Building the Border Fence - A Public/Private Partnership

You and the East Germans are cut from the same cloth.

It is amazing that liberals are called 'commies', when it is impossible to separate the right in America from commie policies.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

Does it HURT to be this stupid?

Says the NAZI who wants to execute Hispanic women and children
You're being stupid again......

Stupid is as stupid does...are you SO stupid that you don't even know what YOU said?

"Need lots of concrete to fill a tunnel that size...but only a little nerve gas to make it impassible"

"So turn a few dozen into wreckage and fish food. Can't imagine an ultralight holds up to .50BMG rounds, Stinger missiles, or 7.62NATO fire very well"
The bottom line is, there is no willful appeal to ignorance of our Commerce Clause.

Why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders?

Dude, just stop with the one-note trolling.
Dude, there is no willful appeal to ignorance of our Commerce Clause.
If you mention the Commerce Clause one more time I'm going to put you on 'ignore.'
go for it; you have nothing but fallacy anyway since you can't come up with any valid rebuttal. thanks for sharing in the public domain.
You don't have much better. You keep droning on about the commerce clause as though it means anything at all in this conversation. Guess what - it does not.

The federal government has the authority AND responsibility to secure the borders - period. That is not and never has been in dispute. The commerce clause does not need to be watered down into a meaningless phrase to give the government that authority - it is already there without it. The question has never been weather or not the government has the authority but rather how should it execute it.
Yes, it must; simply because, there is no willful appeal to ignorance of our Commerce Clause for our border problems which involve Commerce. Our drug war is another example of where the Judicature has to provide a moral example, and stop appealing to ignorance of our Commerce Clause in favor of Prohibition.
Dude, just stop with the one-note trolling.
Dude, there is no willful appeal to ignorance of our Commerce Clause.
If you mention the Commerce Clause one more time I'm going to put you on 'ignore.'
go for it; you have nothing but fallacy anyway since you can't come up with any valid rebuttal. thanks for sharing in the public domain.
You don't have much better. You keep droning on about the commerce clause as though it means anything at all in this conversation. Guess what - it does not.

The federal government has the authority AND responsibility to secure the borders - period. That is not and never has been in dispute. The commerce clause does not need to be watered down into a meaningless phrase to give the government that authority - it is already there without it. The question has never been weather or not the government has the authority but rather how should it execute it.
Yes, it must; simply because, there is no willful appeal to ignorance of our Commerce Clause for our border problems which involve Commerce. Our drug war is another example of where the Judicature has to provide a moral example, and stop appealing to ignorance of our Commerce Clause in favor of Prohibition.

That's it: you are on 'ignore.'
No, most illegals don't come in legally. They come in over our Southern border. Just about everything opponents of a fence say about illegal immigration is a lie. This isn't a problem created by rich pubs. Democrats, especially Obama, created the problem. Trying to blame it on pubs is a joke.

Republicans like their cheap labor, which is why you'll find no employers of illegals in Sheriff Joe's tent camp.
No, most illegals don't come in legally. They come in over our Southern border. Just about everything opponents of a fence say about illegal immigration is a lie. This isn't a problem created by rich pubs. Democrats, especially Obama, created the problem. Trying to blame it on pubs is a joke.

Republicans like their cheap labor, which is why you'll find no employers of illegals in Sheriff Joe's tent camp.

Wrong. Rank and file Republicans are all employees, so why would they want competition that's willing to work for pocket change? I don't know who you think these "Republicans" are that want to import cheap labor from Mexico, but I've never met one.

Democrats are the ones doing everything possible to encourage illegal immigration and prevent sealing the border. Trying to pin the blame on Republicans only makes you look like a sleazy lying leftwing turd.
The Urban Institute, a research group in Washington, D.C., estimates between 65,000 and 75,000 undocumented Canadians currently live in the United States.

Bributt need to place a Canadian fence!

Yeah, 65,000 Canadians is the real problem, not 20 million Mexicans!

No, most illegals don't come in legally. They come in over our Southern border. Just about everything opponents of a fence say about illegal immigration is a lie. This isn't a problem created by rich pubs. Democrats, especially Obama, created the problem. Trying to blame it on pubs is a joke.

Republicans like their cheap labor, which is why you'll find no employers of illegals in Sheriff Joe's tent camp.
The problem of illegal immigration has historical been about jobs. However, today there's a relatively new ingredient, families. We have so many Latin Americans in the US, both legal and illegally that families in Latin America will do what ever is necessary to be with their family and loved ones. As long as we reward illegals with jobs and our laws make it difficult or impossible for love ones to be their families, you won't be able to build a wall high enough to keep them out.
No, most illegals don't come in legally. They come in over our Southern border. Just about everything opponents of a fence say about illegal immigration is a lie. This isn't a problem created by rich pubs. Democrats, especially Obama, created the problem. Trying to blame it on pubs is a joke.

Republicans like their cheap labor, which is why you'll find no employers of illegals in Sheriff Joe's tent camp.
The problem of illegal immigration has historical been about jobs. However, today there's a relatively new ingredient, families. We have so many Latin Americans in the US, both legal and illegally that families in Latin America will do what ever is necessary to be with their family and loved ones. As long as we reward illegals with jobs and our laws make it difficult or impossible for love ones to be their families, you won't be able to build a wall high enough to keep them out.

Wrong. One thing they won't do is go back to Mexico. That shows this claim is just a just another excuse for doing nothing.
How many Canadians are here illegally?
Good question, that no one knows the answer to.
It's estimated that about 65,000 to 75,000 Canadians live in the US illegally. Entering Canada legally is relatively easy compared to US. Thus you have a lot permanent and temporary residents in Canada. What is not known is how many of these people illegally cross the Canadian border into the US.

The general public seems to assume that essential all illegal immigrants are Latin Americans who sneak across our southern boarder. The facts is that 25% of the known illegal immigrants do not come from Latin America.

Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I knew a couple of illegal Kanuks over the years. Why they wanted to come here is beyond me. Less work, more insanity. I guess to the ones this appeals to, Canada says "adios and don't let the door hit you on the butt on the way out".

Building the Border Fence - A Public/Private Partnership

In related news, sales of shovels, pick axes and short framing timbers are skyrocketing along Mexican border towns...
The real problem is that there is no appeal to ignorance of our Commerce Clause; why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders?
No, most illegals don't come in legally. They come in over our Southern border. Just about everything opponents of a fence say about illegal immigration is a lie. This isn't a problem created by rich pubs. Democrats, especially Obama, created the problem. Trying to blame it on pubs is a joke.

Republicans like their cheap labor, which is why you'll find no employers of illegals in Sheriff Joe's tent camp.
The problem of illegal immigration has historical been about jobs. However, today there's a relatively new ingredient, families. We have so many Latin Americans in the US, both legal and illegally that families in Latin America will do what ever is necessary to be with their family and loved ones. As long as we reward illegals with jobs and our laws make it difficult or impossible for love ones to be their families, you won't be able to build a wall high enough to keep them out.

Wrong. One thing they won't do is go back to Mexico. That shows this claim is just a just another excuse for doing nothing.
Actually they do. Both legal and illegal Mexican Americans living in the US cross back into Mexico quite often. Many of the those apprehended attempting to cross into the US are illegal immigrants returning to the states.

If you mean they don't often return permanently to Mexico, you're probably correct, however I was addressing Latin American entering into the US illegal to be with family and loved ones.
No, most illegals don't come in legally. They come in over our Southern border. Just about everything opponents of a fence say about illegal immigration is a lie. This isn't a problem created by rich pubs. Democrats, especially Obama, created the problem. Trying to blame it on pubs is a joke.

Republicans like their cheap labor, which is why you'll find no employers of illegals in Sheriff Joe's tent camp.
The problem of illegal immigration has historical been about jobs. However, today there's a relatively new ingredient, families. We have so many Latin Americans in the US, both legal and illegally that families in Latin America will do what ever is necessary to be with their family and loved ones. As long as we reward illegals with jobs and our laws make it difficult or impossible for love ones to be their families, you won't be able to build a wall high enough to keep them out.

Wrong. One thing they won't do is go back to Mexico. That shows this claim is just a just another excuse for doing nothing.
Actually they do. Both legal and illegal Mexican Americans living in the US cross back into Mexico quite often. Many of the those apprehended attempting to cross into the US are illegal immigrants returning to the states.

If you mean they don't often return permanently to Mexico, you're probably correct, however I was addressing Latin American entering into the US illegal to be with family and loved ones.

The real reason they are entering is to get an American job. Any other claims are just plain bullshit.

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