Buchanan: Stopping Trump with brokered convention would be political suicide for GOP

Going with Trump would be suicide, too. REALLY sucks to be a Republican this time around. McCain and Romney are going to be seen as "the good old days". :laugh2:
I have seen MASS ENTHUSIASM actually. Now having a woman under criminal investigation and a communist lite candidate has got to be depressing....
If his supporters choose not to vote at all if he doesn't get the nomination, I guess so.

Which would mean that they first threw their conservative values under the bus to back him, then handed the election to Hillary after saying for eight years that the Democrats are destroying the country.

Okay, well, I'm sure all this makes sense to SOMEONE.
GOP could make deals with several campaigns....Bush is president/makes Rubio VP with cabinet positions for other candidates to back Bush etc.
Someone only polling at 3 to 4% will never be acceptable as a president no matter what the party.
Going with Trump would be suicide, too. REALLY sucks to be a Republican this time around. McCain and Romney are going to be seen as "the good old days". :laugh2:
I have seen MASS ENTHUSIASM actually. Now having a woman under criminal investigation and a communist lite candidate has got to be depressing....
If his supporters choose not to vote at all if he doesn't get the nomination, I guess so.

Which would mean that they first threw their conservative values under the bus to back him, then handed the election to Hillary after saying for eight years that the Democrats are destroying the country.

Okay, well, I'm sure all this makes sense to SOMEONE.
GOP could make deals with several campaigns....Bush is president/makes Rubio VP with cabinet positions for other candidates to back Bush etc.

I'm sorry but the fact that bush can't even get the votes of the gop base in the primary should be a HUGE red flag.

The republicans don't even want another bush. Why would anyone think that the rest of America wants another one?

We've had two of them so far. The first one took us to the edge of economic collapse. The second one took us over that edge into economic collapse.

Anyone who would want to have another bush to destroy our economy again needs to have their head examined.
Pick a candidate....Rubio would be a good establishment candidate they could get pretty much everyone behind....Christie maybe.
If the GOP had such an event, it would rival the Democratic Convention of 1968 as far as being actually interesting.
Interesting...care to share what you mean? I am sure I got a book on that election but haven't read it yet.

rubio may be an establishment candidate but he's not well liked by conservatives because of his immigration position. Plus the man has bad financial problems. He can't even manage his own money. At one point he used republican party credit cards to pay for some paving at his home, a family vacation to a reunion, and putting relatives on the campaign payroll. That's just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read the article at the link below:

Marco Rubio’s Career Bedeviled by Financial Struggles - The New York Times

As for christie, yes he's an establishment candidate but even the people of his state don't like him. The bridge thing was the beginning of his downfall. He's a bully and just not electable on the national level.

The sad thing is that the gop doesn't have a real and viable candidate for 2016. They've spent way too many years pandering to the far right, to the filthy rich and lying through their teeth about such things as tax cuts, trickle down and refusing to put the working people of this nation in any priority by raising the minimum wage. There was a time when I actually listened to what they said. Then saw that what they said was either a lie or something that could never happen in America. They spend way too much time bad mouthing opponents but very little time talking about their accomplishments or what they are going to do and how they're going to get it done.

The gop is now the party of angry white men.

Which is terrible because democracy can't be possible with only one major political party. The democrats can't be the only major political party in America.

I wish the gop would get their act together because I'm one of those crazy people who believes in our democratic/republic system. I don't want to see it destroyed by some far right wing extremists.
Going with Trump would be suicide, too. REALLY sucks to be a Republican this time around. McCain and Romney are going to be seen as "the good old days". :laugh2:

Says the far left drone that is going to vote for worse than Bush ion 2016..

It is cute to see that these drones actually believe they get a choice in their nominations..
Going with Trump would be suicide, too. REALLY sucks to be a Republican this time around. McCain and Romney are going to be seen as "the good old days". :laugh2:

Says the far left drone that is going to vote for worse than Bush ion 2016..

It is cute to see that these drones actually believe they get a choice in their nominations..

And the far left drones continue to prove my comments!
One thing I can say about McCain vs Obama was that the country spent most of their political energies watching Obama emerge from the DNC. This time, if even through clever nothings like this piece of press, the country is taking unprecedented interest in the RNC.

It's making Clinton shout everything. She hasn't spoken in an normal voice in weeks.

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