Bundy Caught Lying about "Ancestral Rights"

I said it before. I'll say it again. Bundy's claim seemed dubious at best even before I read about the family forebears coming in 1948. THAT is plain funny. But the Federal reaction also struck me as being stupid.

On the other hand, 20+ years of "litigation" is silly.

Thus, what I say is the Federal authorities apparently need to arrest Bundy and charge him with contempt of court.

Do it. Come on just do it. Make him a Martyr.
I said it before. I'll say it again. Bundy's claim seemed dubious at best even before I read about the family forebears coming in 1948. THAT is plain funny. But the Federal reaction also struck me as being stupid.

On the other hand, 20+ years of "litigation" is silly.

Thus, what I say is the Federal authorities apparently need to arrest Bundy and charge him with contempt of court.

Do it. Come on just do it. Make him a Martyr.

Thats why they stopped. It was getting too emotional. Smarter to wait until the public saw what was really going on. Its going to all come out in the wash. The conservatives with sense have already abandoned ship.
You know I am nice with a dictionary. Why did you put your foot in your own mouth?

People researched his story and found out he was lying. They made it visible by uncovering the truth.

What a dumb ass you are. You call people liars based on your incapacity to read even simple sentences.

What a dumb ass you are. Who said he was in hiding? Thats not what exposed means. I thought you were more intelligent than that?

How can something become exposed that was not previously unexposed? For how many decades have you had this mental handicap?
What a dumb ass you are. You call people liars based on your incapacity to read even simple sentences.

What a dumb ass you are. Who said he was in hiding? Thats not what exposed means. I thought you were more intelligent than that?

How can something become exposed that was not previously unexposed? For how many decades have you had this mental handicap?

Its pretty obvious you got emotional and jumped on his bandwagon. He used your emotions like a john would use a 10 dollar whore. His lies and the whole story is coming out (exposed). I've been blessed with being intelligent since the day I was born. Intelligence is innate.
I dont know what state you are in but you cant do that. You should check with your attorney to make sure. For example in CA of all places you are not entitled to A/C. You can expect it all you want to but if it goes down and it is not specified in the rental agreement you don't have a leg to stand on.

Who's talking about A/C? What about running water and heat?

I was talking about A/C. Keep up.

You really are a moron. Tenants expect heat and running water. when they do not get it they withhold rent. Bundy was in a dispute over grazing, he withheld his rent during the dispute.
I said it before. I'll say it again. Bundy's claim seemed dubious at best even before I read about the family forebears coming in 1948. THAT is plain funny. But the Federal reaction also struck me as being stupid.

On the other hand, 20+ years of "litigation" is silly.

Thus, what I say is the Federal authorities apparently need to arrest Bundy and charge him with contempt of court.

Do it. Come on just do it. Make him a Martyr.

I said arrest him, not crucify him.

Tell me: did you read ANY of the court material about his never ending bogus case?

He's lost and lost and lost. He's willing to USE the FEDERAL judicial system but then maintains that he is not bound to comply with the decisions and orders of that very system? Doesn't that seem just a little two-faced of him?

He is not a person who is playing with a full deck.
I was talking about A/C. Keep up.

You really are a moron. Tenants expect heat and running water. when they do not get it they withhold rent. Bundy was in a dispute over grazing, he withheld his rent during the dispute.

Tenets in CA also expect A/C. If they withhold their rent they can get evicted. Just like Bundy.

They have no legal right to it. the BLM is tasked with managing the land for ALL USERS. Again, this isn't a national park. This is land to be used in the commons, and BLM decided some commons uses are no longer valid.

Try to think for once you no rep turned on fucktard coward.
You really are a moron. Tenants expect heat and running water. when they do not get it they withhold rent. Bundy was in a dispute over grazing, he withheld his rent during the dispute.

Tenets in CA also expect A/C. If they withhold their rent they can get evicted. Just like Bundy.

They have no legal right to it. the BLM is tasked with managing the land for ALL USERS. Again, this isn't a national park. This is land to be used in the commons, and BLM decided some commons uses are no longer valid.

Try to think for once you no rep turned on fucktard coward.

Since the BLM works for me, I say good job and keep up the good work. It must give you an aneurysm to not be able to neg me. :lol:
You really are a moron. Tenants expect heat and running water. when they do not get it they withhold rent. Bundy was in a dispute over grazing, he withheld his rent during the dispute.

Tenets in CA also expect A/C. If they withhold their rent they can get evicted. Just like Bundy.

They have no legal right to it. the BLM is tasked with managing the land for ALL USERS. Again, this isn't a national park. This is land to be used in the commons, and BLM decided some commons uses are no longer valid.

Try to think for once you no rep turned on fucktard coward.

Liberals exposed for their blatant double standards, and ignorance.

I was talking about A/C. Keep up.

You really are a moron. Tenants expect heat and running water. when they do not get it they withhold rent. Bundy was in a dispute over grazing, he withheld his rent during the dispute.

Tenets in CA also expect A/C. If they withhold their rent they can get evicted. Just like Bundy.

If they rent their homes and air conditioning is provided under their rental agreement, the owner is obligated to provide, and cannot evict them, but must provide what they agreed to provide.

It doesn't matter. You believe you owe your living to the government.

The rest of us believe the government owes us.
Maybe they have plans for the land that the ranchers do not own. Who knows? The point is that the ranchers are not owed the right to graze if the management says otherwise.

And therein lies the biggest mistake of all libtards. We are the effin management, not the effin government employees ya dufus. They friggin work for us. Not the over way around.

And there in lies the low intellect of whatever you are. We are not the management. We gave those duties to the BLM. You are right they work for us and not the ranchers.

ROFL BLM does the work we pay them to. They work for us, and us includes ranchers and consumers of beef product ya nimrod.
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You really are a moron. Tenants expect heat and running water. when they do not get it they withhold rent. Bundy was in a dispute over grazing, he withheld his rent during the dispute.

Tenets in CA also expect A/C. If they withhold their rent they can get evicted. Just like Bundy.

If they rent their homes and air conditioning is provided under their rental agreement, the owner is obligated to provide, and cannot evict them, but must provide what they agreed to provide.

It doesn't matter. You believe you owe your living to the government.

The rest of us believe the government owes us.

Go back and read. I specified that if it was not in the rental lease which most rental leases exclude. It doesnt matter. No one owes Bundy his grazing rights either.
And therein lies the biggest mistake of all libtards. We are the effin management, not the effin government employees ya dufus. They friggin work for us. Not the over way around.

And there in lies the low intellect of whatever you are. We are not the management. We gave those duties to the BLM. You are right they work for us and not the ranchers.

ROFL BLM does the work we pay them to. They work for us, and us includes ranchers and consumers of beef product ya nimrod.

Thats why they are the managers. Says so right in their name. What do you think the M stands for in BLM?
Nobody cares about his original claim.

They do care about a show of force by the feds over a property dispute.

Thats what happens when criminals bunker in and don't abide by court orders. Why would you support a criminal?

I support anybody who is threatened by their own government.

Fuck the feds.

If that is the case, why are you trying to justify your position in other ways. If I understand you correctly, you believe that the government has no authority...period.

I wonder, do you pay your taxes? I mean, if you are that anti-government where you look the other way when criminals break the law in the name of anti-federalism, you gotta be pretty steadfast in your convictions, no?

Or is it that you are just clinging on to this issue because you can't admit you jumped to a conclusion before all of the facts were presented? I do that all the time when I get emotionally involved in a situation. Justify, present false equivalencies, ad hominem attacks...better than admitting I was wrong.

Liberals, don't thank me, you are just as bad. You were damning the Bundy's before you knew the facts at well. Even a blind squirrel will find a nut every once in a while.

My opinion: we are in deep shit as a nation when we are so divided that we support criminals and are willing to put woman and children in harms way to prevent the law of the land to prevail. Those of you who support that, the hell with you and your pseudo-American ideals. Those of you who are calling for an armed rebellion because you hate Obama...bring it, I am conservative and I will be fighting on the side of the feds.
You really are a moron. Tenants expect heat and running water. when they do not get it they withhold rent. Bundy was in a dispute over grazing, he withheld his rent during the dispute.

Tenets in CA also expect A/C. If they withhold their rent they can get evicted. Just like Bundy.

They have no legal right to it. the BLM is tasked with managing the land for ALL USERS. Again, this isn't a national park. This is land to be used in the commons, and BLM decided some commons uses are no longer valid.

Try to think for once you no rep turned on fucktard coward.

^ name calling...last refuge of the failed argument.
You don't understand me correctly at all.

Not surprising at all. Most progressives have a difficult time figuring out the language...as is evidenced by the incorrect thread title.
Marty is spot on.

Bundy's ancestors had grazing rights long before the BLM existed. Big Government has continuously changed the rules in order to drive the benefits of property to its cronies.
I said it before. I'll say it again. Bundy's claim seemed dubious at best even before I read about the family forebears coming in 1948. THAT is plain funny. But the Federal reaction also struck me as being stupid.

On the other hand, 20+ years of "litigation" is silly.

Thus, what I say is the Federal authorities apparently need to arrest Bundy and charge him with contempt of court.

Do it. Come on just do it. Make him a Martyr.

I said arrest him, not crucify him.

Tell me: did you read ANY of the court material about his never ending bogus case?

He's lost and lost and lost. He's willing to USE the FEDERAL judicial system but then maintains that he is not bound to comply with the decisions and orders of that very system? Doesn't that seem just a little two-faced of him?

He is not a person who is playing with a full deck.

So did the other Rancher who's name is Hage.
Federal Judge Rules for Property Rights, Smacks Down Abusive Feds
finaly after 30 years he won.
That is what is the problem when you fight the Feds in court they have a unlimited supply of money unlike the individual.
This is not about Bundy at all.
When a Federal agency become corrupt and lawless, the citizens also become lawless in order to restore the rights of the citizens.
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Marty is spot on.

Bundy's ancestors had grazing rights long before the BLM existed. Big Government has continuously changed the rules in order to drive the benefits of property to its cronies.

Thats what happens. Rules change. Amendments get added to the constitution. Nothing stays stagnant. Get comfortable with the idea of being uncomfortable. The world is constantly changing.

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