Building America back better


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2020
In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....
In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....

another commie hating shill that hates America:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

here is the great lying biden

Millions of dickhead Illegals flooding in.

Higher taxes

China getting our jobs and technology

Dismal economic growth

Higher energy cost

Muslim refugees

Increased welfare

Job killing environmental wacko regs

Destruction of Constitutional rights

Giving away the store to foreign welfare queens

Weakened military

Kissing the ass of the Muslims

Tremendous debt with nothing to show for it

Screwed up health care

Killing children on demand

Decreased family income.

Biden is a dipshit disaster. So far he's created a crisis at the border, allowed 100,000 to pour in just in Feb about 10% are infected with Covid. He can't hold even a single press conference because half his brain has turned to mush. He's killed thousands of blue collar union jobs. He raised taxes $60 billion with trillions more tax increases in the works. He's a one man wrecking crew.

You know, all the normal things we had like when the worthless Negro was President and China Joe was VP. Only now it is going to be worse.
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In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....


In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....

I congratulate you on your attempt at writing fiction. Just remember you shouldn't get too outlandish lest you turn off your readers. The suspension of disbelief is important when writing fiction.
In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America;

What America are you even talking about? You mean, he transformed Latin America? :auiqs.jpg:

The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast,

Actually, the unemployment is still a record high.

new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....

Instead of spitting nonsense, do your research first.
In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....
- Immediately FIRED tens of thousands of Americans

- Surrendered our energy independence while making our enemies stronger

- Escalated Barry's War

- Signed the Democrats's self-serving pork-filled $1.9 TRILLION DEFICIT BOMB

- Surrendered our national security by opening up the southern border
--- THOUSANDS of unaccompanied children in Biden Kiddie Cages
--- THOUSANDS of COVID-19-infected illegals both in max-capacity cages and spreading them all over the US without notifying local and state officials they are coming, just like Barry used to do...putting American lives in danger
--- Gave Cartels freedom to cross our border and engage in drug, human, and child trafficking that Biden's own Immigration Czar admitted they can not keep up with let alone stop
--- Biden is allowing illegal FELONS to stay in the US

The US BP has pleaded for help, as they are overwhelmed...illegals are being stored in govt buildings and basss

Biden refuses to declare tge situation a CRISIS or an EMERGENCY...but has sent in FEMA, a disaster-relief agency

Everything Biden has done so far has been a failure, put Americans out of work, has jeopardized their lives...has made America weaker, more vulnerable, and has moved us closer to SOCIALISM.
In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....
Hi. I'm the Easter Bunny in your fantasy.

Son. He is transforming America by smashing it to pulp and pieces you fucking moron.

You don't build back better starting with ashes ding a ling.
In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....

I congratulate you on your attempt at writing fiction. Just remember you shouldn't get too outlandish lest you turn off your readers. The suspension of disbelief is important when writing fiction.
I put in I'm the Easter Bunny to fluff up the morons fantasy.
In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....
I had to read this again...Lol...................You really spanked one out there didinja. Did Amart lend you some lube he keeps on his night stand by chance? .
In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....

Yes, it's been a fantastic two months. Drag queens got massive raises, the alien invasion was called off and hemorrhoids have been completely suspended
Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.
Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.

Yeah...if you live under a bridge and you're an illegal.

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