Bundy Caught Lying about "Ancestral Rights"

He claims the rights as transferred from the original owner for the property. he claims rights to the public land as his family has resided in the AREA since before 1900. His 1877 claim was a statement made to the media. His other claims are in the court documents.

You are intentionally confusing one for the other to make your point, typical of a progressive. whether it is from malice or stupidity is up for the board to decide.

You cant claim something unless you have proof to back it up. He doesnt have a claim at all. Its been public land since 1864. If he owned it or had rights where is his documentation?

He DID have an agreement with the BLM, he grazed on those lands just fine until BLM tried to lower the cattle limits to the point where his herd was un-viable. That he HAD a right to the land isn't in dispute. what is in dispute is how much the BLM can unilaterally change the terms of said agreement.

The BLM recognizes his right to be there, they just modified the # of cattle and the costs. and his point is they cannot do that unilaterally.

Why not? They are in charge of managing it. Who says they cant do it unilaterally? Yes there was a dispute. He wasnt paying his grazing fees. He had zero rights to be there.
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No it's not, idiot. Perhaps his grandparents were living there, and that's why his parents moved there. Perhaps his great grandparents did. Maybe they owned land there..

The point is, just because his parents lived outside of Arizona doesn't make the claim bogus.

Morons. You should really look up definitions once in a while. It's like you're proud of being idiots.


I bet the dog is smarter then you
He claims the rights as transferred from the original owner for the property. he claims rights to the public land as his family has resided in the AREA since before 1900. His 1877 claim was a statement made to the media. His other claims are in the court documents.

You are intentionally confusing one for the other to make your point, typical of a progressive. whether it is from malice or stupidity is up for the board to decide.
I-Team: Bundy's 'ancestral rights' come under scrutiny - 8 News NOW

Clark County property records show Cliven Bundy's parents moved from Bundyville, Arizona and bought the 160 acre ranch in 1948 from Raoul and Ruth Leavitt.
Water rights were transferred too, but only to the ranch, not the federally managed land surrounding it.

People dont like hearing facts if it makes them wrong. Dont you know that?

And yet BLM let him use the land for decades with no issue. he paid them and he used the land. The issue came about when they changed the rules unilaterally in such a way as to make his business untenable.
You cant claim something unless you have proof to back it up. He doesnt have a claim at all. Its been public land since 1864. If he owned it or had rights where is his documentation?

He DID have an agreement with the BLM, he grazed on those lands just fine until BLM tried to lower the cattle limits to the point where his herd was un-viable. That he HAD a right to the land isn't in dispute. what is in dispute is how much the BLM can unilaterally change the terms of said agreement.

The BLM recognizes his right to be there, they just modified the # of cattle and the costs. and his point is they cannot do that unilaterally.

Why not? They are in charge of managing it. Who says they cant do it unilaterally?

Because there is such thing as laws, and the concept of the government operating under the consent of the governed. That's why local control is better than federal, because at the fed level the bureaucratic agencies can do what the fuck they want to who they want. The BLM wanted to put ranchers out of business, but they were to chickenshit to do it the real way, so they set up quotas so low as to de facto ban the use of the land.

Progressives might like getting lied to, but libertarian leaning people do not. They herd sheep, they don't want to BE sheep.

now go off and Baaaa! like a good little government lackey.
I-Team: Bundy's 'ancestral rights' come under scrutiny - 8 News NOW

Clark County property records show Cliven Bundy's parents moved from Bundyville, Arizona and bought the 160 acre ranch in 1948 from Raoul and Ruth Leavitt.
Water rights were transferred too, but only to the ranch, not the federally managed land surrounding it.

People dont like hearing facts if it makes them wrong. Dont you know that?

And yet BLM let him use the land for decades with no issue. he paid them and he used the land. The issue came about when they changed the rules unilaterally in such a way as to make his business untenable.

So what? Thats the cost of doing business.
No, it's not.

The feds need to give the people back their land. They've screwed with it long enough.
He DID have an agreement with the BLM, he grazed on those lands just fine until BLM tried to lower the cattle limits to the point where his herd was un-viable. That he HAD a right to the land isn't in dispute. what is in dispute is how much the BLM can unilaterally change the terms of said agreement.

The BLM recognizes his right to be there, they just modified the # of cattle and the costs. and his point is they cannot do that unilaterally.

Why not? They are in charge of managing it. Who says they cant do it unilaterally?

Because there is such thing as laws, and the concept of the government operating under the consent of the governed. That's why local control is better than federal, because at the fed level the bureaucratic agencies can do what the fuck they want to who they want. The BLM wanted to put ranchers out of business, but they were to chickenshit to do it the real way, so they set up quotas so low as to de facto ban the use of the land.

Progressives might like getting lied to, but libertarian leaning people do not. They herd sheep, they don't want to BE sheep.

now go off and Baaaa! like a good little government lackey.

Yes there are such things as laws. Where did the BLM break any laws? Your opinion of what happened is just your misinformed opinion. They guy was busted lying and you look stupid supporting him. Of course you are not a sheep. This guy had a really good emotional story for someone weak minded to get caught up in. You fought the good fight but you have been proven wrong. Your champion is simply a liar and a freeloader.
This sounds a lot like Sharpton's remarks when he found out Tawana Brawley had lied about being kidnapped and raped by policemen.

Sharpton claimed that policemen DID kidnap and rape black women, so the noise he made about the liar's case was justified and should continue.

Yes, the federal gov't is over-stepping its authority. But backing the lying rancher is not a just cause. At least have the decency to admit that.

I don't care that Bundy didn't pay the feds because I think paying the feds for land that they stole from the people is horseshit.

The way they handled it is also horseshit.

It's as good a starting point as any. Don't worry, there will be more over-stepping by the feds, and soon, and it will be egregious enough that Bundy will just be a tiny ripple before the tsunami.

The people they stole it from were the Native Americans and the Mexican government. :D

Native Americans never owned the land. They didn't believe that anyone could own the land.
We paid the Mexican Government for the land.
I-Team: Bundy's 'ancestral rights' come under scrutiny - 8 News NOW

Clark County property records show Cliven Bundy's parents moved from Bundyville, Arizona and bought the 160 acre ranch in 1948 from Raoul and Ruth Leavitt.
Water rights were transferred too, but only to the ranch, not the federally managed land surrounding it.

People dont like hearing facts if it makes them wrong. Dont you know that?

And yet BLM let him use the land for decades with no issue. he paid them and he used the land. The issue came about when they changed the rules unilaterally in such a way as to make his business untenable.

Their land...their rules.
I don't care that Bundy didn't pay the feds because I think paying the feds for land that they stole from the people is horseshit.

The way they handled it is also horseshit.

It's as good a starting point as any. Don't worry, there will be more over-stepping by the feds, and soon, and it will be egregious enough that Bundy will just be a tiny ripple before the tsunami.

The people they stole it from were the Native Americans and the Mexican government. :D

Native Americans never owned the land. They didn't believe that anyone could own the land.
We paid the Mexican Government for the land.

The Bundys paid the Mexican Government for the land?
Nobody cares about Bundy. They're just sick of the feds.

It isn't going to stop here.

This sounds a lot like Sharpton's remarks when he found out Tawana Brawley had lied about being kidnapped and raped by policemen.

Sharpton claimed that policemen DID kidnap and rape black women, so the noise he made about the liar's case was justified and should continue.

Yes, the federal gov't is over-stepping its authority. But backing the lying rancher is not a just cause. At least have the decency to admit that.

I don't care that Bundy didn't pay the feds because I think paying the feds for land that they stole from the people is horseshit.

The way they handled it is also horseshit.

It's as good a starting point as any. Don't worry, there will be more over-stepping by the feds, and soon, and it will be egregious enough that Bundy will just be a tiny ripple before the tsunami.

You support this then. You sick, twisted bitch.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvN3luheEe8]Former Sheriff - Women Need To Be The First Ones Shot by Feds in Bundy Ranch Standoff - YouTube[/ame]

Published on Apr 15, 2014
A former Arizona sheriff who has taken the side of cattle ranchers in Nevada said this week that he would have allowed his own wife and daughters to be shot as human shields because it would look bad for the federal government on television. In a statement to Fox News on Monday that was first flagged by Glenn Beck's The Blaze, former Sheriff Richard Mack talked about his strategy to put women on the front lines if a gunfight broke out between "rogue federal agents" and rancher Cliven Bundy, who reportedly owes the taxpayers more than $1 million for allowing his cattle to graze on government land.

In his own words starting @ 1:03
And yet BLM let him use the land for decades with no issue. he paid them and he used the land. The issue came about when they changed the rules unilaterally in such a way as to make his business untenable.

So what? Thats the cost of doing business.

Not when the rules are designed to put you OUT of business.

You dont have a right to be in business if you cant afford the operating costs. Where did you get your business degree? Out of a crackerjack box?
Why do you think the feds are stockpiling ammo in the name of "homeland security"?

"At 15 million rounds (which, in itself, is pretty extraordinary and sounds more like fun target-shooting-at-taxpayer-expense than a sensible training exercise) … that’s a stockpile that would last DHS over a century. "

1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It's Time For A National Conversation - Forbes

To shoot stupid people like you and the militia that think you can take over by force probably.

We're talking about feds arming themselves against US citizens and taking their property.
Why do you think the feds are stockpiling ammo in the name of "homeland security"?

"At 15 million rounds (which, in itself, is pretty extraordinary and sounds more like fun target-shooting-at-taxpayer-expense than a sensible training exercise) … that’s a stockpile that would last DHS over a century. "

1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It's Time For A National Conversation - Forbes

To shoot stupid people like you and the militia that think you can take over by force probably.

That's okay, we shoot back.
"Early census records show Cliven's maternal grandmother, Christena Jensen, was born in Nevada in 1901. One genealogical researcher says records indicate Jensen helped settle Bunkerville some years later."

^ From the unread article attached to the OP.

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