Buffalo shooter...known to school officials and state police....

Sweet weepin' Jesus on the cross....Surely you are that obtuse?

Here educate yourself on true and creditable (sic) threats.

It was not a true not credible threat that he made at the high school, thus he was not locked up as you would have had him. Is there any power you do not wish to give the government, now you want to give them the power of "future crime bureau"
It was not a true not credible threat that he made at the high school, thus he was not locked up as you would have had him. Is there any power you do not wish to give the government, now you want to give them the power of "future crime bureau"
Again, it just goes back to you ilk's complete lack of personal responsibility concerning anything. Anything goes with you people, up to and including threatened murder.
Again, it just goes back to you ilk's complete lack of personal responsibility concerning anything. Anything goes with you people, up to and including threatened murder.

No, it goes back to loving liberty and the Constitution.

You on the other hand would shit on both and flush them down the toilet so you can feel "safe".

Fuck you and that
The Gun grabbers are ramping up for another massive attempt to disarm Americans, empower violent criminals and make sure you are helpless to their assaults..

Brace yourselves.

Said it before and I'll say it again.....it's gonna take more than your whining, pouty faces and false bravado to save the 2nd.
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Threatened a school graduation shooting or a shooting afterwards.....Looks like he made good on the second threat.

Why are you OK with him not getting the attention he obviously needed in 2021.....Agenda much?

From the OP article: "
“A school official reported that this very troubled young man had made statements indicating that he wanted to do a shooting, either at a graduation ceremony, or sometime after,” a government official familiar with the case told The Buffalo News.

State Police investigated the incident last year and the suspect was referred for a mental health evaluation and counseling, the official said."

He didn't commit a shooting at his high school graduation, or anywhere near his high school, it seems.

I doubt you have any more idea of the specifics of the incident or what his evaluation and counseling involved than I do. It's easy to use 20/20 hindsight now and say 'someone should have done something!' but, without knowing just what went on at that time, you're doing nothing but looking for someone to blame other than the actual shooter.
what should they have done about him?

Terrorist threats is a felony in almost every state I know of. That is the crime he committed by threatening to shoot up his school.

Arrest. Convict. Incarcerate.


So simple a moron could understand it.
I am sure if you came here and were forced to live in some areas or adjacent to them you would have a new appreciation of the second amendment.
Only because of the attitude and lawlessness of your country with guns. The US calls those willing to shoot someone for walking across their front lawn before asking questions, the good guy. If they're the good guy, fucking hell.
Yep......the government that tells you to give up your guns because the government will protect you....knew about his killer.......as usual...

Okay, so what were they supposed to do about him? Again, you guys have established that gun ownership is a "Right", you can't exactly take a right away from him.

They could have committed him......they could have arrested him on something he did at school that flagged him......

But blaming normal gun owners for this is just fucking stupid..........the government failed....

That's why we should make the gun industry responsible for the background checks. Not the government.

With the understanding, if you sell this guy a gun, you can be held responsible.
Only because of the attitude and lawlessness of your country with guns. The US calls those willing to shoot someone for walking across their front lawn before asking questions, the good guy. If they're the good guy, fucking hell.
All right wingers do is talk about guns and violence.
But the thing is the constitution protect this speech. It shouldn't.

And the constitution protects his rights to go buy guns and the right wing doesn't want laws to stop these people from being stopped.

I wonder how many cases of idiot talking about gun violence happen and if they are just over whelmed with case like this radicalized online?
Insults because you don't care about gun violence.

You actually like it I'm assuming.
No I just don't think telling the vast majority of law abiding responsible gun owners that they can't own a firearm because some fucking idiot might shoot someone is valid.

I own guns and I am not responsible for anyone else who commits a crime with a gun.

In this country we do not curb the rights of everyone because a few people might commit crimes. That kind of shit works in a monarchy not here. So no i will not take any criticism from some idiot who allows his life to be ruled by a king.
But the thing is the constitution protect this speech. It shouldn't.

And the constitution protects his rights to go buy guns and the right wing doesn't want laws to stop these people from being stopped.

I wonder how many cases of idiot talking about gun violence happen and if they are just over whelmed with case like this radicalized online?

People who legally own guns want criminals to be prosecuted.

It's the fucking government that refuses to enforce the gun laws we have on the books and refuses to prosecute and jail violent pieces of shit.
It was not a true not credible threat that he made at the high school, thus he was not locked up as you would have had him. Is there any power you do not wish to give the government, now you want to give them the power of "future crime bureau"
Apparently he was a committed to a state mental hospital. In my state, that would bar him from purchasing or possessing a firearm....apparently not in NY
All right wingers do is talk about guns and violence.
I'm Centre Right, but, I was born and lived in the UK all my life, so I have a responsible approach to guns. Driving through Cumbria and into Scotland the other day, on the radio, the Cumbrian police are holding an amnesty week with weapons. So any illegal held weapons and any illegal types of weapon can be handed in to the local police station with no questions asked. These hand in days happen now and then and it's surprising the types of rifles and handguns that are still out there.

The pro 2nd gang seem to view people as either criminals or good guys. They believe a good guy is someone who's willing to shoot someone. Can't get any more backwards than that. And those that own guns, have to take them seriously. They need locked up when not in use and there's NOT ONE reason why they need to walk about with a gun in public. And as kids are brought up in a gun culture, mass shootings will continue to plague America, all because of an outdated written constitution.

The pro 2nd'ers can't comprehend the fact that you can own and use appropriate suitable guns in a society safely. They feel any restriction is a TOTAL AND COMPLETE BAN. I can only put their logic down to low IQ and inbreeding for thinking such crap. I've had shotguns before, I no longer bother. If I have the urge to shoot a shotgun, I drive down to the local activity centre in the Lake District, use their shotguns, and shoot a few clays.

So America's constitution needs changed and why not change it from, say, 2040. So anyone born after 2040, would not have a 2nd Amendment, they would fall under a British/New Zealand/Australian gun system. Eveyone born before 2040 will fall under the 2nd Amendment, but as generations die out, America will gradually get safer over the decades. Roam wasn't built in a day, so it'll take decades to cleanse America.

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