"Building What": Geraldo At Large

Are you an architect or engineer?

Do you have any links to support your claims?

Nope. But the one engineer I DO have trumps all your wannabes. Leslie Robertson, the lead engineer for the twin towers, understands what happened far better than a bunch of truthtards sitting around trying to figure out how they can make a living bilking gullible people like you out of your money.

I know plenty of architects. Architects have some understanding of engineering, but not to the degree necessary to make the kind of bullshit claims constantly being made at ae911. Richard Gage is a dumbfuck who couldn't make it in the real world so now he makes his money telling truthtards what they want to hear.

As for links, that is too general just in claiming ae911 is a bunch of fucked up whiners out to make a buck or two. Hell, just look at all the donate buttons they have on every page. They couldn't be happier separating you sheep from your wool.

State your case and I will debunk it complete with links to back up my claims.

First of all sir, I'd like to point out that it's quite obvious you have an Anti-911truth agenda. It is clear, and most obvious when it comes to your registrar name and the date you joined, but that is just my opinion.

To continue, I'm going to take you up on your claim.

State your case and I will debunk it complete with links to back up my claims

Let's start it off simple.

1) WTC7 Fell in Freefall for around 2-3 seconds (as admitted by NIST, and proven by video evidence.)

My question is: How does a building fall through the path of Greatest Resistance? If building 7 freefell into its own footprint, it needed to have the least resistance directly under it. Where did all the support beams and columns on every floor go? The ONLY way for it to fall this way is if there is nothing under it, according to Newtonian Physics.

2) Office fires burn at 1200-1400 Degrees, even as high as 1800 according to NIST. If this is the case, how does it melt steel in WTC7? You need 2400-2800 F degrees to even start melting steel, (especially with fireproofing) 1000 degrees off is a HUGE problem. You cannot tell me water freezes at 40 degrees F or 100 degrees F, therefore you cannot say steel is melted by office fires. Basic science.

3) Regarding the Twin Towers, simple question:

How does a building with Asymmetrical damage (from the plane) collapse with Symmetrical damage? and 2nd part to this question is, how does the collapsing Twin Tower accelerate during initiation? Where is the 'jolt'?

Newton's basic laws of physics were violated in all 3 WTC collapses.

And just a reminder 'Patriot911', do not distract from these points; instead debunk them with physics and facts, and show me your opinion and sources. It is impossible to refute these basic points, so I can only expect your 'agenda' to try and detour from the discussion at hand. Rebuttal my points.

PS. You joined recently, are you a Disinfoagent? Just wondering.
You also just joined. Are you a truthtard agent?:lol::lol:
I hate Geraldo... He's the worst person on Fox News... Yuck. Ms. G. Carlson is more my style.
Judge Andrew Nappolitano also has expressed interest in WhatBuilding's efforts.
Geraldo has come a long way from where he started back in the 70s when his politics were much farther to the left.

If either Andrew or Geraldo can keep their jobs at FOX and question the official version of 911, it could make the 2012 election a real barn burner.

Does anyone know Sarah's or Huck's "thoughts" on 9/11Truth?

Hello phillip, great that you have taken the 'blinders' off and can reasonably think and use basic logic to determine that 9/11 requires a new investigation, its people like us that will help these Architects & Engineers for 911 truth, Patriotsquestion911, Firefightersfortruth, and the Building What campaign.

I'm new to the forum but i saw your question regarding Huckabee. Apparently Bob McIlvaine after the Geraldo interview was approached by huckabee behind the scenes and he shared his gratitude and shock around their building 7 message. You can see Bob say this himself on air, just youtube/google it, I cannot post links here cuz im a newbie. :(

But either way, MSM needs to run this 9/11 Truth, and if Fox News is the first to do so, and uses it as a platform with Huckabee or whatnot, I am all for it, even though I despise Faux News.
Glad you're here, Physics.
I've been on USMB for about one year and found there are two hot-button subjects: Israel/Palestine and 911Truth. I think Americans have been denied the full truth about both issues, and I suspect many Americans will be sorely pissed-off if they ever find out.

We agree about FOX. While I would not have been surprised at Geraldo's reaction 35 years ago, he has definitely surprised me today.

If Mike Huckabee (along with his good friend Chuck Norris) were to start publicly questioning the official account of 911, millions of Americans who wouldn't pay attention to Richard Gage today will suddenly reconsider.

If it's true for thousands of years ALL governments have existed to socialize cost and privatize profit, that dynamic doesn't exist without the "Big Lie."

If 9/11/2001 is proven to be such a Big Lie, Americans might find freedom a whole lot scarier than they ever thought.

Glad you're here.
Judge Andrew Nappolitano also has expressed interest in WhatBuilding's efforts.
Geraldo has come a long way from where he started back in the 70s when his politics were much farther to the left.

If either Andrew or Geraldo can keep their jobs at FOX and question the official version of 911, it could make the 2012 election a real barn burner.

Does anyone know Sarah's or Huck's "thoughts" on 9/11Truth?

Hello phillip, great that you have taken the 'blinders' off and can reasonably think and use basic logic to determine that 9/11 requires a new investigation, its people like us that will help these Architects & Engineers for 911 truth, Patriotsquestion911, Firefightersfortruth, and the Building What campaign.

I'm new to the forum but i saw your question regarding Huckabee. Apparently Bob McIlvaine after the Geraldo interview was approached by huckabee behind the scenes and he shared his gratitude and shock around their building 7 message. You can see Bob say this himself on air, just youtube/google it, I cannot post links here cuz im a newbie. :(

But either way, MSM needs to run this 9/11 Truth, and if Fox News is the first to do so, and uses it as a platform with Huckabee or whatnot, I am all for it, even though I despise Faux News.
Glad you're here, Physics.
I've been on USMB for about one year and found there are two hot-button subjects: Israel/Palestine and 911Truth. I think Americans have been denied the full truth about both issues, and I suspect many Americans will be sorely pissed-off if they ever find out.

We agree about FOX. While I would not have been surprised at Geraldo's reaction 35 years ago, he has definitely surprised me today.

If Mike Huckabee (along with his good friend Chuck Norris) were to start publicly questioning the official account of 911, millions of Americans who wouldn't pay attention to Richard Gage today will suddenly reconsider.

If it's true for thousands of years ALL governments have existed to socialize cost and privatize profit, that dynamic doesn't exist without the "Big Lie."

If 9/11/2001 is proven to be such a Big Lie, Americans might find freedom a whole lot scarier than they ever thought.

Glad you're here.

Agreed. And also note, I came here in the first place because I keep finding these people around the internet on youtube and forums who disrupt the conversation and try to alter what the main point is by stating something else, or just acting like a nuisance if you will. It gets to me because they are purposefully distracting/confusing the facts, and the internet is the only thing we have right now to get the truth out. I dunno who they are, whether they think this is a joke, or they are hired off, I still try to contribute the little I can because this 9/11 issue really has irked me.

Once this hits the mainstream I won't even bother to spread the information, because once it hits the major media, the country will be FURIOUS with our Government. Geraldo is hopefully warming it up, if not, we still gotta keep pushing man. Tthe physics and realities in our world do not lie. Reinvestigation is needed. Our soldiers are over seas, thousands have died, as a direct result of 9/11. Almost a trillion spent on the war, yet we cant pass a bill to help 9/11 first responders....It all is just a scary game. But they never predicted somethin like the internet, now Building What . Org is starting a revolution. Can't wait for the 2nd campaign jan 2011.

PS. I like to just ignore the Trolls. Usually just respond to them once, rebuttal their points with facts, or state facts and ask them to rebuttal. Their goal is to disrupt so writing them off after a post or two is the best pesticide. You'd probably agree. :razz:
F COURSE they know steel has the potential to fail in a fire. That's the whole point. If steel had no chance of failure as many truthtards pretend, they wouldn't need fire retardant to slow or prevent collapse.
so buildings are designed with this knowledge that steel lost strength when sufficiently heated and have designed to withstand the effects of fire until 9/11

I am guessing you've been drinking heavily, doing drugs or both

of course you would you need thoughts like that to keep up your denial

But no, you're not correct. First off, there were three critical columns, 79, 80 and 81. Second, the other columns were already weakened by fire, thus preventing them from holding their full loads. Third, without extensive computer modeling by experts, knowing exactly which column to blow and where would be guesswork at best. Do you really think they would leave it to guesswork?

who said they had to know what the result of a planted bomb would be what
it would not of been the first time a bomb was planted in a wtc building maybe this one just happened to catch fire .... furthermore

you are incorrect...there was A critical column that failed ...a SINGLE BUCKLED COLUMN


Last edited:
so buildings are designed with this knowledge that steel lost strength when sufficiently heated and have designed to withstand the effects of fire until 9/11
How many times does it need to be repeated before you truthtards get it through your thick skulls so it can echo there? Look, if you don't believe me, do some research for once in your rather pathetic life. This isn't a secret.

I am guessing you've been drinking heavily, doing drugs or both

of course you would you need thoughts like that to keep up your denial
Naw. Just wondering about the extremely poor spelling and grammar. Usually people on drugs and / or alcohol tend to be really sloppy. I guess you're just that way naturally, eh chump?

But no, you're not correct. First off, there were three critical columns, 79, 80 and 81. Second, the other columns were already weakened by fire, thus preventing them from holding their full loads. Third, without extensive computer modeling by experts, knowing exactly which column to blow and where would be guesswork at best. Do you really think they would leave it to guesswork?

who said they had to know what the result of a planted bomb would be what
it would not of been the first time a bomb was planted in a wtc building maybe this one just happened to catch fire .... furthermore
:lol: WTF are you talking about? Are you trying to say they didn't intend for WTC 7 to collapse?

you are incorrect...there was A critical column that failed ...a SINGLE BUCKLED COLUMN
I suggest you re-read the NIST report. Yes, ONE of them failed first, but the rest in that area were close to failure which caused a cascading failure of columns. Just planting a bomb on one of the columns and expecting the rest to fail would result in failure.
Hello phillip, great that you have taken the 'blinders' off and can reasonably think and use basic logic to determine that 9/11 requires a new investigation, its people like us that will help these Architects & Engineers for 911 truth, Patriotsquestion911, Firefightersfortruth, and the Building What campaign.

I'm new to the forum but i saw your question regarding Huckabee. Apparently Bob McIlvaine after the Geraldo interview was approached by huckabee behind the scenes and he shared his gratitude and shock around their building 7 message. You can see Bob say this himself on air, just youtube/google it, I cannot post links here cuz im a newbie. :(

But either way, MSM needs to run this 9/11 Truth, and if Fox News is the first to do so, and uses it as a platform with Huckabee or whatnot, I am all for it, even though I despise Faux News.
Glad you're here, Physics.
I've been on USMB for about one year and found there are two hot-button subjects: Israel/Palestine and 911Truth. I think Americans have been denied the full truth about both issues, and I suspect many Americans will be sorely pissed-off if they ever find out.

We agree about FOX. While I would not have been surprised at Geraldo's reaction 35 years ago, he has definitely surprised me today.

If Mike Huckabee (along with his good friend Chuck Norris) were to start publicly questioning the official account of 911, millions of Americans who wouldn't pay attention to Richard Gage today will suddenly reconsider.

If it's true for thousands of years ALL governments have existed to socialize cost and privatize profit, that dynamic doesn't exist without the "Big Lie."

If 9/11/2001 is proven to be such a Big Lie, Americans might find freedom a whole lot scarier than they ever thought.

Glad you're here.

Agreed. And also note, I came here in the first place because I keep finding these people around the internet on youtube and forums who disrupt the conversation and try to alter what the main point is by stating something else, or just acting like a nuisance if you will. It gets to me because they are purposefully distracting/confusing the facts, and the internet is the only thing we have right now to get the truth out. I dunno who they are, whether they think this is a joke, or they are hired off, I still try to contribute the little I can because this 9/11 issue really has irked me.

Once this hits the mainstream I won't even bother to spread the information, because once it hits the major media, the country will be FURIOUS with our Government. Geraldo is hopefully warming it up, if not, we still gotta keep pushing man. Tthe physics and realities in our world do not lie. Reinvestigation is needed. Our soldiers are over seas, thousands have died, as a direct result of 9/11. Almost a trillion spent on the war, yet we cant pass a bill to help 9/11 first responders....It all is just a scary game. But they never predicted somethin like the internet, now Building What . Org is starting a revolution. Can't wait for the 2nd campaign jan 2011.

PS. I like to just ignore the Trolls. Usually just respond to them once, rebuttal their points with facts, or state facts and ask them to rebuttal. Their goal is to disrupt so writing them off after a post or two is the best pesticide. You'd probably agree. :razz:
In his letter to Geraldo thanking him for his segment with Bob and Tony, Richard Gage notes a sampling of before and after opinions from audiences he presents his arguments to:

"By a show of hands before each of our more than 150 presentations, to audiences of 100 to 700, about 85% of the skeptics abandon their former embrace of the official story.

"That kind of success will add much-needed credibility to FOX on this newly exposed national issue."

FOX TV's Geraldo...

If that same "kind of success" occurs in about 85% of regular FOX viewers during the next US presidential campaign...?
"More than eight years after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, New York Supreme Court Justice Edward H. Lehner was hearing arguments in a courtroom less than a mile from Ground Zero about a ballot initiative to launch a new investigation of the 9/11 attacks.

"When the lawyer for the plaintiffs sponsoring the initiative explained that the 9/11 Commission report left many unanswered questions, including 'Why did Building 7 come down,' the Judge replied quizzically, 'Building what?'”

Great posts phillip. we can only hope for the mainstream media to start the avalanche, and I hope its soon cuz I just heard the 9/11 First responders bill was blocked in the senate by the GOP today....akldsfjl;akdsjfkl;adsfkl;ads;klf....I can't stand this anymore, the 2nd round of the BuildingWhat campaign should be the tipping point.
so buildings are designed with this knowledge that steel lost strength when sufficiently heated and have designed to withstand the effects of fire until 9/11
How many times does it need to be repeated before you truthtards get it through your thick skulls so it can echo there? Look, if you don't believe me, do some research for once in your rather pathetic life. This isn't a secret.


of course you would you need thoughts like that to keep up your denial
Naw. Just wondering about the extremely poor spelling and grammar. Usually people on drugs and / or alcohol tend to be really sloppy. I guess you're just that way naturally, eh chump?

who said they had to know what the result of a planted bomb would be what
it would not of been the first time a bomb was planted in a wtc building maybe this one just happened to catch fire .... furthermore
:lol: WTF are you talking about? Are you trying to say they didn't intend for WTC 7 to collapse?

you are incorrect...there was A critical column that failed ...a SINGLE BUCKLED COLUMN
I suggest you re-read the NIST report. Yes, ONE of them failed first, but the rest in that area were close to failure which caused a cascading failure of columns. Just planting a bomb on one of the columns and expecting the rest to fail would result in failure.

not according to NIST
Great posts phillip. we can only hope for the mainstream media to start the avalanche, and I hope its soon cuz I just heard the 9/11 First responders bill was blocked in the senate by the GOP today....akldsfjl;akdsjfkl;adsfkl;ads;klf....I can't stand this anymore, the 2nd round of the BuildingWhat campaign should be the tipping point.
"Like Judge Lehner, millions of people do not know or remember only vaguely that a third tower called World Trade Center Building 7 also collapsed on September 11, 2001.

"In any other situation, the complete, free fall collapse of a 47-story skyscraper would be played over and over on the news.

"It would be discussed for years to come and building design codes would be completely rewritten.

"So, why does no one know about Building 7?

"And why did Building 7 come down?"

I think mainstream (corporate) media will require powerful grassroots pressure to start that avalanche, PhysicsE. Corporate politicians will also resist viciously. Possibly the required level of economic/political pressure can only be applied in an election year?

I hadn't heard about the GOP blocking the 9/11 First responders bill but it's hardly surprising. 911 happened on their watch. If a majority of US voters become convinced Dick Cheney and George Bush knew in advance attacks were on the way and did nothing to prevent them, the Republican Party vanishes from the page of time.

Hopefully the Democrats won't be far behind.

Don't expect too much too soon.
Build for the summer of 2012.

That's when elected Republicans AND Democrats will not be in a position to spit on First responders without paying an immediate price at the polls.

FWIT, the effective opposition to 911Truth on boards like this one will probably increase exponentially in the next 18 months if 911T is on the nightly news.

Think lawyers who majored in Math and English.

Great posts phillip. we can only hope for the mainstream media to start the avalanche, and I hope its soon cuz I just heard the 9/11 First responders bill was blocked in the senate by the GOP today....akldsfjl;akdsjfkl;adsfkl;ads;klf....I can't stand this anymore, the 2nd round of the BuildingWhat campaign should be the tipping point.

It won't be. People grieve for those who lost loved ones. But nobody is going to make claims of conspiracies or that it was an inside job when there is no evidence to support it.
Great posts phillip. we can only hope for the mainstream media to start the avalanche, and I hope its soon cuz I just heard the 9/11 First responders bill was blocked in the senate by the GOP today....akldsfjl;akdsjfkl;adsfkl;ads;klf....I can't stand this anymore, the 2nd round of the BuildingWhat campaign should be the tipping point.

It won't be. People grieve for those who lost loved ones. But nobody is going to make claims of conspiracies or that it was an inside job when there is no evidence to support it.


Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation | 9-11 News | World for 9-11 Truth | W9T.org

Great posts phillip. we can only hope for the mainstream media to start the avalanche, and I hope its soon cuz I just heard the 9/11 First responders bill was blocked in the senate by the GOP today....akldsfjl;akdsjfkl;adsfkl;ads;klf....I can't stand this anymore, the 2nd round of the BuildingWhat campaign should be the tipping point.

It won't be. People grieve for those who lost loved ones. But nobody is going to make claims of conspiracies or that it was an inside job when there is no evidence to support it.
If you honestly believe there's no evidence of an inside job, how do you explain the 2.25 seconds of free fall collapse that even the government now concedes WTC7 experienced?

Republic Magazine16 P.23

"NIST initially denied the fact of free-fall in its final draft report released in August 2008. In the technical briefing that followed, NIST’s lead investigator, Shyam Sunder explained, 'A free-fall time would be an object that has no structural components below it...'

"However, physics instructor and AE911Truth associate David Chandler had used network television videos to carefully measure the acceleration of the building during its fall and shown conclusively that a significant period of free-fall was an indisputable fact. He publicly challenged NIST’s claims at the technical briefing. Along with several others, he filed formal requests for corrections during the public response period.

"In its final report NIST reversed itself on its denial of free-fall, but it couched its revised statement in deceptive language and failed to address how free-fall could be compatible with its fire-induced progressive collapse analysis."
Great posts phillip. we can only hope for the mainstream media to start the avalanche, and I hope its soon cuz I just heard the 9/11 First responders bill was blocked in the senate by the GOP today....akldsfjl;akdsjfkl;adsfkl;ads;klf....I can't stand this anymore, the 2nd round of the BuildingWhat campaign should be the tipping point.

It won't be. People grieve for those who lost loved ones. But nobody is going to make claims of conspiracies or that it was an inside job when there is no evidence to support it.


Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation | 9-11 News | World for 9-11 Truth | W9T.org


Not one shred of real evidence has been presented in any of these videos. Way to prove Candycorn's assertion. Do you always make that *THUD* sound when you fall flat on your face like that?

Here's a clue for you, junior. If you and your fellow truthtards actually HAD real evidence, you could go to a prosecutor and try and get an indictment. But you don't. So you can't. So all you can do is sit in your mama's basement whining about all this supposed evidence which you can't quite list...... :lol:
From Press TV's interview with Noam Chomsky:

"'The explicit and declared motive of the [Afghanistan] war was to compel the Taliban to turn over to the United States, the people who they accused of having been involved in World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist acts.

"'The Taliban…they requested evidence…and the Bush administration refused to provide any,' the 81-year-old senior academic made the remarks on Press TV’s program a Simple Question.

“'We later discovered one of the reasons why they did not bring evidence: they did not have any.'”

"The political analyst also said that nonexistence of such evidence was confirmed by FBI eight months later.

“'The head of FBI, after the most intense international investigation in history, informed the press that the FBI believed that the plot may have been hatched in Afghanistan, but was probably implemented in the United Arab Emirates and Germany.'”

Gee...wonder why the bombs aren't falling on Berlin again.

No Evidence
It won't be. People grieve for those who lost loved ones. But nobody is going to make claims of conspiracies or that it was an inside job when there is no evidence to support it.


Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation | 9-11 News | World for 9-11 Truth | W9T.org


Not one shred of real evidence has been presented in any of these videos. Way to prove Candycorn's assertion. Do you always make that *THUD* sound when you fall flat on your face like that?

Here's a clue for you, junior. If you and your fellow truthtards actually HAD real evidence, you could go to a prosecutor and try and get an indictment. But you don't. So you can't. So all you can do is sit in your mama's basement whining about all this supposed evidence which you can't quite list...... :lol:

You'll have to forgive id-eots. He's.... well, stupid.

Not one shred of real evidence has been presented in any of these videos. Way to prove Candycorn's assertion. Do you always make that *THUD* sound when you fall flat on your face like that?

Here's a clue for you, junior. If you and your fellow truthtards actually HAD real evidence, you could go to a prosecutor and try and get an indictment. But you don't. So you can't. So all you can do is sit in your mama's basement whining about all this supposed evidence which you can't quite list...... :lol:

the perps control the evidence...this is why a real investigation is needed
the perps control the evidence...this is why a real investigation is needed
So you want to start a new investigation based on zero hard evidence.... so you can ignore that investigation as well as soon as it comes to the same basic conclusions. :lol: No thank you. Hundreds of millions of dollars spent and millions of man hours spent on the investigation and you truthtards want to throw it all away based on a hunch. Good luck getting a judge or a prosecutor to even look at throwing out the FBI investigation just because a few assholes with brooms up their butts pretend they "know" what happened.

The very fact you truthtards can't come up with a unified theory of what happened on 9/11 shows you, as a collective bunch of fucks, don't have clue one about what happened. Yet we, the sane people of America, are suppose to just believe a bunch of retards that can't even agree on what did and did not happen other than it didn't happen the way the government said. :roll: Riiiiiiight. When pigs fly.
Once this hits the mainstream I won't even bother to spread the information, because once it hits the major media, the country will be FURIOUS with our Government. Geraldo is hopefully warming it up, if not, we still gotta keep pushing man. Tthe physics and realities in our world do not lie. Reinvestigation is needed. Our soldiers are over seas, thousands have died, as a direct result of 9/11. Almost a trillion spent on the war, yet we cant pass a bill to help 9/11 first responders....It all is just a scary game. But they never predicted somethin like the internet, now Building What . Org is starting a revolution. Can't wait for the 2nd campaign jan 2011
I hope you are right, that the struggle for the truth will prevail. It would cause a grand upheaval and most people would take action in some form or another, I just don't think people like the ones you are and will encounter on here, that support the "official version" will have the balls to admit they were misled, and stand up and be counted as Americans who support their country. If the truth about the attacks on our country is brought to light, it will no doubt expose the Israeli complicity in the planning of the false flag events, and hopefully the wrath of the American people will crush the stranglehold Israel has on our country. There are too many Israeli firsters here, and in our government, and when that day comes, they will face the consequences :evil:
Once this hits the mainstream I won't even bother to spread the information, because once it hits the major media, the country will be FURIOUS with our Government. Geraldo is hopefully warming it up, if not, we still gotta keep pushing man. Tthe physics and realities in our world do not lie. Reinvestigation is needed. Our soldiers are over seas, thousands have died, as a direct result of 9/11. Almost a trillion spent on the war, yet we cant pass a bill to help 9/11 first responders....It all is just a scary game. But they never predicted somethin like the internet, now Building What . Org is starting a revolution. Can't wait for the 2nd campaign jan 2011
I hope you are right, that the struggle for the truth will prevail. It would cause a grand upheaval and most people would take action in some form or another, I just don't think people like the ones you are and will encounter on here, that support the "official version" will have the balls to admit they were misled, and stand up and be counted as Americans who support their country. If the truth about the attacks on our country is brought to light, it will no doubt expose the Israeli complicity in the planning of the false flag events, and hopefully the wrath of the American people will crush the stranglehold Israel has on our country. There are too many Israeli firsters here, and in our government, and when that day comes, they will face the consequences :evil:
The one thing you truthtards forgot in your little circle jerk over the "end of days" is that you have zero actual evidence that anyone other than Al Qaeda was involved. You can sit around blaming Jews or Bush or the government until you are blue in the face, but NOBODY but a truthtard is going to do ANYTHING without evidence you are correct.

Let's face it; all we have to go on is the one, unified theory all you truthtards stand behind.

Oh wait. You don't have a unified theory.

Well, at least we can go on what all you truthtards agree happened on 9/11, right?

No? Can't agree on that either?

So let me get this straight. You want us to believe a bunch of ignorant hicks who can't agree on who did it, how they did it, or even WHY they did it, have no real evidence to back up their claims, and have an obvious anti-<insert bad guy of choice> agenda. Hmmm. I don't think so. What kind of fucked up moron would even DREAM of following a bunch of losers like the truthtard bowel movement? Well, besides other truthtards.

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