Buetler Letter Damns Trump

McCarthy BEGGED...DEMANDED that Trump call off his riotous Mob and Trump refused

Trump was feeding his ego watching the attack on the Capitol. Depraved indifference just like his response to covid.
I don't know what Trump was thinking, but I watched the protests live and thought it was great.
They broadcast it live in Moscow?
The last refuge of the scoundrel.
If I was Russian I would not be here.
I'd be in my holiday home in Crimea watching the sun go down over the Black Sea and think "Biden is President. We did it"
Yet the facts are that Trump never got over 50%, approval. The cause of that is irrelevant, and foreigner looking in's claim he was the most popular president also fails on its face.
Sorry Rasmussen had him at 51%. And polls are manipulated, Time told us that.
Rasmussen has a proven 3 point republican bias. It's what's popularly call an "outlier"
His vote increased from 2016, and he received more legal votes than anyone in history.
That indisputable.
That was thrown out by every court in the land, including by judges that Trump personally appointed.
It never entered ONE court.
Not one Judge put a witness in the dock.

No court allowed discovery or an evidentiary hearing in those cases.

However, there are two cases soon to be heard by the SCOTUS.
Yet the facts are that Trump never got over 50%, approval. The cause of that is irrelevant, and foreigner looking in's claim he was the most popular president also fails on its face.
Sorry Rasmussen had him at 51%. And polls are manipulated, Time told us that.
Rasmussen has a proven 3 point republican bias. It's what's popularly call an "outlier"
Fuck your polls. The bias is all to the Left. Offering me the narrative as an answer is useless. It is one huge lie.
It is sadly laughable that anyone believes that if Trump had gone on TV and asked something, something, something that the small number who entered the Capitol building were watching TV at the same time as they went running around the building. Duh!

And they weren't Trump's "mob", they entered the Capitol while Trump was still speaking at the Ellipse and telling people to peacefully protest.

There were hundreds-of-thousands at the rally and it was a mostly peaceful protest. "People will do what they do", as Pelosi said.
Hey dumfuk...they were reading out his tweets via bullhorn in near real time

Huge fail retard

Trump was speaking at the Ellipse when the people who do what people do entered the Capitol. It was a tiny number out of hundreds-of-thousands of peaceful protesters. Trump repeatedly mentioned peacefully protest.

In spite of your ad hominems, I replied respectfully.
Trump was speaking at the Ellipse when the people who do what people do entered the Capitol. It was a tiny number out of hundreds-of-thousands of peaceful protesters. Trump repeatedly mentioned peacefully protest.
The fact that some MAGArats were already at the Capitol and were soon joined by the thousands Trump sent there does NOT make him any less guilty
And they weren't Trump's "mob", they entered the Capitol while Trump was still speaking at the Ellipse and telling people to peacefully protest.
The crowd was listening on their phones, as the Trump rally was being livestreamed.

12:00 p.m.: President Trump begins his over one-hour speech.[16] He repeats allegations that the election was stolen, criticizing Vice President Mike Pence by name a half-dozen times, accusing fellow Republicans of not doing enough to back up his allegations, and stating that he would walk with the crowd to the Capitol, though he retires to the White House immediately after the speech

1:10 p.m.: President Trump ends his speech by encouraging the crowd to march to the Capitol: "We’re going to try and give them [Republicans] the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

1:30 p.m.: Large numbers of Trump supporters march from the Ellipse 1.5 miles down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol.

1:59 p.m.: Chief Sund receives the first reports that rioters had reached the Capitol's doors and windows and were trying to break in
And they weren't Trump's "mob", they entered the Capitol while Trump was still speaking at the Ellipse and telling people to peacefully protest.
The crowd was listening on their phones, as the Trump rally was being livestreamed.

12:00 p.m.: President Trump begins his over one-hour speech.[16] He repeats allegations that the election was stolen, criticizing Vice President Mike Pence by name a half-dozen times, accusing fellow Republicans of not doing enough to back up his allegations, and stating that he would walk with the crowd to the Capitol, though he retires to the White House immediately after the speech

1:10 p.m.: President Trump ends his speech by encouraging the crowd to march to the Capitol: "We’re going to try and give them [Republicans] the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

1:30 p.m.: Large numbers of Trump supporters march from the Ellipse 1.5 miles down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol.

1:59 p.m.: Chief Sund receives the first reports that rioters had reached the Capitol's doors and windows and were trying to break in
ACQUITTED! You are just repeating lies.
Really? Trump never got more than 49% in either the popular vote or in job approval. Making him the least popular president in modern history.
Bill Clinton never got more than 49% either. In fact, he won in 1992 with 43%.

Clinton ran in a three way race. What he lacked in popular vote, he more than made up for in EC vote count. 370 to 168, and 379 to 159.
If I was Russian I would not be here.
"Here" probably IS Crimea...or St Petersburg
Um, no. Here as in a U.S message board. I would see Biden in the Whitehouse and think, "My work is done here."
This is your Whitehouse

It never entered ONE court.
Not one Judge put a witness in the dock.
No court allowed discovery or an evidentiary hearing in those cases.
However, there are two cases soon to be heard by the SCOTUS.
Maybe you don't know how a court case works. Trumps lawyers filed motions for an injunction before they even held a conference. It's during conference that requests for discovery are made.

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