Bummer for the left, Biden's poll numbers keep shrinking

You would think that when the demonRats decided to steal this election....they had a plan of how to lead the country.....

but no....not even that...all they know is how to destroy America.

I am still waiting for Justice ......waiting to see the day all these scum go to jail or are executed.
Whatever Loser.
You're Pathetic.

You don't like the truth, huh?

You are nothing but a snowflake.
Sweet Cheeks, why am I a snowflake?
Also, define snowflake. In your words.
You would think that when the demonRats decided to steal this election....they had a plan of how to lead the country.....

but no....not even that...all they know is how to destroy America.

I am still waiting for Justice ......waiting to see the day all these scum go to jail or are executed.
Whatever Loser.
You're Pathetic.

You don't like the truth, huh?

You are nothing but a snowflake.
Sweet Cheeks, why am I a snowflake?
Also, define snowflake. In your words.

F Off.
The $20,000 I made in the last 3 weeks of the Stock Market will certainly put a small dent in that huge gain.

Hey, get with the program. We have a new president and we no longer measure economic success by stock market highs. Anything other than doom and gloom is totally unacceptable.
The market was great under trump too (except that 30% loss period).
But it bounced back.
You would think that when the demonRats decided to steal this election....they had a plan of how to lead the country.....

but no....not even that...all they know is how to destroy America.

I am still waiting for Justice ......waiting to see the day all these scum go to jail or are executed.
Whatever Loser.
You're Pathetic.

You don't like the truth, huh?

You are nothing but a snowflake.
Sweet Cheeks, why am I a snowflake?
Also, define snowflake. In your words.

F Off.
Now you are just being a C%&#.
Why am I a snowflake?
Pretty easy question to answer w/o getting triggered.
Even in PROG polls. It's a bummer for leftists because of their dependency on how others feel. Popularity means everything to them free of anything objective.

What did the left think they were getting?

Bummer for the right, Biden's poll numbers keep shrinking and still higher than Trump's.​

Even in PROG polls. It's a bummer for leftists because of their dependency on how others feel. Popularity means everything to them free of anything objective.

What did the left think they were getting?

Biden's lowest ratings are still much higher than trump ever received.
You would think that when the demonRats decided to steal this election....they had a plan of how to lead the country.....

but no....not even that...all they know is how to destroy America.

I am still waiting for Justice ......waiting to see the day all these scum go to jail or are executed.
306-232...keep waiting Stepford.
Even in PROG polls. It's a bummer for leftists because of their dependency on how others feel. Popularity means everything to them free of anything objective.

What did the left think they were getting?

Biden's lowest ratings are still much higher than trump ever received.
Biden can take his popularity contest ratings to Srarbucks and get a cup of coffee for $7,50!
You would think that when the demonRats decided to steal this election....they had a plan of how to lead the country.....

but no....not even that...all they know is how to destroy America.

I am still waiting for Justice ......waiting to see the day all these scum go to jail or are executed.
306-232...keep waiting Stepford.

Imagine you worked your way up the corporate ladder to become the CEO of the world's largest cyber security company. You've gone from making a few hundred thousand a year to a couple million a year.

Now, the CEO of the world's second largest cyber security company, is a very savvy businessman, and he sees an opportunity. He decides to offer your son $1.5 billion to set up a private equity fund. This makes you, your son, and your entire family wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.

Fast forward and your company suffers a massive cyber attack - a virus shuts down your entire network. Your company is forced to close down for months and you are forced to lay off millions of employees.

Now, the only credible evidence implicates the world's second largest cyber security company as the culprit of the attack. As a result, your board of directors, executive team, and employees pressure you to investigate.

So, you give the CEO a call.

First, he reminds you that he gave your son $1.5 billion. He made you and your family wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. Then he reminds you that he recorded all of your interactions, your emails, your phone calls. He even has evidence that you and your son have been hiding your wealth from the IRS in off-shore accounts.

And, right before he hangs up, he says, "Joe, if you thought that video of Hunter getting a foot job while smoking crack was bad, just wait till you see what I got. I recorded everything, Joe. I had cameras in every room."

Then you hang up the phone and you remember that you have late-stage dementia and your name is Joe Biden. And, you just were installed as POTUS in a rigged election.

China released a bioweapon so Democrats could add 35 million more mail-in ballots and so Mark Zuckerberg could buy up the ballot counting rooms in swing states.

China even hacked into the election, taking advantage of the vulnerabilities of the electronic voting machines, and changed hundreds of thousands of votes for you to win.

Then you laugh at the idea of investigating the Wuhan Lab knowing that you already sold your soul, your family, and your country to the Chinese Communist Party.
You would think that when the demonRats decided to steal this election....they had a plan of how to lead the country.....

but no....not even that...all they know is how to destroy America.

I am still waiting for Justice ......waiting to see the day all these scum go to jail or are executed.
306-232...keep waiting Stepford.

Imagine you worked your way up the corporate ladder to become the CEO of the world's largest cyber security company. You've gone from making a few hundred thousand a year to a couple million a year.

Now, the CEO of the world's second largest cyber security company, is a very savvy businessman, and he sees an opportunity. He decides to offer your son $1.5 billion to set up a private equity fund. This makes you, your son, and your entire family wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.

Fast forward and your company suffers a massive cyber attack - a virus shuts down your entire network. Your company is forced to close down for months and you are forced to lay off millions of employees.

Now, the only credible evidence implicates the world's second largest cyber security company as the culprit of the attack. As a result, your board of directors, executive team, and employees pressure you to investigate.

So, you give the CEO a call.

First, he reminds you that he gave your son $1.5 billion. He made you and your family wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. Then he reminds you that he recorded all of your interactions, your emails, your phone calls. He even has evidence that you and your son have been hiding your wealth from the IRS in off-shore accounts.

And, right before he hangs up, he says, "Joe, if you thought that video of Hunter getting a foot job while smoking crack was bad, just wait till you see what I got. I recorded everything, Joe. I had cameras in every room."

Then you hang up the phone and you remember that you have late-stage dementia and your name is Joe Biden. And, you just were installed as POTUS in a rigged election.

China released a bioweapon so Democrats could add 35 million more mail-in ballots and so Mark Zuckerberg could buy up the ballot counting rooms in swing states.

China even hacked into the election, taking advantage of the vulnerabilities of the electronic voting machines, and changed hundreds of thousands of votes for you to win.

Then you laugh at the idea of investigating the Wuhan Lab knowing that you already sold your soul, your family, and your country to the Chinese Communist Party.
That's one polluted stream of consciousness.

I managed to retire at 46 ...after I quit high school in the tenth grade.
Our public school system leaves a lot to be desired.
I learned more from reading on my own time than I ever learned in school.
Hilarious when RWer's try to claim this.
Did you learn to read on you own too?
Or did a teacher help you?
The market was great under trump too (except that 30% loss period).
But it bounced back.

I even did well by that 30% loss. I figured the crash was an excellent time to move some stocks (ETF's actually) from my Rollover account to a Roth. Paid taxes on the depressed value and all gains since are now tax free.

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