Buffett's secretary to attend State of the Union

Of course...Can't whip up a little class envy without having a nice convenient prop for the cameras to pan to, can we?

A shame that embarrassment isn't in the repertoire of emotional responses of the progressive socialist.
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Anyone want to guess what at least part of what the State of the Union address is going to be about?

Among this year's guests are Debbie Bosanek, the longtime secretary for billionaire Warren Buffett. Obama frequently cites Buffett's complaint that the nation's tax code is unfair because he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary....

Buffett secretary to attend State of the Union - Yahoo! Finance

Of course it wasn't translated into the amount of dollars each one paid in taxes, that would show the disingenuous nature of this stupid ass non issue........
Of course...Can't whip up a little class envy without having a nice convenient prop for the cameras to pan to, can we?

A shame that embarrassment isn't in the repertoire of emotional responses of the progressive socialist.

The uber rich have seen their top income tax rate drop from over 90% under that PINKO COMMIE Eisenhower to just over 35% today. Did EVERYONE get that same deal?

I guess it's CLASS ENVY when someone else gets their income tax bill reduced by 55% over fifty years and WORKING FAMILIES still pay the same rate decade after decade. The best part....since the rich aren't paying what they used to, I get the DEFICIT created by this loss of revenue thrown onto MY BACK! HUZZAH!
Of course...Can't whip up a little class envy without having a nice convenient prop for the cameras to pan to, can we?

A shame that embarrassment isn't in the repertoire of emotional responses of the progressive socialist.

And she will be sitting next to the First Lady....awwww. THAT should bring a positive subliminal message to the man's missive...:eusa_whistle:
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Of course...Can't whip up a little class envy without having a nice convenient prop for the cameras to pan to, can we?

A shame that embarrassment isn't in the repertoire of emotional responses of the progressive socialist.

The uber rich have seen their top income tax rate drop from over 90% under that PINKO COMMIE Eisenhower to just over 35% today. Did EVERYONE get that same deal?

I guess it's CLASS ENVY when someone else gets their income tax bill reduced by 55% over fifty years and WORKING FAMILIES still pay the same rate decade after decade. The best part....since the rich aren't paying what they used to, I get the DEFICIT created by this loss of revenue thrown onto MY BACK! HUZZAH!
Well then complain that you're paying too much and gubmint spends too much, not that someone is paying too little and gubmint isn't giving you enough, you envious, covetous little wretch.
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Granny says, "Dat's right - dem crooked politicians in Washington always makin' up the rules as dey go along...
Warren Buffett Blames Federal Law For Romney's 15% Rate
January 23, 2012: Washington — Billionaire investor Warren Buffett said he doesn't blame Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for paying only about 15% of his income in taxes, saying it was misguided federal law that allowed very wealthy people who make a living "shoving around money" to pay a lower rate than average Americans.
"It’s the wrong policy to have," Buffett told Bloomberg TV Monday. "There’s nothing wrong about him paying that. He’s not going to pay more than the law requires. And I don’t fault him for that in the least. But I do fault a law that allows him and me, earning enormous sums, to pay overall federal taxes at a rate that ‘s about half what the average person in my office pays."

Romney, who campaign disclosures show is worth $190 million to $250 million, has come under fire from Democrats for his recent estimate of his low tax rate. Romney plans to release his 2010 federal tax returns and estimates for 2011 on Tuesday after taking heat from Republican rivals for not making them public.

Buffett said he wasn't surprised by Romney's estimate last week of about a 15% effective tax rate. "I thought that’s exactly what I expected," Buffett said. "He makes money the way I do. He makes money by moving around big bucks, not by straining his back or going to work, cleaning the toilets or whatever it may be. "He makes it shoving around money. I make it shoving around money," Buffett said. "The truth is that I am paying at a lower tax rate -- payroll taxes plus income taxes -- than when I was making $15,000 a year 60 years ago."

Buffett supports Obama's push for a new tax policy that would require millionaires to pay the same tax rate as middle-class workers. Obama has called the principle "The Buffett Rule."

Warren Buffett blames federal law for Mitt Romney's 15% tax rate - latimes.com
Of course...Can't whip up a little class envy without having a nice convenient prop for the cameras to pan to, can we?

A shame that embarrassment isn't in the repertoire of emotional responses of the progressive socialist.

The uber rich have seen their top income tax rate drop from over 90% under that PINKO COMMIE Eisenhower to just over 35% today. Did EVERYONE get that same deal?

I guess it's CLASS ENVY when someone else gets their income tax bill reduced by 55% over fifty years and WORKING FAMILIES still pay the same rate decade after decade. The best part....since the rich aren't paying what they used to, I get the DEFICIT created by this loss of revenue thrown onto MY BACK! HUZZAH!

Oh good grief! If we buy you a new tent, sleeping bag, some more poster board and sharpies, will you be satisfied?
^ actually, it's the tax on capital gains that the rich fight the hardest against. they feel, since it's a gamble, that that income should be taxed less than regular income (less than some guy punching a time clock). surprisingly (okay, it's really not surprising), they make a gigantic amount of income from capital gains. as a trader myself, it's almost comical to me that i pay less tax on the money that i make than you do on the money you make. but hey, i'm gonna ride it as long as i can.

the real story isn't how much the uber rich pay % wise on capital gains. the story is that the poorest republicans fight for the right of the uber rich to play less % wise on the capital gains than what the poorest republicans pay outta their paycheck. now that's a trick that i wish i could pull on somebody.
Nice PR stunt, Obama... but it would be great if you'd just focus on the fucking job instead of your reelection campaign.

Does this man never stop campaigning?
The SOTU address will be telepromted from the center ring of the congressional circus.

Let the clown show begin.
I cant wait until all those on the left hear froim their accountats...

"you were duped. Those were cap gains taxes..not income taxes....and now that you have pushed to have them raised to 30%....well....I hate to tell you this.,....but yourretirement portfolio? Going to be taxed at the higher rate.....your retirement is now 10 years MORE down the road..."

or does the left only want the cap gains to be raised for rich folks?
^ actually, it's the tax on capital gains that the rich fight the hardest against. they feel, since it's a gamble, that that income should be taxed less than regular income (less than some guy punching a time clock). surprisingly (okay, it's really not surprising), they make a gigantic amount of income from capital gains. as a trader myself, it's almost comical to me that i pay less tax on the money that i make than you do on the money you make. but hey, i'm gonna ride it as long as i can.

the real story isn't how much the uber rich pay % wise on capital gains. the story is that the poorest republicans fight for the right of the uber rich to play less % wise on the capital gains than what the poorest republicans pay outta their paycheck. now that's a trick that i wish i could pull on somebody.
There are also a lot of retired elderly, with much more modest portfolios, who benefit from the lower cap gains rates.

But I guess it's a lot easier to whip up envy and divide people, if those who only pay cap gains are portrayed as sipping Napoleon brandy and lighting their Ashtons with $100 bills, huh?
Of course...Can't whip up a little class envy without having a nice convenient prop for the cameras to pan to, can we?

A shame that embarrassment isn't in the repertoire of emotional responses of the progressive socialist.

Conservatives, (and more specifically, conservative Republican office holders) are minimizing the importance of the OWS movement and defaming them at the increasing peril of civil unrest like this nation has not seen in a LONG time.

George Soros on the Coming U.S. Class War - Print View - The Daily Beast
Of course...Can't whip up a little class envy without having a nice convenient prop for the cameras to pan to, can we?

A shame that embarrassment isn't in the repertoire of emotional responses of the progressive socialist.

Conservatives, (and more specifically, conservative Republican office holders) are minimizing the importance of the OWS movement and defaming them at the increasing peril of civil unrest like this nation has not seen in a LONG time.

George Soros on the Coming U.S. Class War - Print View - The Daily Beast
If there's a class war coming, you can bet your ass that a virulent little goon, who profits from the misery of others as much as has that bottom-feeding Soros, will expend a pretty good effort to drum one up.

And there'll be plenty of gullible, know-nothing, useful idiot saps willing to fall for it.
Anyone want to guess what at least part of what the State of the Union address is going to be about?

Among this year's guests are Debbie Bosanek, the longtime secretary for billionaire Warren Buffett. Obama frequently cites Buffett's complaint that the nation's tax code is unfair because he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary....

Buffett secretary to attend State of the Union - Yahoo! Finance

Class warfare of course. He cant run on his record so he has to do anything he can to make the country divide
Of course...Can't whip up a little class envy without having a nice convenient prop for the cameras to pan to, can we?

A shame that embarrassment isn't in the repertoire of emotional responses of the progressive socialist.

Conservatives, (and more specifically, conservative Republican office holders) are minimizing the importance of the OWS movement and defaming them at the increasing peril of civil unrest like this nation has not seen in a LONG time.

George Soros on the Coming U.S. Class War - Print View - The Daily Beast
If there's a class war coming, you can bet your ass that a virulent little goon, who profits from the misery of others as much as has that bottom-feeding Soros, will expend a pretty good effort to drum one up.

And there'll be plenty of gullible, know-nothing, useful idiot saps willing to fall for it.
Sorry but I wish that fuckerm (soros) would die already.. He is in his 80s its time for him to go to HELL
Of course...Can't whip up a little class envy without having a nice convenient prop for the cameras to pan to, can we?

A shame that embarrassment isn't in the repertoire of emotional responses of the progressive socialist.

Conservatives, (and more specifically, conservative Republican office holders) are minimizing the importance of the OWS movement and defaming them at the increasing peril of civil unrest like this nation has not seen in a LONG time.

George Soros on the Coming U.S. Class War - Print View - The Daily Beast


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