Bud Light Backlash

Budweiser wants more gays to drink their beer. They won’t and their traditional market will drop them.

One look at her and they should have seen she wasn't what a beer company needs making decisions. Anyone who talks about inclusivity and other buzz words should be immediately fired.

If you build an empire on a product what in the hell would ever make you want to change it? If something makes you rich, just keep doing that.

Then again I don't understand any decision makers anymore. Even America, a incredibly young country that rose to be the world's super power in record time because it was doing it's thing suddenly decides "you know all those things that made us all wealthy, respected and powerful? Yeah we're not going to do those things anymore" and bam, rapid decline follows.

If you do something right, keep doing it.
Beer has always been a working person’s drink. Wokesters drink pretentious wines and frou-frou cocktails.
Not in this case. It's not like the people that boycotted the NFL or things like that. There is only one NFL.

In this case objectors will switch brands, get used to it and probably never go back. I would say there is more permanent damage in this case than other protests or boycotts.
I don’t drink beer, but friends who do say Bud Light tastes like it needs to be poured back into the horse. There are hundreds of alternatives on the market and many Bud Light drinkers will find something that tastes better. A big thing that drew new drinkers to A-B products was their imaginative advertising.
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Yeah......you're concerned about something that affects such a small part of the population. Let people alone if they want to turn into a woman or man why the hell do i care about it?

Now if you want men in dresses taking a whizz next to you, that's probably something you need to deal with. Maybe you have some type of internal struggle going on that needs to be addressed.

This isn't anything new. There have been weirdos in dresses for decades. The difference between then and today is they simply kept it to themselves. When they went out in public, they dressed their gender and no problem. They used their respective bathrooms and if they wanted to participate in school athletics, boys joined boys sports and girls joined girls.

Now they are shoving their mental problems on the rest of society and targeting our children. That's the problem.
because they cant turn into another gender,, theres only two and youre born that way,,

I would rather have a man in a dress piss next to me instead of my 8 yr old daughter or her mother,,,
You want to control what people do with their own bodies. Because you're an authoritarian
You just did.
no I didnt,, thats the voice inside your head,,,

not wanting to have a child killed isnt CONTROLLING what the women does,,
its stopping her from killing a child,,,

I know you child molesting baby killers dont see it that way but I dont really care,,,
no I didnt,, thats the voice inside your head,,,

not wanting to have a child killed isnt CONTROLLING what the women does,,
its stopping her from killing a child,,,

I know you child molesting baby killers dont see it that way but I dont really care,,,
A clump of cells isn't a human.

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