerk that appears to be your only goal here.

The blame belongs on Nagin and Blanco. There was plenty of warning. BUT, no one anticipated the levees breaking. If the levees had held it would have been a wind event with minimal damage.

Now, why did the levees break? Why were they not properly built and maintained? which party has controlled New Orleans forever? The answer to the last question answers the others. Dems cannot manage anything correctly. NOLA proves it. and I live here, I see it every day.
Know when I got the word about the storm, little boy in a tank?

Saturday afternoon (27th). A co-worker called me and said, 'so what are you gonna do about the storm?"
I said, "what storm"?
She hit in the dawn hours of the 29th. That's how little time we had.

You try to pull shit outta your ass about events you clearly know nothing about, you're gonna get embarrassed here.

Just try me.
Do they not have weather on TV in Buttfuck Bayou, LA?

I don't watch TV. Maybe it's why I'm not as fucking clueless as you obviously are.
Sounds to me like you're pretty clueless if you can't turn on the TV and watch the weather.

Yeah I did that, fuck face -- after I got word.

Clearly you're too stupid to comprehend what's being said here. I'm telling tank-boy that 36 hours before the actual landfall, word was just then beginning to get around. It's a time reference.

Understand, stupid?
If you can't figure out how to get the weather on your TV, you can get the weather and warnings on your cell phone. There's an app for that!!!!

I don't use that kind of cell phone and in either case I don't spend my life 24/7 sitting in front of that or a TV. Which is what one would have to do to measure up to the abjectly ignorant black hole of stupidity you've portrayed here.
"Remember Katrina" ? Is the pathetic left taking a trip down memory lane to avoid all the scandals in the Obama administration and the Hillary campaign or are they trying to make a point about the weather?

It's the 10th anniversary of it and they had the community activists talking to the committee in Washington D.C. a few days ago.
There is still a lot not being done even after 10 years.
The lazy negros were warned to leave town

Know when I got the word about the storm, little boy in a tank?

Saturday afternoon (27th). A co-worker called me and said, 'so what are you gonna do about the storm?"
I said, "what storm"? It was the first I had heard of it. By later that day both the mayor and the governor were on TV telling everybody to get out.

She hit in the dawn hours of the 29th, or about 36 hours later. That's how little time we had. And the evacuation took seven of those hours, on a trip that normally takes three.

You try to pull shit outta your ass about events you clearly know nothing about, you're gonna get embarrassed here.

Just try me.

I live on the Gulf Coast so you cant tell me shit about hurricanes.
But I can say you were obviously unprepared which is a sign of stupidity for someone who lives in N.O.

Cram it up your ass, moron. I'm telling tank-boy how little time there was. If you don't know about that, then I think the stupidity lives in your mirror. :fu:

Than why did most people have time to get out?
I mean you dont have to go far to get out of the fish bowl thats N.O.

Obviously you know nothing about hurricane evacuation. You don't just grab your keys and hit the road like you're going to the convenience store for a pack of Ding Dongs.

You stupid fuck,I just said I lived in Houston where by the way the biggest evac in this countries history happened during Rita.
Nagin's a Republican.

You're a fucking liar.

You partisan hack pile of shit.

If you live there you remember how he took heat for running as a Democrat, not to mention endorsing Bush and Jindal.

That said, party politics has zero to do with how emergencies are handled. If your job is governor or mayor, you look out for the welfare of the state or city. Period.

I don't care where you live, you're a fucking liar.

Fucking hack pile of shit.
No, he's talking about how Bush and the republicans criminally mishandled the response to a national emergency and 1500 people died.

Because FEMA is the first responder, and not a funding agency to rebuild..

Leftists - sure they're lying twats - but they make up for it with stupidity...
You could look back at the bungled response by FEMA or you could continue to look like you lost all memory of one of our worst man-made disasters.
You DO realize that practically all of the deaths happened in the immediate aftermath of the Hurricane, before state and local leaders asked for federal help, right????

You must think Bush was GOD if you think that was "man made".
obi, if the levees had been properly built the city would not have flooded. It was fraud and negligence by the U.S. army corps of engineers..That's a fact...

It was years of mismanagement of the Federal Money.
Katrina: Louisiana Federal Money Not Spent on Levees
Much of that Louisiana money was spent to try to keep low-lying New Orleans dry. But hundreds of millions of dollars have gone to unrelated water projects demanded by the state’s congressional delegation and approved by the Corps, often after economic analyses that turned out to be inaccurate.

Louisiana’s politicians are no different from those of other states: they want to get as many federal dollars as they can and spend them on projects that will have the biggest economic impact. They judged the risk of a Category 4 or 5 hurricane taking a direct path over New Orleans sufficiently low as to permit the money to go to projects that were seemingly more urgent. Obviously, they guessed wrong–with tragic consequences.
the corps of engineers faulty construction caused the flood, not the hurricane. Had the levees been built correctly it would have all ended differently. None of that had to happen.

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