Build It! Trump's Border Wall Request Equals 0.035% Of Federal Spending

I have never been a proponent of the wall (I've always felt that the money would be better spent on technology and people as a means of securing our borders). But after seeing this, it's hard to argue with the results...

I'm really liking this proposal for a wall by Penna Group. Not only a great design (rendered after doing their homework by talking to Border Patrol Agents and understanding their needs) but the bid also currently stands at $21 billion. That's a drop in the bucket for something which will go a long way in securing the U.S. border.


A construction firm submitted this proposal for Trump's border wall that's a one-way sheet of plexiglass
tell us just how Mexico will pay for it
You are scary stupid. We send "aid" to Mexico every fucking year. We simply withhold that aid to pay for the wall. Then we tell them that if they don't reimburse us for the entire thing, they will never see another penny again from us until the end of time.

Boom! Either way, Mexico pays for the wall. Ask an adult to explain it to you, junior.
Still why not just dry the jobs up for illegals and stop those like you from hiring them? A lot cheaper
Still...why not just do both? As a left-wing nut-job, you can't comprehend walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time, uh?

You think every drug cartel mule who crosses over our border does so looking for a less than minimum wage job when he's making 100x's that just being a mule? You think every MS-13 gang member comes over the border looking for less than minimum wage, hard labor? Fuck'n idiot. :eusa_doh:
It doesn't matter how little or how much it costs, it is still a waste of money. Monitoring the border is much less expensive than building a wall.
Since when do you greedy, lazy socialists give a damn about costs or budgets? You anti-American fascists celebrated like hell when Barack Insane Obama was spending this nation off of the cliff and into near collapse.

The facts prove that it is not a waste of money (and this is coming from someone who openly opposed the wall until learning more):

Not only that, the wall will take two or three years to build.

At three years, that breaks it down to roughly 0.0116% of the yearly budgets each year. That's 0.000116 of the budget each year. We can get this done!

CNS news. Lol. Even Alex Jones laughs at that source. This stupid wall will never be built. Never.
The pathological liar is going to spend the next 2-3 years covering for his incompetence and daily fuckups.
His fuckups keep getting bigger every day.
No one with any kind of sanity thinks this can continue much longer.
If the Russian scandal doesn't bring down the whiny little bitch, he'll do something impeachable.
If he can invite Russian spies into the White House after they hacked our democracy... he's capable of anything.
You backed a loser. A man many think is already in the grips of dementia.
Things are not going to end well.
It doesn't matter how little or how much it costs, it is still a waste of money. Monitoring the border is much less expensive than building a wall.

Yep, and it has worked very well.

Obama increased Border Patrol to more than 18,500 for well under 2000 miles. They can just about hold hands!

Obama deported more than any other prez.

Both of these moves were in spite of the Repubs obstruction. They've had control for more than two years and have done nothing, in part because what Obama did has been very effective.

A wall won't slow drug traffic. The only thing that will is to end demand.

No demand means no supply but the wall is meant to enrich trumps 1% owners.

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It doesn't matter how little or how much it costs, it is still a waste of money. Monitoring the border is much less expensive than building a wall.
Since when do you greedy, lazy socialists give a damn about costs or budgets? You anti-American fascists celebrated like hell when Barack Insane Obama was spending this nation off of the cliff and into near collapse.

The facts prove that it is not a waste of money (and this is coming from someone who openly opposed the wall until learning more):

What a crock of shit. The socialists aren't the ones who cut taxes, and then started two wars, passed An unfounded entitlement, and then crashed the economy. That's on Republicans -all of it.

Obama cleaned up W's mess, and now Trump wants to piss away $20 billion (more like $50 billion by the time it's done) on a useless wall that won't stop illegal immigration or drugs which come in by plane and boat.

The wall is as useless as Reagan's Star Wars initiative, and just as expensive.
If the shoe fits .... And it's the Repubs who are doing every single thing done in that fictional story.
Adolf - President Trump has restored constitutional power to the states (the polar opposite of 1984). He has drastically reduced unconstitutional regulations, thus freeing up markets and enterprise (yet again the polar opposite of 1984).

Meanwhile Barack Insane Obama hacked into the computers of reporters (vintage 1984) and used the IRS to attack and punish his political opposition (vintage 1984).
Mexico is either the first or second trading partner with every state in the Union and Republicans are desperate to f*ck that up.

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