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'Bullying' in the NFL?

Veteran to rookie: Pick up this meal tab

Rookie to Veteran: No

Happens every day at every level of sport

Blown way out of proportion

Not true. These rookies are being forced to pick up dinner and bar tabs of excess $58,000.00. Even when they are not present and in another state! This is robbery! Please. Tell this to someone who will believe it. Not me. No one says, Bully me out of $58,000.00 today because I feel like being robbed! No one.


Bull. The guys an nfl lineman. Nobody put a gun to his head. That's theft. Not saying no is foolishness. Nothing more, nothing less

Thas is your opinion. Everyone has one. Mine disagrees with yours. It isn't "Bull". It is my opinion. He was robbed. - Jeri
NY Giants? Antrel Rolle has advice for Jonathan Martin: ?stand up for yourself?* - NY Daily News

I believe Rolle has missed the point here. The man is standing up for himself even though it wasn't on their time table.

Did you ever play football? Or any sport?

How would this be relative to identifying a situation of Bullying? Wouldn't it be better to say, have you ever been the victim of a bully? How about in the work place? In the business world? There you go... that is the line of questioning for that one! - Jeri

Answer the question.
This is a case of breaking the law. I hope the victims are compensated. Once Martin is vindicated the others will step up and tell their stories. Just wait. This is an avalanche coming down the mountain here. You've heard nothing yet. I'm sure. - Jeri

Martin's mother is an attorney specializing in labor law. Is it possible that Martin is setting this up as a lawsuit? I can see a big payday but no real harm to Martin. Time for some serious tort reform.

And you are now slandering the victim rather than placing the blame where it belongs because.....................?

Thats typical behavior.
I can't believe there isn't already a thread about this. Bullying is something you associate with little kids in school, not among professional football players. Weird.


This Incognito head-case sounds like a real POS.

Bullying exists everywhere, Kobe Bryant bullied Dwight Howard for a whole year in LA last year.

True and the NFL has been bullying Jacksonville and Tampa Bay. :lol::lol::lmao::lmao:
Not true. These rookies are being forced to pick up dinner and bar tabs of excess $58,000.00. Even when they are not present and in another state! This is robbery! Please. Tell this to someone who will believe it. Not me. No one says, Bully me out of $58,000.00 today because I feel like being robbed! No one.


Bull. The guys an nfl lineman. Nobody put a gun to his head. That's theft. Not saying no is foolishness. Nothing more, nothing less

Thas is your opinion. Everyone has one. Mine disagrees with yours. It isn't "Bull". It is my opinion. He was robbed. - Jeri

Robbery is a CRIME. Giving your money FREELY is not.

As in my previous example he had the option to say NO. At 300 lbs, that's a mighty BIG OPTION.
So far this season Miami's Offensive line has allowed 35 sacks of the quarterback.
Both Incognito and Martin play on the offensive line which is supposed to protect Tannehill.
Neither Incognito or Martin played last Thursday when Miami beat the Bengals. It was also the first time this year that Tannehill was sacked less than 4 times in a game. Seems that getting rid of both of these "Offensive Linemen" is good for the Dolphins.
NY Giants? Antrel Rolle has advice for Jonathan Martin: ?stand up for yourself?* - NY Daily News

I believe Rolle has missed the point here. The man is standing up for himself even though it wasn't on their time table.

Did you ever play football? Or any sport?

How would this be relative to identifying a situation of Bullying? Wouldn't it be better to say, have you ever been the victim of a bully? How about in the work place? In the business world? There you go... that is the line of questioning for that one! - Jeri

Those are not the question I asked. Answer the question I asked. Why the trepidation?
What is so confusing? You said, Bully is something you associate with little kids in school, not among professional football players. I disagreed with you. Why are you confused?

Let me give you this story I saw on a video tape not too long ago. A woman in the street beating up her much smaller husband while the neighbors and their very own children looked on. Was this man being bullied? Yes. By his own wife. Unusual? Yes. True? Yes. Truth is stranger than fiction. Do not be so surprised, Unkotare. And on the matter of rookie players being bullied into paying restaurant tabs of $58,000.00 plus? I think not! I would demand a refund and name the people publicly who forced them to comply with such a thing. It happened to more than one rookie player. They are sure to get it after this story is finished. - Jeri

I am not "surprised," thanks. I didn't say this kind of behavior doesn't take place, but that the term "bullying" is associated with little kids in school rather than big, tough pro football players. Your didactic response was odd.

Whereas I find your response obtuse not to mention the part about bullying being associated with "little kids".. what world are you living in anyhow? - Jeri

I don't think you understand what the word "obtuse" means, or how to follow a conversation.
Martin is a victim? Really? Doesn't this seem strange?

"In my mind I think it was something that was taken advantage of."

"Asked to clarify his point about Martin "laughing" at the voicemail, Hartline said that it was being "passed around" at one point in time as a joke."

""I just remember I thought [the voicemail] was being passed around as a joke," Hartline said."

"He echoed Tannehill's sentiments that the two players were friends and said they were "always playing around.""

Brian Hartline says Jonathan Martin was 'laughing' at voicemail - CBSSports.com
For the sake of argument, and in light of the support that is being heard from both present and former Dolphin players that spent time with Ritchie; saying that he is not a racist and a good guy, several points are worth considering.

The text messages that are central to this charge of bullying were actually sent in April - 8 months ago.

Dolphin teammates repeatedly refer to Ritchie and Martin as friends.

Is it possible to imagine that the sequence of events leading to Martin leaving the team might have been along these lines?:

-Richie and Martin are friends

-In April Richie sends texts to get Martin ready for the upcoming season (a bad joke but no intention to do harm)

-Martin and Dolphin teammates laugh about the texts

-Martin is the 2013 season starter and has difficulty playing at the NFL level

-On October 3rd, after a high number of sacks Richie makes a statement to the press that if the O line doesn't improve everyone on the O line should be fired

-Number of sacks rise to 35 and Martin has doubts about his NFL future

-Momma Martin says don't worry dear, I can sue the Dolphin organization and perhaps the NFL for a large sum of money. Bullying sounds like a winning argument because it is presently a hot topic (news of recent deaths due to bullying)

-Martin starts to see a doctor about anxiety issues to help his mother build a case

Richie Incognito: Fire 'Fins linemen if we allow 72 sacks - NFL.com

Watch and see. This may not prove to be far from the truth.
For the sake of argument, and in light of the support that is being heard from both present and former Dolphin players that spent time with Ritchie; saying that he is not a racist and a good guy, several points are worth considering.

The text messages that are central to this charge of bullying were actually sent in April - 8 months ago.

Dolphin teammates repeatedly refer to Ritchie and Martin as friends.

Is it possible to imagine that the sequence of events leading to Martin leaving the team might have been along these lines?:

-Richie and Martin are friends

-In April Richie sends texts to get Martin ready for the upcoming season (a bad joke but no intention to do harm)

-Martin and Dolphin teammates laugh about the texts

-Martin is the 2013 season starter and has difficulty playing at the NFL level

-On October 3rd, after a high number of sacks Richie makes a statement to the press that if the O line doesn't improve everyone on the O line should be fired

-Number of sacks rise to 35 and Martin has doubts about his NFL future

-Momma Martin says don't worry dear, I can sue the Dolphin organization and perhaps the NFL for a large sum of money. Bullying sounds like a winning argument because it is presently a hot topic (news of recent deaths due to bullying)

-Martin starts to see a doctor about anxiety issues to help his mother build a case

Richie Incognito: Fire 'Fins linemen if we allow 72 sacks - NFL.com

Watch and see. This may not prove to be far from the truth.

I believe you maybe on to something.... The more that comes out on this the less it makes sense.
One thing for sure is that no matter the outcome Martin will never play in the NFL again.
If he though he was getting bullied by his offensive line teammates, wait til he sees how the players on the opposing defensive line bully him now.
There is something pathetic about a very large grown man crying about bullies.

When you are bullied into picking up a $58,000.00 plus dinner / bar tab for the team because you are rookie? You can tell us about it. Until then? I don't think there is any way you can make such a claim. Unless you are in their shoes, you really do not know anything at all. Let's be honest here. - Jeri

You're really skewing that situation.

The bill wasn't that high but close enough, the player was hardly forced into it, veterans chipped in an undisclosed but probably significant amount, the owner acknowledges to making a call and having the bill significantly reduced, and the player signed a $12M contract long before then.
i think this is all being blown somewhat - though not entirely - out of proportion. The fact is an NFL team while subject to the same laws is also an inherently different working environment than a public library for example. There may be some consequence of this but it wont be some game changing earth shattering development.

What this shows is that when the non sports media gets a hold of these issues they really dont offer a very good or realistic perspective. I understand that Richie Incognito wont be invited to the next big Embassy Party in Washington DC but so what. Thats irrelevant. Remeber the Riley Cooper incident and what a big thing that was? The national media had a field day with it. How big a deal is it now? When he scored his 2nd or 3rd TD last game a bunch of his black teammates were all over him. This may be more complex on the individual level but it will not be a significant , sport changing event nor should it be.

And the bottom line that all the articles condemning the NFL ignore is that this is a $10 billion sport that is expected to be a $15 billion sport within about 5 years. The public loves it and we all know this "black eye" wont cost the league a dime (ok it may cost the Dolphins something - but small change in the scheme of things) -- and thats all that really matters.
Some of the texts included racial slurs, and in one he threatened to punch the guy's mother in the mouth. Anyone who thinks that kind of shit is "funny" has something seriously fucking wrong with them.

I think this is silly.

People say stuff like this to close friends and family members all the time. I don't know if I have ever called my brother's by their first names. It's just "hey, where's cock face?".
I can't believe there isn't already a thread about this. Bullying is something you associate with little kids in school, not among professional football players. Weird.


This Incognito head-case sounds like a real POS.

Football is a high contact, physical sport filled with a bunch of undereducated, testosterone-saturated men who beat the shit out of each other every week and enjoy it. OF COURSE there's going to be bullying and hazing, especially when considering the fact that every single year a new class of young players are systematically injected into the league and must quickly figure out their place on the hierarchy.

Personally, I think Incognito's an idiot but at the end of the day these are grown adults we're talking and I place a great deal of the blame on Martin for simply not saying "no". Incognito - by law - cannot physically assault Martin, or force him to pay a bill he didn't owe, or threaten him or his family. Martin should have dealt with this like an adult.

Racial slurs? Tell him to stop. If the slurs are real and extreme, I'm sure there's plenty of other black players on the team who would back Martin up.
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Some of the texts included racial slurs, and in one he threatened to punch the guy's mother in the mouth. Anyone who thinks that kind of shit is "funny" has something seriously fucking wrong with them.

Some people think its funny and no big deal.

According to his black teammates, Incognito was an "honorary" black man and they didn't mind him using the n-word.
i think this is all being blown somewhat - though not entirely - out of proportion. The fact is an NFL team while subject to the same laws is also an inherently different working environment than a public library for example. There may be some consequence of this but it wont be some game changing earth shattering development.

What this shows is that when the non sports media gets a hold of these issues they really dont offer a very good or realistic perspective. I understand that Richie Incognito wont be invited to the next big Embassy Party in Washington DC but so what. Thats irrelevant. Remeber the Riley Cooper incident and what a big thing that was? The national media had a field day with it. How big a deal is it now? When he scored his 2nd or 3rd TD last game a bunch of his black teammates were all over him. This may be more complex on the individual level but it will not be a significant , sport changing event nor should it be.

And the bottom line that all the articles condemning the NFL ignore is that this is a $10 billion sport that is expected to be a $15 billion sport within about 5 years. The public loves it and we all know this "black eye" wont cost the league a dime (ok it may cost the Dolphins something - but small change in the scheme of things) -- and thats all that really matters.

I agree that it has become a huge financial entreprise but this may be the very reason the game is destined to change. Needing to be more mainstream the NFL is far more sensitive to public issues than it was in the past. The very visible support recently provided to breast cancer is one such example. Detection and finding a cure for breast cancer is certianly an important issue, however many people. myself included saw the NFL's effort as more of a PR move for the NFL than a long-term stance in support of finding a cure.

I'm afraid that although it may very well become a $15 billion dollar sport, it will also become a very different game.
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