Building the Border Fence - A Public/Private Partnership

A very concise answer is there; you are just not competent enough to understand it yet, grasshopper.
ROFL... if anyone's gonna be armed with helicopters it will be the illegals not our people. We would never shoot our illegal guests who are crossing. We are begging them to come over illegally. Why would we shoot them?

Regardless if you were to spend a trillion dollars a year protecting our border with our entire armed forces... the illegals would just come by boat or visa and stay illegally.

You're a waste of bandwidth. All your claims are idiotic. The idea that illegal entry cannot be drastically reduced no matter how much money the government spends is absurd.

The coast guard already interdicts boats trying to enter U.S waters to search for illegal drugs. If that was an effective means of aliens getting in, they would already be doing it, but they don't.
ROFL you think the coast guard has slowed illegal drug smuggling? You'd have to be the biggest moron on the face of the planet to believe illegals don't come by boat. The biggest moron on the planet. I lived in South Florida. I still visit South Florida. I spent a lot of time out in the water. I used to listen to the planes fly in dropping mj bales and cocaine in the everglades when I lived in corals springs. I'd watch them pick the stuff up with air boats and such as we fished out in the glades. ROFL... Some get caught but it's a small small percentage and more for show than actual security.
The US has 94,000 miles of coast line. Florida has over 8,000. Bringing in illegals and drugs in by boat would be no problem. Unless law enforcement is tipped off, the chance of being caught has to be very small. The only problem with bring in illegals by boat is the cost. About 10% of illegals do enter the US by boat.

Ayup... and if you increase the cost of entering by land you'll just push more people into boats.
And if you build a wall, they'll tunnel under it or fly over it. You can't solve the illegal immigration problem without addressing the reason why they are coming.

If it was so easy, then people would have had no trouble escaping East Germany. We would also still be hearing about suicide bombers killing Israelis. The claim that it's so easy to build tunnels and so hard to stop them is obvious horseshit. It's just another excuse to do nothing.
Illegal immigrants will remain a problem until Sheriff Joe, et al, starts locking up employers thus removing incentives for illegals. Net cost for taxpayers? Close to zero.
how does that work for employees if their employer goes bankrupt litigating?

How many employers are going to continue to hire illegals if there's jail time involved?
Jail time for what. Bearing true witness to a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will?
You're a waste of bandwidth. All your claims are idiotic. The idea that illegal entry cannot be drastically reduced no matter how much money the government spends is absurd.

The coast guard already interdicts boats trying to enter U.S waters to search for illegal drugs. If that was an effective means of aliens getting in, they would already be doing it, but they don't.
ROFL you think the coast guard has slowed illegal drug smuggling? You'd have to be the biggest moron on the face of the planet to believe illegals don't come by boat. The biggest moron on the planet. I lived in South Florida. I still visit South Florida. I spent a lot of time out in the water. I used to listen to the planes fly in dropping mj bales and cocaine in the everglades when I lived in corals springs. I'd watch them pick the stuff up with air boats and such as we fished out in the glades. ROFL... Some get caught but it's a small small percentage and more for show than actual security.
The US has 94,000 miles of coast line. Florida has over 8,000. Bringing in illegals and drugs in by boat would be no problem. Unless law enforcement is tipped off, the chance of being caught has to be very small. The only problem with bring in illegals by boat is the cost. About 10% of illegals do enter the US by boat.

Ayup... and if you increase the cost of entering by land you'll just push more people into boats.
And if you build a wall, they'll tunnel under it or fly over it. You can't solve the illegal immigration problem without addressing the reason why they are coming.

If it was so easy, then people would have had no trouble escaping East Germany. We would also still be hearing about suicide bombers killing Israelis. The claim that it's so easy to build tunnels and so hard to stop them is obvious horseshit. It's just another excuse to do nothing.
Like the East Germans, Republicans see beefing up boarder security as a tactic to avoid dealing with the problems. Republicans just want to delay any legislation until they have full control of government which may take two years, four years, 8 years, or however long it takes.
Beefing up border security is not a magical solution for our illegal immigration problems. It doesn't address the 11 to 20 million illegal immigrants in the US except to prompted large numbers of them to remain in the U.S. permanently. Most illegal immigrants in the US want to return to home but only if they feel they can return to the US. It doesn't address the conflicting laws that have created jobs for over 10,000 immigration lawyers. It also doesn't address the millions of illegal immigrants that are entering this country legally and are living in the US with expired visas. Nor does it address those whose parents brought them into the US as children or dozens of other shortcomings in the existing laws..
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Illegal immigrants will remain a problem until Sheriff Joe, et al, starts locking up employers thus removing incentives for illegals. Net cost for taxpayers? Close to zero.
how does that work for employees if their employer goes bankrupt litigating?

How many employers are going to continue to hire illegals if there's jail time involved?

Why do leftwing turds think the solution to every problem is to put business owners in prison? Just admit you're only goal is to punish business owners and not to solve the illegal alien problem.
Illegal immigrants will remain a problem until Sheriff Joe, et al, starts locking up employers thus removing incentives for illegals. Net cost for taxpayers? Close to zero.
how does that work for employees if their employer goes bankrupt litigating?

How many employers are going to continue to hire illegals if there's jail time involved?

Why do leftwing turds think the solution to every problem is to put business owners in prison? Just admit you're only goal is to punish business owners and not to solve the illegal alien problem.
Our little infant doesn't care about Americans breaking the law, just the taco *******.
Illegal immigrants will remain a problem until Sheriff Joe, et al, starts locking up employers thus removing incentives for illegals. Net cost for taxpayers? Close to zero.
how does that work for employees if their employer goes bankrupt litigating?

How many employers are going to continue to hire illegals if there's jail time involved?

Why do leftwing turds think the solution to every problem is to put business owners in prison? Just admit you're only goal is to punish business owners and not to solve the illegal alien problem.
Our little infant doesn't care about Americans breaking the law, just the taco *******.

Obviously you and all the other turds don't really care about stopping illegal immigration. Punishing business owners is more important that actually doing something about the problem. You're all a bunch of scumbags who are happy to watch your country swirl down the toilet bowl.
Illegal immigrants will remain a problem until Sheriff Joe, et al, starts locking up employers thus removing incentives for illegals. Net cost for taxpayers? Close to zero.
how does that work for employees if their employer goes bankrupt litigating?

How many employers are going to continue to hire illegals if there's jail time involved?

Why do leftwing turds think the solution to every problem is to put business owners in prison? Just admit you're only goal is to punish business owners and not to solve the illegal alien problem.
Our little infant doesn't care about Americans breaking the law, just the taco *******.

Obviously you and all the other turds don't really care about stopping illegal immigration. Punishing business owners is more important that actually doing something about the problem. You're all a bunch of scumbags who are happy to watch your country swirl down the toilet bowl.
Let's us all know when we should begin enforcing American law there my little infant.
how does that work for employees if their employer goes bankrupt litigating?

How many employers are going to continue to hire illegals if there's jail time involved?

Why do leftwing turds think the solution to every problem is to put business owners in prison? Just admit you're only goal is to punish business owners and not to solve the illegal alien problem.
Our little infant doesn't care about Americans breaking the law, just the taco *******.

Obviously you and all the other turds don't really care about stopping illegal immigration. Punishing business owners is more important that actually doing something about the problem. You're all a bunch of scumbags who are happy to watch your country swirl down the toilet bowl.
Let's us all know when we should begin enforcing American law there my little infant.

Start enforcing them all right now. Tell me when a Democrat enforces any immigration law. I won't be holding my breath.

BTW, there is no jail time for hiring an illegal. That's just a libturd wet dream.
How many employers are going to continue to hire illegals if there's jail time involved?

Why do leftwing turds think the solution to every problem is to put business owners in prison? Just admit you're only goal is to punish business owners and not to solve the illegal alien problem.
Our little infant doesn't care about Americans breaking the law, just the taco *******.

Obviously you and all the other turds don't really care about stopping illegal immigration. Punishing business owners is more important that actually doing something about the problem. You're all a bunch of scumbags who are happy to watch your country swirl down the toilet bowl.
Let's us all know when we should begin enforcing American law there my little infant.

Start enforcing them all right now. Tell me when a Democrat enforces any immigration law. I won't be holding my breath.

BTW, there is no jail time for hiring an illegal. That's just a libturd wet dream.
Cash will do just fine, we need it: Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants LegalMatch Law Library
Why do leftwing turds think the solution to every problem is to put business owners in prison? Just admit you're only goal is to punish business owners and not to solve the illegal alien problem.
Our little infant doesn't care about Americans breaking the law, just the taco *******.

Obviously you and all the other turds don't really care about stopping illegal immigration. Punishing business owners is more important that actually doing something about the problem. You're all a bunch of scumbags who are happy to watch your country swirl down the toilet bowl.
Let's us all know when we should begin enforcing American law there my little infant.

Start enforcing them all right now. Tell me when a Democrat enforces any immigration law. I won't be holding my breath.

BTW, there is no jail time for hiring an illegal. That's just a libturd wet dream.
Cash will do just fine, we need it: Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants LegalMatch Law Library

You think I'm in the way of enforcing the law? Nope, Democrats are the ones who refuse to do it. I've always said we don't need any new immigration laws. We only need to enforce the ones we have on the books.
Our little infant doesn't care about Americans breaking the law, just the taco *******.

Obviously you and all the other turds don't really care about stopping illegal immigration. Punishing business owners is more important that actually doing something about the problem. You're all a bunch of scumbags who are happy to watch your country swirl down the toilet bowl.
Let's us all know when we should begin enforcing American law there my little infant.

Start enforcing them all right now. Tell me when a Democrat enforces any immigration law. I won't be holding my breath.

BTW, there is no jail time for hiring an illegal. That's just a libturd wet dream.
Cash will do just fine, we need it: Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants LegalMatch Law Library

You think I'm in the way of enforcing the law? Nope, Democrats are the ones who refuse to do it. I've always said we don't need any new immigration laws. We only need to enforce the ones we have on the books.
So, stand up and tell them to start handing out massive fines to the people these wetbacks work for eh?
Obviously you and all the other turds don't really care about stopping illegal immigration. Punishing business owners is more important that actually doing something about the problem. You're all a bunch of scumbags who are happy to watch your country swirl down the toilet bowl.
Let's us all know when we should begin enforcing American law there my little infant.

Start enforcing them all right now. Tell me when a Democrat enforces any immigration law. I won't be holding my breath.

BTW, there is no jail time for hiring an illegal. That's just a libturd wet dream.
Cash will do just fine, we need it: Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants LegalMatch Law Library

You think I'm in the way of enforcing the law? Nope, Democrats are the ones who refuse to do it. I've always said we don't need any new immigration laws. We only need to enforce the ones we have on the books.
So, stand up and tell them to start handing out massive fines to the people these wetbacks work for eh?

I'm not standing in the way. The people you voted info office are.
Let's us all know when we should begin enforcing American law there my little infant.

Start enforcing them all right now. Tell me when a Democrat enforces any immigration law. I won't be holding my breath.

BTW, there is no jail time for hiring an illegal. That's just a libturd wet dream.
Cash will do just fine, we need it: Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants LegalMatch Law Library

You think I'm in the way of enforcing the law? Nope, Democrats are the ones who refuse to do it. I've always said we don't need any new immigration laws. We only need to enforce the ones we have on the books.
So, stand up and tell them to start handing out massive fines to the people these wetbacks work for eh?

I'm not standing in the way. The people you voted info office are.
They're doing what every other administration has done for the last six decades, treading water and kicking the can down the road.
Start enforcing them all right now. Tell me when a Democrat enforces any immigration law. I won't be holding my breath.

BTW, there is no jail time for hiring an illegal. That's just a libturd wet dream.
Cash will do just fine, we need it: Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants LegalMatch Law Library

You think I'm in the way of enforcing the law? Nope, Democrats are the ones who refuse to do it. I've always said we don't need any new immigration laws. We only need to enforce the ones we have on the books.
So, stand up and tell them to start handing out massive fines to the people these wetbacks work for eh?

I'm not standing in the way. The people you voted info office are.
They're doing what every other administration has done for the last six decades, treading water and kicking the can down the road.

Wrong, they are actively trying to subvert the laws on the books, which they categorically refuse to enforce. Not only that, but every Democrat mayor and governor in the country refuses to enforce the laws on the books. They even attack people like Sheriff Arpaio who attempt to enforce the immigration laws.

Who do you think you're fooling?

You think I'm in the way of enforcing the law? Nope, Democrats are the ones who refuse to do it. I've always said we don't need any new immigration laws. We only need to enforce the ones we have on the books.
So, stand up and tell them to start handing out massive fines to the people these wetbacks work for eh?

I'm not standing in the way. The people you voted info office are.
They're doing what every other administration has done for the last six decades, treading water and kicking the can down the road.

Wrong, they are actively trying to subvert the laws on the books, which the categorically refuse to enforce. Not only that, but every Democrat mayor and governor in the country refuses to enforce the laws on the books. They even attack people like Sheriff Arpaio who attempt to enforce the immigration laws.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I'm not fooling anyone. I know the six decades of history, which you are ignoring.

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