Bullies will bully...even Federal Judges

Trump lashes out again at judges over travel ban and calls hearing 'disgraceful'

Yup, the Comrade is trying to bully the media, so they will back off and print this lies as truth. Now he is trying to bully the judiciary so that they will rubber stamp Bannon's EO....(since he really is the president)

I hope his mental state holds up, but it is doubtful.

I hope Trump is in for a rude awakening from the judiciary.

They used to celebrate Teddy Roosevelt's "bully pulpit". Today lefties whine about poor federal judges being "bullied" as if they are freaking first graders on the school bus. What a freaking sissified generation the left has turned into.
Trumps is smart...if an attack does happen the courts will take the heat
Trumps is smart...if an attack does happen the courts will take the heat

How Many Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. Have Been Carried Out by Immigrants from the 7 Banned Muslim Countries?

Here’s a look back at the major terrorist attacks that have taken place on U.S. soil since 9/11, including the nationalities of the perpetrator, or perpetrators.

Of this list, zero fatal attacks were carried out by immigrants from the seven Muslim-majority countries targeted by the ban. Two attacks were carried out by individuals with ties to the seven countries: the 2006 UNC SUV attack, and the 2016 Ohio State University attack. Neither of those plots resulted in American deaths.

The EO, written by president Steven Bannon, is only a recruiting tool for ISIS. Congrats Comrade!
They used to celebrate Teddy Roosevelt's "bully pulpit". Today lefties whine about poor federal judges being "bullied" as if they are freaking first graders on the school bus. What a freaking sissified generation the left has turned into.

That's so-called judges to you and the other fascists.

Bully the press and bully the judiciary and some day the adults in the Republican Party will call his bluff. We cannot expect McConnell or Ryan to do so, they have their own agenda, and it is not Country First!

The more the Republican Party defends the indefensible, the worse off we will be. Only when McConnell and Ryan begin to feel the pressure which puts their own job in jeopardy, will they take the action necessary, which is already apparent to all but the most loyal brown shirts.
They used to celebrate Teddy Roosevelt's "bully pulpit". Today lefties whine about poor federal judges being "bullied" as if they are freaking first graders on the school bus. What a freaking sissified generation the left has turned into.
TR rallied public support to PASS LEGISLATION. This guy is actually sabotaging his own agenda. He's exhausting his own congress. First he slaps down Ryan, and now McConnell is distancing himself from him. We're not going to see tax reform or a replacement for Obamacare for months.
Trump lashes out again at judges over travel ban and calls hearing 'disgraceful'

Yup, the Comrade is trying to bully the media, so they will back off and print this lies as truth. Now he is trying to bully the judiciary so that they will rubber stamp Bannon's EO....(since he really is the president)

I hope his mental state holds up, but it is doubtful.
------------------------------------------------------- Judges are nothing special . Many or most are simply appointed .
Trump lashes out again at judges over travel ban and calls hearing 'disgraceful'

Yup, the Comrade is trying to bully the media, so they will back off and print this lies as truth. Now he is trying to bully the judiciary so that they will rubber stamp Bannon's EO....(since he really is the president)

I hope his mental state holds up, but it is doubtful.
Those liberal judges defied and ignored the Constitution, therefore they should be charged with breaking the law.Has any left wing progressive liberal puke here ever read the Constitution? Every one of those liberal left coast sonsabitches should be impeached post haste.
They used to celebrate Teddy Roosevelt's "bully pulpit". Today lefties whine about poor federal judges being "bullied" as if they are freaking first graders on the school bus. What a freaking sissified generation the left has turned into.

Your ilk has both the congress and WH (and soon the SCOTUS) firmly in your grasp......Federal courts are the last front to fight back the despotic policies of the Trumpster and his lap dogs in congress......

Soon we will see lawsuits against Trump's conflicts of interest and his moronic policy to allow mentally unstable people to purchase guns.
Trumps is smart...if an attack does happen the courts will take the heat

Yep, I can picture Bannon sacrificing right wing virgins to Satan, hoping that an attack would happen.......

If there were an attack, it will be from pissed off, U.S. born and raised Muslims...something that no immigration ban could have avoided and who were probably SPURRED by the ban.
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Those liberal judges defied and ignored the Constitution

NO, they defied YOUR version of the Constitution. I am fairly sure that Gorsuch will be asked how HE would have gone if faced with this challenge by Trump.
Gotta love the irony about "bullying". Liberals use pejoratives, micro aggression, any hateful mean spirited manipulative tactic and cheap shot snark and childish stunts they can to intimidate and harass and otherwise BULLY, but that's OK, though. Liberal=Good!. Everyone else=bad. I got it! No, I don't.
Trump lashes out again at judges over travel ban and calls hearing 'disgraceful'

Yup, the Comrade is trying to bully the media, so they will back off and print this lies as truth. Now he is trying to bully the judiciary so that they will rubber stamp Bannon's EO....(since he really is the president)

I hope his mental state holds up, but it is doubtful.
Those liberal judges defied and ignored the Constitution, therefore they should be charged with breaking the law.Has any left wing progressive liberal puke here ever read the Constitution? Every one of those liberal left coast sonsabitches should be impeached post haste.
you should read the legal memoranda of the plaintiffs to gain a clue
Libs are retarded, there's no down side for Trump on this. If there's an attack the Dem's will own it and Trump will say I told you so. If there's not an attack Trump will say Dem's are weak on national security and defend terrorists.

Its lose/lose for Dem's and they celebrate :laugh::laugh::laugh:
They used to celebrate Teddy Roosevelt's "bully pulpit". Today lefties whine about poor federal judges being "bullied" as if they are freaking first graders on the school bus. What a freaking sissified generation the left has turned into.

Liberals aren't the ones doing the whining. That would be the Whiner-in-Chief. Never have I seen such a frightened, snivelling, whining grown ass man.

He was practically going fetal at the danger posed by terrorists. And the murder rate is the highest in 47 years. Except there is no imminent danger from terrorists, and the murder rate has been steadily declining for years and, despite the spike in the last year, is at one of it's lowest rates ever.

Trump seems scared of his own shadow. And his fear-mongering is dangerous.
Those liberal judges defied and ignored the Constitution

NO, they defied YOUR version of the Constitution. I am fairly sure that Gorsuch will be asked how HE would have gone if faced with this challenge by Trump.
There is only one Constitution, and it says the president has the power to keep out anyone for reasons of national security. There is also a law that says essentially the same thing. just because you want something to be untrue does not make it so. Your pile of vomit oshitass used it to stop people from ebola infected countries from coming here, and you didn't say a word dogshit.
Trump lashes out again at judges over travel ban and calls hearing 'disgraceful'

Yup, the Comrade is trying to bully the media, so they will back off and print this lies as truth. Now he is trying to bully the judiciary so that they will rubber stamp Bannon's EO....(since he really is the president)

I hope his mental state holds up, but it is doubtful.
Just like Bigs Ears did to the SC over Citizens United, but you loved that.

Why must you always prove yourself a hypocrite?

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