Buetler Letter Damns Trump

McCarthy BEGGED...DEMANDED that Trump call off his riotous Mob and Trump refused
1. From additional reports, when Trump brought up bringing 10,000 National Guard Troops to the Capitol, it was Pelosi who refused that.

2. When Democrats called for witnesses, Graham added 300 more witnesses, including Democrats who would be questioned under oath.

The Senate voted to APPROVE witnesses,
but after Republicans added theirs, the House Managers backed off and negotiated with Trump lawyers to settle for "statements being read."

If they thought their witness testimony would win over Republican's call for witnesses, they would not have backed off.

Clearly, from the begjnning, relying on "hearsay reports" and edited media clips, this was all a propaganda show. And nothing was presentable that would meet requirements to convict someone based on the severity of "other people's actions."

Trying to prove INTENT is near impossible unless someone admits this or states it literally. It cannot be assumed by just the statements Trump made.

This case was set up to fail. And done more to make complaints and criticisms blaming Trump, similar to blaming Covid deaths on him and deflecting blame away from Cuomo and the CDC for misguided reports and decisions that caused equal if not more harm.

In this case, the politicizing and blame projected onto Trump and Republicans further threatens and discourages anyone who questions election results by criminalizing all opponents as co conspirators.

What a disaster. Equally caused by refusing to resolve disputes over rule changes and mailin ballots before the election. Had those issues been resolved by agreeing on notarized ballots and supervised poll watchers, none of this would have happened.
McCarthy BEGGED...DEMANDED that Trump call off his riotous Mob and Trump refused
Who cares? Acquitted. Besides that, it is a lie.

It was accepted by both sides without objection. Such statements by rule of the senate are required to be the truth.
Both sides do not include Trump's side.
It was accepted by Trumps lawyer and legal representative at the impeachment trial. His acceptance would certainly mean it was accepted by Trumps side.
2. When Democrats called for witnesses, Graham added 300 more witnesses, including Democrats who would be questioned under oath.

The Senate voted to APPROVE witnesses,
but after Republicans added theirs, the House Managers backed off and negotiated with Trump lawyers to settle for "statements being read."

Democrats knew that the replublicans call for witnesses, especially hundreds, all to be deposed before hand in Phil-e-delphia by Trumps lawyer, would delay the trial for months. And they have a covid relief bill to get through, and government confirmations to get done, all of which would be held hostage while the trial was on hold.
Considering he got 94% negative press I would say he would be over 60% without it.
Yet the facts are that Trump never got over 50%, approval. The cause of that is irrelevant, and foreigner looking in's claim he was the most popular president also fails on its face.
His vote increased from 2016, and he received more legal votes than anyone in history.
That indisputable.
2. When Democrats called for witnesses, Graham added 300 more witnesses, including Democrats who would be questioned under oath.

The Senate voted to APPROVE witnesses,
but after Republicans added theirs, the House Managers backed off and negotiated with Trump lawyers to settle for "statements being read."

Democrats knew that the replublicans call for witnesses, especially hundreds, all to be deposed before hand in Phil-e-delphia by Trumps lawyer, would delay the trial for months. And they have a covid relief bill to get through, and government confirmations to get done, all of which would be held hostage while the trial was on hold.
The Democrats don't care about the citizen. They spent the last 4 years proving that. Don't think they are going to start now. They have already killed a lot of jobs and the border towns are constant gun fights.
Considering he got 94% negative press I would say he would be over 60% without it.
Yet the facts are that Trump never got over 50%, approval. The cause of that is irrelevant, and foreigner looking in's claim he was the most popular president also fails on its face.
Sorry, Rasmussen had him at 51%. And polls are manipulated, Time told us that.
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Trump was feeding his ego watching the attack on the Capitol. Depraved indifference just like his response to covid.

Absolutely correct. That is why patriots stood up like never before and voted that piece of shit out of the White House, but not before he unleashed a murderous mob on the citadel of our democracy. I do know he would have been convicted of this impeachment if Republicans could have voted like they truly wanted to, instead, they wouldn't tolerate the blowback from their base and took the easy way out. It's the Republican way.
Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-03) today released the following statement regarding the Article of Impeachment slated to be voted on by the U.S. House of Representatives tomorrow:

“The President of the United States incited a riot aiming to halt the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next. That riot led to five deaths. People everywhere watched in disbelief as the center of American democracy was assaulted. The violent mob bludgeoned to death a Capitol police officer as they defaced symbols of our freedom. These terrorists roamed the Capitol, hunting the Vice President and the Speaker of the House.

“Hours went by before the President did anything meaningful to stop the attack. Instead, he and his lawyer were busy making calls to senators who were still in lockdown, seeking their support to further delay the Electoral College certification. House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy describes pleading with the President to go on television and call for an end to the mayhem, to no avail. The President attacked Vice President Mike Pence on Twitter while Pence was in a secure room having fled from the mob that had breached the Senate floor threatening to hang him. Finally, the President released a pathetic denouncement of the violence that also served as a wink and a nod to those who perpetrated it: “I love you,” he said to them, “you are special." More hours of destruction and violence ensued before law enforcement officials were finally able to clear the Capitol.

“The President's offenses, in my reading of the Constitution, were impeachable based on the indisputable evidence we already have. I understand the argument that the best course is not to further inflame the country or alienate Republican voters. But I am also a Republican voter. I believe in our Constitution, individual liberty, free markets, charity, life, justice, peace and this exceptional country. I see that my own party will be best served when those among us choose truth.

“I believe President Trump acted against his oath of office, so I will vote to impeach him.”

News flash, he was acquitted.

He was hardly "acquitted" . More like he got off on a technicality which is why Republicans that voted to acquit did so on procedural grounds and not because they didn't think he wasn't guilty. .

McCarthy BEGGED...DEMANDED that Trump call off his riotous Mob and Trump refused


McCarthy BEGGED...DEMANDED that Trump call off his riotous Mob and Trump refused

Trump was feeding his ego watching the attack on the Capitol. Depraved indifference just like his response to covid.
I don't know what Trump was thinking, but I watched the protests live and thought it was great.
They broadcast it live in Moscow?
It is sadly laughable that anyone believes that if Trump had gone on TV and asked something, something, something that the small number who entered the Capitol building were watching TV at the same time as they went running around the building. Duh!

And they weren't Trump's "mob", they entered the Capitol while Trump was still speaking at the Ellipse and telling people to peacefully protest.

There were hundreds-of-thousands at the rally and it was a mostly peaceful protest. "People will do what they do", as Pelosi said.

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