"Building What": Geraldo At Large

The same alqaeda that Bush and his people said OBL was the mastermind/leader, then they torture a "confession" out of KSM. In the USA torturing confessions out of someone is illegal, and is not evidence in a court of real law.
Wow! Your ignorance seriously knows no bounds!!! Open a newspaper. Read up on what you're debating about. Because right now you look like a fucking fool who has his head so far up his ass daylight is only a distant memory.

KSM was not tortured for a confession. KSM was tortured for intelligence. His confession to 9/11 was made freely and before a court of law DIRECTLY, not under tortute.

Mr. Jones said:
Go ahead and post your "tons of evidence" and I'll post how alqaeda is a created front.
I posted the evidence. Now post the EVIDENCE that Al Qaeda is a created front. Not a bunch of retard writers trying to milk you out of your money. EVIDENCE.

Mr. Jones said:
You are disparaging people for their not agreeing with the OCT as provided by their lying government and it gets you riled up, if it bothers you so much get the fuck off here.
I am disparaging fucktards who wish to lie their collective asses off rather than actually look at the TRUTH! The fact you dismiss evidence out of hand yet believe conspiracy sites that are proven liars says VOLUMES about your complete lack of character, integrity, honesty and credibility.

Mr. Jones said:
Face it, you are too terrified to contemplate the possibility that it was indeed a false flag attack, because you are scared, and you should be.
And you know me how? I am more than able to comprehend our government carrying out a false flag operation. Unlike you ignorant fucks, I DEMAND actual evidence of this before going off proclaiming the government or whatever personal boogieman you have is guilty.

Mr. Jones said:
The day is coming when it will be exposed like other government conspiracies, only this time it's going to get nasty for people like you when TSHTF.
Again, what you need before you get ANY traction is actual evidence. Look at all the claims made by the truthtard community. There are literally hundreds of different theories as to who did it, how they did it and why they did it, yet there isn't a single shred of evidence to back ANY of these theories up. NONE!

So really all you're going to get traction with are the retards that are stupid enough to follow another bunch of retards with no evidence that their claims are true.
The people who were removing the debris were TRAINED in how to identify the equipment used in a controlled demolition because the charges don't always go off. Not one blasting cap, wire, or any other shred of evidence was ever found of explosives.
That may be because it is reasoned that conventional CD explosives were not used, and thermite was used as a cutting agent, not only that the wires, and caps you speak of would be consumed..idiot.

Again opinion pretending to be evidence. Show me evidence the investigation was fundamentally flawed. Until you can do that, you will NEVER get a new investigation.
An investigation would be flawed when much of the testimony that was available to the commission was ignored, or omitted, like the firefighters just to name one group. IE: If you were on trial say for murder, and you didn't do the crime, wouldn't you want as many witnesses to testify on your behalf ?? Not having or not using all the available witnesses, or evidence during such an investigation is flawed in sanes peoples point of view.Are you really that stupid?

Listen up, junior. Accusations aren't enough to get an investigation thrown out. As for credibility, I've seen the claims you retarded truthers pretend are real. :lol: They can't even stand up to casual examination, much less a real investigation even if you retards could actually agree on what you believe in.
Accusations are enough to warrant a new look at things, and there appears to be a lot of things that were not brought to light. The physics alone, and the discovery of a cutting agent that Al-cia-da probably couldn't readily obtain warrants a new investigation. Hell didn't NIST say that they were not looking for explosives as the cause of the collapse, because it was " so improbable"? You wont find something you're not looking for genius.

Doesn't it strike you as the least bit odd that none of you can agree on what happened or even have a complete theory from start to finish?
Things aren't always so easy to put together, especially in a crime of this magnitude, and when there are players involved in the so-called investigation that could be involved in the attacks themselves. What better way of sidetracking the investigation and divert attention from yourself, then to take over the investigation? Doesn't it strike you odd and deserving of another look at things when-
The co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission (Thomas Keane and Lee Hamilton) said that the CIA (and likely the White House) "obstructed our investigation"? Indeed, the co-chairs of the Commission now admit that the Commission largely operated based upon political considerations.
According to the Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 and former Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham, a U.S. government informant was the landlord to two of the hijackers for over a year (but the White House refused to let the 9/11 inquiry interview him).
The flight instructors have pointed out to several journalists, Atta and his other party-boy patsy actors were incapable of even competently operating a basic, two-seater Cessna aircraft.
Large sub-basement explosions followed one second later by
airplane crashing into the top of the tower, as experienced by 9/11 hero William Rodriguez, (and others) many people see this as possibly being operational coordination. These people were not presented at the 9-11 commission hearings.
Why no Arab names on passenger List?
It doesn't strike you as odd that on the same day as the 9-11 attacks, the military was running anti terror training drills and operations called Vigilant Guardian.? All that was required to overcome America's military might on 9/11 were 19 hijackers on 4 airliners with box cutters.
Does this sound plausible to you?
And All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company
Odigo Workers Received Warning of 9/11 Attacks
The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11
The Israeli Spy Ring?
PNAC, and its writers and signatories and how many were involved in one way or another with the administration at the time, and how they connect to 9-11?

There's a shitload of questions and information that were not mentioned and omitted from the 9-11 commission report that makes it FLAWED and that warrants another look. and a new investigation. According to you it is enough to say that planes hit the towers and pentagon by Al-cia-da and so the commissions report is not fundamentally flawed? You have no interest in finding answers to these questions, that millions of people pose and it stands to reason that you are too scared to think that you are a victim of government bullshit and lies, or don't give a shit.
The people who were removing the debris were TRAINED in how to identify the equipment used in a controlled demolition because the charges don't always go off. Not one blasting cap, wire, or any other shred of evidence was ever found of explosives.
That may be because it is reasoned that conventional CD explosives were not used, and thermite was used as a cutting agent, not only that the wires, and caps you speak of would be consumed..idiot.
Wrong, ignorant prick! Wires and blasting caps are NOT consumed in the explosion. You are thinking big hollywood explosions with lots of fire. Controlled demolitions have very little heat. They work with PRESSURE, not heat to cut steel.

Thermite is not used in controlled demolitions because it is not reliable, can't cut vertically (it cuts via gravity) and takes seconds to minutes to work, not milliseconds. Ignition is also a problem. Steel cut with thermite is also VERY identifiable as you have both the melted steel and left over melted iron from the reaction.

Mr. Jones said:
An investigation would be flawed when much of the testimony that was available to the commission was ignored, or omitted, like the firefighters just to name one group.
Firefighters were not ignored by the commission. And again, you're pretending the 9/11 commission was the investigation. It wasn't. The investigation was carried out by the FBI.

Mr. Jones said:
IE: If you were on trial say for murder, and you didn't do the crime, wouldn't you want as many witnesses to testify on your behalf ?? Not having or not using all the available witnesses, or evidence during such an investigation is flawed in sanes peoples point of view.Are you really that stupid?
So name a witness who believes your bullshit about controlled demolition? Not every witness made it into the final report, but that doesn't mean they weren't heard.

Mr. Jones said:
Accusations are enough to warrant a new look at things, and there appears to be a lot of things that were not brought to light.
Wrong yet again. If a new investigation were instigated just based on accusations NOTHING would ever get closed. You truthtards would NEVER accept an investigation that doesn't say what you want it to say, which means we would have a never ending line of investigations that all say the same thing.

That is why the judicial system requires EVIDENCE that the investigation was fundamentally flawed. Guess what you 'tards don't have..... :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
The physics alone, and the discovery of a cutting agent that Al-cia-da probably couldn't readily obtain warrants a new investigation.
Truthtards prove time and time again they have no clue about physics. As for "cutting agent", please tell me you're talking about Jones' investigation. He didn't find thermate or thermite. He found a "thermitic material". A match head is thermitic material. :lol: Besides, his experiments did not follow scientific guidelines. One doesn't work towards a pre-conceived notion, but should start with no presumptions and see what the evidence shows.

Mr. Jones said:
Hell didn't NIST say that they were not looking for explosives as the cause of the collapse, because it was " so improbable"? You wont find something you're not looking for genius.
That is because the evidence of explosives were completely missing. You can't have explosives that don't make a REALLY loud noise, yet no noise was heard. When talking about the towers, you had people trapped inside the towers in the very area (the core) you truthtards claim all the high explosives were going off.... yet they survived and didn't hear any explosives going off.

Mr. Jones said:
Doesn't it strike you as the least bit odd that none of you can agree on what happened or even have a complete theory from start to finish?
Things aren't always so easy to put together, especially in a crime of this magnitude, and when there are players involved in the so-called investigation that could be involved in the attacks themselves.
You've had NINE FUCKING YEARS to come up with ANYTHING and none of you have it. You have tons of conflicting theories none of which hold up to even casual examination, much less a serious investigation.

Mr. Jones said:
What better way of sidetracking the investigation and divert attention from yourself, then to take over the investigation? Doesn't it strike you odd and deserving of another look at things when- The co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission (Thomas Keane and Lee Hamilton) said that the CIA (and likely the White House) "obstructed our investigation"? Indeed, the co-chairs of the Commission now admit that the Commission largely operated based upon political considerations.

Yet they don't believe anyone but Al Qaeda was involved. Sure there was a lot of CYA after 9/11 as nobody wanted to have the finger pointing at them claiming they were part of the problem that allowed 9/11 to happen. And in the end, Kean and Hamilton both agreed that the 9/11 commission report was complete and true from everything they had at the time.

Mr. Jones said:
ccording to the Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 and former Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham, a U.S. government informant was the landlord to two of the hijackers for over a year (but the White House refused to let the 9/11 inquiry interview him).
A Muslim informant for the FBI housed two of the hijackers for a very short time, not a year. At the time, the CIA knew of the possible connections of these two hijackers to Al Qaeda, but never informed the FBI. So how is this informant suppose to know these guys are terrorists?

A better question is why are you even questioning about the informant? Truthtards don't believe the official story which includes the hijackers. This is just another example of truthtards that present conflicting information simply because they are too stupid to connect the dots and realize their own beliefs can't all be true.

Mr. Jones said:
The flight instructors have pointed out to several journalists, Atta and his other party-boy patsy actors were incapable of even competently operating a basic, two-seater Cessna aircraft.
Gee. What a surprise! You're wrong yet again. Flight instructors said Hani Hanjour was a bad pilot. Not one instructor has ever said anything bad about Atta because he was a very accomplished pilot. Where do you get all these lies? Do you pull them out your ass or do you just believe whatever you make up?

As for Hanjour, he made a 330 degree turn in almost three minutes to line up with the Pentagon because he came in too high. He then flew the plane into the Pentagon. It is easy. Load up any flight simulator you like and try it yourself. I've done it repeatedly and in far more dramatic fashion than Hanjour.

Mr. Jones said:
Large sub-basement explosions followed one second later by
airplane crashing into the top of the tower, as experienced by 9/11 hero William Rodriguez, (and others) many people see this as possibly being operational coordination. These people were not presented at the 9-11 commission hearings.
Gee. What a surprise! You're wrong again. William Rodriguez did indeed testify before the 9/11 commission. He wasn't the lying asshole he is today, so he gave a much different accounting than he gives now.

"…we hear like a big rumble. Not like an impact, like a rumble, like moving furniture in a massive way. And all of sudden we hear another rumble, and a guy comes running, running into our office, and all of skin was off his body. All of the skin. We went crazy, we started screaming, we told him to get out. We took everybody out of the office outside to the loading dock area."

"All of a sudden at 8:46… we hear 'BOOM!' An explosion so powerful and so loud that push us upward in the air coming from below! It was so powerful that all the walls cracked, the false ceiling fell on top of us, the sprinkler system got activated and everybody started screaming in horror: 'HELP! HELP! HELP!'"

Now come on. How can someone tell so radially DIFFERENT stories? His first one fits the facts. The first rumble he heard would be the impact of the plane reverberating up from the foundation. The vibrations would have traveled far faster than sound and would appear to come from below. The second rumble would be the elevators letting go due to severed cables. And the guy with the burns? High explosives don't cause burns. They cause collapsed lungs, exploded eyes and ears, but not burns. The burns were caused by the fuel coming down the elevator shafts.

Mr. Jones said:
Why no Arab names on passenger List?
Why no arab names? Because you believe everything you read from 9/11 conspiracy sites and never bother to actually check the facts for yourself. Thus you are constantly being made a fool of by the people you trust. How does that make you feel?

The conspiracy sites don't go off the flight manifests; they went off the compilation of names generated by the news agencies.

Here are the ACTUAL flight manifests as produced by the airlines.

Flight 11

Flight 175

Flight 77

Flight 93

More evidence you will ignore.

Mr. Jones said:
It doesn't strike you as odd that on the same day as the 9-11 attacks, the military was running anti terror training drills and operations called Vigilant Guardian.?
You mean the same excercises they ran for several years prior? What about them. These excercises caused about five seconds delay total when the FAA asked NORAD if this was real or an exercise.

Mr. Jones said:
All that was required to overcome America's military might on 9/11 were 19 hijackers on 4 airliners with box cutters.
Does this sound plausible to you?
Sure does. We had no plans in place for an attack of that type. It is always easy to get blindsided by an attack you are not expecting to happen in the way they attack.

Mr. Jones said:
And All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company
Bullshit. Logan International was serviced by an American company, ICTS, that was a subsidiary of a Netherlands company owned by an Israeli. You must have gotten suckered by this article which clearly states all the airports were serviced by one company, yet when you read the article it is clear they are ONLY talking about Logan.

Mr. Jones said:
Odigo Workers Received Warning of 9/11 Attacks
The Odigo workers were in ISRAEL and received a non-specific threat that did not include date, time, place or method. The Odigo office in NYC was about six blocks away from the WTC complex and were never in any danger.

Mr. Jones said:
The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11
Yeah, I love that one! You truthtards like to pretend they were Mossad agents! WOOoOOooOOoO!!!! Here's the problems. The didn't record the first hit. If they were truly there to record the entire attack, why would they miss the first hit. Second major problem. IF they were Mossad agents wanting to document the attack, why go all the way to New Jersey and do it out in the open? I mean come on. You want to talk about plausibility and then you bring THIS up? Seriously. If you were Mossad, wouldn't you just rent a room with a good view and tape it where nobody can even see you?

Mr. Jones said:
The Israeli Spy Ring?
There were suspected Israeli spies in the US spying on suspected terrorists. What about it? I thought you didn't believe the terrorists carried out 9/11.

Mr. Jones said:
PNAC, and its writers and signatories and how many were involved in one way or another with the administration at the time, and how they connect to 9-11?
What about it? The PNAC document doesn't talk about "needing" a new "Pearl Harbor". It just said it would take longer.

Mr. Jones said:
There's a shitload of questions and information that were not mentioned and omitted from the 9-11 commission report that makes it FLAWED and that warrants another look.
So far all you've done is presented a bunch of outright lies and a bunch of assumptions that don't stand up to examination.

Mr. Jones said:
and a new investigation.
To get a new investigation you have to provide evidence that the original investigation was wrong. You have failed MISERABLY at doing so.

Mr. Jones said:
According to you it is enough to say that planes hit the towers and pentagon by Al-cia-da and so the commissions report is not fundamentally flawed? You have no interest in finding answers to these questions, that millions of people pose and it stands to reason that you are too scared to think that you are a victim of government bullshit and lies, or don't give a shit.
SURPRISE SURPRISE!!! You're wrong again. I've looked at ALL the evidence, not just the evidence that backs up the official story. I am not like you truthtards; blindly listening to the people who lead me around by the short and curlies. I think for myself and draw my OWN conclusions. The truth is out there. You truthtards just don't want to accept the truth so you continue to rehash the same tired bullshit time and time again. You flit from theory to theory like a butterfly. One gets shot down so you move to another and another and another until you start the cycle all over again.

What a pahetic life you truthtards lead.
Sales taxes fund wars?

Who knew??

Would you rather be an old loser or a baby killer?

Or a fucking poseur?
Do you pay taxes?

Have you ever paid taxes?

And. the wife and I are quite successful. We'll never be old losers or baby killers.

The baby killers are all over the middle east.....They are called muslim extremist's and palestinians.

That may be because it is reasoned that conventional CD explosives were not used, and thermite was used as a cutting agent, not only that the wires, and caps you speak of would be consumed..idiot.
Wrong, ignorant prick! Wires and blasting caps are NOT consumed in the explosion. You are thinking big hollywood explosions with lots of fire. Controlled demolitions have very little heat. They work with PRESSURE, not heat to cut steel.

Thermite is not used in controlled demolitions because it is not reliable, can't cut vertically (it cuts via gravity) and takes seconds to minutes to work, not milliseconds. Ignition is also a problem. Steel cut with thermite is also VERY identifiable as you have both the melted steel and left over melted iron from the reaction.

Firefighters were not ignored by the commission. And again, you're pretending the 9/11 commission was the investigation. It wasn't. The investigation was carried out by the FBI.

So name a witness who believes your bullshit about controlled demolition? Not every witness made it into the final report, but that doesn't mean they weren't heard.

Wrong yet again. If a new investigation were instigated just based on accusations NOTHING would ever get closed. You truthtards would NEVER accept an investigation that doesn't say what you want it to say, which means we would have a never ending line of investigations that all say the same thing.

That is why the judicial system requires EVIDENCE that the investigation was fundamentally flawed. Guess what you 'tards don't have..... :lol:

Truthtards prove time and time again they have no clue about physics. As for "cutting agent", please tell me you're talking about Jones' investigation. He didn't find thermate or thermite. He found a "thermitic material". A match head is thermitic material. :lol: Besides, his experiments did not follow scientific guidelines. One doesn't work towards a pre-conceived notion, but should start with no presumptions and see what the evidence shows.

That is because the evidence of explosives were completely missing. You can't have explosives that don't make a REALLY loud noise, yet no noise was heard. When talking about the towers, you had people trapped inside the towers in the very area (the core) you truthtards claim all the high explosives were going off.... yet they survived and didn't hear any explosives going off.

You've had NINE FUCKING YEARS to come up with ANYTHING and none of you have it. You have tons of conflicting theories none of which hold up to even casual examination, much less a serious investigation.

Yet they don't believe anyone but Al Qaeda was involved. Sure there was a lot of CYA after 9/11 as nobody wanted to have the finger pointing at them claiming they were part of the problem that allowed 9/11 to happen. And in the end, Kean and Hamilton both agreed that the 9/11 commission report was complete and true from everything they had at the time.

A Muslim informant for the FBI housed two of the hijackers for a very short time, not a year. At the time, the CIA knew of the possible connections of these two hijackers to Al Qaeda, but never informed the FBI. So how is this informant suppose to know these guys are terrorists?

A better question is why are you even questioning about the informant? Truthtards don't believe the official story which includes the hijackers. This is just another example of truthtards that present conflicting information simply because they are too stupid to connect the dots and realize their own beliefs can't all be true.

Gee. What a surprise! You're wrong yet again. Flight instructors said Hani Hanjour was a bad pilot. Not one instructor has ever said anything bad about Atta because he was a very accomplished pilot. Where do you get all these lies? Do you pull them out your ass or do you just believe whatever you make up?

As for Hanjour, he made a 330 degree turn in almost three minutes to line up with the Pentagon because he came in too high. He then flew the plane into the Pentagon. It is easy. Load up any flight simulator you like and try it yourself. I've done it repeatedly and in far more dramatic fashion than Hanjour.

Gee. What a surprise! You're wrong again. William Rodriguez did indeed testify before the 9/11 commission. He wasn't the lying asshole he is today, so he gave a much different accounting than he gives now.

"…we hear like a big rumble. Not like an impact, like a rumble, like moving furniture in a massive way. And all of sudden we hear another rumble, and a guy comes running, running into our office, and all of skin was off his body. All of the skin. We went crazy, we started screaming, we told him to get out. We took everybody out of the office outside to the loading dock area."

"All of a sudden at 8:46… we hear 'BOOM!' An explosion so powerful and so loud that push us upward in the air coming from below! It was so powerful that all the walls cracked, the false ceiling fell on top of us, the sprinkler system got activated and everybody started screaming in horror: 'HELP! HELP! HELP!'"

Now come on. How can someone tell so radially DIFFERENT stories? His first one fits the facts. The first rumble he heard would be the impact of the plane reverberating up from the foundation. The vibrations would have traveled far faster than sound and would appear to come from below. The second rumble would be the elevators letting go due to severed cables. And the guy with the burns? High explosives don't cause burns. They cause collapsed lungs, exploded eyes and ears, but not burns. The burns were caused by the fuel coming down the elevator shafts.

Why no arab names? Because you believe everything you read from 9/11 conspiracy sites and never bother to actually check the facts for yourself. Thus you are constantly being made a fool of by the people you trust. How does that make you feel?

The conspiracy sites don't go off the flight manifests; they went off the compilation of names generated by the news agencies.

Here are the ACTUAL flight manifests as produced by the airlines.

Flight 11

Flight 175

Flight 77

Flight 93

More evidence you will ignore.

You mean the same excercises they ran for several years prior? What about them. These excercises caused about five seconds delay total when the FAA asked NORAD if this was real or an exercise.

Sure does. We had no plans in place for an attack of that type. It is always easy to get blindsided by an attack you are not expecting to happen in the way they attack.

Bullshit. Logan International was serviced by an American company, ICTS, that was a subsidiary of a Netherlands company owned by an Israeli. You must have gotten suckered by this article which clearly states all the airports were serviced by one company, yet when you read the article it is clear they are ONLY talking about Logan.

The Odigo workers were in ISRAEL and received a non-specific threat that did not include date, time, place or method. The Odigo office in NYC was about six blocks away from the WTC complex and were never in any danger.

Yeah, I love that one! You truthtards like to pretend they were Mossad agents! WOOoOOooOOoO!!!! Here's the problems. The didn't record the first hit. If they were truly there to record the entire attack, why would they miss the first hit. Second major problem. IF they were Mossad agents wanting to document the attack, why go all the way to New Jersey and do it out in the open? I mean come on. You want to talk about plausibility and then you bring THIS up? Seriously. If you were Mossad, wouldn't you just rent a room with a good view and tape it where nobody can even see you?

There were suspected Israeli spies in the US spying on suspected terrorists. What about it? I thought you didn't believe the terrorists carried out 9/11.

What about it? The PNAC document doesn't talk about "needing" a new "Pearl Harbor". It just said it would take longer.

So far all you've done is presented a bunch of outright lies and a bunch of assumptions that don't stand up to examination.

To get a new investigation you have to provide evidence that the original investigation was wrong. You have failed MISERABLY at doing so.

Mr. Jones said:
According to you it is enough to say that planes hit the towers and pentagon by Al-cia-da and so the commissions report is not fundamentally flawed? You have no interest in finding answers to these questions, that millions of people pose and it stands to reason that you are too scared to think that you are a victim of government bullshit and lies, or don't give a shit.
SURPRISE SURPRISE!!! You're wrong again. I've looked at ALL the evidence, not just the evidence that backs up the official story. I am not like you truthtards; blindly listening to the people who lead me around by the short and curlies. I think for myself and draw my OWN conclusions. The truth is out there. You truthtards just don't want to accept the truth so you continue to rehash the same tired bullshit time and time again. You flit from theory to theory like a butterfly. One gets shot down so you move to another and another and another until you start the cycle all over again.

What a pahetic life you truthtards lead.

whata load of bullshit and disinfo
Wrong, ignorant prick! Wires and blasting caps are NOT consumed in the explosion. You are thinking big hollywood explosions with lots of fire. Controlled demolitions have very little heat. They work with PRESSURE, not heat to cut steel.

Thermite is not used in controlled demolitions because it is not reliable, can't cut vertically (it cuts via gravity) and takes seconds to minutes to work, not milliseconds. Ignition is also a problem. Steel cut with thermite is also VERY identifiable as you have both the melted steel and left over melted iron from the reaction.

Firefighters were not ignored by the commission. And again, you're pretending the 9/11 commission was the investigation. It wasn't. The investigation was carried out by the FBI.

So name a witness who believes your bullshit about controlled demolition? Not every witness made it into the final report, but that doesn't mean they weren't heard.

Wrong yet again. If a new investigation were instigated just based on accusations NOTHING would ever get closed. You truthtards would NEVER accept an investigation that doesn't say what you want it to say, which means we would have a never ending line of investigations that all say the same thing.

That is why the judicial system requires EVIDENCE that the investigation was fundamentally flawed. Guess what you 'tards don't have..... :lol:

Truthtards prove time and time again they have no clue about physics. As for "cutting agent", please tell me you're talking about Jones' investigation. He didn't find thermate or thermite. He found a "thermitic material". A match head is thermitic material. :lol: Besides, his experiments did not follow scientific guidelines. One doesn't work towards a pre-conceived notion, but should start with no presumptions and see what the evidence shows.

That is because the evidence of explosives were completely missing. You can't have explosives that don't make a REALLY loud noise, yet no noise was heard. When talking about the towers, you had people trapped inside the towers in the very area (the core) you truthtards claim all the high explosives were going off.... yet they survived and didn't hear any explosives going off.

You've had NINE FUCKING YEARS to come up with ANYTHING and none of you have it. You have tons of conflicting theories none of which hold up to even casual examination, much less a serious investigation.

Yet they don't believe anyone but Al Qaeda was involved. Sure there was a lot of CYA after 9/11 as nobody wanted to have the finger pointing at them claiming they were part of the problem that allowed 9/11 to happen. And in the end, Kean and Hamilton both agreed that the 9/11 commission report was complete and true from everything they had at the time.

A Muslim informant for the FBI housed two of the hijackers for a very short time, not a year. At the time, the CIA knew of the possible connections of these two hijackers to Al Qaeda, but never informed the FBI. So how is this informant suppose to know these guys are terrorists?

A better question is why are you even questioning about the informant? Truthtards don't believe the official story which includes the hijackers. This is just another example of truthtards that present conflicting information simply because they are too stupid to connect the dots and realize their own beliefs can't all be true.

Gee. What a surprise! You're wrong yet again. Flight instructors said Hani Hanjour was a bad pilot. Not one instructor has ever said anything bad about Atta because he was a very accomplished pilot. Where do you get all these lies? Do you pull them out your ass or do you just believe whatever you make up?

As for Hanjour, he made a 330 degree turn in almost three minutes to line up with the Pentagon because he came in too high. He then flew the plane into the Pentagon. It is easy. Load up any flight simulator you like and try it yourself. I've done it repeatedly and in far more dramatic fashion than Hanjour.

Gee. What a surprise! You're wrong again. William Rodriguez did indeed testify before the 9/11 commission. He wasn't the lying asshole he is today, so he gave a much different accounting than he gives now.

"…we hear like a big rumble. Not like an impact, like a rumble, like moving furniture in a massive way. And all of sudden we hear another rumble, and a guy comes running, running into our office, and all of skin was off his body. All of the skin. We went crazy, we started screaming, we told him to get out. We took everybody out of the office outside to the loading dock area."

"All of a sudden at 8:46… we hear 'BOOM!' An explosion so powerful and so loud that push us upward in the air coming from below! It was so powerful that all the walls cracked, the false ceiling fell on top of us, the sprinkler system got activated and everybody started screaming in horror: 'HELP! HELP! HELP!'"

Now come on. How can someone tell so radially DIFFERENT stories? His first one fits the facts. The first rumble he heard would be the impact of the plane reverberating up from the foundation. The vibrations would have traveled far faster than sound and would appear to come from below. The second rumble would be the elevators letting go due to severed cables. And the guy with the burns? High explosives don't cause burns. They cause collapsed lungs, exploded eyes and ears, but not burns. The burns were caused by the fuel coming down the elevator shafts.

Why no arab names? Because you believe everything you read from 9/11 conspiracy sites and never bother to actually check the facts for yourself. Thus you are constantly being made a fool of by the people you trust. How does that make you feel?

The conspiracy sites don't go off the flight manifests; they went off the compilation of names generated by the news agencies.

Here are the ACTUAL flight manifests as produced by the airlines.

Flight 11

Flight 175

Flight 77

Flight 93

More evidence you will ignore.

You mean the same excercises they ran for several years prior? What about them. These excercises caused about five seconds delay total when the FAA asked NORAD if this was real or an exercise.

Sure does. We had no plans in place for an attack of that type. It is always easy to get blindsided by an attack you are not expecting to happen in the way they attack.

Bullshit. Logan International was serviced by an American company, ICTS, that was a subsidiary of a Netherlands company owned by an Israeli. You must have gotten suckered by this article which clearly states all the airports were serviced by one company, yet when you read the article it is clear they are ONLY talking about Logan.

The Odigo workers were in ISRAEL and received a non-specific threat that did not include date, time, place or method. The Odigo office in NYC was about six blocks away from the WTC complex and were never in any danger.

Yeah, I love that one! You truthtards like to pretend they were Mossad agents! WOOoOOooOOoO!!!! Here's the problems. The didn't record the first hit. If they were truly there to record the entire attack, why would they miss the first hit. Second major problem. IF they were Mossad agents wanting to document the attack, why go all the way to New Jersey and do it out in the open? I mean come on. You want to talk about plausibility and then you bring THIS up? Seriously. If you were Mossad, wouldn't you just rent a room with a good view and tape it where nobody can even see you?

There were suspected Israeli spies in the US spying on suspected terrorists. What about it? I thought you didn't believe the terrorists carried out 9/11.

What about it? The PNAC document doesn't talk about "needing" a new "Pearl Harbor". It just said it would take longer.

So far all you've done is presented a bunch of outright lies and a bunch of assumptions that don't stand up to examination.

To get a new investigation you have to provide evidence that the original investigation was wrong. You have failed MISERABLY at doing so.

SURPRISE SURPRISE!!! You're wrong again. I've looked at ALL the evidence, not just the evidence that backs up the official story. I am not like you truthtards; blindly listening to the people who lead me around by the short and curlies. I think for myself and draw my OWN conclusions. The truth is out there. You truthtards just don't want to accept the truth so you continue to rehash the same tired bullshit time and time again. You flit from theory to theory like a butterfly. One gets shot down so you move to another and another and another until you start the cycle all over again.

What a pahetic life you truthtards lead.

whata load of bullshit and disinfo

I ain't got shit. Evidence was just thrown straight in my face and, I ain't got shit!

Since it's already been proven WTC7 collapsed at free fall speed over approximately 8 stories through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 tons of structural steel running from the bedrock to floor 47 and since freely falling objects can not exert force on anything in their path without slowing, that fact alone is sufficient to justify an independent investigation into the events of 9/11/2001.
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I ain't got shit. Evidence was just thrown straight in my face and, I ain't got shit!


No, it's the official translation that YOU AIN'T GOT SHIT!


Just a bunch of BS from a bunch of opportunists who are making big bucks off of fools like you troofers!

Serioulsy, WTFU and realize that you clowns are being USED!

And the people who are laughing all the way to the bank are the ones who reeled you in, hook line and sinker.

Hell, since you're so damn gullible......I've got some prime ocean front property in the Mojave desert. Complete with a palm tree and a coconut........Interested?.....I'll give ya' a great deal!........TRUST ME!......Send me a payment, i'll send ya' the deed.
Since it's already been proven WTC7 collapsed at free fall speed over approximately 8 stories through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 tons of structural steel running from the bedrock to floor 47 and since freely falling objects can not exert force on anything in their path without slowing, that fact alone is sufficient to justify an independent investigation into the events of 9/11/2001.
Hell, since you're so damn gullible......I've got some prime ocean front property in the Mojave desert. Complete with a palm tree and a coconut........Interested?.....I'll give ya' a great deal!........TRUST ME!......Send me a payment, i'll send ya' the deed.

The difference is that there are 100% irrefutable facts, specifically the ones regarding Newtonian Physics, mainly the first 3 Laws. Each were violated on 9/11/2001 if the NIST wants to say it 'collapsed' due to 'fire'. Not only does steel not melt at those temps, freefall or near freefall speed are 100% impossible through the path of greatest resistance. It's almost a joke having to state the realities of earth to you, it only takes your eyeballs and basic science to understand. its as if you blinding rant on while ignoring the facts. You seem scared of the truth...I wouldnt blame you.
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Since it's already been proven WTC7 collapsed at free fall speed over approximately 8 stories through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 tons of structural steel running from the bedrock to floor 47 and since freely falling objects can not exert force on anything in their path without slowing, that fact alone is sufficient to justify an independent investigation into the events of 9/11/2001.
Yeah, that's what happens when a mega ton building rains debris on it, and rocks it's very foundation when IT DROPS TO THE FUCKING GROUND! within yards of it.........That's what happens when TWO mega ton buildings rocks its very foundation when they DROP TO THE FUCKING GROUND! within yards of it

Doesn't take an advanced degree in Physics to figure that out!

You loons are just too god damn funny!:lol::lol::lol:
Since it's already been proven WTC7 collapsed at free fall speed over approximately 8 stories through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 tons of structural steel running from the bedrock to floor 47 and since freely falling objects can not exert force on anything in their path without slowing, that fact alone is sufficient to justify an independent investigation into the events of 9/11/2001.
Yeah, that's what happens when a mega ton building rains debris on it, and rocks it's very foundation when IT DROPS TO THE FUCKING GROUND! within yards of it.........That's what happens when TWO mega ton buildings rocks its very foundation when they DROP TO THE FUCKING GROUND! within yards of it

Doesn't take an advanced degree in Physics to figure that out!

You loons are just too god damn funny!:lol::lol::lol:

A building freefalls into its footprint from minimal damage from buildings that fell over a football field away from it?

Then why didn't the other WTC's DIRECTLY under the towers collapse?

These buildings were directly under it, yet did not collapse.

Please show me the massive debris that caused WTC7 to collapse in freefall 6 hours after the towers.

But again, I'm gonna end my conversation with you as well. You and Patriot911 refuse to use your eyes and are trying to rebuttal an impossibility. You can't win, so you just distract and insult. Good day sir.


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whata load of bullshit and disinfo

Strange that you can't refute what I've written though. All you can do is sit on the sidelines playing with yourself while whining about the truth prevailing over your bullshit. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it must truly suck to be you.
Since it's already been proven WTC7 collapsed at free fall speed over approximately 8 stories through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 tons of structural steel running from the bedrock to floor 47 and since freely falling objects can not exert force on anything in their path without slowing, that fact alone is sufficient to justify an independent investigation into the events of 9/11/2001.
Yeah, that's what happens when a mega ton building rains debris on it, and rocks it's very foundation when IT DROPS TO THE FUCKING GROUND! within yards of it.........That's what happens when TWO mega ton buildings rocks its very foundation when they DROP TO THE FUCKING GROUND! within yards of it

Doesn't take an advanced degree in Physics to figure that out!

You loons are just too god damn funny!:lol::lol::lol:
Maybe you should stick to lying about Iraq, Brando?

In order for WTC7's observed straight down collapse to occur more than 400 structural steel connections had to fail every second across eight floors for the 2.25 seconds of proven free fall acceleration to occur.

It also doesn't take an advanced Physics degree to establish those failures across eight floors of WTC7 had to occur ahead of the collapsing section (and "megatons of raining debris) NOT caused by it since a free falling object cannot exert force on anything in its path without slowing its own fall.

Try harder.

Since it's already been proven WTC7 collapsed at free fall speed over approximately 8 stories through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 tons of structural steel running from the bedrock to floor 47 and since freely falling objects can not exert force on anything in their path without slowing, that fact alone is sufficient to justify an independent investigation into the events of 9/11/2001.
Yeah, that's what happens when a mega ton building rains debris on it, and rocks it's very foundation when IT DROPS TO THE FUCKING GROUND! within yards of it.........That's what happens when TWO mega ton buildings rocks its very foundation when they DROP TO THE FUCKING GROUND! within yards of it

Doesn't take an advanced degree in Physics to figure that out!

You loons are just too god damn funny!:lol::lol::lol:
Maybe you should stick to lying about Iraq, Brando?

In order for WTC7's observed straight down collapse to occur more than 400 structural steel connections had to fail every second across eight floors for the 2.25 seconds of proven free fall acceleration to occur.

It also doesn't take an advanced Physics degree to establish those failures across eight floors of WTC7 had to occur ahead of the collapsing section (and "megatons of raining debris) NOT caused by it since a free falling object cannot exert force on anything in its path without slowing its own fall.

Try harder.


This only shows you have no idea what can go on during a collapse. Truthtards don't have the brain capacity to see anything more complex than legos.
KSM was not tortured for a confession. KSM was tortured for intelligence. His confession to 9/11 was made freely and before a court of law DIRECTLY, not under tortute.
You are nitpicking about what he was tortured for? He was tortured, and his children were threatened, and your going to say he freely confessed with out the threat of more torture or harm coming to his children? You are the one showing how far up your ass your head is asshole. Yeah..he freely admitted his involvement, you're a fucking joke.

I posted the evidence. Now post the EVIDENCE that Al Qaeda is a created front. Not a bunch of retard writers trying to milk you out of your money. EVIDENCE. I am disparaging fucktards who wish to lie their collective asses off rather than actually look at the TRUTH! The fact you dismiss evidence out of hand yet believe conspiracy sites that are proven liars says VOLUMES about your complete lack of character, integrity, honesty and credibility.
You haven't posted shit but your own opinion, and delusions. You're running your mouth about evidence, post some then or stfu.
Fact is the actual truth hasn't been told unless you think it has because the "newspapers" tell you so, you are a fucking joke. You are just parroting the same shit that has been told for years now. Any fool can see that what occurred did not go down the way the government said it did. The 9-11 commission was a farce, the FBI investigation was bullshit, and the trial of KSM was also a sham.

And you know me how? I am more than able to comprehend our government carrying out a false flag operation.
Then answer this-Is it possible that the attacks on 9-11 could have been a false flag attack?

Unlike you ignorant fucks, I DEMAND actual evidence of this before going off proclaiming the government or whatever personal boogieman you have is guilty.
You demand actual evidence yet readily accept confessions and intelligence obtained by torture. Do you have any idea what a stupid fuck you look like saying shit like that?

Again, what you need before you get ANY traction is actual evidence. Look at all the claims made by the truthtard community. There are literally hundreds of different theories as to who did it, how they did it and why they did it, yet there isn't a single shred of evidence to back ANY of these theories up. NONE!
But there is traction, and the movement is growing with more and more credible people waking up everyday and demanding answers that haven't been provided yet, but there are some who are deliberately poisoning the well with outrageous claims in hopes of making the legitimate truth movement look bad. You probably know this but choose to ignore it and label everyone "truthtards" like a 1st grade prepubescent little girl.
Yeah, that's what happens when a mega ton building rains debris on it, and rocks it's very foundation when IT DROPS TO THE FUCKING GROUND! within yards of it.........That's what happens when TWO mega ton buildings rocks its very foundation when they DROP TO THE FUCKING GROUND! within yards of it

Doesn't take an advanced degree in Physics to figure that out!

You loons are just too god damn funny!:lol::lol::lol:
Maybe you should stick to lying about Iraq, Brando?

In order for WTC7's observed straight down collapse to occur more than 400 structural steel connections had to fail every second across eight floors for the 2.25 seconds of proven free fall acceleration to occur.

It also doesn't take an advanced Physics degree to establish those failures across eight floors of WTC7 had to occur ahead of the collapsing section (and "megatons of raining debris) NOT caused by it since a free falling object cannot exert force on anything in its path without slowing its own fall.

Try harder.


This only shows you have no idea what can go on during a collapse. Truthtards don't have the brain capacity to see anything more complex than legos.
Show me how a free falling object CAN exert force on anything in its path without slowing its own fall.
The difference is that there are 100% irrefutable facts, specifically the ones regarding Newtonian Physics, mainly the first 3 Laws. Each were violated on 9/11/2001 if the NIST wants to say it 'collapsed' due to 'fire'. Not only does steel not melt at those temps, freefall or near freefall speed are 100% impossible through the path of greatest resistance. It's almost a joke having to state the realities of earth to you, it only takes your eyeballs and basic science to understand. its as if you blinding rant on while ignoring the facts. You seem scared of the truth...I wouldnt blame you.
It's mind boggling how some folks are still believing the bullshit that was told about 9-11. All the witnesses, first responders, the put options on the stock market, the PNAC scumbags, the lies that the Bush people said, the NORAD stand down, the security company for the airports and the WTC, there's so much shit that is too coincidental to be real, not to mention the bombings in London, where coincidentally they just happened to be running terrorist drills also..Come the fuck on people are you that much in denial that all this was planned, and you have been lied to? I mean it goes on and on, they are suffering from some mental block, or getting paid to be on forums like this.... Truly fucking amazing :cuckoo:

“It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth … For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”
-- Patrick Henry

“The important thing is to never stop questioning.”
-- Albert Einstein
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KSM was not tortured for a confession. KSM was tortured for intelligence. His confession to 9/11 was made freely and before a court of law DIRECTLY, not under tortute.
You are nitpicking about what he was tortured for? He was tortured, and his children were threatened, and your going to say he freely confessed with out the threat of more torture or harm coming to his children? You are the one showing how far up your ass your head is asshole. Yeah..he freely admitted his involvement, you're a fucking joke.
Want to see a fucking joke? Look in a mirror. You'll see an asshole looking back who believes everything he reads as long as it tells him what he wants to hear. Personally, I don't give a shit if he were tortured or not. He is directly responsible for 9/11. If not, why are they holding his children? :lol: Yet another truthtard inconsistancy.

Why is it you are defending a known terrorist?

Mr. Jones said:
I posted the evidence. Now post the EVIDENCE that Al Qaeda is a created front. Not a bunch of retard writers trying to milk you out of your money. EVIDENCE. I am disparaging fucktards who wish to lie their collective asses off rather than actually look at the TRUTH! The fact you dismiss evidence out of hand yet believe conspiracy sites that are proven liars says VOLUMES about your complete lack of character, integrity, honesty and credibility.
You haven't posted shit but your own opinion, and delusions. You're running your mouth about evidence, post some then or stfu.
:lol: In other words, you don't have shit and now we both know it. I've posted evidence. You've failed to respond. End of story. Pretending only makes you look like a jackass who doesn't have a clue.

Mr. Jones said:
Fact is the actual truth hasn't been told unless you think it has because the "newspapers" tell you so, you are a fucking joke.
Do I believe we know everything about 9/11? No. I don't. But I believe the major facts are correct. Truthtards can't even say what the real "facts" are. Why should we believe you lot of fucks?

Mr. Jones said:
You are just parroting the same shit that has been told for years now.
Funny how the truth doesn't change. Truthtards change what they believe more often than they change their underwear.

Mr. Jones said:
Any fool can see that what occurred did not go down the way the government said it did.
And your evidence of this is...... your fucking opinion? No thanks.

Mr. Jones said:
The 9-11 commission was a farce, the FBI investigation was bullshit, and the trial of KSM was also a sham.
All the opinions of a liar and an asshole. Hmmm. I think I will believe the evidence over you and your obvious bias and agenda.

Mr. Jones said:
Then answer this-Is it possible that the attacks on 9-11 could have been a false flag attack?
Sure. But there is no EVIDENCE to support your claims and TONS of evidence that supports the fact Al Qaeda was behind it. See, you fucks believe what you want to believe regardless of the evidence. Everyone ELSE believes the evidence. Nine years now and not one "inside man" from an operation that would take thousands to tens of thousands of people to pull off according to the most common truthtard theories.

Mr. Jones said:
Unlike you ignorant fucks, I DEMAND actual evidence of this before going off proclaiming the government or whatever personal boogieman you have is guilty.
You demand actual evidence yet readily accept confessions and intelligence obtained by torture. Do you have any idea what a stupid fuck you look like saying shit like that?
:lol: I didn't say that. YOU did, and yes, you look like a stupid fuck for saying shit like that. I have accepted NOTHING obtained under tortute. KSM admitted in a court of law he was behind 9/11. That isn't torture no matter HOW much you want your hero to be released.

Like I said, I DEMAND actual evidence. What do you demand? That some asshole says what you want to hear and you will follow him around with your head so far up his ass your hair blows forward when he belches.

Mr. Jones said:
Again, what you need before you get ANY traction is actual evidence. Look at all the claims made by the truthtard community. There are literally hundreds of different theories as to who did it, how they did it and why they did it, yet there isn't a single shred of evidence to back ANY of these theories up. NONE!
But there is traction, and the movement is growing with more and more credible people waking up everyday and demanding answers that haven't been provided yet, but there are some who are deliberately poisoning the well with outrageous claims in hopes of making the legitimate truth movement look bad.
You are fucking DELUSIONAL if you think you are getting traction! :lol: I've been to 9/11 rallies before. They couldn't even get two dozen people to show up and were laughed at by the vast majority of people. But hey. If it gives you the warm and fuzzies to actually think there are more than a handful of you pricks out there, feel free to keep believing so.

Mr. Jones said:
You probably know this but choose to ignore it and label everyone "truthtards" like a 1st grade prepubescent little girl.
Duh! No shit, Sherlock! You pissants ARE first grade prepubescent girls, so I call you truthtards. You're fucking retarded. You ignore the truth to push an agenda. How much lower can one get? I have absolutely ZERO respect for you or anyone like you. So yes. I will call you truthtards and be happy doing so. It shows just how little I think of you.

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