Bump firing your Mak-90

Of course you mucks know everything.

Uh...it's common sense that should tell you a bullet cant reverse course when it hits water.
While yes a bullet can skip on the water it wont turn around.
If you shoot a high powered rifle downward directly in the water it only travels a few feet before it comes to a stop.
So it's you who knows absolutely nothing about firearms.
Now if you fired directly into a steel plate there is a far greater chance that you'll get a ricochet back at you.
Thats why you hang them on a chain or spring loaded targets angled down so they dont ricochet back at you.
This isnt rocket science and if you knew what you were talking about you'd already know this.
Uh...it's common sense that should tell you a bullet cant reverse course when it hits water.
While yes a bullet can skip on the water it wont turn around.
If you shoot a high powered rifle downward directly in the water it only travels a few feet before it comes to a stop.
So it's you who knows absolutely nothing about firearms.
Now if you fired directly into a steel plate there is a far greater chance that you'll get a ricochet back at you.
Thats why you hang them on a chain or spring loaded targets angled down so they dont ricochet back at you.
This isnt rocket science and if you knew what you were talking about you'd already know this.
I don't need lessons from you.
Lol, trolls like you are dime a dozen, your hatred of all things American knows no bounds. A bullet fired a twice the speed of sound at that angle into water from 10 feet cannot possible ricochet. Stop proving you're an idiot. To think I would instruct your stupid ass in anything is warped. Now, spew some more stupid.
That water is 10 feet deep?
Your ass is.
Back in the 1980's a guy shot off the bridge at Lake Isabella and it ricocheted back at him. It happens.

Here is the bridge over the Kern...

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Uh...it's common sense that should tell you a bullet cant reverse course when it hits water.
While yes a bullet can skip on the water it wont turn around.
If you shoot a high powered rifle downward directly in the water it only travels a few feet before it comes to a stop.
So it's you who knows absolutely nothing about firearms.
Now if you fired directly into a steel plate there is a far greater chance that you'll get a ricochet back at you.
Thats why you hang them on a chain or spring loaded targets angled down so they dont ricochet back at you.
This isnt rocket science and if you knew what you were talking about you'd already know this.

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