Buffett Rule becomes a Bill

i don't see any way that the richest among us are gonna let any law pass that taxes them at the same rate as people who make less money. they have too much influence.

but it's cool for me. i enjoy paying less percentage wise, on my capital gains, that you guys who work 9-5.
What a balanced piece of reporting..... not.

NPR is LPR - Leftist Propaganda Radio.

The question is.... Is it being introduced? :confused:

On a conference call with reporters just now, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse made official what I reported here on Friday: This week, he will introduce a bill that would ensure that millionaires paying lower tax rates than middle class taxpayers would henceforth pay a 30 percent tax rate.

Whitehouse clarified that the proposal — the first concrete legislative vehicle for implementing the “Buffett Rule” — will not tamper with existing tax rates. Instead, under the proposal, those making more than $1 million a year would be required to calculate their overall tax rate, taking into account all their income and the full sum of what they pay in taxes. If that amount adds up to less than 30 percent, they would be required to make up the difference.

Introducing the `Pay A Fair Share Act’ - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

I guess we'll see if JimH and NPR are lying or telling the truth soon enough.
What a balanced piece of reporting..... not.

NPR is LPR - Leftist Propaganda Radio.

The question is.... Is it being introduced? :confused:

On a conference call with reporters just now, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse made official what I reported here on Friday: This week, he will introduce a bill that would ensure that millionaires paying lower tax rates than middle class taxpayers would henceforth pay a 30 percent tax rate.

Whitehouse clarified that the proposal — the first concrete legislative vehicle for implementing the “Buffett Rule” — will not tamper with existing tax rates. Instead, under the proposal, those making more than $1 million a year would be required to calculate their overall tax rate, taking into account all their income and the full sum of what they pay in taxes. If that amount adds up to less than 30 percent, they would be required to make up the difference.

Introducing the `Pay A Fair Share Act’ - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

I guess we'll see if JimH and NPR are lying or telling the truth soon enough.

I criticized the balance of the piece from NPR.... how exactly is that accusing them or Jim of 'lying'?

Damn... it's no wonder this country is a clusterfuck... people seem unable to tell the difference between an honest, balance piece of coverage and a biased one... those who point that imbalance out are, apparently, liars.

Fucking idiot.
'Buffett Rule' Becomes A Bill, And Congress Bickers : NPR

The GOP will not hear of this! Their wealthy supporters will shoot this down. Perhaps middle America will take notice this time. I know they the white and rich front running GOP candidate will turn thumbs down on this Bill.

Why is it you applaud someone being taxed twice at a total of nearly 60%?

Why on earth would an individual with money want to turn around and put it all at risk, just so the gov't can stick it to them again for investing money they have already been taxed for.

This is a stupid move and will cause American businesses, that depend on investors, to have an even tougher time getting new investors.

Plus... WTF does this have to do with race????

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'Buffett Rule' Becomes A Bill, And Congress Bickers : NPR

The GOP will not hear of this! Their wealthy supporters will shoot this down. Perhaps middle America will take notice this time. I know they the white and rich front running GOP candidate will turn thumbs down on this Bill.

What does the bill actually do? Nowhere does the article discuss the details of the bill. That's because the author knows the minute the public finds out the details, it will be laughed off the stage.
What a balanced piece of reporting..... not.

NPR is LPR - Leftist Propaganda Radio.

The question is.... Is it being introduced? :confused:

On a conference call with reporters just now, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse made official what I reported here on Friday: This week, he will introduce a bill that would ensure that millionaires paying lower tax rates than middle class taxpayers would henceforth pay a 30 percent tax rate.

Whitehouse clarified that the proposal — the first concrete legislative vehicle for implementing the “Buffett Rule” — will not tamper with existing tax rates. Instead, under the proposal, those making more than $1 million a year would be required to calculate their overall tax rate, taking into account all their income and the full sum of what they pay in taxes. If that amount adds up to less than 30 percent, they would be required to make up the difference.

Introducing the `Pay A Fair Share Act’ - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

I guess we'll see if JimH and NPR are lying or telling the truth soon enough.

I hope FOX (GOP Marketing Arm) realizes that they need to start their campaign aganst the Bill this weekend. I am sure Murdoch is issuing orders as we speak. Well, when he isn't busy hacking a phone or two...
What a balanced piece of reporting..... not.

NPR is LPR - Leftist Propaganda Radio.

The question is.... Is it being introduced? :confused:

On a conference call with reporters just now, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse made official what I reported here on Friday: This week, he will introduce a bill that would ensure that millionaires paying lower tax rates than middle class taxpayers would henceforth pay a 30 percent tax rate.

Whitehouse clarified that the proposal — the first concrete legislative vehicle for implementing the “Buffett Rule” — will not tamper with existing tax rates. Instead, under the proposal, those making more than $1 million a year would be required to calculate their overall tax rate, taking into account all their income and the full sum of what they pay in taxes. If that amount adds up to less than 30 percent, they would be required to make up the difference.

Introducing the `Pay A Fair Share Act’ - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

I guess we'll see if JimH and NPR are lying or telling the truth soon enough.

I hope FOX (GOP Marketing Arm) realizes that they need to start their campaign aganst the Bill this weekend. I am sure Murdoch is issuing orders as we speak. Well, when he isn't busy hacking a phone or two...

Murdoch has nothing to do with MY common sense.

I dont even watch his network and I know this is STUPID!

You guys get your marching orders from the DNC.... I get mine from my own reading and my own reasoning. I dont need to be told what to think as you guys do.
What a balanced piece of reporting..... not.

NPR is LPR - Leftist Propaganda Radio.

The question is.... Is it being introduced? :confused:

On a conference call with reporters just now, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse made official what I reported here on Friday: This week, he will introduce a bill that would ensure that millionaires paying lower tax rates than middle class taxpayers would henceforth pay a 30 percent tax rate.

Whitehouse clarified that the proposal — the first concrete legislative vehicle for implementing the “Buffett Rule” — will not tamper with existing tax rates. Instead, under the proposal, those making more than $1 million a year would be required to calculate their overall tax rate, taking into account all their income and the full sum of what they pay in taxes. If that amount adds up to less than 30 percent, they would be required to make up the difference.

Introducing the `Pay A Fair Share Act’ - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

I guess we'll see if JimH and NPR are lying or telling the truth soon enough.

I criticized the balance of the piece from NPR.... how exactly is that accusing them or Jim of 'lying'?

Damn... it's no wonder this country is a clusterfuck... people seem unable to tell the difference between an honest, balance piece of coverage and a biased one... those who point that imbalance out are, apparently, liars.

Fucking idiot.

Now wait a minute CG. What makes a piece "unbalanced"? Either stretching the truth or lying, right? (Have you ever heard the expression "A half truth is a whole lie"?)

Well then please show me what is so unbalanced about it.
What a balanced piece of reporting..... not.

NPR is LPR - Leftist Propaganda Radio.

The question is.... Is it being introduced? :confused:

On a conference call with reporters just now, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse made official what I reported here on Friday: This week, he will introduce a bill that would ensure that millionaires paying lower tax rates than middle class taxpayers would henceforth pay a 30 percent tax rate.

Whitehouse clarified that the proposal — the first concrete legislative vehicle for implementing the “Buffett Rule” — will not tamper with existing tax rates. Instead, under the proposal, those making more than $1 million a year would be required to calculate their overall tax rate, taking into account all their income and the full sum of what they pay in taxes. If that amount adds up to less than 30 percent, they would be required to make up the difference.

Introducing the `Pay A Fair Share Act’ - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

I guess we'll see if JimH and NPR are lying or telling the truth soon enough.

I hope FOX (GOP Marketing Arm) realizes that they need to start their campaign aganst the Bill this weekend. I am sure Murdoch is issuing orders as we speak. Well, when he isn't busy hacking a phone or two...

No need to deflect, just admit you posted a stupid comment.

Thread has nothing to do with Murdoch... however, if you have evidence that he hacked anyone's phone, there's an inquiry in the UK that would welcome your evidence.
'Buffett Rule' Becomes A Bill, And Congress Bickers : NPR

The GOP will not hear of this! Their wealthy supporters will shoot this down. Perhaps middle America will take notice this time. I know they the white and rich front running GOP candidate will turn thumbs down on this Bill.

What does the bill actually do? Nowhere does the article discuss the details of the bill. That's because the author knows the minute the public finds out the details, it will be laughed off the stage.

Can't give REP at this time...you know the drill...
'Buffett Rule' Becomes A Bill, And Congress Bickers : NPR

The GOP will not hear of this! Their wealthy supporters will shoot this down. Perhaps middle America will take notice this time. I know they the white and rich front running GOP candidate will turn thumbs down on this Bill.

What does the bill actually do? Nowhere does the article discuss the details of the bill. That's because the author knows the minute the public finds out the details, it will be laughed off the stage.

Don't be so sure.

Fifty-three percent of self-identified Republicans back an increase in taxes on households making more than $250,000, a sentiment at odds with the party’s presidential candidates......

More than two-thirds of all Americans back higher taxes on the rich and even larger numbers think Medicare and Social Security benefits should be left alone, according to a Bloomberg-Washington Post national poll....


We all know that the devil is in the details but don't kid yourself that you're opinion is anywhere near the majority.
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The Top 400 tax filers – the very richest Americans – do pay a lower rate of just 18.11 percent of their total income. Why? Many of them are hedge fund managers and people like Buffet — their income is pegged how much their investment fund grows. For some reason, this income is counted as so-called “carried interest” (even though it is not interest at all; it’s more like a performance bonus) and is taxed at the lower 15 percent capital gains rate.
It’s a loophole for hedge managers, pure and simple. But while it may be an outrage that these uber-rich hedge fund managers pay such a low rate compared to the rest of us, there are just not many of them out there.
But the top 400 tax filers represent a tiny sliver – just .00028 percent of all filers. The vast majority of those earning over $1 million a year pay at a higher rate, which is why the average tax rate for this group, according to the Tax Foundation, is 29.1 percent of taxable income. And, yes, this number includes income taxes, payroll taxes and capital gains taxes.
The numbers change a bit if you look at total income before deductions and tax credits (Adjusted Gross Income), according to another non-partisan group, The Tax Foundation. Here’s how the numbers breakdown using IRS data from 2009 on Adjusted Gross Income for the income groups at issue in this discussion:
- $10 million a year paid 22 percent.
- $1 million to $10 million paid 25 percent.
- $50,000 to $75,000 paid 7 percent.

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