Bryant Gumbel: 'Pigs' at NRA 'Don't Care About Human Life'

I hope you gun grabbers move to a safe haven like Sierra Leone, where they only have a homicide rate of 2.28 "by firearms". It has one of the lowest gun ownership rates in the world, yet one of the highest murder rates, thanks to machetes.

Guns or machetes don't really matter. When you have a lot of blacks, they'll find a way to kill each other and any white they can find.
Thats "by firearm" alone.
Whenever these sorts of discussions come up defenders of the US always seem to end up pointing at third world countries and saying, 'look, we're better than them'.

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country

Country..................% of homicides by firearm

Sierra Leone..........87.7

But if you don't like the comparison with Sierra Leone why not take West Bank and Gaza?
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In the interests of fuller disclosure I should say that I've reloaded for rifle and shotgun, spent what must add up to months on rifle ranges and clay target grounds and shot what must be thousands of animals if rabbit and possum are counted.
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