Buffalo shooter...known to school officials and state police....

its seems very strange that teens started committing mass shootings on this scale about 30 yrs ago .... i wonder if anyone has researched what could be the cause of young people going crazy like that ? could the surges in behavioral drugs given in childhood in part 30yrs be a factor ?
... But for now I'll just say that Canada's laws against allowing the slaughter by handguns would have prevented this one, even though handguns weren't used this time. ...

I thought he used a long rifle?
I wonder if they did a drug screening on this maniac. Many times liberal states will administer mood changing drugs to troubled teens and the drugs sometimes cause thoughts of suicide and murder. It seems the Columbine shooters were victims of this insane scenario courtesy of the Teachers Association.

If boys act too boyish they give them Adderall. Going cold turkey off Adderall or similar drugs can have explosive consequences.
They could have committed him......they could have arrested him on something he did at school that flagged him......

But blaming normal gun owners for this is just fucking stupid..........the government failed....

just responding to that idiot golfing gator....

I am the idiot but you want the government to lock people up or commit them based off of words they write. Seems you are the bigger idiot.

By the way, I agree that blaming normal gun owners for this is just fucking stupid...but no more stupid than blaming the government.
so youre saying a criminal wont use a pistol because they are banned???

did you know there are laws against shooting people and this criminal didnt seem to care,,

Won’t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights in the United States?
Yes, that is the plan all along, you said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution, soon will come the time."

Oh he cared ... :thup:

How does it feel to know that you posting what you are posting right now in this thread ...
Was part of his plan before he ever walked into a grocery store and shot anyone?

He was expecting you to be here helping him out.

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Won’t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights in the United States?
Yes, that is the plan all along, you said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution, soon will come the time."

Oh he cared ... :thup:

How does it feel to know that you posting what you are posting right now in this thread ...
Was part of his plan before he ever walked into a grocery store and shot anyone?

He was expecting you to be here helping him out.


I dont understand what youre trying to say,,
Don't know.....need more details into what he was actually doing... to get flagged by the school and the state police...

I am not for Red Flag laws by the way......just responding to that idiot golfing gator....

The government says it will protect us....give up our guns.....and yet they knew about this guy, and didn't protect anyone....

Keep your guns....fight for the 2nd Amendment.
..but....but....but you have guns for self defence.

....but...but...but you have ex trained cops as security officers.

Guns for self defence, pile of shite really, but, I can't fix stupid.
2nd A doesnt allow mass shootings,, not sure why you lie about that,,
The 2nd does. Take many gun nuts on here, they're willing to shoot others. The 2nd gives those nuts the right to own a gun, in the UK, you have to be responsible. If you have that mentality in the UK, your application to have a gun would be declined, you are not deemed suitable.
That's the spirit, keep pushing the 2a crap, you need to keep these mass shootings going.

Why did you choose firearms?
"Because they work, there are very few weapons that are easier to use and more effective at killing than firearms, especially the Bushmaster XM-15 I will be using.
The effect it would have on social discourse, the extra media coverage they would provide, and the changes to gun laws that will be pushed will all help my cause."

The White Supremacist Payton Gendron thinks you should keep pushing Gun Control Measures to help his cause.
He wants you to push issues in a manner that kicks this country off a cliff.

Give him a hand there ... He might have better luck at it than your ancestors did.
He wrote that knowing you would be posting what you are posting before he went to Buffalo.

You are part of his plan.
Authoritarian Fascists can always find a way to work together.

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The 2nd does. Take many gun nuts on here, they're willing to shoot others. The 2nd gives those nuts the right to own a gun, in the UK, you have to be responsible. If you have that mentality in the UK, your application to have a gun would be declined, you are not deemed suitable.
you should try reading it again and explain why people go to jail if they kill someone without a good reason,,,
as for you limey pricks,, well you are the property of the crown after all and have no rights to speak of,,
The 2nd does. Take many gun nuts on here, they're willing to shoot others. The 2nd gives those nuts the right to own a gun, in the UK, you have to be responsible. If you have that mentality in the UK, your application to have a gun would be declined, you are not deemed suitable.
I am sure if you came here and were forced to live in some areas or adjacent to them you would have a new appreciation of the second amendment.
For what? What actions did he take to justify the government doing this in 2021?
Threatened a school graduation shooting or a shooting afterwards.....Looks like he made good on the second threat.

Why are you OK with him not getting the attention he obviously needed in 2021.....Agenda much?
Threatened a school graduation shooting or a shooting afterwards.....Looks like he made good on the second threat.

Why are you OK with him not getting the attention he obviously needed in 2021.....Agenda much?

Yes, my agenda is for the Govt to not overstep its bounds and to start arresting people for things they might do in the future.
Yes, my agenda is for the Govt to not overstep its bounds and to start arresting people for things they might do in the future.
Well I would never accuse your ilk of thinking that people should be held personally responsible for the words that come out of their mouth as personal responsibility is a foreign concept to you.

You can have your fit now.
Well I would never accuse your ilk of thinking that people should be held personally responsible for the words that come out of their mouth as personal responsibility is a foreign concept to you.

You can have your fit now.

So, now you are supporting putting people away for their words.

That is good to know about you.

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