Brunson VS. Adams.

This is something I would just roll my eyes at these days except for 2 important things:

1) It's not about the massive election fraud which everyone is supposed to ignore, it's all about the failure of elected officials to do their sworn duty & take the required 10 day period to investigate serious allegations from 100 members of Congress that enemies of the Constitution rigged the election. This violates their sworn oaths to defend the Constitution from all threats, foreign & domestic.

2) SCOTUS accepted it.
The defendants own counsel, the Solicitor General of the US DOJ, waived their right to respond by Nov 23 so it is moving forward.

Get this- The defendants counsel have tried to hide their clients at every level behind the absurd notion that holding office grants them sovereign immunity when they commit treason.
They believe they have immunity from treason

Knowing the UNiparty has been talking about expanding & neutering the SCOTUS for months now, maybe they have decided they won't be intimidated by lawless traitors?

This suit is brought against everyone that voted against the required investigation. 388 defendants, including Pence & most of the RINO faction of the UNiparty.
If the court upholds the law, all 388 would be removed from office & barred from ever holding office again.
Prosecutions would proceed as the circumstances warrant but that's not the point.

This may be a Hail Mary but it's in the end zone & the defense has all fallen down. Link to a breakdown of the suit & where it stands & a video with one of the plaintiffs.

Both lawsuits include defendants Pres. Biden, Harris, former V.P. Pence and 385 members of congress for breaking their oath of office by voting AGAINST the proposition (that came from members of congress) to investigate the claims that there were enemies of the constitution who successfully rigged the election.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

How can you support, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign, and domestic? Answer: You investigate. If there are claims that there is a threat, even if you don’t believe there is a threat, you investigate. How else can you determine if there is a threat unless you investigate? Were there claims of a threat to the Constitution? Yes. Where did these serious claims from? 100 members of Congress. What was the threat? That there were enemies of the Constitution who successfully rigged the 2020 election. Is this lawsuit about a rigged election? No, it’s about the members of Congress who voted AGAINST the investigation thereby thwarting the investigation. Was this a clear violation of their oath? YES.

That defendants be permanently removed from office, and not allowed to hold a public office again.

Who are Loy and Raland

I thought it was Brunson and...?
No they did not have.
The question is why did they take it all?
The progs might laugh at this point but if they rule correctly, about 75% of DC, including Biden, Harris, Pelosi & the RINOs will be removed with prejudice & could face much worse repercussions.

This would destroy the DC, INC grinding machine & could restore the Republic in a very short period
It certainly needs to be RESTORED. That is something most Americans would agree on whole heartedly

Does anyone have a list of the 100 Congresspersons who wanted to investigate fraud charges?

I can't find a list of the 100 in Congress who wanted to investigate claims of vote fraud 2020

have been looking all over on the net
Raland Brunson
on Thursday
Hello my fabulous fellow patriots and comrades. Okay! Here is the deal with tomorrow's decision. The Supreme Court's schedule of posting decisions is always the Monday following conference. So, we won't know anything until Monday! Now, don't think for a second that my brothers and I are not prepared for a denial. We've got plenty of chess pieces still at play and we still have our queen. Through hard knocks we have learned how this political/litigation game works, so keep up the prayers and your letters to the Supreme Court! You count! We love everyone of you! Thank you for your wonderful support!

Raland Brunson
on Thursday
Hello my fabulous fellow patriots and comrades. Okay! Here is the deal with tomorrow's decision. The Supreme Court's schedule of posting decisions is always the Monday following conference. So, we won't know anything until Monday! Now, don't think for a second that my brothers and I are not prepared for a denial. We've got plenty of chess pieces still at play and we still have our queen. Through hard knocks we have learned how this political/litigation game works, so keep up the prayers and your letters to the Supreme Court! You count! We love everyone of you! Thank you for your wonderful support!

Hahahaha, hedging for the fail… tactic number one. Predict it before hand and pretend like it’s all part of the plan. Y’all are pathetic
Take your own advice buddy. Every case you’ve made about election fraud BS has flopped. This is another one and the excuses are getting lined up. It’s a total joke
This country's Judicial system and law enforcement agencies have flopped.
This is something I would just roll my eyes at these days except for 2 important things:

1) It's not about the massive election fraud which everyone is supposed to ignore, it's all about the failure of elected officials to do their sworn duty & take the required 10 day period to investigate serious allegations from 100 members of Congress that enemies of the Constitution rigged the election. This violates their sworn oaths to defend the Constitution from all threats, foreign & domestic.

2) SCOTUS accepted it.
The defendants own counsel, the Solicitor General of the US DOJ, waived their right to respond by Nov 23 so it is moving forward.

Get this- The defendants counsel have tried to hide their clients at every level behind the absurd notion that holding office grants them sovereign immunity when they commit treason.
They believe they have immunity from treason

Knowing the UNiparty has been talking about expanding & neutering the SCOTUS for months now, maybe they have decided they won't be intimidated by lawless traitors?

This suit is brought against everyone that voted against the required investigation. 388 defendants, including Pence & most of the RINO faction of the UNiparty.
If the court upholds the law, all 388 would be removed from office & barred from ever holding office again.
Prosecutions would proceed as the circumstances warrant but that's not the point.

This may be a Hail Mary but it's in the end zone & the defense has all fallen down. Link to a breakdown of the suit & where it stands & a video with one of the plaintiffs.

Both lawsuits include defendants Pres. Biden, Harris, former V.P. Pence and 385 members of congress for breaking their oath of office by voting AGAINST the proposition (that came from members of congress) to investigate the claims that there were enemies of the constitution who successfully rigged the election.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

How can you support, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign, and domestic? Answer: You investigate. If there are claims that there is a threat, even if you don’t believe there is a threat, you investigate. How else can you determine if there is a threat unless you investigate? Were there claims of a threat to the Constitution? Yes. Where did these serious claims from? 100 members of Congress. What was the threat? That there were enemies of the Constitution who successfully rigged the 2020 election. Is this lawsuit about a rigged election? No, it’s about the members of Congress who voted AGAINST the investigation thereby thwarting the investigation. Was this a clear violation of their oath? YES.

That defendants be permanently removed from office, and not allowed to hold a public office again.

SCOTUS will not rule in favor of removing Biden. The SCOTUS is not going to hear people claim 'treason'


Supreme Court Procedure​

To help illustrate the terms and concepts you will often encounter in discussions of the Supreme Court, we have followed an imaginary Supreme Court case through the judicial process.
This is something I would just roll my eyes at these days except for 2 important things:

1) It's not about the massive election fraud which everyone is supposed to ignore, it's all about the failure of elected officials to do their sworn duty & take the required 10 day period to investigate serious allegations from 100 members of Congress that enemies of the Constitution rigged the election. This violates their sworn oaths to defend the Constitution from all threats, foreign & domestic.

2) SCOTUS accepted it.
The defendants own counsel, the Solicitor General of the US DOJ, waived their right to respond by Nov 23 so it is moving forward.

Get this- The defendants counsel have tried to hide their clients at every level behind the absurd notion that holding office grants them sovereign immunity when they commit treason.
They believe they have immunity from treason

Knowing the UNiparty has been talking about expanding & neutering the SCOTUS for months now, maybe they have decided they won't be intimidated by lawless traitors?

This suit is brought against everyone that voted against the required investigation. 388 defendants, including Pence & most of the RINO faction of the UNiparty.
If the court upholds the law, all 388 would be removed from office & barred from ever holding office again.
Prosecutions would proceed as the circumstances warrant but that's not the point.

This may be a Hail Mary but it's in the end zone & the defense has all fallen down. Link to a breakdown of the suit & where it stands & a video with one of the plaintiffs.

Both lawsuits include defendants Pres. Biden, Harris, former V.P. Pence and 385 members of congress for breaking their oath of office by voting AGAINST the proposition (that came from members of congress) to investigate the claims that there were enemies of the constitution who successfully rigged the election.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

How can you support, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign, and domestic? Answer: You investigate. If there are claims that there is a threat, even if you don’t believe there is a threat, you investigate. How else can you determine if there is a threat unless you investigate? Were there claims of a threat to the Constitution? Yes. Where did these serious claims from? 100 members of Congress. What was the threat? That there were enemies of the Constitution who successfully rigged the 2020 election. Is this lawsuit about a rigged election? No, it’s about the members of Congress who voted AGAINST the investigation thereby thwarting the investigation. Was this a clear violation of their oath? YES.

That defendants be permanently removed from office, and not allowed to hold a public office again.

Supreme Court Procedure"​

To help illustrate the terms and concepts you will often encounter in discussions of the Supreme Court, we have followed an imaginary Supreme Court case through the judicial process."​


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