Building America back better

In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....

Oh dear God...........:no_text11:
In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....
- Immediately FIRED tens of thousands of Americans

- Surrendered our energy independence while making our enemies stronger

- Escalated Barry's War

- Signed the Democrats's self-serving pork-filled $1.9 TRILLION DEFICIT BOMB

- Surrendered our national security by opening up the southern border
--- THOUSANDS of unaccompanied children in Biden Kiddie Cages
--- THOUSANDS of COVID-19-infected illegals both in max-capacity cages and spreading them all over the US without notifying local and state officials they are coming, just like Barry used to do...putting American lives in danger
--- Gave Cartels freedom to cross our border and engage in drug, human, and child trafficking that Biden's own Immigration Czar admitted they can not keep up with let alone stop
--- Biden is allowing illegal FELONS to stay in the US

The US BP has pleaded for help, as they are overwhelmed...illegals are being stored in govt buildings and basss

Biden refuses to declare tge situation a CRISIS or an EMERGENCY...but has sent in FEMA, a disaster-relief agency

Everything Biden has done so far has been a failure, put Americans out of work, has jeopardized their lives...has made America weaker, more vulnerable, and has moved us closer to SOCIALISM.
:thankusmile: :thup: I can add that as an ad on to my list I already gave.
Republicans hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Republicans care more about their party than the country. Party First. Party over country.

Republicans want the country to fail under Dems.

"I Hope He Fails"
-Rush Limbaugh

Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.
Don’t you ever get tired of making an ass out of yourself and embarrassing yourself to the entire board? Thanks for demonstrating to the entire board what a stupid fuck you are as always.:clap: The fact you lumped trump in there with Bush demonstrates your stupidity.Time for you to start crying the fact you are the one that has no leg to stand on in the FACT that thousands of Americans have fled the dem party left and right and this is coming from someone who has always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg:

Nice game of dodgeball there how both me and Easy handed your ass to you on a platter how America is far worse off now under Biden than the entire time it was under Trump and that you can’t stand toe to toe in a debate.:thup:

Trump was far more successful than big ears was,Trump did not start any wars moron and made attempts at peace with world leaders.Putin hates Biden cause he knows he is a warmonger dumbshit.Trump brought jobs back to the economy.

Biden is another Clinton alright.Both Clinton and Bush were in favor of Nafta which Clinton signed into law which took thousands of jobs away from Americans to Mexico idiot oh and you just proved the republicans are good presidents in your OWN words as well talking about the roaring twenty’s when America was roaring with a successful economy because it was run under Republican Calvin Coolidge,our last great Republican president.:thup::abgg2q.jpg:

Thanks for proving to the entire board as well what a true stupid fuck you are in your babble that Obozo was better than Bush and Trump ignoring how obozo lied to the American people when he said he would reverse the corruption of Bush to reverse his policys when instead he expanded them expanding the war in the Mideast being a mass murder of women and children same as his pal Bush but even murdering many more than Bush did and then expanded the dreconian patriot act of bush’s allowing even MORE illegal survaliance of us by the deep state than what they did under bush.this moron troll kills me with his fantasy’s.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::laughing0301::laughing0301:
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Reported, no link
Seriously dude. What a whiney assed little titty baby. Were you a hall monitor in grade school?
I've been banned twice here and had dozens of my stuff deleted. No more Mr. Nice guy with your side.

That means you're a moron..
I've been here over ten years and have been banned twice for short periods and have had maybe a dozen of my posts deleted.
Sounds to me like you need some adult supervision.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Could not have said it better myself. Yeah I been here for 12 years now and only been banned once in that entire span for just a two day period and that was when Gunny a nazi administrator who played favorites,was here my first couple years here and yet he has been banned two times already in under two months.? At that rate he won’t be here much longer.:laughing0301:

being a kid he obviously won’t realize he has had dozens of stuff deleted because this is not a site for children to post at. :abgg2q.jpg: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Republicans hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Republicans care more about their party than the country. Party First. Party over country.

Republicans want the country to fail under Dems.

"I Hope He Fails"
-Rush Limbaugh
As always you prove what an idiot you are clueless to the fact that both parties are corrupt and one in the same and both bush’s got their wish because America failed under Clinton same as it did under bush and it failed under Obama even worse than under bush as I just proved in my earlier post.oh my the irony,you care more about your corrupt party than you do about the country. You obviously believe in the Easter bunny and Santa clause as well the fact you have all these fantasy’s. :abgg2q.jpg:
Evidently when Joe thought about 'Building Back America Better' he said to himself, "What America needs right now is the world's biggest Super Spreader Event and the biggest Child Trafficking Event in the same time!"

Way to go, Joe -- Mission Accomplished!

Evidently when Joe thought about 'Building Back America Better' he said to himself, "What America needs right now is the world's biggest Super Spreader Event and the biggest Child Trafficking Event in the same time!"

Way to go, Joe -- Mission Accomplished!

Notice how myself,you and many others after we gave facts that the troll op and the the other idiot ass banker could not counter thst they ignored all of our facts that under lying Biden,America has been a disaster in just two months where it was doing great under Trump that instead of addressing our evidence,they ignore it and just keep posting? When I make a thread and see people come on and post bullshit I know I can easily counter,I address it and point out their bullshit,those two trolls won’t do so because they know they cannot refute our facts.

other than political chic,I’m pretty sure none of us are biased as they are and all realise both parties are corrupt and one in the same and that’s how trump isdiffererent because he is not part of that corrupt two party system bush,Clinton, Obama and Biden are.pc hurts the cause of trump supporters because she won’t address facts that bush and Romney hate trump because he is not a globalist as they are and ignores how Obama was only contiuning the corruption bush got started,she is as close minded on the repubs being corrupt as those two idiots are on the dems corruption.:uhoh3:
Republicans hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Republicans care more about their party than the country. Party First. Party over country.

Republicans want the country to fail under Dems.

"I Hope He Fails"
-Rush Limbaugh

Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.
Don’t you ever get tired of making an ass out of yourself and embarrassing yourself to the entire board? Thanks for demonstrating to the entire board what a stupid fuck you are as always.:clap: The fact you lumped trump in there with Bush demonstrates your stupidity.Time for you to start crying the fact you are the one that has no leg to stand on in the FACT that thousands of Americans have fled the dem party left and right and this is coming from someone who has always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg:

Nice game of dodgeball there how both me and Easy handed your ass to you on a platter how America is far worse off now under Biden than the entire time it was under Trump and that you can’t stand toe to toe in a debate.:thup:

Trump was far more successful than big ears was,Trump did not start any wars moron and made attempts at peace with world leaders.Putin hates Biden cause he knows he is a warmonger dumbshit.Trump brought jobs back to the economy.

Biden is another Clinton alright.Both Clinton and Bush were in favor of Nafta which Clinton signed into law which took thousands of jobs away from Americans to Mexico idiot oh and you just proved the republicans are good presidents in your OWN words as well talking about the roaring twenty’s when America was roaring with a successful economy because it was run under Republican Calvin Coolidge,our last great Republican president.:thup::abgg2q.jpg:

Thanks for proving to the entire board as well what a true stupid fuck you are in your babble that Obozo was better than Bush and Trump ignoring how obozo lied to the American people when he said he would reverse the corruption of Bush to reverse his policys when instead he expanded them expanding the war in the Mideast being a mass murder of women and children same as his pal Bush but even murdering many more than Bush did and then expanded the dreconian patriot act of bush’s allowing even MORE illegal survaliance of us by the deep state than what they did under bush.this moron troll kills me with his fantasy’s.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I have mentally broken you wackos !!! Clearly you are freaking out over the truth.
This is why you watch Fake FoxNews, because they feed you the lies you need to remain loyal sheep Republicans, despite the repeated failure of Bush and Trump.

You just can't handle the fact that Bush and Trump were total failures. The GOP is a total failure. All the bad presidents are republicans. All the good presidents are Dems...
Bush and Trump failed, and left office in shame and disgrace with the country in crisis and ruin.

11 of the last 12 recessions were under a GOP president...
Job gains, GDP gains, and stock market gains are all substantially higher under Dem Presidents...

Covid crushed Trump, Biden is crushing covid. Soon covid will be gone, because of Biden, and the economy is going to explode. Enjoy the new roraring 20s! I know you're going to hate it, because you hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Bush and Trump were total failures...

This is why Biden was elected !!!!

You have not made 1 single valid point at all. It is all partisan, Alex Jones BS and lies. Fake News...
You can't even admit Trump lost the election... If you can't do that, you have no credibility.
Last edited:
Republicans hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Republicans care more about their party than the country. Party First. Party over country.

Republicans want the country to fail under Dems.

"I Hope He Fails"
-Rush Limbaugh

Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.
Don’t you ever get tired of making an ass out of yourself and embarrassing yourself to the entire board? Thanks for demonstrating to the entire board what a stupid fuck you are as always.:clap: The fact you lumped trump in there with Bush demonstrates your stupidity.Time for you to start crying the fact you are the one that has no leg to stand on in the FACT that thousands of Americans have fled the dem party left and right and this is coming from someone who has always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg:

Nice game of dodgeball there how both me and Easy handed your ass to you on a platter how America is far worse off now under Biden than the entire time it was under Trump and that you can’t stand toe to toe in a debate.:thup:

Trump was far more successful than big ears was,Trump did not start any wars moron and made attempts at peace with world leaders.Putin hates Biden cause he knows he is a warmonger dumbshit.Trump brought jobs back to the economy.

Biden is another Clinton alright.Both Clinton and Bush were in favor of Nafta which Clinton signed into law which took thousands of jobs away from Americans to Mexico idiot oh and you just proved the republicans are good presidents in your OWN words as well talking about the roaring twenty’s when America was roaring with a successful economy because it was run under Republican Calvin Coolidge,our last great Republican president.:thup::abgg2q.jpg:

Thanks for proving to the entire board as well what a true stupid fuck you are in your babble that Obozo was better than Bush and Trump ignoring how obozo lied to the American people when he said he would reverse the corruption of Bush to reverse his policys when instead he expanded them expanding the war in the Mideast being a mass murder of women and children same as his pal Bush but even murdering many more than Bush did and then expanded the dreconian patriot act of bush’s allowing even MORE illegal survaliance of us by the deep state than what they did under bush.this moron troll kills me with his fantasy’s.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I have mentally broken you wackos !!! Clearly you are freaking out over the truth.
This is why you watch Fake FoxNews, because they feed you the lies you need to remain loyal sheep Republicans, despite the repeated failure of Bush and Trump.

You just can't handle the fact that Bush and Trump were total failures. The GOP is a total failure. All the bad presidents are republicans. All the good presidents are Dems...
Bush and Trump failed, and left office in shame and disgrace with the country in crisis and ruin.

11 of the last 12 recessions were under a GOP president...
Job gains, GDP gains, and stock market gains are all substantially higher under Dem Presidents...

Covid crushed Trump, Biden is crushing covid. Soon covid will be gone, because of Biden, and the economy is going to explode. Enjoy the new roraring 20s! I know you're going to hate it, because you hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Bush and Trump were total failures...

This is why Biden was elected !!!!

You have not made 1 single valid point at all. It is all partisan, Alex Jones BS and lies. Fake News...
You can't even admit Trump lost the election... If you can't do that, you have no credibility.

You couldnt break an egg ya limp wrist faggot.
Republicans hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Republicans care more about their party than the country. Party First. Party over country.

Republicans want the country to fail under Dems.

"I Hope He Fails"
-Rush Limbaugh

Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.
Don’t you ever get tired of making an ass out of yourself and embarrassing yourself to the entire board? Thanks for demonstrating to the entire board what a stupid fuck you are as always.:clap: The fact you lumped trump in there with Bush demonstrates your stupidity.Time for you to start crying the fact you are the one that has no leg to stand on in the FACT that thousands of Americans have fled the dem party left and right and this is coming from someone who has always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg:

Nice game of dodgeball there how both me and Easy handed your ass to you on a platter how America is far worse off now under Biden than the entire time it was under Trump and that you can’t stand toe to toe in a debate.:thup:

Trump was far more successful than big ears was,Trump did not start any wars moron and made attempts at peace with world leaders.Putin hates Biden cause he knows he is a warmonger dumbshit.Trump brought jobs back to the economy.

Biden is another Clinton alright.Both Clinton and Bush were in favor of Nafta which Clinton signed into law which took thousands of jobs away from Americans to Mexico idiot oh and you just proved the republicans are good presidents in your OWN words as well talking about the roaring twenty’s when America was roaring with a successful economy because it was run under Republican Calvin Coolidge,our last great Republican president.:thup::abgg2q.jpg:

Thanks for proving to the entire board as well what a true stupid fuck you are in your babble that Obozo was better than Bush and Trump ignoring how obozo lied to the American people when he said he would reverse the corruption of Bush to reverse his policys when instead he expanded them expanding the war in the Mideast being a mass murder of women and children same as his pal Bush but even murdering many more than Bush did and then expanded the dreconian patriot act of bush’s allowing even MORE illegal survaliance of us by the deep state than what they did under bush.this moron troll kills me with his fantasy’s.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I have mentally broken you wackos !!! Clearly you are freaking out over the truth.
This is why you watch Fake FoxNews, because they feed you the lies you need to remain loyal sheep Republicans, despite the repeated failure of Bush and Trump.

You just can't handle the fact that Bush and Trump were total failures. The GOP is a total failure. All the bad presidents are republicans. All the good presidents are Dems...
Bush and Trump failed, and left office in shame and disgrace with the country in crisis and ruin.

11 of the last 12 recessions were under a GOP president...
Job gains, GDP gains, and stock market gains are all substantially higher under Dem Presidents...

Covid crushed Trump, Biden is crushing covid. Soon covid will be gone, because of Biden, and the economy is going to explode. Enjoy the new roraring 20s! I know you're going to hate it, because you hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Bush and Trump were total failures...

This is why Biden was elected !!!!

You have not made 1 single valid point at all. It is all partisan, Alex Jones BS and lies. Fake News...
You can't even admit Trump lost the election... If you can't do that, you have no credibility.

You couldnt break an egg ya limp wrist faggot.

Real Trumpian level response right there.

Basically you just admited surrender and defeat because there is nothing you can say to refute my post, so you just post childish stupidity...

I have mentally broken you people, there is nothing you can say.
In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Everyone said the republican party was dead at the end of 1992 when the first bush had our economy on the verge of collapse.

Everyone said the republican party was dead at the end of 2008 with the bush boy and republican's destruction of our economy.

Never, ever underestimate the republican's ability to lie and cheat their way into our government.
Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.

I don't know if you learned about the so called "roaring 20s" of the 20th century but if you did know what caused that "roar" and the results of it, you wouldn't use the term "roaring 20s."
Republicans hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Republicans care more about their party than the country. Party First. Party over country.

Republicans want the country to fail under Dems.

"I Hope He Fails"
-Rush Limbaugh

Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.
Don’t you ever get tired of making an ass out of yourself and embarrassing yourself to the entire board? Thanks for demonstrating to the entire board what a stupid fuck you are as always.:clap: The fact you lumped trump in there with Bush demonstrates your stupidity.Time for you to start crying the fact you are the one that has no leg to stand on in the FACT that thousands of Americans have fled the dem party left and right and this is coming from someone who has always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg:

Nice game of dodgeball there how both me and Easy handed your ass to you on a platter how America is far worse off now under Biden than the entire time it was under Trump and that you can’t stand toe to toe in a debate.:thup:

Trump was far more successful than big ears was,Trump did not start any wars moron and made attempts at peace with world leaders.Putin hates Biden cause he knows he is a warmonger dumbshit.Trump brought jobs back to the economy.

Biden is another Clinton alright.Both Clinton and Bush were in favor of Nafta which Clinton signed into law which took thousands of jobs away from Americans to Mexico idiot oh and you just proved the republicans are good presidents in your OWN words as well talking about the roaring twenty’s when America was roaring with a successful economy because it was run under Republican Calvin Coolidge,our last great Republican president.:thup::abgg2q.jpg:

Thanks for proving to the entire board as well what a true stupid fuck you are in your babble that Obozo was better than Bush and Trump ignoring how obozo lied to the American people when he said he would reverse the corruption of Bush to reverse his policys when instead he expanded them expanding the war in the Mideast being a mass murder of women and children same as his pal Bush but even murdering many more than Bush did and then expanded the dreconian patriot act of bush’s allowing even MORE illegal survaliance of us by the deep state than what they did under bush.this moron troll kills me with his fantasy’s.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I have mentally broken you wackos !!! Clearly you are freaking out over the truth.
This is why you watch Fake FoxNews, because they feed you the lies you need to remain loyal sheep Republicans, despite the repeated failure of Bush and Trump.

You just can't handle the fact that Bush and Trump were total failures. The GOP is a total failure. All the bad presidents are republicans. All the good presidents are Dems...
Bush and Trump failed, and left office in shame and disgrace with the country in crisis and ruin.

11 of the last 12 recessions were under a GOP president...
Job gains, GDP gains, and stock market gains are all substantially higher under Dem Presidents...

Covid crushed Trump, Biden is crushing covid. Soon covid will be gone, because of Biden, and the economy is going to explode. Enjoy the new roraring 20s! I know you're going to hate it, because you hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Bush and Trump were total failures...

This is why Biden was elected !!!!

You have not made 1 single valid point at all. It is all partisan, Alex Jones BS and lies. Fake News...
You can't even admit Trump lost the election... If you can't do that, you have no credibility.
Hey stupid fuck I don’t even listen to Alex Jones,thanks for proving to the entire board what a moron you are also such a stupid fuck you are clueless that Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents elected,the whole world knows he got elected from election fraud which has gone on for decades now.

you failed to counter one fact of mine thst Obama was a clone of bush no different from him so give it up with your bullshit thst trump is the same as bush and that America soars under the dems and thst I have not made one single valid point,you and the op are the only ones on here thst have failed to make one single valid point. You failed to disprove me how Obama was not a clone of bush. :laughing0301: And you keep evading facts that Americans are fleeing the dem party left and right all the time now because of how it has been infiltrated by terrorists the last coupe of years.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301:
Last edited:
Republicans hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Republicans care more about their party than the country. Party First. Party over country.

Republicans want the country to fail under Dems.

"I Hope He Fails"
-Rush Limbaugh

Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.
Don’t you ever get tired of making an ass out of yourself and embarrassing yourself to the entire board? Thanks for demonstrating to the entire board what a stupid fuck you are as always.:clap: The fact you lumped trump in there with Bush demonstrates your stupidity.Time for you to start crying the fact you are the one that has no leg to stand on in the FACT that thousands of Americans have fled the dem party left and right and this is coming from someone who has always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg:

Nice game of dodgeball there how both me and Easy handed your ass to you on a platter how America is far worse off now under Biden than the entire time it was under Trump and that you can’t stand toe to toe in a debate.:thup:

Trump was far more successful than big ears was,Trump did not start any wars moron and made attempts at peace with world leaders.Putin hates Biden cause he knows he is a warmonger dumbshit.Trump brought jobs back to the economy.

Biden is another Clinton alright.Both Clinton and Bush were in favor of Nafta which Clinton signed into law which took thousands of jobs away from Americans to Mexico idiot oh and you just proved the republicans are good presidents in your OWN words as well talking about the roaring twenty’s when America was roaring with a successful economy because it was run under Republican Calvin Coolidge,our last great Republican president.:thup::abgg2q.jpg:

Thanks for proving to the entire board as well what a true stupid fuck you are in your babble that Obozo was better than Bush and Trump ignoring how obozo lied to the American people when he said he would reverse the corruption of Bush to reverse his policys when instead he expanded them expanding the war in the Mideast being a mass murder of women and children same as his pal Bush but even murdering many more than Bush did and then expanded the dreconian patriot act of bush’s allowing even MORE illegal survaliance of us by the deep state than what they did under bush.this moron troll kills me with his fantasy’s.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I have mentally broken you wackos !!! Clearly you are freaking out over the truth.
This is why you watch Fake FoxNews, because they feed you the lies you need to remain loyal sheep Republicans, despite the repeated failure of Bush and Trump.

You just can't handle the fact that Bush and Trump were total failures. The GOP is a total failure. All the bad presidents are republicans. All the good presidents are Dems...
Bush and Trump failed, and left office in shame and disgrace with the country in crisis and ruin.

11 of the last 12 recessions were under a GOP president...
Job gains, GDP gains, and stock market gains are all substantially higher under Dem Presidents...

Covid crushed Trump, Biden is crushing covid. Soon covid will be gone, because of Biden, and the economy is going to explode. Enjoy the new roraring 20s! I know you're going to hate it, because you hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Bush and Trump were total failures...

This is why Biden was elected !!!!

You have not made 1 single valid point at all. It is all partisan, Alex Jones BS and lies. Fake News...
You can't even admit Trump lost the election... If you can't do that, you have no credibility.

You couldnt break an egg ya limp wrist faggot.

Real Trumpian level response right there.

Basically you just admited surrender and defeat because there is nothing you can say to refute my post, so you just post childish stupidity...

I have mentally broken you people, there is nothing you can say.

What are ya twelve?
Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.

I don't know if you learned about the so called "roaring 20s" of the 20th century but if you did know what caused that "roar" and the results of it, you wouldn't use the term "roaring 20s."
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::thankusmile::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Republicans hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Republicans care more about their party than the country. Party First. Party over country.

Republicans want the country to fail under Dems.

"I Hope He Fails"
-Rush Limbaugh

Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.
Don’t you ever get tired of making an ass out of yourself and embarrassing yourself to the entire board? Thanks for demonstrating to the entire board what a stupid fuck you are as always.:clap: The fact you lumped trump in there with Bush demonstrates your stupidity.Time for you to start crying the fact you are the one that has no leg to stand on in the FACT that thousands of Americans have fled the dem party left and right and this is coming from someone who has always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg:

Nice game of dodgeball there how both me and Easy handed your ass to you on a platter how America is far worse off now under Biden than the entire time it was under Trump and that you can’t stand toe to toe in a debate.:thup:

Trump was far more successful than big ears was,Trump did not start any wars moron and made attempts at peace with world leaders.Putin hates Biden cause he knows he is a warmonger dumbshit.Trump brought jobs back to the economy.

Biden is another Clinton alright.Both Clinton and Bush were in favor of Nafta which Clinton signed into law which took thousands of jobs away from Americans to Mexico idiot oh and you just proved the republicans are good presidents in your OWN words as well talking about the roaring twenty’s when America was roaring with a successful economy because it was run under Republican Calvin Coolidge,our last great Republican president.:thup::abgg2q.jpg:

Thanks for proving to the entire board as well what a true stupid fuck you are in your babble that Obozo was better than Bush and Trump ignoring how obozo lied to the American people when he said he would reverse the corruption of Bush to reverse his policys when instead he expanded them expanding the war in the Mideast being a mass murder of women and children same as his pal Bush but even murdering many more than Bush did and then expanded the dreconian patriot act of bush’s allowing even MORE illegal survaliance of us by the deep state than what they did under bush.this moron troll kills me with his fantasy’s.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I have mentally broken you wackos !!! Clearly you are freaking out over the truth.
This is why you watch Fake FoxNews, because they feed you the lies you need to remain loyal sheep Republicans, despite the repeated failure of Bush and Trump.

You just can't handle the fact that Bush and Trump were total failures. The GOP is a total failure. All the bad presidents are republicans. All the good presidents are Dems...
Bush and Trump failed, and left office in shame and disgrace with the country in crisis and ruin.

11 of the last 12 recessions were under a GOP president...
Job gains, GDP gains, and stock market gains are all substantially higher under Dem Presidents...

Covid crushed Trump, Biden is crushing covid. Soon covid will be gone, because of Biden, and the economy is going to explode. Enjoy the new roraring 20s! I know you're going to hate it, because you hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Bush and Trump were total failures...

This is why Biden was elected !!!!

You have not made 1 single valid point at all. It is all partisan, Alex Jones BS and lies. Fake News...
You can't even admit Trump lost the election... If you can't do that, you have no credibility.

You couldnt break an egg ya limp wrist faggot.

Real Trumpian level response right there.

Basically you just admited surrender and defeat because there is nothing you can say to refute my post, so you just post childish stupidity...

I have mentally broken you people, there is nothing you can say.

What are ya twelve?
Yeah really,I’m beginning to think that newbie kid troll that’s been here just a couple of months now is a sock puppet of his the fact they both post like a 12 year old and we KNOW the one I am talking about is only 12 he gave it away with his avatar.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301:
In just under 2 months, President Biden has transformed America; The economy and stock markets are through the roof, unemployment going down fast, new covid cases a small fraction of what they were on January 20th, tens of millions vaccinated, no riots or insurrections, a cabinet and white house staff made out of competent and normal people, re-establishing laws that had been thrown away in order to benefit the few, the anger tone has decreased substantially. Of course there will always be disaffected and dissatisfied people out there, lets face it, deplorables will never change, but they are a minority of people, although dragging down the GOP with them, and for that reason, America will continue to be a one party (Dems) rule for decades to come....

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Everyone said the republican party was dead at the end of 1992 when the first bush had our economy on the verge of collapse.

Everyone said the republican party was dead at the end of 2008 with the bush boy and republican's destruction of our economy.

Never, ever underestimate the republican's ability to lie and cheat their way into our government.
Too bad you are so braindead,biased and close minded so badly that you refuse to accept facts both parties are corrupt and one in the same and Biden did thst as well .:laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Republicans hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Republicans care more about their party than the country. Party First. Party over country.

Republicans want the country to fail under Dems.

"I Hope He Fails"
-Rush Limbaugh

Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.
Don’t you ever get tired of making an ass out of yourself and embarrassing yourself to the entire board? Thanks for demonstrating to the entire board what a stupid fuck you are as always.:clap: The fact you lumped trump in there with Bush demonstrates your stupidity.Time for you to start crying the fact you are the one that has no leg to stand on in the FACT that thousands of Americans have fled the dem party left and right and this is coming from someone who has always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg:

Nice game of dodgeball there how both me and Easy handed your ass to you on a platter how America is far worse off now under Biden than the entire time it was under Trump and that you can’t stand toe to toe in a debate.:thup:

Trump was far more successful than big ears was,Trump did not start any wars moron and made attempts at peace with world leaders.Putin hates Biden cause he knows he is a warmonger dumbshit.Trump brought jobs back to the economy.

Biden is another Clinton alright.Both Clinton and Bush were in favor of Nafta which Clinton signed into law which took thousands of jobs away from Americans to Mexico idiot oh and you just proved the republicans are good presidents in your OWN words as well talking about the roaring twenty’s when America was roaring with a successful economy because it was run under Republican Calvin Coolidge,our last great Republican president.:thup::abgg2q.jpg:

Thanks for proving to the entire board as well what a true stupid fuck you are in your babble that Obozo was better than Bush and Trump ignoring how obozo lied to the American people when he said he would reverse the corruption of Bush to reverse his policys when instead he expanded them expanding the war in the Mideast being a mass murder of women and children same as his pal Bush but even murdering many more than Bush did and then expanded the dreconian patriot act of bush’s allowing even MORE illegal survaliance of us by the deep state than what they did under bush.this moron troll kills me with his fantasy’s.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I have mentally broken you wackos !!! Clearly you are freaking out over the truth.
This is why you watch Fake FoxNews, because they feed you the lies you need to remain loyal sheep Republicans, despite the repeated failure of Bush and Trump.

You just can't handle the fact that Bush and Trump were total failures. The GOP is a total failure. All the bad presidents are republicans. All the good presidents are Dems...
Bush and Trump failed, and left office in shame and disgrace with the country in crisis and ruin.

11 of the last 12 recessions were under a GOP president...
Job gains, GDP gains, and stock market gains are all substantially higher under Dem Presidents...

Covid crushed Trump, Biden is crushing covid. Soon covid will be gone, because of Biden, and the economy is going to explode. Enjoy the new roraring 20s! I know you're going to hate it, because you hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Bush and Trump were total failures...

This is why Biden was elected !!!!

You have not made 1 single valid point at all. It is all partisan, Alex Jones BS and lies. Fake News...
You can't even admit Trump lost the election... If you can't do that, you have no credibility.
Hey stupid fuck I don’t even listen to Alex Jones,thanks for proving to the entire board what a moron you are also such a stupid fuck you are clueless that Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents elected,the whole world knows he got elected from election fraud which has gone on for decades now.

you failed to counter one fact of mine thst Obama was a clone of bush no different from him so give it up with your bullshit thst trump is the same as bush and that America soars under the dems and thst I have not made one single valid point,you and the op are the only ones on here thst have failed to make a valid point. You failed to disprove me how Obama was not a clone of bush. :laughing0301: And you keep evading facts that Americans are fleeing the dem party left and right all the time now because of how it has been infiltrated by terrorists the last coupe of years.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301:
What a bunch of babbling rambling bull shit !!!
Are you drunk right now??

Trump was a failed president and Trump got crushed by covid. The number's don't lie and Trump had the worst covid numbers out of any major country. He didn't take it serious and didn't have a plan, told 10,000 covid lies, then got covid like an idiot, and had all these super-spreader events, like a retard.
"this is nothing it will all go away"
"Its the flu"
"We're rounding the curve"
"Maybe we could inject bleach" (what fucking retard)

Biden is crushing covid and the numbers don't lie. Covid is plummeting and vaccine distribution is way above schedule, and way above Trump.
The economy is a couple months away from mega growth and boom, because Biden is crushing covid.

Trump was a failure, just like Bush. Trump was another Bush, there was no difference, two failed terrible GOP presidents that left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings and the country in crisis.

Biden is doing a great job and is going to be a fantastic president, with a better economy than Trump's little 2.6% growth (barely better than Obama, even though Trump had much more spending and deficits).

At least lose with dignity.
Go inject some bleach retard !!!
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Republicans hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Republicans care more about their party than the country. Party First. Party over country.

Republicans want the country to fail under Dems.

"I Hope He Fails"
-Rush Limbaugh

Why are all the failed presidents (Bush and Trump) Republicans.
All the successful presidents are Dems.

Obama was still better than Bush or Trump so I don't see what leg the GOP has to stand on??

Biden is another Clinton, and Golden Age 2.0 is about to happen. The Biden Boom, The New Roaring 20s, anther Bill Clinton Golden Age

America is just better when a Dem is president.
Don’t you ever get tired of making an ass out of yourself and embarrassing yourself to the entire board? Thanks for demonstrating to the entire board what a stupid fuck you are as always.:clap: The fact you lumped trump in there with Bush demonstrates your stupidity.Time for you to start crying the fact you are the one that has no leg to stand on in the FACT that thousands of Americans have fled the dem party left and right and this is coming from someone who has always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg:

Nice game of dodgeball there how both me and Easy handed your ass to you on a platter how America is far worse off now under Biden than the entire time it was under Trump and that you can’t stand toe to toe in a debate.:thup:

Trump was far more successful than big ears was,Trump did not start any wars moron and made attempts at peace with world leaders.Putin hates Biden cause he knows he is a warmonger dumbshit.Trump brought jobs back to the economy.

Biden is another Clinton alright.Both Clinton and Bush were in favor of Nafta which Clinton signed into law which took thousands of jobs away from Americans to Mexico idiot oh and you just proved the republicans are good presidents in your OWN words as well talking about the roaring twenty’s when America was roaring with a successful economy because it was run under Republican Calvin Coolidge,our last great Republican president.:thup::abgg2q.jpg:

Thanks for proving to the entire board as well what a true stupid fuck you are in your babble that Obozo was better than Bush and Trump ignoring how obozo lied to the American people when he said he would reverse the corruption of Bush to reverse his policys when instead he expanded them expanding the war in the Mideast being a mass murder of women and children same as his pal Bush but even murdering many more than Bush did and then expanded the dreconian patriot act of bush’s allowing even MORE illegal survaliance of us by the deep state than what they did under bush.this moron troll kills me with his fantasy’s.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I have mentally broken you wackos !!! Clearly you are freaking out over the truth.
This is why you watch Fake FoxNews, because they feed you the lies you need to remain loyal sheep Republicans, despite the repeated failure of Bush and Trump.

You just can't handle the fact that Bush and Trump were total failures. The GOP is a total failure. All the bad presidents are republicans. All the good presidents are Dems...
Bush and Trump failed, and left office in shame and disgrace with the country in crisis and ruin.

11 of the last 12 recessions were under a GOP president...
Job gains, GDP gains, and stock market gains are all substantially higher under Dem Presidents...

Covid crushed Trump, Biden is crushing covid. Soon covid will be gone, because of Biden, and the economy is going to explode. Enjoy the new roraring 20s! I know you're going to hate it, because you hate it when America soars under Dem presidents.

Bush and Trump were total failures...

This is why Biden was elected !!!!

You have not made 1 single valid point at all. It is all partisan, Alex Jones BS and lies. Fake News...
You can't even admit Trump lost the election... If you can't do that, you have no credibility.
Hey stupid fuck I don’t even listen to Alex Jones,thanks for proving to the entire board what a moron you are also such a stupid fuck you are clueless that Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents elected,the whole world knows he got elected from election fraud which has gone on for decades now.

you failed to counter one fact of mine thst Obama was a clone of bush no different from him so give it up with your bullshit thst trump is the same as bush and that America soars under the dems and thst I have not made one single valid point,you and the op are the only ones on here thst have failed to make a valid point. You failed to disprove me how Obama was not a clone of bush. :laughing0301: And you keep evading facts that Americans are fleeing the dem party left and right all the time now because of how it has been infiltrated by terrorists the last coupe of years.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301:
What a bunch of babbling rambling bull shit !!!
Are you drunk right now??

Trump was a failed president and Trump got crushed by covid. The number's don't lie and Trump had the worst covid numbers out of any major country. He didn't take it serious and didn't have a plan, told 10,000 covid lies, then got covid like an idiot, and had all these super-spreader events, like a retard.
"this is nothing it will all go away"
"Its the flu"
"We're rounding the curve"
"Maybe we could inject bleach" (what fucking retard)

Biden is crushing covid and the numbers don't lie. Covid is plummeting and vaccine distribution is way above schedule, and way above Trump.
The economy is a couple months away from mega growth and boom, because Biden is crushing covid.

Trump was a failure, just like Bush. Trump was another Bush, there was no difference, two failed terrible presidents that left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings.

At least lose with dignity.
Go inject some bleach retard !!!
Hey coward,I see how you keep evading facts that Obama was a clone of bush,a total failure just like him and that thousands of Americans are fleeing the corrupt dem party left and are also such a stupid fuck the fact you are clueless trump is the first president sense carter to not start a war and the dems unleashed the corona virus to blame eveything on trump because they failed first to prevent him from getting elected with the russia hoax and then failed again with trumped up impeachment keep playing dodgeball bringing up the same old bullshit instead of addressing facts.

You are such a stupid babbling fuck that you are clueless that under lying Biden,thousands around the world have died because of this vaccine he is in favor of getting out to the whole world. :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: You need to change your user name from the banker to the idiot.
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