"Building What": Geraldo At Large

What do you "think" Rich Larry Silverstein meant by the word "pull?"

How long would it take to prep a 47 story building for controlled demolition?

How much money has Rich Larry made from the events of 911?

Try to stay in character.

What do YOU think he meant? Bear in mind, if you claim Silverstein meant controlled demolition that it also means the fire department made the decision to use demolition charges and carried out the deed. Most truthtards conveniently ignore this little fact when they jack off to Silverstein and his pull it comment.

As for made, he has lost money. Millions in fact. All the money you truthtards ignorantly claim he "made" went right into the rebuilding of the towers. Or do you honestly expect everyone to believe a person in a lease can just walk away from a lease after destroying the leased object without paying for it? :lol: Nobody but a truthtard is that dumb.
what do you "think" rich larry silverstein meant by the word "pull?"

how long would it take to prep a 47 story building for controlled demolition?

How much money has rich larry made from the events of 911?

Try to stay in character.

what do you think he meant? Bear in mind, if you claim silverstein meant controlled demolition that it also means the fire department made the decision to use demolition charges and carried out the deed. Most truthtards conveniently ignore this little fact when they jack off to silverstein and his pull it comment.

As for made, he has lost money. Millions in fact. All the money you truthtards ignorantly claim he "made" went right into the rebuilding of the towers. Or do you honestly expect everyone to believe a person in a lease can just walk away from a lease after destroying the leased object without paying for it? :lol: Nobody but a truthtard is that dumb.

post anything credible saying silverstein lost millions....or shut up
"NEW YORK - Larry Silverstein, who acquired the lease to operate the World Trade Center in July, is seeking $7.2 billion from insurers for the destruction of the center - twice the amount insurers say he can claim.

"The two hijacked airliners that struck the 110-story twin towers Sept. 11 were separate 'occurrences' for insurance purposes, entitling him to collect twice on $3.6 billion of policies, a spokesman for Mr. Silverstein said.

"Companies that insured the building, including Chubb Corp., Swiss Reinsurance Co., Allianz AG, Ace Ltd. and XL Capital Ltd., said that because the attack was coordinated it counts as only a single occurrence.

"This is something that's going to be debated for a very long time," said Julie Rochman of the American Insurance Association, a trade group representing Chubb and the other insurers.

Mr. Silverstein, who has vowed to rebuild the complex, is liable for more than $100 million a year in lease payments to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owns the 16-acre (6.5-hectare) site, the spokesman for the property company said."

Rich Larry's Scam
What do you "think" Rich Larry Silverstein meant by the word "pull?"

How long would it take to prep a 47 story building for controlled demolition?

How much money has Rich Larry made from the events of 911?

Try to stay in character.
You're so fucking stupid and ignorant, you make it too fucking easy!
what do you "think" rich larry silverstein meant by the word "pull?"

how long would it take to prep a 47 story building for controlled demolition?

How much money has rich larry made from the events of 911?

Try to stay in character.

what do you think he meant? Bear in mind, if you claim silverstein meant controlled demolition that it also means the fire department made the decision to use demolition charges and carried out the deed. Most truthtards conveniently ignore this little fact when they jack off to silverstein and his pull it comment.

As for made, he has lost money. Millions in fact. All the money you truthtards ignorantly claim he "made" went right into the rebuilding of the towers. Or do you honestly expect everyone to believe a person in a lease can just walk away from a lease after destroying the leased object without paying for it? :lol: Nobody but a truthtard is that dumb.

post anything credible saying silverstein lost millions....or shut up
You really have to wonder what Larry knew and when he knew it.

It doesn't appear he's lost any money so far on 911:

"Under a pending agreement, a developer and his investors will get back most of the down payment that they made to lease the World Trade Center just six weeks before a terrorist attack destroyed the twin towers.

"Developer Larry Silverstein and investors Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre are nearing a deal that would give them about $98 million of their original investment of $124 million, The New York Times reported Saturday. [MontereyHerald 11/22/2003]

"Instead of renovation, Silverstein is rebuilding, funded by the insurance coverage on the property which 'fortuitously' covered acts of terrorism. Even better, Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy, based on the two, in Silverstein's view, separate attacks.

"The total potential payout is $7.1 billion, more than enough to build a fabulous new complex and leave a hefty profit for the Silverstein Group, including Larry Silverstein himself."

Silverstein Makes...
what do you "think" rich larry silverstein meant by the word "pull?"

how long would it take to prep a 47 story building for controlled demolition?

How much money has rich larry made from the events of 911?

Try to stay in character.
you're so fucking stupid and ignorant, you make it too fucking easy!

controlled demolition inc had the contract for the ground zero clean up and destruction of evidence,,,true story
what do you think he meant? Bear in mind, if you claim silverstein meant controlled demolition that it also means the fire department made the decision to use demolition charges and carried out the deed. Most truthtards conveniently ignore this little fact when they jack off to silverstein and his pull it comment.

As for made, he has lost money. Millions in fact. All the money you truthtards ignorantly claim he "made" went right into the rebuilding of the towers. Or do you honestly expect everyone to believe a person in a lease can just walk away from a lease after destroying the leased object without paying for it? :lol: Nobody but a truthtard is that dumb.

post anything credible saying silverstein lost millions....or shut up
you really have to wonder what larry knew and when he knew it.

It doesn't appear he's lost any money so far on 911:

"under a pending agreement, a developer and his investors will get back most of the down payment that they made to lease the world trade center just six weeks before a terrorist attack destroyed the twin towers.

"developer larry silverstein and investors lloyd goldman and joseph cayre are nearing a deal that would give them about $98 million of their original investment of $124 million, the new york times reported saturday. [montereyherald 11/22/2003]

"instead of renovation, silverstein is rebuilding, funded by the insurance coverage on the property which 'fortuitously' covered acts of terrorism. Even better, silverstein filed two insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy, based on the two, in silverstein's view, separate attacks.

"the total potential payout is $7.1 billion, more than enough to build a fabulous new complex and leave a hefty profit for the silverstein group, including larry silverstein himself."

silverstein makes...

ya parrots9/11 prefers to make his own facts
controlled demolition inc had the contract for the ground zero clean up and destruction of evidence,,,true story
So you're surprised a company that specializes in demolition and cleanup should be involved? BTW, it was one of several companies involved in the cleanup.

Which, of course, backs up the common sense claim that the clean up crews knew the signs of controlled demolition. Or are they just more of the thousands in on your "little" conspiracy?
Imagine a one inch steel column reduced to half-inch thickness with "...edges curled like a paper scroll."

"Gaping holes - some larger than a silver dollar - let light shine through a formerly solid steel flange."

Luckily some of the steel that NIST claims was never recovered from WTC7 has found its way to The Worcester Polytechnic Institute:

"A one-inch column has been reduced to half-inch thickness.

"Its edges–which are curled like a paper scroll–have been thinned to almost razor sharpness.

"Gaping holes–some larger than a silver dollar–let light shine through a formerly solid steel flange.

"This Swiss cheese appearance shocked all of the fire-wise professors, who expected to see distortion and bending–but not holes.”

Swiss Cheese Steel...see it here
what do you think he meant? Bear in mind, if you claim silverstein meant controlled demolition that it also means the fire department made the decision to use demolition charges and carried out the deed. Most truthtards conveniently ignore this little fact when they jack off to silverstein and his pull it comment.

As for made, he has lost money. Millions in fact. All the money you truthtards ignorantly claim he "made" went right into the rebuilding of the towers. Or do you honestly expect everyone to believe a person in a lease can just walk away from a lease after destroying the leased object without paying for it? :lol: Nobody but a truthtard is that dumb.

post anything credible saying silverstein lost millions....or shut up
You really have to wonder what Larry knew and when he knew it.

It doesn't appear he's lost any money so far on 911:

"Under a pending agreement, a developer and his investors will get back most of the down payment that they made to lease the World Trade Center just six weeks before a terrorist attack destroyed the twin towers.

"Developer Larry Silverstein and investors Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre are nearing a deal that would give them about $98 million of their original investment of $124 million, The New York Times reported Saturday. [MontereyHerald 11/22/2003]

"Instead of renovation, Silverstein is rebuilding, funded by the insurance coverage on the property which 'fortuitously' covered acts of terrorism. Even better, Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy, based on the two, in Silverstein's view, separate attacks.

"The total potential payout is $7.1 billion, more than enough to build a fabulous new complex and leave a hefty profit for the Silverstein Group, including Larry Silverstein himself."

Silverstein Makes...

Deal reached on World Trade Center rebuilding between Larry Silverstein, Port Authority | 7online.com

Silverstein,who has paid billions of dollars in rent to the Port Authority since 2001, said the agency wasn't building its part of the project on time, throwing off the timing and financing for his buildings in a tough real estate market.

Like I said. Silverstein was leasing the property. The insurance doesn't even go to him, but to the rebuilding of the tower and other buildings destroyed on 9/11. In the mean time he has to keep paying the port authority to continue the lease once the new buildings are built.

Oh, and the insurance payout was only 4.55 billion. Source

In the long run he is still going to make money, but he didn't make anything off the insurance.

I am sure this is evidence you will ignore in order to push your Silverstein bullshit.
controlled demolition inc had the contract for the ground zero clean up and destruction of evidence,,,true story
so you're surprised a company that specializes in demolition and cleanup should be involved? btw, it was one of several companies involved in the cleanup.

which, of course, backs up the common sense claim that the clean up crews knew the signs of controlled demolition. Or are they just more of the thousands in on your "little" conspiracy?

you just love to make up your little made up facts without any links...dont you ? One company was awarded the contract...so who were the other companies involved ? Involved ?...the lunch truck drivers ?..dump truck drivers ?...who and it what capacity ?...are you not the one that just that told us silverstein lost millions on 9/11 when the exact opposite was true ?
Last edited:
post anything credible saying silverstein lost millions....or shut up
You really have to wonder what Larry knew and when he knew it.

It doesn't appear he's lost any money so far on 911:

"Under a pending agreement, a developer and his investors will get back most of the down payment that they made to lease the World Trade Center just six weeks before a terrorist attack destroyed the twin towers.

"Developer Larry Silverstein and investors Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre are nearing a deal that would give them about $98 million of their original investment of $124 million, The New York Times reported Saturday. [MontereyHerald 11/22/2003]

"Instead of renovation, Silverstein is rebuilding, funded by the insurance coverage on the property which 'fortuitously' covered acts of terrorism. Even better, Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy, based on the two, in Silverstein's view, separate attacks.

"The total potential payout is $7.1 billion, more than enough to build a fabulous new complex and leave a hefty profit for the Silverstein Group, including Larry Silverstein himself."

Silverstein Makes...

Deal reached on World Trade Center rebuilding between Larry Silverstein, Port Authority | 7online.com

Silverstein,who has paid billions of dollars in rent to the Port Authority since 2001, said the agency wasn't building its part of the project on time, throwing off the timing and financing for his buildings in a tough real estate market.

Like I said. Silverstein was leasing the property. The insurance doesn't even go to him, but to the rebuilding of the tower and other buildings destroyed on 9/11. In the mean time he has to keep paying the port authority to continue the lease once the new buildings are built.

got a link to these "facts"

Oh, and the insurance payout was only 4.55 billion. Source

In the long run he is still going to make money, but he didn't make anything off the insurance.

I am sure this is evidence you will ignore in order to push your Silverstein bullshit.

but you said he lost millions ?
controlled demolition inc had the contract for the ground zero clean up and destruction of evidence,,,true story
so you're surprised a company that specializes in demolition and cleanup should be involved? btw, it was one of several companies involved in the cleanup.

which, of course, backs up the common sense claim that the clean up crews knew the signs of controlled demolition. Or are they just more of the thousands in on your "little" conspiracy?
are you not the one that just that told us silverstein lost millions on 9/11 when the exact opposite was true ?

controlled demolition inc had the contract for the ground zero clean up and destruction of evidence,,,true story
so you're surprised a company that specializes in demolition and cleanup should be involved? btw, it was one of several companies involved in the cleanup.

which, of course, backs up the common sense claim that the clean up crews knew the signs of controlled demolition. Or are they just more of the thousands in on your "little" conspiracy?

you just love to make up your little made up facts without any links...dont you ? One company was awarded the contract...so who were the other companies involved ? Involved ?...the lunch truck drivers ?..dump truck drivers ?...who and it what capacity ?...are you not the one that just that told us silverstein lost millions on 9/11 when the exact opposite was true ?

:lol: I love it when truthtards step in their own shit and don't realize it until it covers everything!

One company was not awarded the contract for clean up at WTC ground zero. Four were. Tully Construction, Bovis Lend Lease International, AMEC Construction Management, and Turner Construction. CDI was a SUBCONTRACTOR to Tully Construction.


You know.... if you actually CHECKED my facts before shitting all over yourself, you wouldn't end up like this. :lol:

BTW, apparently you missed the part where I proved Silverstein continues to lose billions to keep up the lease for the WTC complex. :lol:
Awww.... the poor truthtard is too fucking stupid to click on links..... and then demands links. :lol:

eots said:
Patriot911 said:
Oh, and the insurance payout was only 4.55 billion.

In the long run he is still going to make money, but he didn't make anything off the insurance.

I am sure this is evidence you will ignore in order to push your Silverstein bullshit.

but you said he lost millions ?

Oh, sorry. Forgot I was talking to a truthtard that can't tell the difference between losing money now and making money in the future. :lol:

See.... the insurance money went to rebuilding the tower and the other office buildings destroyed on 9/11. Silverstein doesn't get that money. Plus he has to pay to keep the lease to the WTC complex. So yes. He is bleeding money right now.

In the future, when the new tower opens and the other office buildings open, Silverstein will still be in control of the WTC complex and will start making money.

I realize this is very hard for your peabrain to comprehend, but believe it or not, some people spend money to make money. Hence the very true claim that Silverstein has lost millions since 9/11. Some day, in the future, if everything goes according to plan, Silverstein will make money.

All PhysicsExist is good for is cheering on those who push the same bullshit agendas as he does. He can neither debate the facts nor can he debate physics. It is a sad, pathetic life for this truthtard. Let's all give him a hand! :fu: Oooops! That's just the finger he deserves. Don't worry. I am sure he takes it as a sign we think he is number one! :lol:
Awww.... the poor truthtard is too fucking stupid to click on links..... and then demands links. :lol:

eots said:
Patriot911 said:
Oh, and the insurance payout was only 4.55 billion.

In the long run he is still going to make money, but he didn't make anything off the insurance.

I am sure this is evidence you will ignore in order to push your Silverstein bullshit.

but you said he lost millions ?

Oh, sorry. Forgot I was talking to a truthtard that can't tell the difference between losing money now and making money in the future. :lol:

See.... the insurance money went to rebuilding the tower and the other office buildings destroyed on 9/11. Silverstein doesn't get that money. Plus he has to pay to keep the lease to the WTC complex. So yes. He is bleeding money right now.

In the future, when the new tower opens and the other office buildings open, Silverstein will still be in control of the WTC complex and will start making money.

I realize this is very hard for your peabrain to comprehend, but believe it or not, some people spend money to make money. Hence the very true claim that Silverstein has lost millions since 9/11. Some day, in the future, if everything goes according to plan, Silverstein will make money.

and this financial information comes from ?.....the land of your imaginings ?
what do you "think" rich larry silverstein meant by the word "pull?"

how long would it take to prep a 47 story building for controlled demolition?

How much money has rich larry made from the events of 911?

Try to stay in character.
you're so fucking stupid and ignorant, you make it too fucking easy!

controlled demolition inc had the contract for the ground zero clean up and destruction of evidence,,,true story
So fucking what?.

What do you do, hire comapnies who have zero experience cleaning up areas where BUILDINGS HAVE FALLEN?

Once again, YA' GOT NOTHIN'!


Btw, where's your boy Miller?.....You invited his sorry ass up here, he's permanently banned for threatening to kill a bunch of us last night........Just goes to show the integrity of the loons you morons throw up here.......I thought he was supposed to be some kind of 'expert"

You people are fuckin' idiots, nothing more.......Just a bunch of paranoid fools who GOT NOTHIN'!

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