Bruce Swartz, Textbook Swamp Dweller


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Bruce Swartz, Textbook Swamp Dweller
December 11, 2019 ~~ By Jack Cashill
The Inspector General’s Report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) features a heretofore unheralded costar by the name of Bruce Swartz, the assistant attorney general in the Criminal Division. Swartz was also the supervisor of the feckless Bruce Ohr, husband of Fusion GPS contractor Nellie Ohr and frequent breakfast buddy of Christopher Steele of Steele dossier fame. Unreported by Inspector General Michael Horowitz, however, was Swartz’s starring role in another DoJ drama some 15 years earlier. Given the scant media attention the case received in 2004-2005, it is possible Horowitz did not even know about Swartz’s yeoman effort to save Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Berger from a lengthy sojourn in a federal Supermax. “We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the decisions to open the four individual investigations,” reported Horowitz. Had the IG been able to compare Swartz’s protection of Berger to his pursuit of one-time Trump adviser Paul Manafort, the evidence would have kicked him in the teeth. As Swartz himself acknowledged, he had a Javert-like zeal to bring Manafort to justice. “Ohr and Swartz both told us that they felt an urgency to move the Manafort investigation forward,” reported Horowitz, “because of Trump's election and a concern that the new administration would shut the investigation down.” This urgency translated into frequent semi-covert meetings with the FBI lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Strzok told the IG that Swartz wanted him to "kick that [investigation] in the ass and get it moving."
The final word, as always, went to the New York Times’ (glowing) obituary. Right after learning about his receipt of a global humanitarian award, the reader learned that Berger “stumbled after leaving the White House when he pleaded guilty to removing documents from the National Archives and destroying some of them.”
Ah, yes, those stumbles.

Jack Cashill has done and excellent job in investigative reporting exposing Bruce Swartz is another chapter in How The Swamp is being Drained. Only, it hasn't been completely drained as of yet.
I have to ask a simple question for the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commie politicians and their submissive toadies in the LSM Fake News.
Change none of the detailed in this “IG report” but this. "Candidate Obama" in place of "Candidate Trump".
Stop mindless devotee behavior for “your team” and think about that hard PMS/DSA Democrats. Really think this sort of criminal corruption in the legal arm of the US Govt is “No big deal” just because it was “your team” that was doing it?
We also know that Bruce Swartz zealously pursued the Plame Affair despite having to know from day one who the real perp was because Richard Armitage had confessed to it on day one.
As previously posted, the FBI was not politicized by Barack Obama or even by Bill Clinton. That's only because it was politicized from the day e FBI was not politicized by Barack Obama or even by Bill Clinton. That's only because it was politicized from the day J. Edgar Hoover was appointed Director of the FBI. Upon his death, it was found that Hoover, had a dossier on every politician in Washington, so he always got anything he wanted from them. As for the rest of the DoJ, they had to have known when the FBI, on direct orders from President LBJ, spied on his opponent's campaign, so they've been corrupted at least that long.
Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, both products of notoriously corrupt, one-party polities, did manage to make it worse. Their administrations were criminal enterprises and, as in Mafia families, every appointee had to be dirty, so the inner circle always had something to hold over them. Their minions, like Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Samantha Power and Lois Lerner, who did the dirty work for the boss were rewarded, and the ones who stepped out of line, like General Petraeus and Flynn, were ruined. Remember in September 2007 when prior to General Petraeus' testimony before Congress he was named "General Betray Us" by Soros funded MoveOn.Org.

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