Buddhists burn down Mosque and hand out death sentences

Untrue. In the list of 11 most religiously tolerant countries (least government restriction, and lowest religious hostilities) are Malawi, Ivory Coast, Guinea Bissau all of which of include Muslims in their demographics (Guinea Bissau is majority Muslim).

Do you need a list of the atrocities committed against the Rohinga by the Buddhists?

did you read your own sources? look at the top most hostile, ALL have Islamic problems, all of them. Islam is violent intolerant shit, I have no idea how a rational mind could defend it

Appendix 3: Social Hostilities Index

The following table shows all 198 countries and territories in descending order of their scores on the Pew ResearchCenter’s index of social hostilities involving religion as of the end of 2013. Pew Research has not attached numerical
rankings to the countries because there are numerous tie scores and the differences between the scores of
countries that are close to each other on this table are not necessarily meaningful.

Palestinian territories
Sri Lanka
Central African Republic
Untrue. In the list of 11 most religiously tolerant countries (least government restriction, and lowest religious hostilities) are Malawi, Ivory Coast, Guinea Bissau all of which of include Muslims in their demographics (Guinea Bissau is majority Muslim).

Do you need a list of the atrocities committed against the Rohinga by the Buddhists?

did you read your own sources? look at the top most hostile, ALL have Islamic problems, all of them. Islam is violent intolerant shit, I have no idea how a rational mind could defend it

Does that contradict the list of most tolerant? No.

Appendix 3: Social Hostilities Index

The following table shows all 198 countries and territories in descending order of their scores on the Pew Research Center’s index of social hostilities involving religion as of the end of 2013. Pew Research has not attached numerical
rankings to the countries because there are numerous tie scores and the differences between the scores of
countries that are close to each other on this table are not necessarily meaningful.

Palestinian territories
Sri Lanka
Central African Republic

Religious Hostilities Reach Six-Year High

Many of those countries have multiple religions, and the instigators of violence aren't always Muslim. I agree, many of the Muslim majority countries listed however - are intolerant of other religions and have a high rate of government involvement in religion. In others, such as India, the religious upswing in violence is driven by an upswing in Hindu nationalism that targets minority religions and even forceably converts people to Hinduism. CAR has ongoing violence and brutality in which Christians and Muslims are equally complicit. Christians are a majority and have been particularly brutal. This could just as easily be characterized as a "Christian" problem as it could a "Muslim" problem. Just because Muslims are part of the population doesn't mean Muslims are the cause - sometimes they are the victims of another groups intolerance. What's disturbing is the increase in the number of countries in which religious groups have been harrassed.

Untrue. In the list of 11 most religiously tolerant countries (least government restriction, and lowest religious hostilities) are Malawi, Ivory Coast, Guinea Bissau all of which of include Muslims in their demographics (Guinea Bissau is majority Muslim).

Do you need a list of the atrocities committed against the Rohinga by the Buddhists?

did you read your own sources? look at the top most hostile, ALL have Islamic problems, all of them. Islam is violent intolerant shit, I have no idea how a rational mind could defend it

Does that contradict the list of most tolerant? No.

Appendix 3: Social Hostilities Index

The following table shows all 198 countries and territories in descending order of their scores on the Pew Research Center’s index of social hostilities involving religion as of the end of 2013. Pew Research has not attached numerical
rankings to the countries because there are numerous tie scores and the differences between the scores of
countries that are close to each other on this table are not necessarily meaningful.

Palestinian territories
Sri Lanka
Central African Republic

Religious Hostilities Reach Six-Year High

Many of those countries have multiple religions, and the instigators of violence aren't always Muslim. I agree, many of the Muslim majority countries listed however - are intolerant of other religions and have a high rate of government involvement in religion. In others, such as India, the religious upswing in violence is driven by an upswing in Hindu nationalism that targets minority religions and even forceably converts people to Hinduism. CAR has ongoing violence and brutality in which Christians and Muslims are equally complicit. Christians are a majority and have been particularly brutal. This could just as easily be characterized as a "Christian" problem as it could a "Muslim" problem. Just because Muslims are part of the population doesn't mean Muslims are the cause - sometimes they are the victims of another groups intolerance. What's disturbing is the increase in the number of countries in which religious groups have been harrassed.


It does contradict your assertion, you are illogical

every nation on that list has conflict with islam, every religion has conflict with it. You can either pick that everyone but muslims are assholes or that muslims are assholes. It is pretty obvious that it is the muslims that are assholes not only by what they do and say, but if you check out a list of the top deadliest terror organizations you will see they are muslim.
lets look at Ivory coast, where Coyote says islam is a religion of peace and we have a bastion of goodwill. Coyote and the list are full of crap, and notice how illegal immigrants are destroying the country

Gbagbo, once a history professor and a prodemocracy campaigner, has latterly turned himself into the self-appointed defender of the Christian peoples in the southern half of Ivory Coast. Now he says: “I do not believe at all in a civil war. But obviously, if the pressures continue as they have, they will push toward war, confrontation.” He knows about civil war, because one broke out two years after he was elected president in 2000. Military mutineers, mostly Muslim troops from the north who didn’t want to be demobilized and lose their jobs, attempted to seize power in Abidjan. They were quickly defeated in the capital, but other Muslim troops took control all across the north. French troops blocked them from moving south, and after a couple of months the divided country settled into the sullen ceasefire that has lasted for the past eight years. The civil war that Gbagbo is warning about would be the second round, not the first. Then why doesn’t he just accept his electoral defeat and quit? Partly because he just wants to stay in power, of course, but it’s not as simple as that. He has real support among the Christians of the south, because many of them see Ouattara as the democratic facade of a Muslim takeover bid that began with the military mutiny in 2002. The north-south division in Ivory Coast is real. The country has shifted from a narrow Christian majority 25 years ago to a Muslim majority today — and it has done so largely through illegal immigration from the much poorer, entirely Muslim countries to the north: Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea. About four million of the 21 million people now living in Ivory Coast are illegal immigrants, and almost all of those immigrants are Muslims. It has changed the electoral balance, because many of them register to vote, especially in the north of the country where they speak the same languages as the local citizens. Southerners are afraid that they will lose control, and so they back Gbagbo. The African Union is determined to force Gbagbo to accept the election outcome because it wants to break with the past and make democratic elections the norm in Africa. It has had some recent successes in thwarting military coups, but the situation in Ivory Coast is a lot murkier, and direct intervention by the AU would be a lot harder. Armchair generals in the AU and ECOWAS talk boldly of military intervention to drive Gbagbo from power, referencing the successful operations to end civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone in recent years. But Ivory Coast is five times bigger and richer than either of those countries, and its army can actually fight. Besides, where would the AU and ECOWAS find enough African troops to intervene effectively? Only Nigeria is big enough, but it is most unlikely to commit a lot of troops this year to what might be a real war in Ivory Coast. This is an election year in Nigeria, and body bags coming home as the voters go to the polls are rarely a vote-winner. The U.S. and the European Union have already imposed sanctions on Gbagbo’s government, and the Central Bank of West African States has blocked his access to Ivory Coast’s account. These are measures that will work slowly, if at all, but there is no alternative. Starting a war is rarely a good idea. Starting an unwinnable one never is. - See more at: Islamic Takeover of Ivory Coast Imminent | Pamela Geller
I know you feel that the persecution of every Muslim man, women and child is perfectly justified

Go to Hell. You know nothing. I never said such a thing. You're a dishonest person who lies to support your bogus claims. I'm done with you.
She is incredibly dishonest and will now repeat ad nauseum that you support the persecution of all Muslims including their children. Lying about posters is her only forte.
I know you feel that the persecution of every Muslim man, women and child is perfectly justified

Go to Hell. You know nothing. I never said such a thing. You're a dishonest person who lies to support your bogus claims. I'm done with you.
She is incredibly dishonest and will now repeat ad nauseum that you support the persecution of all Muslims including their children. Lying about posters is her only forte.

Thanks. Pretty bad when you get this from a moderator.
It's too bad Moderators don't have the 'ignore' option like the rest of us.
as an atheist, I am persecuted by Islam but not vice versa. The penalty for blasphemy and apostasy in about a dozen Islamic countries is death. Do atheists have a penalty for speaking against atheism? converting from atheism to Islam? Muslims are absolute dicks, no question about it.
as an atheist, I am persecuted by Islam but not vice versa.
Really? ......what did they do to you?? ........ :cool:

personally? I was talking group politics here, not personal anecdotes, but as long as you are on the topic my personal experience is that Muslims are pushy, rude, and walk around with an air of superiority because that is what their primitive brainwashing tells them they are. When they invade a western host nation they love to complain about how they are mistreated, they demand respect without giving it. Human garbage as far I am personally concerned.

In the larger picture, it is quite obvious that muslims hate atheists, and that the treatment is pretty one way. The only thing that bothers me more is how these fucking retarded liberals go out of their way to protect islam.

...The report tracks, among other things, which countries have laws explicitly targeting atheists. There are not many, but the states that forbid non-religiousness – typically as part of "anti-blasphemy" legislation – include seven nations where atheism is punishable by death. All seven establish Islam as the state religion....

The seven countries where the state can execute you for being atheist
personally? I was talking group politics here, not personal anecdotes, but as long as you are on the topic my personal experience is that Muslims are pushy, rude, and walk around with an air of superiority because that is what their primitive brainwashing tells them they are. When they invade a western host nation they love to complain about how they are mistreated, they demand respect without giving it. Human garbage as far I am personally concerned.

In the larger picture, it is quite obvious that muslims hate atheists, and that the treatment is pretty one way. The only thing that bothers me more is how these fucking retarded liberals go out of their way to protect islam.

...The report tracks, among other things, which countries have laws explicitly targeting atheists. There are not many, but the states that forbid non-religiousness – typically as part of "anti-blasphemy" legislation – include seven nations where atheism is punishable by death. All seven establish Islam as the state religion....

The seven countries where the state can execute you for being atheist
In other words, you got nothing. ...... :cool:
Best thing Trump could do is to kick the UN out of the USA and turn their buildings into condos
nope just atheist, but thanks for reinforcing that you are a dick
Yet you seem to talk about dicks a lot.

I've noticed that also on other threads you have posted on.

Seems to be a pattern with you. ...... :gay:

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