Build It! Trump's Border Wall Request Equals 0.035% Of Federal Spending

The wall is as useless as Reagan's Star Wars initiative, and just as expensive.
The Star Wars initiative? You mean the defense technology which would render North Korea utterly impotent right now had we properly developed it? And instead you're pissing yourself every day over whether or not President Trump will say something to "trigger" Kim Jong Un.

Stick with syrup and hockey, sweetie. You're way out of your league here.
The fact is we don't need a wall and cannot afford it. House Republicans are talking about devastating cuts in the social safety net which could even threaten veteran programs. The American people do not want it built by the way.
The socialists aren't the ones who cut taxes, and then started two wars, passed An unfounded entitlement, and then crashed the economy. That's on Republicans -all of it.
Nitwit, Barack Insane Obama raised taxes and still ran up almost $10 trillion in debt over just 8 years.

And stupid? Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats passed Obamacare (the unfunded entitlement) - not the Republicans.
The fact is we don't need a wall and cannot afford it.
The actual fact is we desperately need the wall and we can easily afford it.
House Republicans are talking about devastating cuts in the social safety net which could even threaten veteran programs.
Good! The "social safety nets" are 100% illegal/unconstitutional while defense/border security is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government.
The American people do not want it built by the way.
The fact that President Trump was elected against all odds says otherwise, snowflake.
I wonder how many of you repugnant Dumbocrats will show up to this little boys funeral and explain to his family why you vehemently oppose a wall to keep illegal aliens the fuck out of our country?
(CNN)A mother, father and their 6-year-old son were returning from a trip to Disneyland when, according to the survivors' family, a man in a pickup truck turned a corner, smashed into their car and sped off.

The suspect, Constantino Banda-Acosta, was a man that border agents say had been deported 15 times over the span of 15 years. In a statement provided to CNN, ICE confirmed that Banda-Acosta "has been repatriated to Mexico at least 15 times since 2002, most recently in January 2017."

He -- and another man arrested in connection with the crash -- were both "Mexican nationals in the country illegally," the statement said.
Once again - the repugnant left-wing nut-jobs favor power through foreign criminals over the life of an American child.

Cops: DUI suspect who struck a family returning from Disneyland had been deported 15 times -
The socialists aren't the ones who cut taxes, and then started two wars, passed An unfounded entitlement, and then crashed the economy. That's on Republicans -all of it.
Nitwit, Barack Insane Obama raised taxes and still ran up almost $10 trillion in debt over just 8 years.

And stupid? Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats passed Obamacare (the unfunded entitlement) - not the Republicans.
Shut up!
The country had almost no debt until those f*cking Bush Tax cuts for the Rich and the two unpaid for wars and trillions wasted on Iraq.

Then the GOP a$$hats watched over 42,000 factories move to China and even gave them tax credits for moving.

Then, they f*cked up the economy to the point of losing 750,000 jobs month.

Then those f*cking slimes have the nerve and gall to blame all that on Obama. After those morons took away the means of creating revenue.

And look at those creeps now. After complaining that Hillary had sensitive material sent TO her on her server but defend Trump to give classified material to the f*cking Russians?????????????


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